she said,"would you like me to help you (indirect speech)​


Answer 1




She asked if you would like her to help you.

Related Questions

aktiviti yang manakah meningkatkan kelenturan​



what does that mean ?? let me know if you need any help

outdo to the students of the African Americans have you seen it on your first day back in my head is




hahaha why would i even look




What do you call the Swiss president’s airplane?

Answer: Tobler One.

plz plzzz helpp mee
look photo
plz help asap
i will give brainliest



They said that they forgot to inform you and that they are really sorry

2.The mayor said that he was going to introduce a new system to reduce crime

3.The reporter said to the official that can he give more information about the plan

4.The man said that if i work for him i will be rich soon

5.The woman said that she does not want to buy the watch because it is expensive.

6.The teacher said to the class to study the text carefully.

7.The man said that he could help me with my work.

8. The headmaster said to my parents to come to his office tomorrow morning please.

weroc arange in words​




Step-by-Step Explanation:

There could be a lot of other words, but I found it on Wordsolver.




What view point is being expressed in the e-mail


hi how

Choose the best word to complete the analogy. fish : school :: bee :
Answer choices :


The answer is colony

In not more than 250 words write a letter to your friend in another town tell him about three things that make you feel happy in your school. ​


School brings me joy because I spend time with friends and teachers. I learn new things, which makes me smarter. I also learn to get new skills like speaking up and communication with others.

Write the word that is part of speech indicated in the parenthesis




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


adjective is itchy on Melanie wore on itchy sweater

his excellent performance surprised everyone into interrogative​



Did his excellent performance surprise everyone?


I guess its right!!!

my day has been going good because

Read the Bible passage.
Exodus 26:1
This passage…..



Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.



Exodus is a book from the Bible where Moses frees the slaves from Egypt, and wrote the ten commandments from the Lord in the Old Testament. the verse above explains how they should make the tabernacle in details. like in the book of Genesis (means beginning), God told Noah how to build an Ark for his family and all the animals in pairs in detail, like 30 cubits.

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. before you take the test; make sure you study.


Where is b? Or is it just A

in which case do we experience more friction while walking or running​


We experience more friction while running.

While running exerts more force on ground to go ahead.For which we experience more friction to go forward.When we walks we experience a low friction because we exerts a low force.

Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

Discussion Question(s): The power to shape the world into a better place rests within each of us. Our communities can only thrive if each of us are willing to step up and become an active citizen of our area. a) Discuss what are some positive benefits and outcomes, for yourself and the community, in your decision to become involved in a local program as a contributor, member, or volunteer. b) Who in your community (i.e. homeless, disadvantaged elementary school kids, etc.) would you like to help out or work more with? Why are you so passionate about that population? c) How can you get involved, even now, to helping that group out? What is a specific community program, group, social media campaign, etc. that you can become a part of locally? If you don’t have an idea, who or where can you find more information on how to get involved?



Better environment are always better for everyone.


it's possible Everyone benefits from a cleaner environment. Participate in community service. Support local businesses, especially those that serve the homeless and others who are disadvantaged.


Exercise 6. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.
1. I used to like Joe a lot but I’ve gone off/out him since I discovered he’d lied to me.





I used to like Joe but I've gone off him since I discovered he lied to me




I am just guessing. sorry if it's a mistake.

A Writers choice and arrangement of words is called____.



A Writer choice and arrangement of words is called diction .

(1 - 3). Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. A. instead B. head C. eat D. weather 2. A. replace. B. raise C. badly D. save
3. A. caused B. promised C. advertised D. raised​



1). C). Eat

2). C). Badly

3). C). Advertised


Pronunciation plays a key role in determining the meaning of the words especially when they contain similar sounds. The words whose underlined portions pronounce differently are mentioned above.

In the first question, the words 'instead,' 'head,' and 'weather,' the morpheme '-ea' is pronounced similarly as 'e^.' While in 'eat,' it is pronounced as 'i:t.' Thus, 'eat' possesses a distinct pronunciation among the words provided in the group.

In the second, the sound of '-a' is similarly pronounced in 'save,' 'replace,' and 'raise' as 'ei.' However, in the word 'badly,' 'a' has a deeper sound as 'ae' and it is pronounced in a different manner. Hence option C is the correct answer.

Similarly, in the last question, the words 'caused,' 'promised,' and 'raised' read the participle suffix '-ed' in the same manner as ';zed' while 'advertised' is pronounced as '-aized.' Hence, it has a varied sound and thus, option C is correct again.

When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ......... all of Dan Brown's novels
A. have read
B. read
C. have been reading
D. be reading


When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ...( read )...... all of Dan Brown's novels

Since each novel in the Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown stands alone, it is not required to read them in order. However, because many of us who like thriller books like to read our series in order, I do suggest starting with Angels & Demons. Thus, option B is correct.

What best define about The Da Vinci Code?

The producers, however, have made the tough decision to wrap up The Da Vinci Code earlier than anticipated because of the present difficulties associated with travelling. We hope to watch this fantastic performance again soon, since we are so proud of the cast and creative team's hard work in making it.

Although they are based on the same book series, The Da Vinci Code (2006), Angels & Demons (2009), and Inferno are the films that are in the chronological order of the books (2016).

Therefore, When I've finished The Da Vinci Code, I'll (read ) all of Dan Brown's novels.

Learn more about Da Vinci Code here:


Which sentence most clearly contains imagery


The correct answer is a


The answer is A. "A sudden stabbing pain in my head made me wince."


Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the worsening law and order situation in your town. (formal letter)​


Answer: Dear sir/ma'am;

As a good law abiding citizen, I come to you with the most urgent of matters. I have observed the rising of crime and disorder in our fair town, I and I come to you to plea that you would kindly raise awareness about this situation to the public. I fear for our safety, and I feel as if I'm at my wits end. I would appreciate it, you would be doing a service for your country, for you town, and for your fellow citizens.

All my respect;

( name here )


Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. Although she was sick today, she still went to work.
B. Don't touch the hot stove!
C. I can't believe it is already Friday!
D. The team was very happy they finally won.





A complex sentence has an independent clause & a dependent clause which are usually seperated by a comma.

A hope this helps!!! :)

The interiors are then ______________ thoroughly. In the Mid-Atlantic region there is little exposed rock , so the cars act as a ________________ surface to attract marine life.


The sussy Baka theory will answer this, the sussy Baka theory portrays the characteristic of sussyness

Read the passage from The Odyssey - Teiresias. One narrow strait may take you through his blows: denial of yourself, restraint of shipmates. When you make landfall on Thrinakia first and quit the violet sea, dark on the land you'll find the grazing herds of Helios by whom all things are seen, all speech is known. Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction for ship and crew. Which excerpt from the passage best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict


Answer: restrain of shipments.


A character vs. character conflict, ocurs when two characters have needs, desires, beliefs or motivations which place them in opposition with one another.

The excerpt from the passage that best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict is the restrain of shipments. It should be noted that the restrain of shipments in this case is regarded to be partially a character versus character conflict.

Fathers have indispensable ......... to play in the lives of their children



responsibility ig?



Fathers have an indispensable responsibility to play in the lives of their children.

What is  indispensable responsibility?

An employee who is expected to be present at all times is a vital employee. Unavoidable duty that cannot be avoided or disregarded. anything or someone essential.

When something or someone is completely required by other things or people and cannot exist without them, it is said to be essential. The term "necessary party" refers to a party to a proceeding who must be joined in order for the court to render and enforce a final judgment.

On the surface, it makes sense to become indispensible. If they need you around, having a job will be more secure for you. You may even achieve fame.

Thus, it is responsibility.

For more information about  indispensable responsibility, click here:


answer please it's urgent​




The man was not happy because he had to act different from what he normally acted like

She lost her costumer because they would only come to bye cloths and maybe a fruit on thier way home

The boat probably sank

though the king gave them what they wanted they were not satisfied so no they wern't happy

I don't know the answer to this one but the last one you should name it the exchange because they all gave up something they had for something else

Please help,advertisement writing



ehnsnd mashinsusjdjid

I need help with this


i think “in the era” is too formal for that sentence

2. Rewrite each sentence and fiil out the spaces with
1. You
tidy up your room.
2. You
3. You
4. You
play with fire.
5. You
be home on time.
do your



1. Must

2. Musn't

3. Must

4. Musn't

5. Must


1. Cleaning your room is beneficial.

2. Smoking is hazardous.

3. Doing your homework is also beneficial.

4. Playing with fire is also hazard.

5. Being home on time is beneficial as well.

Punctuation and capitalization
1)Mannie Dookie a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915 made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve the youths running abilities were discovered. At fifteet,he was defeating much older runners unable to afford to buy shoes he ran bare footed and became known as the bare footed runner .Read more about him in" heroes of the people".



After punctuating and capitalizing the passage, it becomes:

1. Mannie Dookie, a top-class runner who was born at St James in 1915, made his entrance early on the sporting scene. At twelve, the youth's running abilities were discovered. At fifteen, he was defeating much older runners. Unable to afford to buy shoes, he ran barefooted, and became known as the Barefooted Runner. Read more about him in "Heroes of the People".


We must capitalize the first word of each new sentence after a period. Proper names such as people's names or names of countries must also be capitalized.Whenever we finish a complete thought and start a new sentence, we must use a period.The use of commas unfolds into different rules. For instance, when we add an appositive to a sentence, that is, a word or phrase that explains another word, we place it between commas. Commas are also used to separate items in a list, even if each item is an entire clause. Commas also separate introductory phrases from the rest of the sentence.

Plz look the photo
and help me asap plz plz
i will give brainliest
plz use modal deduction:must,can’t,might,could have +p.participle



He must have gotten a promotion.I'm sure I've seen him before, but I just can't remember where exactly. He could be feeling sad and disheartened. I might have positioned my foot incorrectly on the pedal. I'm worried she may be scared of being all alone. She could have fallen asleep. She must have been very tired.She may be struggling financially.

Other Questions
Lily would like to gather more information about investing in stock. What resources can she use to find out more information 52 POINTS I need help!Question 1The vertex form of the equation of a vertical parabola is given by, where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola and the absolute value of p is the distance from the vertex to the focus, which is also the distance from the vertex to the directrix. You will use the GeoGebra geometry tool to create a vertical parabola and write the vertex form of its equation. Open GeoGebra, and complete each step below. If you need help, follow these instructions for using GeoGebra.Part AMark the focus of the parabola you are going to create at F(6, 4). Draw a horizontal line that is 6 units below the focus. This line will be the directrix of your parabola. What is the equation of the line?Part BConstruct the line that is perpendicular to the directrix and passes through the focus. This line will be the axis of symmetry of the parabola. What are the coordinates of the point of intersection, A, of the axis of symmetry and the directrix of the parabola?Part CExplain how you can locate the vertex, V, of the parabola with the given focus and directrix. Write the coordinates of the vertex.Part DWhich way will the parabola open? Explain.Part EHow can you find the value of p? Is the value of p for your parabola positive or negative? Explain.Part FWhat is the value of p for your parabola?Part GBased on your responses to parts C and E above, write the equation of the parabola in vertex form. Show your work.Part HConstruct the parabola using the parabola tool in GeoGebra. Take a screenshot of your work, save it, and insert the image below.Part IOnce you have constructed the parabola, use GeoGebra to display its equation. In the space below, rearrange the equation of the parabola shown in GeoGebra, and check whether it matches the equation in the vertex form that you wrote in part G. Show your work. Part JTo practice writing the equations of vertical parabolas, write the equations of these parabolas in vertex form: focus at (-5, -3), and directrix y = -6 focus at (10, -4), and directrix y = 6. What process creates new cells?A. cell divisionB. cell metamorphosisC. cellokinesis the inverse of f(x) is a function true or false The sun was shining on the sea shining with all his might what figurative language is this? Find the tangent line equations for the given functions at the given point(s): f(x) = tan x + 9 sin x at (, 0) Part CNext, you'll write a comparison of rhetoric in Stantons speech "A Plea for the Oppressed" and Lewis's speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking. First, plan out your analysis by answering the questions in the table.ANSWER: PLATOA Plea for the Oppressed by Lucy StantonWhat is the speakers purpose or point of view?What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?Reformers should all work together to end slavery.Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values.Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.Comparing Rhetoric in Stantons A Plea for the Oppressed and Lewiss Speech at the King Memorial GroundbreakingHow does Stantons rhetoric compare with Lewiss? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of Kings. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos. Find the volume of this solid. Select three physical forms of storage. USB drive Primary cache Magnetic storage Secondary cache Dynamic RAM Optical drive The compound chromium(II) chloride is a strong electrolyte. Write the transformation that occurs when solid chromium(II) chloride dissolves in water. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s). The heights of 200 adults were recorded and divided into two categoriesWhich two-way frequency table correctly shows the marginal frequencies An organic compound has the empirical formula C2H4O. what is the compound?a. butanoic acidb. butanolc. ethanoic acidd. ethanol Find the area of the shaded regions: the green is the shaded areaPLS HELP ME!!!! I NEED THE ANSWER BY THIS EVENING CUZ I HAVE RSM TOMORROW. PLS HELP!!!!! Although some people think that video games are a waste of time they can teach young Some valuable skills On a world , the distance between city A and city B is 5,625 inches. The two cities are actually 1688 miles apart. On the same , what would be the distance between city C and city D, two cities that are actually 1296 miles apart? Use a proportion to solve this problem. What is binary number system? Why is it used in computer system? Solve the following equation for aa. Be sure to take into account whether a letter is capitalized or not. The ____ claims that social and economic inequality reflects differences in intelligence. what is Lewis acid and Lewis base? give examples The mass of a hot-air balloon and its occupants is 381 kg (excluding the hot air inside the balloon). The air outside the balloon has a pressure of 1.01 x 105 Pa and a density of 1.29 kg/m3. To lift off, the air inside the balloon is heated. The volume of the heated balloon is 480 m3. The pressure of the heated air remains the same as that of the outside air. To what temperature in kelvins must the air be heated so that the balloon just lifts off