Regardless of the physical traits that are determined by genes, an organism must receive the proper
to develop normally,
O genes
O cells


Answer 1




I think food is the answer because food has alot of nutrients that help in the proper development of the body.

I hope this helps

Related Questions

How many hydrogen atoms are there in the molecule H2S04?
O A. 1
B. 3
C. 4.
O D. 2



two hydrogen atom


Sulfuric Acid, H2SO4 is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atom, one sulfer atom, and four oxygen atoms.

What is absorption?
A. getting rid of the parts of the food that the body couldn't
B. absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food
that was eaten
C. the breaking down of the food that has entered the body
D. putting food and drinks into your body





Absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food  that was eaten is called absorption.

Explain how 2 polynucleotides can twist helically around each other to form a double helix of DNA?



The antiparallel arrangement of the two strands is what causes the twist. Because the strands run in opposite directions, they pull the sides of the molecule in opposite directions, causing the whole thing to twist around itself. Most naturally occurring DNA spirals clockwise.

Gangguan pada sistem pencernaan sering kali terjadi karena kebiasaan buruk, seperti pola makan yang tidak teratur dan sembarangan. Salah satu dampak dari kebiasaan buruk yaitu penyakit maag atau gastritis. Coba jelaskan oleh Anda mengapa dapat terjadi?​



i don't know answer of this question


Periode yang lama tanpa makanan cenderung menyebabkan refluks asam, gastritis, dan asam lambung. Jumlah cairan pencernaan yang berlebihan dapat mengikis lapisan usus Anda dan menyebabkan bisul

fundamental molecules produced in photosynthesis is

(a) glucose (b) amino acids (c) fatty acids (d) nucleotide​


glucose is the fundamental molecules produced in photosynthesis

plz mark me as brilliant answer

What is science DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!!


Accorfing to me science is all about logic and imagination.First, imaginating and putting own views then finding reasons behind it and proving.........


Science is the study of both living and non-living things that are present in the huge diversity in this mysterious yet unique world.

Please help! Show work please!



7. 18m = 1800 cm = 18×10² cm

8. 23 dm = 0.23 hm

9. 5 cm = 50 mm

10. 5.3 hL = 530000 mL

11. 167 mm = 0.167 m

12. 1.589 daL = 158.9 dL

13. 35.45 mg = 0.0003545 hg

14. 43 dam = 4300 dm

15. 500 kg = 500000 g

16. 700mL = 0.0007 KL

17. 130 dag = 1.3 kg

18. 59.932 mm = 59.932 × 10 –⁵ km = 59.932 × 10^–5 km

* Note; 1 m —> 100 cm1 dm —> 0.001 hm1 cm —> 10 mm1 hL —> 100000 mL = 10⁵ mL1mm —> 0.001 m1 dal —> 100 dL1 mg —> 0.00001 hg = 10^–5 hg1 dam—> 100 dm1 kg —> 1000 g1 mL —> 0.000001 kL = 10^–61 dag —> 0.01 kg1 mm —> 0.00001 km = 10^–5 km

I hope I helped you^_^

Which phrase describes a feature of groundwater?



feeds rivers





Xerophytic plants have thick stem why.​



to store large masses of water for survival since they live in areas of little water.

A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it ________. increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking increases the ability to absorb nutrients increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism All of the above



increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism


A small size of an organism is advantageous for marine organisms because it increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the body of organism. Small size of an organism produces less amount of waste material and these organism does not need a very special and complex excretory system so simple diffusion of waste material occurs from the body in order to clean the body.

Give a reason why lack of roughage in diet often lead to constipation?​



Roughages increase fecal volume and promote peristalsis


Constipation refers to the condition in which bowel evacuations occur infrequently, leading to health problems. Some of the most common causes of constipation include 1-insufficient intake of dietary fibers or roughages, 2-poor hydration, 3-lack of physical exercise, 4-abuse of laxatives, etc. Dietary fibers are divided into two classes based on their water solubility: soluble and insoluble. These fibers represent the part of plant foods that the body can't digest, which absorbs and retains water (soluble fibers) as foods pass through the bowel and create bulk (insoluble fibers), thereby leading to regular bowel habits.

What maintains the concentration gradient across
respiration membranes?
A. Ventilation
B. Cartilage
C. Spiracles
D. Cohesion


spiracles which is c

different seeds need different cultivation. justify in 200 words.

for 18 points​



Cultivation is the process of growing crops. we need different seeds to cultivate different types of food. Similarly, different seeds need different cultivation. For eg: we grow potatoes in well-drained loam soil. But we grow rice in muddy soil. Every seed has a different way to produce food. They need different temperate or climates, different types of soil, to grow them. They have their own time or season to grow and produce food. If we try to grow plants or vegetables in the wrong season or the wrong process, then we can't get a good result. For eg: If we try to grow rice in drained soil then it will not give us a good result or if we try to grow potatoes in muddy soil we cant get our good result.

So, we can say that different seeds need different cultivation.

hope this helps. please mark me as brainlist

Im confused can someone assist me ?



recessive trait ,I think it

What is the purpose of a Punnett square?



Punnett square is a chart that allows you to determine the expected percentages of different genotypes in the offspring of two parents

A Punnett square is a chart that allows you to determine the expected percentages of different genotypes in the offspring of two parents. A Punnett square allows the prediction of the percentages of phenotypes in the offspring of a cross from known genotypes.

sustitución de una es estructura que el animal ha perdido​



we'll need a translator to get what you expressing

A bat is a mammal even though it flies in air. give reason​



Bats are mammals. As the bats are warm blooded, and they can fly like the birds, bats are known as flying animal. Means they have two unique characteristics. They can fly like birds, and can give birth and suckle to their young ones like animals.


because it has wings


the answer is simple

bat fly

blue whale swim

but both are mammal

Due RN pls help!!!

Summarize the nervous system’s influence on the respiratory system.

a. It stimulates pathogen response.

b. It regulates breathing rate.

c. It controls muscle contraction.

d. It regulates heart rate.





It controls muscle contraction




Breathing pretty much requires complex interactions of central nervous system with the respiratory system. Therefore as you breathe muscle contraction occurs making the nervous system and respiratory system work hand in hand.

hope this makes sense.


Can someone please help me with this biology question?


i think it is a not sure though


I think it's C. The female parent hemophiliac..eta

but I would wait for a second opinion

The difference between a plant with lateral buds and a plant with no lateral buds ​


terminal buds develop at the top of a stem, lateral buds develop on the sides

in guinea pigs long hair is dominant over short hair. describe the results of a cross between a long haired, heterozygous guinea pig with a short haired guinea pig



50% chance of long hair heterozygous

50% chance of short hair


    L   l

l   Ll   ll

l   Ll   ll            <------ punnet square

L = dominant long hair

l = recessive short hair

50% chance of long hair heterozygous

50% chance of short hair

why heart is vrey important.



It is important because if our heart isn't there we people can't survive if for a second to our heart doesn't beats then we won't survive it's really important

The heart is important because it pumps blood around your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells and removing waste products. 

In the plasma membrane, the phospholipid heads Group of answer choices are isotonic and do not respond to water. are hydrophobic and face inward, shielded from water. are hydrophilic and face inward, shielded from water. are hydrophilic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane. are hydrophobic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane.



hydrophilic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane


The cell membrane is mainly composed of phospholipids, which are arranged in a lipid bilayer. In general, phospholipids consist of a glycerol unit, a phosphate group, and two fatty acids. In a lipid bilayer, hydrophilic (polar) phosphate heads are always oriented outwards and interact with surrounding water molecules; whereas hydrophobic fatty acid tails are oriented towards the center of the lipid bilayer away from water. It is for that reason that phospholipids are considered to be amphipathic molecules, where fatty acids confer hydrophobic properties and polar phosphate groups confer hydrophilic properties.

what is photosynthesis?




Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.


Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.


photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.[tex]\pmb{ }[/tex]

A technique that can be used to separate proteins based primarily on the presence of non-polar residues on their surface is called A) ion-exchange chromatography. B) gel filtration chromatography. C) affinity chromatography. D) gel electrophoresis. E) hydrophobic interaction chromatography.



E) hydrophobic interaction chromatography.


Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is a methodology used to separate protein molecules depending on their hydrophobicity. HIC enables the separation and purification of proteins by using a reversible interaction between the target protein and the hydrophobic ligand of a HIC resin such as, for example, methacrylate-based beads. This interaction is influenced by the running buffer (high salt concentrations favor hydrophobic interactions). HIC enables the separation of proteins under low denaturation conditions, thereby preserving their biological functions.

plzzzzzz hellppppp......​


The answers for 1 are…..
a) The process is called glucose homeostasis.
b) i) The hormone is Glucagon.
ii) The organ is the pancreases.
iii) The compound is is pyruvate?
Hope this helps, please give me brainliest:))


1. Scales are used to figure out the ratio of the distance in the map to the actual distance between locations.

A. what is the name of two different types of scales found on maps?

B. how does each scale work?



Bar and lexical.


Bar and lexical are the name of two different types of scales that are found on maps. Bar scales are used more frequently in the maps because they represent or show the distance ratio visually instead of in words, while on the other hand, lexical scales may be expressed in words, as a ratio, or as a fraction. Examples are 1:10,000 or 1/10,000. Using map scales is very important in the real world if you want to find out the distance you are traveling.

ways in which soil organisms such as earth worms improve soil fertility



by eating organic matter in the soil and excreting castings that are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which make the soil nourishing.

Determine if the statement is true or false, and why. “Most features are caused by a mixture of inheritance and environmental factors.”
A. False, it should read “Most features are caused by inheritance.”
B. True
C. False, it should read “Most features are caused by environmental factors.”
D. False, it should read “All features are caused by a mixture of inheritance and environmental factors.”


The statement is False, it should read, Most features are caused by inheritance of a character. Thus option A is correct.

What is inherited trait ?

Inheritance is defined as the transfer of genetic information from parents to their offspring.

The transferred characters or traits include eye color, hair color, and blood type.

Trait can be defined as the genetic character which can be transmitted by the parent to its offspring during fertilization.

The trait which is expressed phenotypically is called as dominant trait while the other trait which is not expressed called as recessive trait.

These variations are observed in the species due to survival benefits or genetic drift.

Acquired traits are acquired by an individual in his lifetime which is due to their own activities or external influence.

Like inherited traits, acquired traits are unable tp pass to the next generation like ability to dance, cook.

Thus option A is correct.

Learn more about inheritance of character, here:


help is needed please!!



That would be the 3rd option.


Plants rely on nitrogen fixation to fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen that they can use to perform photosynthesis. By removing that step, there would be significantly less reliance on nitrogen fixation as plants can do the work.

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