Assinale a alternativa que apresenta erro de colocação pronominal: *
1 ponto
a) Você não devia calar-se.
b) Não lhe darei qualquer informação.
c) O filho não o atendeu.
d) Se apresentar-lhe os pêsames, faço-o discretamente.
e) Ninguém quer aconselhá-lo.


Answer 1


erro de colocação pronominal: a) Você não devia calar-se. b) Não lhe darei qualquer informação. c) O filho não ...

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Las hijas de Verónica ________ ya. No las veo aquí. (salir)





[16/7 9:35 p. m.] .ɄƐŒwinnyel: Casi no hablamos mucho

[16/7 9:35 p. m.] .ɄƐŒwinnyel:

For the sentence below, which answer would be the most vivid rewrite of the underlined phrase?

The seaplane, visible against the blue sky, circled twice before landing on the placid waters of Lake Union.
The luminescent, teal-green seaplane, a dragonfly against the pearl sky
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The tiny seaplane, making its way across the vast miles of sky
The little seaplane, so small against the much bigger sky




The unimaginably small seaplane, barely visible against an amazing sky


List any 10 kpop songs name...
No jpt message!!!!​


[tex] \huge \fbox \colorbox{lavender}{Answer}[/tex]

List any 10 kpop songs name...

Mic dropIdolAfter SchoolRollin'Ddu ddu DduPretty SavageLovesick GirlsLove ShotI'm not CoolDessertBoy with luvMirohBack DoorGod's menu Kick BackWannabeIn the morningSoloGoneOn the GroundNext levelWeekendReady to loveMake itFirstWhy notilla illaCelebrity

There are so many Songs But I tell you only few songs!


Mic drop


After School


Ddu ddu Ddu

Pretty Savage

Lovesick Girls

Love Shot

I'm not Cool


Boy with luv


Back Door

God's menu

Kick Back


In the morning



On the Ground

Next level


Ready to love

Make it


Why not

illa illa


so many you cannot count it

What is the meaning of bsdk ?



Nutaq Board Software Development Kit 

I think

hãy làm 1 đoạn văn nghị luận xã hội phân tích về văn bản khi con tu hú



Please do a piece of social commentary analyzing the text when you are a child

कथयनययक की रूलच लकन लकन कययों मेंथी ?



But what was the greed of Kathyanayak?


चीटियों से हमें कौन-सी प्रेरणा मिलती है?​


एक छोटा सा प्राणी होकर इतनी बड़ी सीख । चींटी सिखाती है मिलकर काम करना बहुत बार देखा , है जब एक चींटी कुछ उठाने में असमर्थ होती है तो उसकी मदद के लिए और चींटियां भी आ जाती हैं , और चारों तरफ से उस वस्तु को घेरकर घसीटते हुए ले जातीं हैं । चींटी सिखाती है कुछ भविष्य के लिए भी संजोकर रखना चाहिए ।


अपने आनेवाले कल को सुरक्षित रखना कोई इन चीटियों से सीख सकता है। चींटी का एक दुसरे के साथ परस्पर सहयोग होता हैं, आज अगर किसी को भोजन नहीं मिला तो, आपस में भोजन बाँट लेती हैं।

A class took a survey to decide where to go on a class trip, and they want to make a chart to see how popular each choice was. Will the need to make any changes to the data before creating the chart





in order they can get a correct survey and so that there won't be any mistakes that may acquire

How do celebrities influence people?



they influence pipol to dress like them


celebrtiesi influence people by what they wear and how they act. The people who stan/follow the celebrities will do what the celebrity does.


1) Esses textos têm em comum o fato de * 1 ponto A) serem textos informativos. Ambos os textos estão centralizados em fatos/acontecimentos. B) serem textos argumentativos. Ambos os textos narram histórias envolvendo personagens. C) serem textos epistolares. O TEXTO 01 é uma carta pessoal e o TEXTO 02 é uma carta aberta. D) serem textos epistolares. O TEXTO 01 é uma carta aberta e o TEXTO 02 é uma carta pessoal. 2) No TEXTO 01, a expressão "Muito cordialmente," utilizada na despedida é típica da linguagem * 1 ponto A) científica. B) coloquial. C) formal. D) regional.​



Ysusisididjdndnksudddkufbdskd dndidd

d ac  eot ex to no a  te   pote como aj umdo    t

What's easier to learn for a person who knows english. Spanish Or German? Pls explain


German. It’s a phonetic language which makes pronunciation easy


The answer is not definite


Each is a foreign language, they both use the pheonecian alphabet (abcedfg with accents like äéþð) and are not that similar to english, but from a person who knows spanish, I would say that spanish is easier due to the slight more similarity to english. Also spanish is much more usable is the US than german. If you go to the lower west Coast (LA, San Jose, San Francisco) more than 30% of the population speaks spanish so its very useful. If hyou are asking this for highschool classes, I would choose spanish

How did the improvements made to the park create new and unexpected problems?

The many improvements made to the park included the Zion‐Mount Carmel Tunnel, which allowed people who did not value nature to visit the park. As a result, people in the area started visiting other national parks more than coming to Zion.
The many improvements made to the park increased the size of the facilities, allowing more people to hold special events at Zion National Park. As a result, more damage was done to the landscape by irresponsible visitors to the events at the park.
The many improvements made to the park made it easier to access the area and provided more recreation opportunities. As a result, the park's popularity increased, leading to huge numbers of visitors and the problems that come with them.
The many improvements made to the park made it necessary to start charging money for admission. Since people thought that the park was exclusive. More people wanted to come, so they could take pictures with the hanging gardens.


Vas happenin!
It’s been a while
I think it’s B
Sorry if it’s wrong
Hope this helps *smiles*

 Its B


if all fails

A major rule in using coordination is that a writer must coordinate sentence elements of _____.

1:conditional relationships
2:the same grammatical type
3:different types
4:lesser importance



2. the same grammatical type


7. The expression denim can be translated as let's have breakfast VERO/FALSO

8. The verb 'mangiare can be translated as to eat, VERO/FALSO

9.What does Bere mean


Bere means drinking/ drink
7. Falso
8. Vero
9. Bere means drinking

Can someone find me the exact translation of each of the three sentences? (See picture below)


I think these are the answers, the first one is There are seven days in a week, the second is There are four weeks in a month, and the third one is There is 12 months in a year.
There are 7 days in a week
There are 4 weeks in a month
There are 12 months in a year

Which factors are used to differentiate climate regions?



weather condition,temperature and humidity

water condition temperature


1.- Barbara …………… (live) in Greece for three years before she ………… (move) to Italy.
2.-My team …………….. (not win) the football match because they ……………. (play) badly.
3.-The teacher ……………. (punish) the student because he …….……. (be) very naughty.
4.-By winter, the new soap opera ……………. (become) the most popular show on TV.
5.-He …………… (mug) three passengers by the time the police …………….. (arrive)
6.-The pirates ……………. (hijack) an enormous ship two months ago in Somalia.
7.-The captain of the ship ………………….(surrender) because he … ……… (hate) violence.
8.-The journalist …………. (interview) the famous actress before the TV…………. (come)
9.-Everyone ……………. (leave) the train before the bomb ……………… (explode)
10.- By the time my mum …………..… (prepare) lunch, we ………….. (lay) the table.



1 lived,moved

2 did not,played

3 punished, had been

4 became

5 mugged, arrived

6 hijacked

7 surrendered, hated

8 interviewed, came

9 left, exploded

10 prepared, laid

An altlas is a collection of statisical date ranging one year. True of false ?



[tex]false \: [/tex]

hope that helps uh..

Part A: which statement best expresses a theme of the short story
A it’s better to downplay your own intelligence.
B the government has been known to violate people’s rights .
C high intelligence can be viewed as a dangerous thing.
Sprocket have higher expectations for children as they grow up



for me the correct answer is c

pls can anyone say me the of this pls​



cant, but do know a little like 2 words i hope all can help and as much ideal...


In Mexico, deaf people are most likely to celebrate

American Deaf cultural holidays
American national holidays
the holidays of other countries
their national cultural holidays



“In Mexico and many Latin American countries, Deaf people are more commonly called 'sordomudos. '” Deaf children in Mexico do not always attend special schools for the Deaf taught by Deaf teachers and mentors. Instead, they attend schools for children with communication challenges

what factors shape the poets identities?



The culture, language, and religion a person is surrounded by are three very important parts of their identity. These elements change the outlook people have on the world and the lives they lead everyday. Their opinions, views, practices, and self-image are all affected by these ingredients.

Identity is :

Identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person or group. One can regard the awareness and the categorizing of identity as positive or as destructive. A psychological identity relates to self-image, self-esteem, and individuality.

What do you say after you eat in Japanese


it's said like this :-




Oishii .                


In which year the Indian statistical institute was established



In December 17 ,1931 the Indian statistical institute was established.

observe a figura, em que as retas r e s são paralelas e responda. *

Qual a medida do ângulo indicado pela letra x?


e prova plsss me ajudem



you answer is the option c) 50°..


180°-130°= 50°

What does this mean translated in English?



Um, I think it means like "My strong self, in other words, gathering strength.

Thank you.


I'm Korean, but my English is kinda better than my Korean skills.. I tried okay.

What term refers to the use of sign language to educate the Deaf?
American Sign Language
American Manual Alphabet
O C. fingerspelling
O D.



Manualism. use of sign language to educate the Deaf. oralism.

can someone please tell me some of the best movies​


The Titanic is one of the best classic movies ever, it won many rewards.

Escriba un ejemplo de los 5 tipos de falacias (Falacia ad hominen, Falacia ad verecundiam, Falacia ad baculum, Falacia ad ignorantiam, Falacia ad populum), acerca del reencuentro a clases.



I translated it and I got

Write an example of the 5 types of fallacies (Fallacia ad hominen, Fallacia ad verecundiam, Fallacia ad baculum, Fallacia ad ignorantiam, Fallacia ad populum), about the reunion to classes.


Customer: "With all of the money I am spending today, will I be receiving anything
Yes, your service plan will automatically renew every year.
Yes, your purchase today qualifies you for a free gift.
Yes, I would be pleased to add your contact information to our mailing list.
Yes, I would be happy to review additional products with you that may meet your needs.
Yes, I would be happy to set you up with paperless billinting



Yes, on your next payment you'll get a $10 gift card on us to use anywhere.


Source: Trust me bro

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