Romeo and Juliet’s final fate in Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet represents which element of Shakespearean tragedy?

an emotional release
an unhappy ending
a spiritual awakening
an unlikely resolution


Answer 1

The correct answer is B. An unhappy ending.


The tragedy is a type of literary text or dramatic theatrical expression that is characterized by having leading characters who face a fatal destiny that gives rise to a hopelessly sad end, which usually ends in the death of the characters. According to the above, Romeo and Juliet’s final fate in Act V, scene III of Romeo and Juliet represents the characteristic unhappy ending of Shakespeare's tragedy because in this scene both die tragically. So, the correct answer is B. An unhappy ending.

Answer 2


Its b (an unhappy ending)


I got it correct on egde :)

Related Questions

In no less than seventy-five words, explain how both Ulysses and Telemachus meet their final challenges by means of the slaughter of the suitors.


Ulysses and Telemachus have as final challenges the killing of suitors because it was necessary to regain honor and establish a reputation in the community. This is because the suitors harmed the residence that, by law, belonged to the men of the house. This directly affects Telemachus who owned the property, in the absence of his father, and was not respected by the suitors. Ulysses, in addition to not having his property respected, had his marriage and wife disrespected by the presence of suitors.

This all weakened the honor of Ulysses and Telemachus in the region and for this reason it was necessary that a very large revenge was carried out to recover the honor and establish a reputation that would show Ulysses and Telemachus as strong, brutal, protective, domineering, in addition to strengthening a sense of masculinity towards both.

What is the relationship between gender and development? Discuss about 600 words​


Gender and development is an interdisciplinary field of research and applied study that implements a feminist approach to understanding and addressing the disparate impact that economic development and globalization have on people based upon their location, gender, class background, and other socio-political identities. A strictly economic approach to development views a country's development in quantitative terms such as job creation, inflation control, and high employment – all of which aim to improve the ‘economic wellbeing’ of a country and the subsequent quality of life for its people. In terms of economic development, quality of life is defined as access to necessary rights and resources including but not limited to quality education, medical facilities, affordable housing, clean environments, and low crime rate. Gender and development considers many of these same factors; however, gender and development emphasizes efforts towards understanding how multifaceted these issues are in the entangled context of culture, government, and globalization. Accounting for this need, gender and development implements ethnographic research, research that studies a specific culture or group of people by physically immersing the researcher into the environment and daily routine of those being studied, in order to comprehensively understand how development policy and practices affect the everyday life of targeted groups or areas.

the assignment for this lesson is to compare and contrast the objectivity of two sources,representing two different media,that discuss the same topic or event. you must also provide an objective summary of the sources to show the reader thar you have a goood understanding of the content



Please try explaining better

please we need a better understanding

find the incorrect word
If you decide to lie down and take a nap than make sure to set an alarm so you don't oversleep


than is incorrect. should be then*


than is incorrect. Then is what should've been there.


What is the difference between the
celebration of Independence Day July 4th and



Celebrating American freedom through Juneteenth is one step towards bridging these narratives. July 4th is a federal holiday but Juneteenth is not. Juneteenth is recognized as a holiday by 45 states, and there is a movement calling for it to be a national holiday.

The different is that june is the thing to chill

write 5 idioms on happy, sad and unforgettable moment .​



For sad

1 .heart broken

2. wet weekend face

For happy

1. over the sky

2.happy as a calm

For unforgettable moments

1. memorable

[tex]\boxed{ Happy : }[/tex]

[tex]\sf\purple{On\: cloud \:nine.}[/tex][tex]\sf\purple{In\: seventh \:Heaven.}[/tex][tex]\sf\purple{Happy-go-lucky.}[/tex][tex]\sf\purple{Walking\: on \:air.}[/tex][tex]\sf\purple{Over\: the\: moon.}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ Sad: }[/tex]

[tex]\sf\red{A \:sad\: sight.}[/tex][tex]\sf\red{Too \:sad\: for \:words.}[/tex][tex]\sf\red{To\: pierce \:one’s\: heart.}[/tex][tex]\sf\red{One’s\: heart \:sinks.}[/tex][tex]\sf\red{To \:be \:sick\: at\: heart.}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ Unforgettable \: moment: }[/tex]

[tex]\sf\blue{Engraved\: in \:my\: memory\: forever.}[/tex][tex]\sf\blue{Made\: my\: day.}[/tex]

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{❦}}}}}[/tex]

The main purpose of Patrick Henry's speech is to:
A. convince the colonists that Britain will not fight.
B. maintain peace in America at all costs.
C. persuade the colonists to enter into war against Britain.
D. persuade his audience that Henry would make a good president.



A. convince the colonists that Britain will not fight


he gave the reasons to why

21. Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?
In Spain, they take siestas.
In Spain they take siestas.
In spain, they take siestas.
In Spain, they take Siestas.


Answer: In Spain, they take siestas.

The first one.  



The first one

In Spain, they take siestas.

9 Today is wet but yesterday was extremely wet.
It was ________________ yesterday.
10 Houses were much more affordable last year.
Houses are ________________ affordable this year.





9) It was extremely wet yesterday . (use past tense here because it talks about the previous day)

10) Houses are much more affordable this year. (use present tense because it's about the present day)


ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ

[tex]\boxed{Rainbow Salt2^{2}2^{2}}[/tex]

It was ________extremely wet________ yesterday.

Houses are ______much more_________ affordable this year.

In the first sentence, simple past tense is used.

In the second sentence, simple present tense is used.

Use of simple past tense

The Simple Past tense is used to describe or express anything that occurred or existed in the Past. It's also used to refer to or describe an action that has been finished but no time is given and to describe an action or recurrence of an event that happens regularly.

Use of simple present tense

The present tense is a grammatical tense used for verbs that describe an action happening right now. It is considered easy to use and exists in all languages. The present tense is broken down into four different categories: present simple, present continuous, present continuous and present perfect continuous.

Leearn more on tense here -


by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (excerpt)
O long-silent Sybil,
you of the winged dreams,
Speak out from your temple of light
as the serious constellations
with Greek names
still stare down on us
as a lighthouse moves its megaphone
over the sea
Speak out and shine upon us
the sea-light of Greece
the diamond light of Greece
Far-seeing Sybil, forever hidden,
Come out of your cave at last
And speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter—
And give us new dreams to dream,
Give us new myths to live by!
Select the correct answer.
Based on the excerpt from Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem "To the Oracle at Delphi," what does the Oracle symbolize?





The Sibyl was a mythological creature that symbolized dreams to the narrator, saying:

"Far-seeing Sybil, forever hidden,

Come out of your cave at last

And speak to us in the poet's voice

the voice of the fourth person singular

the voice of the inscrutable future

the voice of the people mixed

with a wild soft laughter—

And give us new dreams to dream,

Give us new myths to live by!"

In the given poem, the word 'Oracle' symbolized the mythological creature from the ancient Greeks.

Option A is the correct answer.

What is mythology?

Mythology refers to the collection of beliefs about culture in ancient history.

The author depicted the mythological figure of Greek history also called Sybil in the provided poem. The Sybil had the powers of divination from their gods and passed them on to the dead humans. The author makes a connection between Sybil and the characteristics of human beings.

Therefore, the mythological figure from Greek history was addressed by the author in the given poem.

Learn more about the mythology in the related link:


Write an essay defining Genocide, and making a case for how genocide can be prevented in the United States



It is defined as a mass extermination of a particular group of people - exemplified by the efforts of the Nazis to eradicate the Jewish population in the 1940s. But behind that simple definition is a complicated tangle of legal concepts concerning what constitutes genocide and when the term can be applied.The term genocide was coined in 1943 by the Jewish-Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin, who combined the Greek word "genos" (race or tribe) with the Latin word "cide" (to kill).

After witnessing the horrors of the Holocaust, in which every member of his family except his brother was killed, Dr Lemkin campaigned to have genocide recognised as a crime under international law.

His efforts gave way to the adoption of the United Nations Genocide Convention in December 1948, which came into effect in January 1951.

Article Two of the convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such":

Killing members of the group

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

The convention also imposes a general duty on states that are signatories to "prevent and to punish" genocide.Since its adoption, the UN treaty has come under criticism from different sides, mostly by people frustrated with the difficulty of applying it to specific cases. Some have argued that the definition is too narrow; others that it is devalued by overuse.Some analysts say the definition of genocide is so narrow that none of the mass killings perpetrated since the treaty's adoption would fall under it.

The objections most frequently raised against the treaty include: The convention excludes targeted political and social groups

The definition is limited to direct acts against people, and excludes acts against the environment which sustains them or their cultural distinctiveness Proving intention beyond reasonable doubt is extremely difficult UN member states are hesitant to single out other members or intervene, as was the case in Rwanda There is no body of international law to clarify the parameters of the convention (though this is changing as UN war crimes tribunals issue indictments) The difficulty of defining or measuring "in part", and establishing how many deaths equal genocide But in spite of these criticisms, there are many who say genocide is recognisable.In his book Rwanda and Genocide in the 20th Century, the former secretary-general of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Alain Destexhe, wrote: "Genocide is distinguishable from all other crimes by the motivation behind it."Genocide is a crime on a different scale to all other crimes against humanity and implies an intention to completely exterminate the chosen group. Genocide is therefore both the gravest and greatest of the crimes against humanity."Mr Destexhe has voiced concern that the term genocide has fallen victim to "a sort of verbal inflation, in much the same way as happened with the word fascist", becoming "dangerously commonplace".Michael Ignatieff, former director of the Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University, has agreed, arguing that the term has come to be used as a "validation of every kind of victimhood". "Slavery, for example, is called genocide when - whatever it was, and it was an infamy - it was a system to exploit, rather than to exterminate the living," Mr Ignatieff said in a lecture. The differences over how genocide should be defined have also led to disagreements on how many genocides occurred during the 20th Century.


If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

critically discuss three nagative reosons why some people join protest action​


Answer: Oh yanno and then yannno again

help with this please





/ I took Latin 1 and  2 which explains greek mythology

Which sentence best describes syntax?
O A. Curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feels
curt and abrupt.
B. Themes of betrayal and heartbreak come up in almost every
chapter of the novel.
C. Butterflies represent life and health in the story, whereas moths
represent death.
O D. The use of "brilliant" to describe the detectives suggests the
writer's sarcasm.


Answer: Curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feels curt and abrupt



The sentence that best describes syntax is curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feels curt and abrupt. Thus, option A is correct.

What is sarcasm?

Sarcasm has the caustic use of the words, which is often in the humorous way, to mock someone or the something. Sarcasm would may employ ambivalence, although it has not necessarily ironic.

Most noticeable in the spoken word, sarcasm has mainly distinguished by the inflexion with which it has spoken or, with the undercurrent of irony, by the extreme disproportion of the comment to the situation, and has largely context-dependent. While sarcasm has often directly associated with the verbal irony and the two are the frequently used together sarcasm has not necessarily ironic by the definition, and either element can be used without the other.

Professionals in the psychology and related fields have the long looked upon the sarcasm negatively, particularly noting that the sarcasm tends to be the maladaptive coping mechanism for those with unresolved anger or frustrations.

Therefore, The sentence that best describes syntax is curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feels curt and abrupt. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about sentence on:


It was ....... nice day that I lay
in the garden all day, all



It was a nice day


"A" is an article that is used before an undetermined noun/phrase

"nice day" is an undetermined phrase

nearly opposite in meaning of 'eventually'?

a) gradual
b) sooner
c) successfully​


Option B

b) Sooner.


Read the play The King of Sharks:

Scene 1

Princess is swimming in the ocean, singing.

Narrator: Once, long ago, there lived a beautiful princess on the island of Hawai'i. She loved the ocean, and every morning, she swam in the warm water. While she swam, she sang songs about her love for the deep, blue water and her gratitude for the gentle waves.

Princess: Oh, how I love the ocean. I never want to live anywhere else. If I could not see the beauty of the blue water or hear the sound of the waves, my heart would break.

Princess sees a huge shark fin approaching. Frightened, she swims for shore.

Narrator: One day, the king of the sharks heard the princess's song. Enchanted by her voice and her love for the ocean, he decided that he must meet her. Seeing how frightened she was of his true form, the shark king transformed himself into a human, with a magical cloak of scales in all the colors of the sea.

Princess watches in amazement as a prince in a cloak of many-colored scales steps out of the water and offers her his hand.

Shark King: Dearest Princess, I am so pleased to finally meet you. I have heard your songs many times, and I, too, love the ocean. It is my home.

Princess: Please, come with me to meet my family. They will be amazed to see you.

Exit princess and shark king.

Scene 2

Princess sits by a deep pool on the beach. Large home built into a cliff face is behind her. She holds a baby on her lap. In the pool, a large shark circles.

Narrator: After some time, the shark king and the princess were married. They lived together happily, and they had a son. Sadly, the enchantment that made the shark king human could not last forever.

Shark king emerges from the pool in human form. He removes his cloak and lays it at the princess's feet.

Shark King: My dearest one, I must return home to the ocean now. I will leave this magical cloak for our son. Whenever he wears it, he will be safe from all harm. One day, he will come to find me in his true home, under the waves.

Shark king jumps back into the pool and disappears down into its depths. The princess wraps the baby in the cloak.

What is the theme of scenes 1 and 2 of the play The King of Sharks?

Select one:
a. Appearances can be deceiving.
b. Cloaks provide vital protection.
c. Enchantements do not last forever.
d. Singing is a lovely form of expression.



A). Appearances can be deceiving.


As per the question, the themes that is being displayed through given two scenes is that the 'appearances can be misleading.' This is reflected through the human outlook with colorful cape carried by the shark king in order to impress the Princess as he attracted by her voice. The princess got into the delusion created by him so amazingly that she married him. But she later discovered that this all was just a lie to fascinate her. However, she couldn't do anything now and left alone with her son when the king returns back to his ocean life. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Considering civil disobedience, which best describes one similarity between Thoreau and Martin Luther king jr



B. Both felt that people have the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

Which sentence below has an essential or
nonessential subordinate clause
(underlined) that is punctuated incorrectly?
A. Every time someone, who is on our team, scores, fireworks
go off
B. The girl who has the long blonde hair is my sister.
C. The girl, who was waving wildly, finally drove away in the red


Answer: air is a solution of gases, what is the solvent in air?


what is reference? explain​



Reference is a link between objects where an object designates or acts as a means to link to an object. This relationship refers to the first object in this relationship.


References can take various forms including a thought, an audible sensory perception (onomatopoeia), visual perception (text), olfactory or tactile, emotional condition, relationship with others,  space-time coordination, an object or energy projection, a symbolic or alphanumerical one. Some methods, such as cryptography, are used which deliberately hide the reference from certain viewers.

References are found in many areas and the term embraces meaning in the context of human activity and knowledge.

Usually, a name is a phrase or expression, or a symbolic image. Its reference could be an abstract concept, a material object, a person, or an event.


Reference is a relationship between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object. The first object in this relation is said to refer to the second object. It is called a name for the second object.


The King ordered the young soldier to
be brought before him.
Change it into Passive voice



The young soldier was ordered to be brought before the king.


In passive sentences, the subject undergoes the action of the verb.



The young soldier was ordered to be brought before the king.


In passive sentences, the subject undergoes the action of the verb.


Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

TOPIC: Swaminath and his friends

“You will be all right, Mother,” he said on the day he left. ‘You’ve plenty of friends in Hampchester- and before long I’ll write and ask you to come out to me in Canada.”

1. Who said these words to whom?

2. What kind of a son does he seem to be?



give the proper extract

can't understand

What is the difference between the two descriptions of Billie's physcial condition?


what are the descriptions?

Story about time you had to overcome a bas situation at work


I was on my way to work when my boss called me, his name was George. I was only 30 seconds late and he was already calling me to ask where I was. Of course, I was in front of the workplace. But, even so George was angered to know that I was even 30 secs late. I tried to explain that there was traffic but George did not believe me. He shouted and scorned at me till his face became a red color.

When he was over his yelling and scorning, he ordered me to go back to work. So, I did and I thought of the many ways I could try and sew my boss for bad management. However, I couldn’t because he hadn’t committed any crimes seen to the naked eye. Still, in my heart I had wished that he was as miserable as I was. Yet, I had to bury these feelings way down inside.

One day I just got used to it. I got used to the torture of working for George. I felt like a trapped Persephone in the world of the dead. Even though I was not in love with my employer; I entirely despised him, I did begin to see him as my savior. He got me a job even though I had absolutely no job experience. And, he was in his own ways kind yet he was like a man of two faces one in the front, the other in the back.

How does exaggeration help describe the squirrels personality? ( Paragraph 47: At that point, there were no thoughts in his squirrel head, not even thoughts of food.)


who are these people, what are they doing, and what wonderful or terrible ... get a character from home to work and back again. ... But here's something you might not have thought of.

discrib an occasion when someone you know abused his or her authority ​



The misuse of authority is usually referred to as Corruption. Corruption hinders the progress of a state by benefiting people at only the individual level and not contributing to the general good of the masses.Like wise I saw the woman pinched her child's arm and when he cries, she swears and blames him for making a big fuse and when an old lady shouted her then she just hit him hard and crossed the road. I was behind her last month.Not super- hard, you understand, but borderline was really rough.

le correct answer.
Which statement best explains why writers of persuasive essays usually write in third-person voice?
They want readers to see detailed descriptions of events, characters, and settings.
OB. They want readers to see their essays as detached and fair and not as personal, biased opinion.
OC. They center on a hypothesis that is based on personal values or reactions to developments or policies.
OD. They use descriptive language to "show" readers what happened, rather than "telling" them.
O E. They want readers to imagine themselves in their essay and relate to the issues being discussed.
mentum. All rights reserved.





The patients have -----------recovered. Note that more than one possible answer maybe acceptable





The patients have been recovered.

select the correct text in the passage. Which words and phrases show that the passage is a reliable source?



history department one


Read the poem below and answer the question that follows “ Apostrophe to man” by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Discuss how word choice affects the mood of this poem.



Sorry But I Cannot See The Poem...


The word choice in this poem sets a heavy tone. The poem is about war; lines such as "Put death on the market" and "Detestable race, continue to expunge yourself, die out" contain words that set a darker tone/mood.


Other Questions
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