Samuel baked 81 cakes how many more cake does Samuel have to bake to have 123 cakes


Answer 1


42 cakes

Step-by-step explanation:

123 - 81 = 42


Answer 2

Samuel needs to bake 42 more cakes to have a total of 123 cakes.

To find out how many more cakes Samuel needs to bake to have a total of 123 cakes, we subtract the number of cakes he already baked from the desired total.

Total desired cakes: 123

Cakes already baked: 81

To find the remaining cakes, we subtract the number of cakes already baked from the desired total:

123 - 81 = 42

Therefore, Samuel needs to bake 42 more cakes to have a total of 123 cakes.

To know more about  cakes , here


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Noah charges $20 for each lawn that he mows.



m = 20 * n

Step-by-step explanation:

The money that he earns is equal  the amount earned per lawn times the amount of lawns that he mows

m = 20 * n


60 = 3 x 20

Step-by-step explanation:

60 = m

3 = c

20 = n

Find the measure of each side of this triangles. Answer in exact form.​




[tex]sin(60)=\frac{x}{8\sqrt{5} } ,\:\:cos(60)=\frac{y}{8\sqrt{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\frac{\sqrt{3} }{2} =\frac{x}{8\sqrt{5} } \:\:\:\:\frac{1}{2} =\frac{y}{8\sqrt{15} }[/tex]

[tex]2x=8\sqrt{5} \times\sqrt{3} \:\;\:\:2y=1\times8\sqrt{15}[/tex]

[tex]2x=\frac{8\sqrt{15} }{2} \:\:\:\:2y=8\sqrt{15}[/tex]

[tex]x=8\sqrt{15} /2\:\:\: y=8\sqrt{15} /2[/tex]

[tex]x=4\sqrt{15}[/tex]    [tex]y=4\sqrt{15}[/tex]


The image is attached below. Thank you
Use the drawing tools to form the correct answer on the graph.
Plot function g on the graph



Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

same as the person above plato 2022'

Determine whether the given sequence could be arithmetic. If so, identify the first difference and the next term.
-6, -11, -16, -21, -26.....



The first difference is -5. The next term is -31.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you find the difference between -6 and -11, then you get -5.

And, all the other ones also have differences of -5, so basically, the next term is -31.

Thanks! Please mark me Brainliest!


It could be arithmeticIf so, then the first difference is  -5   and the next term is   -31  



Pick any term and subtract off the previous term

term2 - term1 = -11 - (-6) = -11 + 6 = -5term3 - term2 = -16 - (-11) = -16 + 11 = -5term4 - term3 = -21 - (-16) = -21 + 16 = -5term5 - term4 = -26 - (-21) = -26 + 21 = -5

No matter what we picked, we end up with the same result which is -5. This is the common difference aka first difference.

If this pattern keeps up forever, then the sequence is arithmetic.

And if the pattern keeps up, then the next term would be

term6 = term5 + (common difference)

term6 = -26 + (-5)

term6 = -31

Note: Adding -5 is the same as subtracting 5.

moses is inviting 10 friends to a party each friend wants 4 cookies and each box has 10 cookies how many boxes should moses get?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since each friend wants 4 cookies, and there are 10 friends, there are 10 x 4 = 40 cookies total Moses should buy. Since each cookie box has 10 cookies in it, he should buy 40/10 = 4 total cookie boxes.

Find the intersection of the line and the circle given below



There are two points of intersection

(-4,1) and (1,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:


the guy above me is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

Which system of inequalities is shown?





Step-by-step explanation:

this is because the first line is passing through the point 4 on the y axis but the line drawn isn't a solid line therefore the answer will just be y<4, not less than or equal to.

while for the second line it's cutting the graph into two equal parts,the shaded part represents y<x you can prove it by getting two points on that side of the graph let's say (-5,5)

this will be -5<5..which is right.

I hope this helps

multiplication between exponentiation number 648



648 is the sum of consecutive prime numbers 317 and 331.

The sixth root of 648 begins with 2.941682753. Notice all the digits from 1 to 9 appear somewhere in those nine decimal places. states that 648 is the smallest number that can make that claim.

From I learned some powerful facts about the number 648:

16² – 17² + 18² – 19² + 20² – 21² +22² – 23² + 24² – 25² + 26² – 27² + 28² – 29² + 30² – 31² + 32² = 648

48² – 47² + 46² – 45² + 44² – 43² +42² – 41² + 40² – 39² + 38² – 37² + 36² – 35² + 34² – 33² = 648

(1^2)(2^3)(3^4) = 648

18² + 18²  = 648

(6^3) + (6^3) + (6^3) =648


Print the puzzles or type the solution on this excel file: 10 Factors 2015-10-12


648 is a composite number.

Prime factorization: 648 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3, which can be written 648 = (2^3) x (3^4)

The exponents in the prime factorization are 3 and 4. Adding one to each and multiplying we get (3 + 1)(4 + 1) = 4 x 5 = 20. Therefore 648 has exactly 20 factors.

Factors of 648: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 27, 36, 54, 72, 81, 108, 162, 216, 324, 648

Factor pairs: 648 = 1 x 648, 2 x 324, 3 x 216, 4 x 162, 6 x 108, 8 x 81, 9 x 72, 12 x 54, 18 x 36, or 24 x 27

Taking the factor pair with the largest square number factor, we get √648 = (√324)(√2) = 18√2 ≈ 25.455844122…

1) Determine the sum of row 19 in Pascal's triangle


Answer: 262144

Step-by-step explanation: You can calculate & draw it out. Then, add the values in the second-to-bottom row of the picture below.

262144 if I'm correct....

Which graph shows the solution set for 2 x + 3 greater-than negative 9? A number line going from negative 8 to positive 2. An open circle is at negative 3. Everything to the left of the circle is shaded. A number line going from negative 8 to positive 2. An open circle is at negative 3. Everything to the right of the circle is shaded. A number line going from negative 8 to positive 2. An open circle is at negative 6. Everything to the left of the circle is shaded. A number line going from negative 8 to positive 2. An open circle is at negative 6. Everything to the right of the circle is shaded.


Step-by-step explanation:

A number line going from negative 8 to positive 2. An open circle is at negative 6. Everything to the right of the circle is shaded

A pharmacist wants to make 36ml of a 65% hydrogen peroxide solution. how many pls of 75% hydrogen peroxide must he mix with 57% hydrogen peroxide to make the desired solution?



16 mls of the 75% solution and 20 mls of the 0.57% solution.

Step-by-step explanation:

Set up a system of equations:

Let x = volume of 75% solution and y be volume of 57% solution

0.75x + 0.57y = 36*0.65

0.75x + 0.57y = 23.4.......(1)

x + y = 36.........(2)

From equation (2):

y = 36 - x

Substituting this into equation(1):

0.75x + (0.57(36 - x) = 23.4

0.75x + 20.52 - 0.57x = 23.4

0.18x = 23.40 - 20.52 = 2.88

x = 2.88/0.18

x = 16

so from equation (2): y = 36-16 = 20.

solve each question please thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

I need help with this​



[see below]

Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection over the x axis is: [tex](x,y)\rightarrow(x,-y)[/tex]

(0, -2) - > (0, 2)

(5, -1) - > (5, 1)

(2, -4) - > (2, 4)

A'B'C'  should be (0,2), (5,1) and (2,4). (Or option B)

Hope this helps.

A principal P is to be invested at continuous compound interest of 1.9% to yield $50,000 in 20 years. What is the approximate value of P to be invested?


Answer:  $34,193.07

You may need to delete the dollar sign and/or the comma when typing in the answer.


Work Shown:

[tex]A = P*e^{rt}\\\\50,000 = P*e^{0.019*20}\\\\50,000 = P*e^{0.38}\\\\P = \frac{50,000}{e^{0.38}}\\\\P \approx 34,193.0704606\\\\P \approx 34,193.07\\\\[/tex]

Side note: the 'e' is a special constant roughly equal to 2.71828...

Pleaseee helllppppp!



The terminal point of [tex]\theta[/tex] is [tex]\left(\dfrac{1}{2},\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)[/tex].

To find:

The value of [tex]\sin \theta[/tex].


If the terminal point of [tex]\theta[/tex] is [tex](x,y)[/tex], then

[tex]\sin \theta = \dfrac{y}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}[/tex]

The terminal point of [tex]\theta[/tex] is [tex]\left(\dfrac{1}{2},\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)[/tex]. So,

[tex]\sin \theta = \dfrac{\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}{\sqrt{\left(\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^2+\left(\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\sin \theta = \dfrac{\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}{\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{4}+\dfrac{3}{4}}}[/tex]

[tex]\sin \theta = \dfrac{\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}{\sqrt{1}}[/tex]

[tex]\sin \theta = \dfrac{\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}}{1}[/tex]

[tex]\sin \theta =\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Julio has a net pay of $ 537.00 each paycheck. He pays $ 142.00 in pre-tax deductions and taxes each paycheck. What is Julio's gross income before the tax deductions?



Julio's gross income before the tax deductions is $ 405.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that Julio has a net pay of $ 537.00 each paycheck, and he pays $ 142.00 in pre-tax deductions and taxes each paycheck, to determine what is Julio's gross income before the tax deductions the following calculation must be performed:

547 - 142 = X

405 = X

Therefore, Julio's gross income before the tax deductions is $ 405.




False, false

Step-by-step explanation:

I’m not 100% sure but I think that’s the correct answer

Please help! Brainiest will be given for correct answers only.



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 + 10x+25 =0

This is the sum of squares

(x+5)^2 =0

x = -5   one solution

x^2 +5x = 0

x(x+5) = 0

x=0   x=-5   two solutions

x^2 -10x +25 = 0

This is the difference of squares

(x-5)^2 = 0

x=5   one solution

x^2 -25 =0

x^2 = 25

x = ±5   two solutions


[tex] x^2+10x+25=0\\\\(x)^2+2.x.5+(5)^2\\\\(x+5)^2 [/tex]

one solution

[tex]x^2+5x=0\\\\x(x+5)=0\\\\x=0,x+5=0 [/tex]

two solution


one solution

[tex]x^2-25=0\\\\x^2=25\\\\x= \binom{ + }{ - }5 [/tex]

two solution

A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of adults who have​ high-speed Internet access. What size sample should be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within with ​% confidence if ​(a) she uses a previous estimate of ​? ​(b) she does not use any prior​ estimates?



732 samples ;

752 samples

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

α = 90% ; M.E = 0.03 ; p = 0.58 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.58 = 0.42

Using the relation :

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.58 * 0.42) / 0.03²

n = 0.65918769 / 0.0009

n = 732.43076

n = 732 samples


If no prior estimate is given, then p = 0.5 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.5 * 0.5) / 0.03²

n = 0.67650625 / 0.0009

n = 751.67361

n = 752 samples

Which table represents a linear function? Y X y 7 1 XEM 1 N N 9 13 21 Ž 3 -- 4 2 4 O 6 16 30. witch table is a liner function.​



1st option (top left)

Step-by-step explanation:

1st option represents a linear function

y = x/2

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Your help is very much appreciated and I will mark you brainliest:)


9514 1404 393


  (c)  Yes, SSS

Step-by-step explanation:

The three pairs of corresponding sides have the same ratio:

  12/8 = 15/10 = 21/14 = 3/2

The triangles are similar by SSS.


No angles are shown, so SAS and AAA cannot apply.

A dress is on sale for $98. What was the original price of the dress if the discount was 1/3 of the original price?


If I read it correctly, you need to multiply 98 by three so the answer is 294

The original price of the dress is $294 if the dress is on sale for $98.

What is a fraction?

Fraction number consists of two parts, one is the top of the fraction number which is called the numerator and the second is the bottom of the fraction number which is called the denominator.

We have:

A dress is on sale for $98.

Discount price = (1/3)original price

Let x be the original price of the dress.

We can make a mathematical equation:

(1/3)x = 98

x = $294

Thus, the original price of the dress is $294 if the dress is on sale for $98.

Learn more about the fraction here:


Accidents on highways are one of the main causes of death or injury in developing countries and the weather conditions have an impact on the rates of death and injury. In foggy, rainy, and sunny conditions, 1/6, 1/12, and 1/21 of the accidents result in death, respectively. Sunny conditions occur 64% of the time, while rainy and foggy conditions each occur 18% of the time.
What is the probability that an accident results in a death? Round your answer to three decimal places (e.g. 98.765).


shining dnkxdvsuxnxkjdndnx

Plzz help me with my summer school work


I have summer school work too omg!!! it’s annoying

Given m||n, find the value of x.




Step-by-step explanation:

They are supplementary and add to 180 so subtract 126 from 180 and you get 54

What is the answer for -7 x 7 please say the explanation too.


-7 x 7 = -49

We can first figure out 7 x 7, which will be 49. Once we have that, we can look at our negatives. If we have an odd number of negative signs, the answer will be negative. If we have an even number of negative signs, the answer will be positive. In this case, we only have 1 negative sign, and 1 is odd, therefore our answer will be odd.


Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

i cant find a way to explain but you can count or use a table

You think that $39,500 is a good salary and are interested in a job with Fast Pax. What other information might you want to know about Fast Pax salaries, and why?


How many holidays you can get in the year
How much money you lose if you do not come for a day

Which inequality best represent that ice cream at -3°C is cooler than ice cream at 1°C?


Its Option 2

-3°C < 1°C


The best possible interpretation will be the above.

To show -3 cooler we will use this sign <

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

The credit department of Lion's Department Store in Anaheim, California, reported that 30% of their sales are cash, 30% are paid with a credit card, and 40% with a debit card. Twenty percent of the cash purchases, 90% of the credit card purchases, and 60% of the debit card purchases are for more than $50. Ms. Tina Stevens just purchased a new dress that cost $120. What is the probability that she paid cash?



Hence the probability that she paid cash is  0.105

Step-by-step explanation:  

P(cash) = 0.3  

P(credit card ) = 0.3  

P(debit card ) = 0.4  

P ( more than $50 | cash ) = 0.2  

P (more than $50 | credit card ) =0.9  

P (more than $ 50 |debit card ) = 0.6  

P ( more than $50) = P ( more than $50 | cash )* P (cash) + P (more than $50 credit card ) * P(credit card ) + P (more than $ 50 |debit card )* P(debit card )  

= 0.2 * 0.3 + 0.9 * 0.3 + 0.6* 0.4  

= 0.57  

P ( more than $50) = P ( more than $50 | cash )* P (cash) / P ( more than $50)  

= 0.2* 0.3 / 0.57  

= 0.105



A translation by 3 units down and 1 unit to the left

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
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