Rohann recently finished some renovations to his house. 20 square meters of carpeting cost $875 while 17 square meters of hardwood flooring cost $750. Which flooring is more expensive per square meter?


Answer 1

Answer: Hardwood flooring

Step-by-step explanation:


Rohann renovation of Carpentering cost $875 for [tex]20\ m^2[/tex]

For hardwood flooring [tex]17\ m^2[/tex] cost $750

So, cost per square meter for different floors are

[tex]\Rightarrow \text{Carpentering}=\dfrac{875}{20}\\\\\Rightarrow \text{Carpentering}=\$43.75/m^2[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \text{Hardwood}=\dfrac{750}{17}\\\\\Rightarrow \text{Hardwood}=\$44.11/m^2[/tex]

Thus, the cost of the Hardwood flooring is more expensive.

Related Questions

If the number of degrees in a certain angle added to the number of grades in the angle is 76, find the angle in degrees.



solve the linear equation
I need the full solution X by 2 minus 3x by 4 + 5x by 8 equal to 9 ​




Step-by-step explanation:


Or,(4*x-2*3x+5x)/8=9. (taking LCM)

Or, (4x-6x+5x)/8=9

Or, 3x=9*8

Or, x = 72/3

so, x=24.

pls pls help help help



the diameter form for your help today with the app

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brain less

Please help thank you!




d= 10yd

h = 7yd

hope it helps

the sum of legs for a right triangle be 21 and their product is 40. Find the perimeter of this triangle.​



The perimeter of the triangle is 40.

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of legs for a right triangle is 12:

[tex] a + b = 21 [/tex]

[tex] a = 21 - b [/tex]   (1)

And their product is:

[tex] a*b = 40 [/tex]   (2)

By entering eq (1) into (2) we have:

[tex] (21 - b)b = 40 [/tex]                          

[tex] 21b - b^{2} - 40 = 0 [/tex]  

We can find the value of "b" by solving the above quadratic equation.

[tex] b_{1} = 2.1 [/tex]

[tex] b_{2} = 18.9 [/tex]

Since the two values satisfy the equation, we can use either of them to find "a". We will use b₁.      

[tex] a = 21 - 2.1 = 18.9 [/tex]                                                                              

Now, the hypotenuse of the right triangle is given by:

[tex] h = \sqrt{a^{2} + b^{2}} = \sqrt{(18.9)^{2} + (2.1)^{2}} = 19 [/tex]

Hence, the perimeter is:

[tex] P = a + b + h = 18.9 + 2.1 + 19 = 40 [/tex]

Therefore, the perimeter of the triangle is 40.

I hope it helps you!          

this 2 pls i need help with explanation sum


9514 1404 393



An exterior angle is equal to the sum of the remote interior angles. Define ∠PQR = 2q, and ∠QPR = 2p. The purpose of this is to let us use a single character to represent the angle, instead of 4 characters.

The above relation tells us ...

  ∠PRS = ∠PQR +∠QPR = 2q +2p

Then ...

  ∠TRS = (1/2)∠PRS = (1/2)(2q +2p) = q +p


  ∠TRS = ∠TQR +∠QTR . . . . . exterior is sum of remote interior

  q +p = (1/2)(2q) +∠QTR . . . . substitute for ∠TRS and ∠TQR

  p = ∠QTR = 1/2(∠QPR) . . . . . subtract q



For triangle ABC, draw line DE parallel to BC through point A. Put point D on the same side of point A that point B is on the side of the median from vertex A. Then we have congruent alternate interior angles DAB and ABC, as well as EAC and ACB. The angle sum theorem tells you that ...

  ∠DAB +∠BAC +∠CAE = ∠DAE . . . . a straight angle = 180°

Substituting the congruent angles, this gives ...

  ∠ABC +∠BAC +∠ACB = 180° . . . . . the desired relation

Joe receives a cake for his birthday. He eats $\frac{1}{4}$ of the cake on the first day. On the second day, he eats $\frac{3}{4}$ of the amount of cake that is left after the first day. What fraction of a whole cake is left for Joe to eat on the third day



3 / 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Let The total amount = x

Fraction eaten on first day = 1/4x

Fraction left = x - 1/4x = 3/4x

Fraction of amount left eaten on second day = 3/4 of 3/4x

3/4 * 3/4x = 9/16x

Fraction left :

3/4x - 9/16x = (12x - 9x) /16 = 3/16x

Hence, fraction left = 3/16

Which number represents a square root of 3 (cosine (StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction) + I sine (StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction) )?

a)StartRoot 3 EndRoot (cosine (StartFraction pi Over 8 EndFraction) + I sine (StartFraction pi Over 8 EndFraction) )

b)StartRoot 3 EndRoot (cosine (StartFraction pi Over 4 EndFraction) + I sine (StartFraction pi Over 4 EndFraction) )

c)StartRoot 3 EndRoot (cosine (StartFraction 5 pi Over 6 EndFraction) + I sine (StartFraction 5 pi Over 6 EndFraction) )

d) StartRoot 3 EndRoot (cosine (StartFraction 3 pi Over 2 EndFraction) + I sine (StartFraction 3 pi Over 2 EndFraction) )


Answer: hello your question is poorly written attached below is the complete question


[tex]\sqrt{3}(cos(\frac{3\pi }{2}) + isin(\frac{3\pi }{2}))[/tex] --- ( option d )

Step-by-step explanation:

The correct option that represents a  square root of 3 as related to the question attached below is :

[tex]\sqrt{3}(cos(\frac{3\pi }{2}) + isin(\frac{3\pi }{2}))[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Carlos invests £4500 for 3 years.
He receives compound interest of 1.5% per year.
Carlos thinks the total of the money he invests and the interest will be more than
£4750 at the end of the 3 years.
Is he correct?
Show why you think this.



He is incorrect.

Step-by-step explanation:

4500 x ( 1 + 1.50%)^3

= 4500 x 1.045678

= 4705.551000

4705.551000 < 4750

Carlos is not correct, because the amount at the end of the 3 years of compounding is £4705.65 not more than £4750.

What is the compound interest?

Compound interest is the interest on savings calculated on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods.

The formula used to find the compound [tex]A=P(1+\frac{r}{100})^{nt}[/tex]

Given that, Carlos invests £4500 for 3 years.

He receives compound interest of 1.5% per year.

Here, amount =4500(1+1.5/100)³

= 4500(1+0.015)³

= 4500(1.015)³

= 4500×1.0457

= £4705.65

Carlos is not correct, because the amount at the end of the 3 years of compounding is £4705.65 not more than £4750.

To learn more about the compound interest visit:


geometry!!!!!!!!! helppp



Solution given:

Centre (h,k)=(-6,-2)

end points are:

A[tex]\bold{(x_{1},y_{1})=(-1,-9) \:and \:B(x_{2},y_{2})=(-11,5)}[/tex]


distance between A to M is:




distance between B to M is:




Since AM=BM=8.6units


M is the centre of the circle.:Yes

At 22 years of age, Nicolas and Troy have started their first full-time jobs, and Troy decides to place $10,000 in a savings plan for retirement, which pays 9% compounded every 3 months.

As usual, Nicolas thinks Troy is crazy because he wants to enjoy his money now, and then start saving when he turns 45 years of age.

Assume that both Troy and Nicolas plan to retire at age 60. If Nicolas wants to retire with the same amount of savings as Troy, how much will Nicolas need to contribute monthly to his savings account, which earns him 10% compounded monthly?



The correct answer 8486.

Step-by-step explanation:


Troy - P pr principle amount = 10000

rate = 9%

time = 60-22 = 38

intrest at every three months so time = t = 38*4 = 132


P = x

rate = 10%

time = 60 -45 = 15

every month compounded = 15*12=180


the formula of compound intrest = P (1 + r/n)^(nt)

where n = number of counded intrests per year

puting formula for troy=

10000 (1+9/4)^132

= 294,322.96 .....1

now for nicolas

I = x(1+10/12)^180

x = 294,322.96/(1+10/12)^180

= 8486.

someone, please help this is due soon if you can explain them I really appreciate it (PICTURE) 15 points and brainliest.


Step-by-step explanation:

1. Given,

Sides of the shape = 3y+9, 2y+4, y+3 and 2y+4

Therefore ,

Perimeter of the shape = Sum of all the sides

= (3y+9) + (2y+4) + (y+3) + (2y+4)

= 3y + 2y + y + 2y + 9 + 4 + 3 + 4

= 8y + 20 (Ans)

2. Given,

Side of the square = 5x - 2


Perimeter of the square = 4 × Sides = 4s

= 4 × (5x - 2)

= 4 × 5x + 4 × (-2)

= 20x - 8 (Ans)

Please help ! pythagoran theaeom ! I need someone to please explain how to answer this ASAP , giving brainlist




Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras theorem, we have




Answer:The floor is 6m

Step-by-step explanation:

In this we have to solve to find B

First we know that  A^2+B^2+C^2 and we know A is 10 and C is 12 so now we are going square both 10 and 12 which would be 100 and 144 then we subtract each other 144-100=44 and lastly we are going to get the square root of 44 which is 6.

Please give brainlist





Step-by-step explanation:

Direct variation is of the form

y = kx

where k is a constant

Using the first set of point

9 = 5k

Divide by 5

9/5 = k

The equation becomes

y = 9/5 x

Using the second set of points

3 = 9/5 x

Multiply each side by 5/9

5/9 * 3 = 9/5 *5/9x

5/3 =x

in how many ways can 10 people be divided into three groups of 2, 3, and 5 people respectively



2520 ways

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 10[/tex]

[tex]r = (2,3,5)[/tex]


The number of selection

First, select 2 people from 10 in 10C2 ways.

There are 8 people, left.

Next, select 3 people from 8 in 8C3 ways.

There are 5 people left.

Lastly, select 5 from 5 in 5C5 ways

So, we have:

[tex]Total = ^{10}C_2 * ^8C_3 * ^5C_5[/tex]

Using combination formula

[tex]Total = 45 * 56 * 1[/tex]

[tex]Total = 2520[/tex]

HELP PLEASE!!! The expected value of a random variable X is 35. The variable is transformed
by multiplying X by 4 and then adding 1 to it. Find the expected value (mean)
of the transformed variable. A. 135 B.117 C. 154 D.141



Expected value x= 35

linear transformation is defined as a + bx

here, b=4, a=1

The transformation is [tex]z=1+4x[/tex]

now, expected value, [tex]l_z=l_z(a+bx)[/tex]



substitute the value of a=1, b=4 and l=35




So, the expected value of the transformed variable is 141.


Answer:  D) 141



Let's consider a set of three values such that they're all equal to 35


This rather boring set has a mean of 35 and it's hopefully very clear why this is the case. The terms "mean" and "expected value" are interchangeable.

If we multiply everything by 4, then we get the new set {140,140,140}

Then add 1 to everything and we arrive at {141,141,141}. You can quickly see that the mean here is 141.


You could play around with that original set of 3 values to make things more interesting. Let's say we subtract 1 from the first item and add 1 to the last item. So we could have {35,35,35} turn into {34,35,36}. You should find that the mean is still 35 here.

If we quadruple each item, then we have {34,35,36} turn into {136,140,144}

Finally, add 1 to everything to get {137,141,145}. Computing the mean of this set leads to 141.

These are just two examples you could do to help see why the answer is D) 141


In a more general theoretical sense, we're saying the following

Y = mX+b

E[Y] = E[m*X+b]

E[Y] = E[m*X] + E[b]

E[Y] = m*E[X] + b

where Y is the transformed variable based on the random variable X. In this case, m = 4 and b = 1. Also, E[X] = 35.


E[Y] = m*E[X] + b

E[Y] = 4*35 + 1

E[Y] = 141


Why go through all this trouble? Well consider that you know a certain distribution is centered around 35. Then consider that you want to convert those measurements to some other unit. This conversion process is us going from variable X to variable Y. Think of it like a batch conversion of sorts.

A more real world example would be something like "we know the average temperature is 35 degrees Celsius. The question is: what is the average temperature in Fahrenheit?" The numbers would be different, but the idea still holds up.

Find the circumference.
Use 3.14 for t.
r= 2 m
C = [?] m



12.56 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference of a circle is given by

C  = 2 * pi *r

C = 2 * (3.14) * 2

C =12.56

The answer is 12.568

What is the explicit formula for this sequence? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

we see a1 = 6.

that is the starting value. everything else then (to generate the new sequence elements) is added to this.

so, B and C are out.

and clearly, for every new sequence element we add -3. and we do this for every sequence element except for a1. so we add -3 (n-1) times.

therefore, only D is correct.

Which of the following is the inverse of the function given below?
I + 2
O A. (1)
-1 + 2
1 + 2
O B. ()
OC. s()
OD. p(t)
2x + 7
= 7r – 2



d) p(x)= 7x-2

Step-by-step explanation:

d) p(x) = 7x -2

Which of these is the absolute value parent function?
A. f(x) = 13x
B. f(x) = x + 2
C. f(x) = 1x1
D. f(x) = x - 11



it's 'A' I guess

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

[tex]3f^{2} - 15f - 108[/tex]



3(f - 9)(f + 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming you require to factorise the expression

3f² - 15f - 108 ← factor out 3 from each term

= 3(f² - 5f - 36) ← factor the quadratic

Consider the factors 0f the constant term (- 36) which sum to give the coefficient of the f- term (- 5)

The factors are - 9 and + 4 , since

- 9 × 4 = - 36 and - 9 + 4 = - 5 , then

f² - 5f - 36 = (f- 9)(f + 4)


3f² - 15f - 108 = 3(f - 9)(f + 4)

What are the steps to this problem (along with the answer)?



x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

In this piece-wise function, there are three defined sections, each for a different range of x. To find an x where y is -9, we have to set all parts of it equal to -9.

-x,  x < -3

So, we can start by setting -x equal to -9 and solve for x:

-x = -9

x = 9

Our domain for this piece of the function is supposed to be x < -3. x = 9 does not fit into this range, meaning, in this range, there is no x for y = -9.

2x,   -3 ≤ x ≤ -2

We can set the value 2x equal to -9 and, again, solve for x:

2x = -9

x = -4.5

The solution x = -4.5 does not fit into the defined domain of -3 ≤ x ≤ -2, therefore it is not a solution.

-x^2,  x > -2

One last time, we can set -x^2 equal to -9 and solve for x:

-x^2 = -9

x^2 = 9

x = 3, x = -3

We are looking for a solution that fits into the domain, x > -2, x = -3 does not work, but x = 3 does.

In conclusion, the only solution where it fit the domain was x = 3


x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

x = - 3 in interval - 3 ≤ x ≤ - 2 then f(x) = 2x , so

f(- 3) = 2(- 3) = - 6 ≠ - 9

x = 9 in interval x > - 2 then f(x) = - x² , so

f(9) = - 9² = - 81 ≠ - 9

x = 3 in interval x > - 2 then f(x) = - x²

f(3) = - 3² = - 9

x = - 4.5 in the interval x < - 3 then f(x) = - x , so

f(- 4.5) = - (- 4.5) = 4.5


y = - 9 when x = 3

Can you guys help me find x for both



x = 6 and x = 9

Step-by-step explanation:


MN is half the length of KL

MN = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × 12 = 6



Δ LMN and Δ LJK are similar triangles, so the ratios of corresponding sides are equal, that is

[tex]\frac{LM}{LJ}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{MN}{JK}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{x}{x+9}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{8.5}{17}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

2x = x + 9 ( subtract x from both sides )

x = 9

Which of the quadratic functions has the widest graph?

A. y= -4/5x2

B. y= -4x2

C. y= 1/3x2

D. y= 0.3x2



D. y= 0.3x2

Step-by-step explanation:

In quadratic functions, the value of a affects the wideness of the graph. The smaller the absolute value of a, the wider the graph. In these choices, 1/3 and 0.3 are the smallest. To understand which is smaller convert both to decimals; 1/3 is 0.3333 repeating. Therefore, 0.3 is slightly smaller and wider.

Can someone please help me out


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt{ - 81} = 9i \\ \sqrt{ - 11} = i \sqrt{11} \\ \sqrt{ - 20} = i \sqrt{20} [/tex]

You wait in line for hours to get the new special edition Nikes for $250, but you have to pay 5.3% in Virginia state sales tax. What is the total you will pay?




Step-by-step explanation:

250 x .053 (5.3%) = 13.25 tax

250 + 13.25 = 263.25 price plus sales tax



Step-by-step explanation:

If Ф ∈ (0, pi/2) and tan(pi cosФ) = cot(pi sinФ), then cos(Ф- pi/4) is equal to?\



please see the answer in the picture.


Factor completely.



firstable give c+b a polynomial value like x

so its will be x^2+11x+30

after the we have to factor it


and 11=6+5

so its will become




have a great day

Which graphs are the graphs of even functions?


the one in the top left corner

5/21 as a decimal rounded to 3 decimal places


[tex] \sf \: \frac{5}{21 } \: rounded \: to \: 3 \: decimal \: places \: is \: \boxed{ \underline{ \bf0.238}}. \\ \longrightarrow \sf \: Just \: divide \: 5 \: by \: 21 \: upto \: 3 \: decimal \: places \\ \sf \: to \: get \: the \: answer.[/tex]

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