What is an equation for this graph?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

the shape of the graph shows a sine graph, which is usually denoted by asinbx+c

a is amplitude/2 = 2/2 = 1

b is the period, 360 = 360/b, b=1

since the graph starts at (0,0), c =0

hence, this graph is 1sin1x = sinx

Answer 2

The equation is y = sin(x)

Related Questions

evaluate and solve: y + 3 = –y + 9


The value of y is 3.


Solution given;

: y + 3 = –y + 9

add +y on both term


subtract both side by 3



divide both side by 2




y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y + 3 = –y + 9

Add y to each side

y+y + 3 = –y +y+ 9

2y +3 = 9

Subtract 3 from each side

2y+3-3 = 9-3

2y = 6

Divide by 2

2y/2 = 6/2

y = 3

Find the solution to the system of equation -x + y = 3 and x - 2y = 5.



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle\ \large \boldsymbol{} +\left \{ {{-x+y=3} \atop { \ \ x-2y=5}} \right. => \\\\\\x \!\!\!\!\diagup-x\!\!\!\!\diagup-2y+y=5+3\\\\-y=8\\\\ y=-8\ ; \ x=-11[/tex]

pls help its timed no fake answers i cant afford to fail



It's B, I tried using mathaway and that's the closest to the answer I got. Try it. I always use mathaway for any math problems, use that for now on if you're stuck

Step-by-step explanation:

Match each equation with its solution.



1. x = -2 , 3

2. x = - 1, 5

3. -1, 6/5

4. - 0/3, 1.3

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]ln(x+5)=ln(x-1)+ln(x+1)\\\\x+ 5 = (x-1)(x+1)\\\\x + 5 = x^2 - 1\\\\x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 3 x + 2 x - 6 =0 \\\\x(x-3)+2(x-3)=0\\\\x = -2 and 3[/tex]


[tex]e^{x^{2}}=e^{4x +5}\\\\x^2 - 4x - 5 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 5x + x - 5 = 0 \\\\x (x-5)+1 (x-5)=0\\\\x = -1 and 5[/tex]


[tex]log_{4}(5x^2 +2)=log_{4}(x +8)\\\\5x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\5 x^2 - 6 x + 5x- 6 = 0 \\\\5 x (x + 1)-6(x+1)=0\\\\x = -1 and \frac{6}{5}[/tex]


[tex]log(x-1)+log 5x = 2\\\\5 x (x-1) =2 \\\\5x^2 - 5x -2 = 0 \\\\x = \frac{5\pm\sqrt{25+40}}{10}\\\\x = \frac{5\pm 8}{10}\\\\x = 1.3, - 0.3[/tex]

Find the value of x.




Step-by-step explanation:

We can find the value x using Euclidian theorem

x^2 = 3*12

x^2 = 36

x = 6




It is the first option: The sum of 4 tens and 9 tens is 13 tens, which is regrouped as 1 hundred and 3 tens.

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

just logic

Write the equation for a parabola with a focus at (-3,-5)(−3,−5)left parenthesis, minus, 3, comma, minus, 5, right parenthesis and a directrix at x=-7x=−7x, equals, minus, 7.



(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told the focus is at (-3, -5)

Directrix is at x = -7

This is a horizontal parabola and thus the general equation is;

(y - k)² = -4p(x - h)


(h, x) is the coordinate of the vertex.

The axis where the point where the axis of symmetry meets the directrix is at; (-7, -5) since directrix is at x = -7

Thus, coordinates of vertex is;

(-7 + (-3))/2, (-5 + (-5))/2

> (-5, -5)

Thus, equation is;

(y - (-5))² = -4p(x - (-5))

(y + 5)² = -4p(x + 5)

Where p is the distance from vertex to directrix. Thus;

p = -(-7 - (-3))

p = -(-7 + 3)

p = 4


(y + 5)² = -4(4)(x + 5)

(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)


(y + 5)² = -16(x + 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The sets A and L are given below.
A = (a, b, e}
L={c, k,j}
Find the intersection of A and L.
Find the union of A and L.
Write your answer using notation (in roster form)



A n L = null (0)

A U L = a,b,e,c,k,j

plsssss helpp in the next 2 min gives 10 points



The answer is 144,5

Step-by-step explanation:

144,5/170×100 =85%


200 students in total

Step-by-step explanation:

Mr.Cruz is the director of an after-school program. He says that 170 students, or 85% of the students in his program, went on to attend college. A parent wants to know the total number of students in the program.

?/T = 85%

Where T = Total

85% = 170 students

Set-up the dimensions like this!

part/whole = part/whole

170/T = 85%/100

Multiply 170 by 100

170 • 100 = 17000

Then divided by 85

17000 divided by 85 = 200

A cab company changes a 3$ flat rate addition to $1.50 per mile what is the y Intercept?


The y intercept would be the minimum amount charged, which would be the flat rate of $3

Answer: the y-intercept is 3

The y- intercept is (0,1.50)

please answer the question below! first to answer correctly, I will mark as brainliest.


The probability of not winning would be :

1 - probability of winning

This is written as:

1 - n/n+3

Now to simplify as a single fraction rewrite as:

N+3/n+3 - n/n+3

Simplify to get : 3/n+3

A salesman, after deducting his commission of
6%, remits $2491 to his company. The gross
amount of the sale amounted to
(B) $2650
(C) $2640
(D) $2341.54



(C) $2640

Step-by-step explanation:

2491 x 0.06 = 149.46

2491 + 149.46 = 2640.46

what is 11/12 divide 1/3
no simplify
please help i need to pass summer school




Step-by-step explanation:

(11/12) / (1/3) = 2.75


the answer is: 11/4


The distance d of a particle moving in a straight line is given by d(t) = 2t^3 + 5t – 2, where t is given in seconds and d is measured in meters.

Find the velocity of the particle for t = 7 seconds.

A) 152 m/s

B) 47 m/s

C) 733 m/s

D) 299 m/s



The derivative of the position function gives the velocity function


2 t^3 + 5 t -2    derivative   =   6 t^2 + 5

Find BD , given that line AB is the angle bisector of



BD = 10

Step-by-step explanation:



Using a deck of 52 playing cards, what are the odds in favor of drawing a Jack or 10?​


odds against drawing a Jack are 48:4
odds in favor of drawing a Jack are: 4:48

half past 9:00p.m. what is half past of 9:00p.m.​



The answer is 9:30 pm :D.

How many solutions does it have? Pls help



2 solutions

i hope this will help you

Problem 7:

show that 4^n + 4^n+1 + 4^n+2 + 4^n+3 + 4^n+4 is divisible by 11 for any positive integer


4ⁿ + 4ⁿ⁺¹ + 4ⁿ⁺² + 4ⁿ⁺³ + 4ⁿ⁺⁴

= 4ⁿ (4⁰ + 4¹ + 4² + 4³ + 4⁴)

= 4ⁿ × 341

= 4ⁿ × 11 × 31

please help me out really need help




add the two together.... 5x^3 is the only cube A or B  only x is 6x and only B  has that

Step-by-step explanation:


your answer is B

[tex]f(x)=2x^{2} +6x-4[/tex]

[tex]g(x)=5x^{3} -6x^{2} -3[/tex]

[tex](f+g)x=2x^{2} +6x-4+5x^{3} -6x^{2} -3[/tex]

[tex]=5x^{3} -4x^{2} +6x-7[/tex]


Calculate the answer to the correct number of significant figures: 41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223 = ______.







The answer to the correct number of significant figures is 42.21

Addition of decimal numbers

When adding decimal numbers, the number of significance of the resulting value will be to the least decimal numbers in the given expression.

Given the sum of decimal shown

41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223

Using the calculator to take the sum

41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223 = 42.20823

Since the significance value in the expression is 4, hence we will round the result to 4sf to have 42.21

Learn more on addition of decimal here: https://brainly.com/question/19127052


an ice fisherman wishes to cut a hole in the ice which has a diameter of 30 cm. How far around must he cut to create this hole?



Diameter of the hole = 30 cm

To find:

The area of the hole.


The radius of a circle is always half of the diameter. It is given that the diameter of the hole is 30 cm. So, the radius of the hole is:



Area of a circle is:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

Putting [tex]\pi = 3.14[/tex] and [tex]r=15[/tex] in the above formula, we get




Therefore, the area of the hold is 706.5 square cm.

Apakah dua atom tersebut?
- atom p mempunyai 9 proton Dan 10 neutron
- atom q mempunyai 13 proton Dan 14 neutron
- atom r mempunyai 12 proton dan 14 neutron
- atom s mempunyai 9 proton Dan 11 neutron



I think the Ans is second one





Step-by-step explanation:

The outcome of a die is 1,2,3,4,5,6

Even = 2,4,6

Less than 4 = 1,2,3

Good outcomes = 1,2,3,4,6  = 5 valid outcomes

P( even or less than 4) = valid outcomes / total




Step-by-step explanation:

total outcome=6


p(less than 4)=3/6=1/2

p(even or less than 4)=1/2×1/2=1/4

Compara 3/15 y 0.92


De que se trata tu problema es matemáticas

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{3}{15} = \frac{1}{5} = 0.2 \\ 0.92 = \frac{23}{25} \\ 0.92 > 0.2[/tex]

Please Help Me!!!!!!!


Answer: b

Step-by-step explanation: death normally last 9 min and birth 9 sec

You roll five number cubes and the numbers rolled are 1,2, 3, 4, and 5. Are the events independent? Explain.

A.No; five number cubes were rolled instead of one.
B.Yes; none of the rolls has an effect on another roll.
C.No; none of the rolls had the same outcome.
D.Yes; all the rolls had different outcomes.


Answer: B


When rolling a dice, no matter how many times you get an outcome, it can never determine the exact outcome of the next roll, hence it is termed an independent event.

Hope this helps :)

En un grado pienzan diseñar targetas de cuidadores del ambiente para repartir en los comercios. cada una tendra una frase para concientizar, el nombre de la escuela y el grado. las targetas seran un cuadrado con 10 cm de lado. aqui tienes un papel de 30 cm de ancho x 30 cm de largo y un cuadrado de 10 cm x 10 cm. ¿Cuantos cuadrados crees que entran en la hoja? ¿cuantas tarjetas puedes hacer con la hoja?



Entran 9 cuadrados en la hoja

Se puden hacer 10 tarejtas por que hay un cuadradro de 10*10 extra.

Step-by-step explanation:

El area de la hoja sera:

[tex]A_{Hoja}=30*30=900 \:cm^{2}[/tex]

Ahora el area de cada tarjeta es:

[tex]A_{tarjeta}=10*10=100\: cm^{2}[/tex]

Para determinar cuantos tarjetas entran en la hoja debemos vidivir las aras encontradas arriba:


Entonces entran 9 cuadrados en la hoja

Se puden hacer 10 tarejtas por que hay un cuadradro de 10*10 extra.

Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

The equation of line u is y = 9/2x+1. Line v is perpendicular to u. What is the slope of line v



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of line u is 9/2; the line perpendicular to that is the opposite reciprocal...opposite sign and the flip of the fraction. The perpendicular slope is -2/9

Find the equation of the line through the points (-5,11) and (2,-3)



Y= -1/2X- 2

Step-by-step explanation:

-3 - 11 = -14

2-(-5) = 7

7/-14 = -1/2

-3 = 2(-1/2) + b

-3 = -1 + b

-2 = b

Y= -1/2X-2

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