Revise the following thesis statement to make it more debatable.
Teachers worry about student privacy when using online tools.


Answer 1


The emergence of online tools to assist with education begs the question of if teachers should worry about the risk of violations of student privacy or not.


Related Questions

which narrator is most clearly omniscient



B. The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the  audience even knew he was nervous.


An omniscient narrator knows everything that happens before the story, during the story, after the story. The key pointer is the narrator knows every character's thoughts and feelings.

A. Vicente learned that opening a candy shop would be no easy task,

but that wouldn't stop him.

The narrator is only discussing Vicente's thoughts, so this could be first-person narration.

B. The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the

audience even knew he was nervous.

The narrator talks about the thoughts of both "the speaker" and the audience, so the narrator is omniscient.

C. "Stop, thief!" the guard shouted, but the thief was too quick and

made it over the castle walls.

This could be any third-person objective or limited narration. It's like similar to watching a movie; you aren't told what the characters are thinking.

D. Ting looked across the table and noticed the frown on her date's

face. Something must be wrong.

This could be first-person narration since we only know the thoughts for one character, Ting.


The speaker felt his knees shaking. However, no one in the audience even knew he was nervous.


The answer above explains everything perfectly :)

A P E X  L E A R N I N G

Prince Phillip’s ______ to Princess (now Queen) Elizabeth was initially frowned upon by the Royal Family






not sure wat it is, is there a word bank?


unloved treatment


it can be his love to her is not ok

write movie review and character name and theme also

plz answer it plz​



Review: ( I still believe )

7 years earlier, there was a boy called Jason Grant. His parents decided to change his place of education cause of his poor persistent performance with low scores. In his new school, Helton Garver high school, he found a girl whom he thought was an angel sent from above. The girl was named Melissa Grey, the boy experienced what is referred to as "love at first sight". Time past on. One day, Melissa felt a severe stomach pain. On rushing to hospital, Melissa had "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ISB)". Unfortunately, the situation got worse, Jason prayed and prayed, he did everything. One day, the doctor announced that Melissa has no anymore pain and infection, "This is a miracle I think", said the doctor. As Melissa was discharged, and Jason was the happiest man on Earth. On their way home, Melissa got a deep pain, and she kicked the bucket just in a blink of an eye. Jason collapsed cause it was unbelievable, Jason lost faith in his feeble prayers he had to God. If you were Jason, what would've u done???

[tex]{ \tt{ref : image01}}[/tex]


Jeremy Camp


Never lose belief in God.

Choose the correct option.Juan is ______ a vacation trip , he is visiting the great pyramid of giza.A. On B. In C. At



A. On


Juan is on a vacation trip, he is visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The other 2 options wouldn't make sense if plugged into the blank.

The correct answer is A. On.

What are the social functions of idiophones​




Idiophone, class of musical instruments in which a resonant solid material—such as wood, metal, or stone—vibrates to produce the initial sound. The eight basic types are concussion, friction, percussion, plucked, scraped, shaken, stamped, and stamping. In many cases, as in the gong, the vibrating material itself forms the instrument’s body. Other examples include xylophones and rattles.

none but our english teacher can read this.(affirmative statement )



* How to answer, “How would you explain yourself?”

I am passionate about my work. ...

I am ambitious and driven. ...

I am highly organised. ...

I'm a people person. ...

I'm a natural leader. ...

I am results oriented. ...

I am an excellent communicator.

* Here are a few strategies for answering questions in a helpful way!

If they're not asking clearly, help them clarify. ...

Figure out what they know already. ...

Point them to the documentation. ...

Point them to a useful search. ...

Write new documentation. ...

Explain what you did. ...

Solve the underlying problem.


Which sentence is capitalized correctly?

A. Mr. Reynolds plants his flowers in the Spring.

B. Whales swim south during the winter months.

C. Megan will visit New York during the Fall.

D. Most students love Summer break.


Answer: B


Seasons don't have capitalizations. Spring, summer, fall, and winter should all be lowercase in a sentence except for the start of one (like this sentence). Therefore, B is the only correct sentence.

identify words with positive and negative connotation

(please help me )​


Gossip is the most negative

Trevor shared the gossip that he had heard from his friend.

Which planet is (close) ……………………. to the Sun?



Mercury is the closest planet to the sun :)

Friar Laurence: Come, come with me, and we will make short work;
For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone
Till holy church incorporate two in one.

—Romeo and Juliet,
William Shakespeare

Make an inference about Friar Laurence and his motivation in this scene.

What does Friar Laurence plan to do?

What motivates Friar Laurence to go through with the plan?



Q-What does Friar Laurence plan to do?

A-He plans on marrying Romeo and Juliet.

Q-What motivates Friar Laurence to go through with the plan?

A-He cares for Romeo and Juliet and their families.



Select the item that uses correct grammar, punctuation, and connecting words. Students overlooking the errors they have made, and cause them to receive lower grades. Students overlooking the errors they have made, and cause them to receive lower grades. Overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades. Overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades. Students overlooking the errors they have made. Will cause them to receive lower grades.



overlooking errors will cause students to receive lower grades.

1. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake. 2. There were no chairs, so we had to sit on floor. 3. Lucy has just gotten bank in Chicago. 4. There's bookstore on corner near my house. 5. It's very cold in here. Can you close window, please? 6. If you go past post office, can you get me some stamps? 7. It was very hot day. It was hottest day of year. 8. What's name of woman who sat beside you at the dinner? 9. How often do you go to movies? 10. “Can you tell me where Room 306 is, please?" "It's on third floor." 11. He lay down ground and looked up at sky. 12. You'll find information you need at 13. moon goes around earth every 27 days. 14. He doesn't usually have lunch, but he always eats good breakfast. 15. If you live in foreign country, you should try and learn language. 16. next train to Brighton leaves from Platform 5. 17. Last year we visited Canada and United States 18. highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro 19. Mediterranean Sea is the sea between Africa and Europe. 20. Mississippi is longest river in North America​



is this one way of updating ur status??

someone can help me for my speaking test,I will mark brainlest.​



how to send voice message

Answer:  This is old soo I'm just here for the points :)


In the context of the poem, what does the word blithe most likely mean?



joyous, cheerful


something that is very happy

An author wants to show that a character has a deep desire to explore the world. What object would represent this wish?

A book
A passport
A cell phone
A computer


A passport is the right answer. Since they want to explore the world, they would need to have a passport to do so.


A passport


A passport because it is used to travel.

how to promote the importance of reading for the learners?



Below is a list of ways to encourage students to read for pleasure as well as tips on facilitating an independent reading culture in your classroom.

Host a book club. Collaborate with your local library. Host a young author read-aloud. Reenact favorite books. Mystery check-outs. Make time for independent reading.

Hii! could someone help me with my english homework? I would really appreciate it.


Hey there!

I believe the answers you wrote are already correct, except for #3 because the verb, had. I think both might be correct in this situation. Keep up the great work!

Have a great day :)

pls help me i suck at writing essays
For this assignment, write a one-page story explaining the insult that caused the narrator of the story to want revenge on Fortunato. This can be written in the form of a letter, journal entry, conversation, or story. Your story should follow these guidelines:

1. Stay in first person point of view and keep up with the language of the story. It would now be the late 1800s. Use some of vocabulary words from the story.
2. Be clear on to whom he is speaking. Is he writing a diary entry and just confessing or he is actually talking to somebody in the form of a letter?
3. MINIMUM of one-page, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
4. DO NOT retell the story. Try to leave out any details from the story itself, other than he will want to get his revenge. This is sort of a prequel to the original story. You are writing as Montresor to convince your reader that your murderous actions of Fortunato are justified.



 Dear Fortunato,

While I know that you are dead, I would still like this to be addressed to you, for you are the only one whom I can confess to truly without getting hurt, and I promised myself that I would not get hurt during any of this.

 As you may know, I have killed you. No, I did not do it from act of impulse, or for a laugh. I'm sure you know exactly what you did that made me enclose you in that small space, left there to rot and die. You have insulted my name for the last time. You have hurt my pride, and I am done suffering in silence due to your words.

 So please forgive me for what I have done. I just wanted you to pay for your actions. It was for your own good, really. For you do not disrespect a Montresor and get away with it. Had it been anyone else, they might have done the same thing, I suppose.

 That fateful night that you were walking home from indulging yourself in drink, after I had thought of my plan and how exactly I would execute it, you had drunk much more wine than was good for you. If I hadn't acted fast, you might have just drank yourself to death and I would not have been able to get revenge, but thankfully that did not happen before I was able to get that last stone secured into the wall, and place every bone back the way that it was before.

 Thank you for having been compliant, and so easy to lure. It would have been much harder had you not complied so easily, or asked too many questions. It made my life much easier. I hold Luchresi's name above your head and you pounced on the opportunity to gloat your skills of wine testing. To be truthful, though, you don't know one wine from another. Dear Luchresi knows better than you ever would.

  Did I not tell you that we should have left? If you knew what was best for you, you would have turned around the moment we got down into that dank, cold vault. Had you not been drunk, and after noticing the amount of bones that may or may not have been my family, you might have turned around quicker. But no, your pride could not let Luchresi surpass you, for you are too proud for that.

Well, I believe that is all I needed to say. That was the last time you ever disrespect my name, and I truly hope you have learned from that mistake in the next life, or else you will suffer the same terrible fate.

 Sincerely, Montresor

What is a blog?

Thanks if you help :)



A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject

A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


I was alone at home and suddenly door bell rang. I opened the door and found an old man.......​


i was alone at home and suddenly the door bell rang. i opened the door and found an old man standing outside while shivering. i ran inside to grab a jacket for him but when i came back he was gone...

In at least 150 words, compare and contrast the modernist themes portrayed in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
and "Grass."



The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," while not adhering to the traditional idea of a love song, still qualifies as one because it describes the longing of the speaker for his beloved.Eliot's “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” carries the characteristics of modernist poetry such as objective correlative, fragmentation, free verse and irregular rhyming. ... Hence, the title of the poem is ironic, since Prufrock never talks about his feelings of love throughout the poem.Alfred Prufrock," Prufrock feels unconfident and self-conscious He is lonely, aging, and balding, and his apparent desire to connect with others, especially women, remains unrealized

Which of the following statements is true?

A) A book is always a better source than a magazine or newspaper article.

B) Sources should be evaluated for complexities and discrepancies.

C) All sources from the internet should be considered current and accurate.

D) All of the choices are correct.





it may be like a newspaper article is more informative and helpful than a book

about c...I think, we all understand why not

so, if a and c are false, d can't be used

I think it’s B but I’m not sure

- Complete the following past simple and continuous events. Choose the correct alternative

7. I _______________ a novel while my mother ___________.

a) was read / was cooking
b) read / cooked
c) was reading / was cooking
d) was reading / cooks

8. I ___________ out of the window when the accident happened.

a) was looked
b) looked
c) looking
d) was looking

9. You ___________ while I ____________.

a) played / study
b) were playing / studying
c) were playing / was studying
d) were played / was studying

10. He _____________his homework when his father came home.

a) were doing
b) was doing
c) did
d) did do


Here’s the answer


7. I (C) WAS READING a novel while my mother WAS COOKING

8. (D) WAS LOOKING out of the window when the accident happened.


10. He (B) WAS DOING his homework when his father came home.

The teacher made all the students .............on the benches a stood b. stand c. stands​



b. stand


Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is a feature of the IdeaStorm website launched by Dell?

tracks a competitor's marketing campaign
promotes newly launched products
suggests new products for development
informs investors about the company's goals



option. c



Which of the following statements supports the idea presented in this quote from the excerpt?

Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit which has, at all times, characterized political parties.

Hamilton believed politician's narrow-mindedness would have a negative effect.
Hamilton generally disliked politicians even though he was one of them.
Hamilton had many reasons to entice politicians to be moderate in their negotiations.
Hamilton thought politicians were the last people who should be writing a new Constitution.



The statement that supports the idea from the quoted excerpt is:

B. Hamilton feared that those tasked with creating the new constitution would oppose reforms that limited their power.


It is B because the excerpt mentioned that certain social class was resistant to accept the changes proposed because they were afraid that those changes could diminish their power.

The Answer would be:

A. Hamilton believed politician's narrow-mindedness would have a negative effect.

"Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit which has, at all times, characterized political parties."

even if you just read this it explains it within it :) hope this helps y'all! (got it right on flvs Carousel of Progress Post-Test)

We (learn) English now.​



We are learning English now.



We are learning English now.


It's in the present continuous tense

Exercise: Make questions with “How much" or "How many” for the following sentences
Ken made three cakes for me.


just how many did you eat


or how much did you give nick

A. She stood as still as a statue with all eyes on her

B. She then sat dow satisfied with her actions

C. Mary clanged two glass together rudely interrupting the conversations going on around her

D. She finally simply said thank you for coming her words of biting the ears of all who heard them


Answer: C

Explanation: Onomatopoeia is a term for making a sound of an object it is describing.

A cannot be correct as A is a simile (Comparing an object to something else)

B is wrong as the sentence is describing how she is feeling, not what sound she is making

D is wrong because although she is saying something, this is not classified as onomatopoeia

Therefore C is correct, because it says that she clanged two glasses together. The word clanged is a sound describing what the two glasses are doing.

Hope this helps.

If you could mark as Brainliest it would mean the world but you don't have to.

A strange man was watching us.(passive voice)​



We were being watched by a strange man .

Other Questions
What are some current issues you feel are still a concern regarding your right to vote in the United States? Consider two closely spaced and oppositely charged parallel metal plates. The plates are square with sides of length L and carry charges Q and -Q on their facing surfaces. What is the magnitude of the electric field in the region between the plates .mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Based on the article, what do you think environmental racism is convert 100110 base two to a number in base three Incised meanders a. develop when the stream gradient is steepened or discharge decreases. b. form when base level remains stable for long periods of time. c. can result from either superposed or antecedent stream activity. d. are demonstrating a feature of stream immaturity (meanders) in a mature setting (steep walls). I need help ASAP!!People that now what there doing Which one of these statements is/are true: I. All redox reactions with positive emfs are spontaneous. II. If a redox reaction is spontaneous, it must be fast. III. A spontaneous redox reaction will have a cathode reaction that has a more negative reduction potential than the anode. III only. I and III are true. I only. II only. All of I, II, and III are true. please help as soon as possible!!Explain the biblical basis for the themes of civilization: justice, power, citizenship, and environment. what is a structure on a hawk that allows it to survive in its environment and how Which represents the polynomial below written in standard form?StartFraction x squared Over 2 EndFraction 3x + 4x3 + 66 + StartFraction x squared Over 2 EndFraction 3x + 4x34x3 + StartFraction x squared Over 2 EndFraction 3x + 63x + 4x3 + 6 + StartFraction x squared Over 2 EndFractionStartFraction x squared Over 2 EndFraction + 4x3 3x + 6 All of these are describing what Mesopotamian ruler?Ruled 2334-2279 BCEFrom the city of AkkadUnited most of Ancient MesopotamiaRuled an empire of many ethnic groups. please help me What is the approximate volume of thepyramid if the base area is 625 squarefeet and the height is 50 feet? For 4 days the temperatures in Alaska at 9:00 a.M. Were 12 degrees, -2 degrees, -6 degrees, and 8.4 degrees, respectively. What was the average temperature? . 15cm 11cm 5cm.please help find the area and the perimeter of the Right triangle using formular below P= a+h+dA=bh Given the following reaction: 3CuCl2(aq) 2Na3PO4(aq) --> Cu3(PO4)2(s) 6NaCl(aq) MM (g/mol) 134.45 163.94 380.58 58.44 If 285 mL of 6.3 M CuCl2 is added to excess Na3PO4 solution, how much precipitate( in grams) is produced Note: Write answer to two decimal places. Hi ,I need help. pls? Which sentence is correct?A tango is where couples dance in 2/4 or 4/4 time.4/4 time is when the dance is composed of 4-beat dance rhythms.The reason we wanted to dance the tango was because we saw professional Argentinean dancers.We have since learned that there are many different tango dance styles. help me fix my Spanish questions please, my teacher told me I have to have command or imperative form, which I do not understand. I added my answer, and the question please help :(Write complete Spanish sentences expressing the affirmative or negative command, depending on if no is present. If no is present in the example, make the command negative. If there is not a no in the example, please form the command in the affirmative.7. Sacar a los perrosmy answer: No sacar a los perros.8. No limpiar la mesamy answer: Limpiar la mesa.9. Lavar la ropamy answer: No lavar la ropa. What are the units of molar mass?A. L/gB. mol/gC. g/LD. g/molSUBST