Read these sentences from paragraph 1.

Young adults in the United States have experienced higher rates of unemployment and lower rates of labor force participation than the general population for at least two decades. The Great Recession exacerbated this phenomenon.
What does exacerbated mean?

made worse

drew attention to


resulted from


Answer 1


A. made worse

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Nice lol



Nice one lol :-)

Byeee , have a nice day!

Read this claim from a newspaper editorial.

Young African American, Hispanic, or American Indian men and women have much higher unemployment rates than whites. Regardless of anti-discrimination laws, it is evident that employers haven’t gotten the message. The statistics clearly show that people making the hiring decisions have not begun to shed their stereotypes and prejudices.
Evaluate the claim in the editorial, using information from the Survey of Young Workers as described in the text.


Answer and Explanation:

The editorial presents how racial minorities, even though they are part of American society and essential for the maintenance of the economy and the national workforce, are undervalued in the act of looking for a job, being evaluated through prejudiced concepts of their races and not being evaluated according to the abilities they possess. This causes African Americans, Hispanics or American Indians to have a high unemployment rate. This problem exists because of the archaic thinking of many employers, which end up causing a great negative impact on society. This is because the high unemployment rate makes the communities that shelter these racial minorities to have a higher level of poverty, criminality, illegality, lack of structure and other very negative elements. These racial minorities are blamed for these problems, but the real culprits are prejudiced and racist employers and the State that does not take action to prevent this type of thing from happening.

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