Solve for x.
12 - 6x = 2(5x – 2)
x = [?]


Answer 1
The answer for this question is x=1
Im 100/100 sure
Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

12 - 6x = 2(5x – 2)





Related Questions

Please help me out . Find ? please



Cos Θ= 21/34


= 54°


What are the coordinates of point A?

(8, –6)
(–6, 8)
(–5, 7)
(7, –5)



(7, - 5 )

Step-by-step explanation:

A is positioned at (7, - 5 )

what is the quotient in simpilst form? 4 1/2 ÷ 1 1/4​



Step-by-step explanation:

Convert mixed fraction to improper fraction.

[tex]4\frac{1}{2}[/tex] ÷ [tex]1\frac{1}{4} =[/tex] [tex]\frac{9}{2}[/tex] ÷ [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]

In fraction division, Use KCF method

K - Keep the first fraction

C - Change the ÷ operation to  * operation

F - Flip the second fraction

  [tex]= \frac{9}{2}*\frac{4}{5}\\\\= \frac{9}{1}*\frac{2}{5}\\\\=\frac{18}{5}\\\\= 3\frac{3}{5}[/tex]

Which equation can be represented using the number line?

A number line going from to 1 in increments of one-eighths. Arrows go from each mark on the line to the next up to three-fourths.
Three-fourths divided by one-eighth = 6
One-eighth divided by three-fourths = 6
6 divided by three-fourths = one-eighth
6 divided by one-eighth = three-fourths



A number line going from to 1 in increments of one-eighths. Arrows go from each mark on the line to the next up to three-fourths.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps!


I'm pretty sure its 6 divided by 1/8=3/4 (D)

Step-by-step explanation:

find x, plzz helpp only have an hour to do this



E. None of these

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the angle 43, we see that we will use Cos to find x.

This is because the sides are the adjacent and the hypotenuse

Cos (43) = 14/x

Multiply both sides by x

X (cos (43)) = 14

Then divide both sides by (cos(43))

x = 14 / cos(43)

Plug it into the calculator you get:

x = 25.22

Since this is not an answer choice, the answer is E. None of these

What is the x-coordinate of the red point?
A. 3
B. 2
C. -2
D. -3


The answer is 2 on the x axis

A chemist is conducting an experiment which involves a certain chemical reaction. He begins the experiment with 666 milliliters of the chemical, which is consumed by the reaction at a varying rate that is no more than 13 milliliters per minute. Partway through the experiment, the chemist measures the amount of chemical remaining. If there are 562 milliliters of the chemical left, what is the smallest number of minutes that could have passed?



8 Minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

since we are trying to find how many minutes have passed we first need to find how much substance was used during the time. we can do that by subtracting the leftover substance from the amount we started with.

666-562 = 104

Now that we know how much substance was used we can then use our conversion rate (13 per minute) and find how many minutes have passed by dividing.

104 / 13 = 8

Instructions: Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.



? =30

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin ? = 25/50

Taking the inverse sin of each side

sin ^-1( sin ?) = sin^-1 ( 1/2)

? =30

Im not exactly understanding this question. Can someone please help me and possibly explain this to me?



From the graph, when x=-6, y=1

so, your answer is A) f(x)=∛(x-6)+1


1/(x+1) + 1/a(x+1) find the lcm​



See below.

Step-by-step explanation:

1/(x + 1) consists of 1 factor, 1/(x + 1)

1/[a(x + 1)] consists of two factors, 1/a and 1/(x + 1)

The LCM is 1/[a(x + 1)]

The LCD is a(x + 1)

How do you figure this out?


He estado dos días de viaje, gastandome el primer día 1/3 de dinero que tenia y el segundo 1/5 ¿Qué parte del dinero que tenia me ha sobrado?

Help this is due in 10 mins



Only A is true

for sure


A polynomial p is graphed. What could be the equation of p? Choose 1 answer:
A. p(x) = x( x + 2)(2x + 7)
B. p(x) = x(x - 2)(2x - 7)
C. p(x) = x(2x) (7/2x)
D. p(x) = x(-2x)(- 7/2x)



[tex]\text{B. }p(x)=x(x-2)(2x-7)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The zeroes of a function occur when the function crosses the x-axis. The function shown crossed the x-axis at [tex]x=0[/tex], [tex]x=2[/tex], and [tex]x=3.5[/tex]. These values of [tex]x[/tex] should produce an output of 0 when plugged into the function.

Therefore, the equation of the function graphed is [tex]\boxed{\text{B. }p(x)=x(x-2)(2x-7)}[/tex]

What is the value of x?


whats the problem? i cant solve it w/o the problem doll

Mercedes tiene una habilidad increíble al encontrar el número que falta; ella sólo suma y ya tiene la respuesta correcta, ¿Cuál es el valor de x? 32 10 41 22 10 33 53 16 62 25 x 25


El ejercicio completo es el siguiente:

Mercedes tiene una habilidad increíble al encontrar el número que falta; ella solo suma y ya tiene la respuesta correcta.

¿Cuál es el valor de x?

32 10 41

22 10 33

53 16 62

25 (x) 25

A) 10

B) 11

C) 12

D) 13

E) 14


La  respuesta correcta es E: 14

Step-by-step explanation:

El ejercicio nos da una pista importante: solo sumar, así que al  mirar la ubicación de la variable x podemos deducir que los valores del centro son el resultado de una suma, ahora para saber si es cierto ,debemos hacer la prueba,entonces empezamos a sumar los dígitos por separado  de los valores dados ;

32 10  41 = 3+2+4+1 esto es igual a 10 el valor del centro

22 10  33= 2+2+3+3 esto es igual a 10 el valor del centro

53 16 62 = 5+3+6+2 esto es igual a 16 el valor del centro

Por lo tanto para hallar el valor de x debemos hacer lo mismo:

25   x   25 = 2+5+2+5 esto es igual 14

Entonces nos queda : 25 14 25= 2+5+2+5 igual a 14

A regular polygon has 10 sides. Find the sum of interior angle



Step-by-step explanation:


A 10 sided polygon is 1,440, you find this using the formula (n-2)(180). To find the measure of each interior angle u divide the sun by the amount of sides in the polygon. 1,440/10= 144

If 3x−y=12, what is the value of



wait few minutes i will try

How to solve this truth table ( p-->q) v q
p q


Without using a truth table:

(pq) ∨ q   ⇔   (¬pq) ∨ q   ⇔   ¬pq   ⇔   pq

With a table:

p   …   q   …   pq   …   (pq) ∨ q

T   …   T   …       T       …          T

T   …   F   …       F       …          F

F   …   T   …       T       …          T

F   …   F   …       T       …          T

Hello again guys I need help with the highest common factor of 12x³yz⁵;16x⁴y³z²​




Step-by-step explanation:




The area of a square, a, depends on its side length, s.
is a function of
The function
notation is



Let area be a and side be s :

[tex]{ \tt{a \: \alpha \: s²}} \\ a = ks²[/tex]

k is a constant, k=1

Porfa es para un examen xD


Answer: -13

Step-by-step explanation:

M(3) → x = 3M(2) → x = 2

[tex]\frac{M(3)+M(2)}{2} =\frac{[-2(3)^{2}] +[-2(2)^{2}]}{2}=\frac{(-2)(9)+(-2)(4)}{2}=\frac{-18-8}{2}=\frac{-26}{2}=-13[/tex]

I think this is the answer for your problem

Which inequality is true?



[tex]\boxed{\sf Option \ C \ is \ correct .}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to tell which of the given inequality is true . The given inequalities are ,

[tex]\sf A)\pi + 8 <11\\\\\sf B) \dfrac{\pi}{8} > 2 \\\\\sf C) 3\pi > 9 \\\\\sf D) 2\pi - 1 < 5 [/tex]

Let's check the options one by one .

Option A :-

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi + 8 < 11[/tex]

Subtract 8 to both sides ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi < 11 - 8 [/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi < 3[/tex]

We know the approximate value of pi 3.14 . But the inequality says pi is less than 3 . Therefore the given inequality is incorrect .


Option B :-

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \dfrac{\pi}{2} > 2 [/tex]

Multiply both sides by 2 ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi > 4 [/tex]

We know the approximate value of pi 3.14 . But the inequality says pi is more than 4 . Therefore the given inequality is incorrect .


Option C :-

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow 3 \pi > 9[/tex]

Divide both sides by 3 ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi < 9/3[/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \pi > 3 [/tex]

We know the approximate value of pi 3.14 .And the inequality says pi is more than 3 . Therefore the given inequality is correct .

Option C is correct .

Evaluate function from their graph


Answer:  5

This is because the point (0,5) is shown on the graph. This is the point on the y axis.

We can say that h(x) = 5 when x = 0.



Step-by-step explanation:

The fellow who expalined it before before me expalined it correctly, so the answer should be 5.


Identify the term whose coefficient is -12 in the expression:
98x – 12xy2 - 15xy2



[tex] - 12xy {}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A coefficient is a rational number in front of multiple consecutive terms.

which of the following is equivalent to 18-
[tex] \sqrt{ - 25} [/tex]
a 5i
b 18-5i
c 18+5i
d 23​




[tex]\sqrt{-25} =5i[/tex]



(b) If n(U)= 300, n(M) = 150, n(T) = 144 and n( MT)= 33. Find the value of n(MUT). (ii) Present the above information in a Venn diagram. ​



Step-by-step explanation:

n(M ∪ T) = n(M) + n(T) - n(M∩T)

               = 150 + 144 - 33

               = 294 - 33

               = 261

Please help I don’t understand how to solve this !



x = 30

Step-by-step explanation:

x + 2x + 3x = 180

             6x = 180

              6       6

               x =  30

guys, please help its graph-related. please i will dieeee


(a) Dilation is the process of extending the line segment AB to the longer one A'B'. The scale factor has to be larger than 1, and also it has to be positive.

(b) To get the dilation factor, you should first compute the length of AB, then compare it to the length of A'B'.

A is the point (-4, 2), and B is the point (2, -4). So the length of AB is

√((-4 - 2)² + (2 - (-4))²) = √((-6)² + 6²) = √72

A' is the point (-8, 4) and B' is (4, -8). The coordinates of A' and B' are twice the coordinates of A and B, so the distance is

√((2(-4) - 2(2))² + (2(2) - 2(-4))²) = √(2²×72) = 2√72

Then the dilation factor is

(2√72) / √72 = 2

As for dying, don't worry about it. It happens to everyone.

If 4 over 7 ton of concrete covers 7 over 8 of a bridge, how many tons of concrete are required to cover the entire bridge?



Your answer would be 32/49.

Step-by-step explanation:

4/7 tons = 7/8 x

4/7 / 7/8


The tons of concrete are required to cover the entire bridge is 32/49 tons.

What are fractions?

A fraction is a non-integer that is made up of a numerator and a denominator. An example of a fraction is 4/7.

How many tons is needed to cover the whole bridge?

To determine this value, divide 4/7 by 7/8

4/7 ÷ 7/8

4/7 x 8/7 = 32/49 tons

To learn more about the division of fractions, please check:

verify a(b-c)=ab-ac for a=1.6;b=1/-2;& c=-5/-7​




To verify:

[tex]a(b-c)=ab-ac[/tex] for the given values.


We have,


We need to verify [tex]a(b-c)=ab-ac[/tex].

Taking left hand side, we get



Taking LCM, we get





Taking right hand side, we get

[tex]ab-ac=1.6\times \dfrac{1}{-2}-1.6\times \dfrac{-5}{-7}[/tex]



Taking LCM, we get





Hence proved.

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