Suki makes and sells denim jackets in a small store at the mall. She has found that
the following system of equations represents the expenses and the revenue for
running her store.
C = 520 + 31n
C = 96n
Determine the minimum number of jackets she must sell to make a profit.


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

96n = 520 + 31n



Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

Which expression is equivalent to sqrt of (6x^5 z)^3/ 4x^4 z^2



[tex]\frac{(6x^{5}z) ^{3} }{4x^{4} {z}^{2} } = \frac{216 {x}^{15}z^{3} }{4 {x}^{4} {z}^{2} } = \frac{4x ^{4} {z}^{2} (54x ^{11}z) }{4 {x}^{4} {z}^{2} } = 54 {x}^{11} z[/tex]

I hope I helped you^_^

A scientist is studying the growth and development of an epidemic virus with a growth rate of 9% per month that has infected 3,124 people. If this rate continues, what will be the number of infected people in another 9 months? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.



About 6,785 people will be infected about nine months.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can write an exponential function to represent the situation. The standard exponential function is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle f(x) = a(r)^x[/tex]

Where a is the initial value, r is the rate, and x, in this case, is the time that has passed in months.

3,124 people have already been infected. Thus, our initial value a = 3124.

And an additional 9% will be infected per month. Therefore, our rate r will be 1 + 9% or 1.09.

Hence, our function is:

[tex]\displaystyle f(x) = 3124(1.09)^x[/tex]

Then after nine months, the total amount of infected people will be f(9):

[tex]\displaystyle f(9) = 3124(1.09)^{(9)}[/tex]

Use a calculator:

[tex]\displaystyle f(9) \approx 6785[/tex]

About 6,785 people will be infected about nine months.



Step-by-step explanation:


2 × (–21) × 7











[tex]2\times \left(-21\right)\times \:7[/tex]

PEMDAS order of operations:

[tex]2\times \left(-21\right)=-2\times \:21=-42[/tex]

[tex]=-42\times \:7[/tex]


D) -294 is your answer


Use pemdas order & that’ll get you to your answer which is D) -294

A data set includes data from student evaluations of courses. The summary statistics are n=89​, x=3.44​, s=0.67. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the population of student course evaluations has a mean equal to 3.50. Assume that a simple random sample has been selected. Identify the null and alternative​ hypotheses, test​ statistic, P-value, and state the final conclusion that addresses the original claim.
What are the null and alternative​ hypotheses?
H0​: μ=3.50
H1​: μ>3.50
H0​: μ=3.50
H1​: μ<3.50
H0​: μ≠3.50
H1​: μ=3.50
H0​: μ=3.50
H1​: μ≠
(I also need the test statistic and p-value) thank you so much in advance :)


We're told that "the claim that the population of student course evaluations has a mean equal to 3.50". So this means μ=3.50 makes up the null H0

The alternative would be H1: μ ≠ 3.50 since it's the opposite of the claim made in the null.

We go with answer choice D to form the null and alternative hypotheses.

The sign ≠ in the alternative hypothesis tell us that we have a two tail test.


Let's compute the test statistic

z = (xbar - mu)/(s/sqrt(n))

z = (3.44 - 3.50)/(0.67/sqrt(89))

z = -0.84483413122896

z = -0.84

The test statistic is roughly -0.84


Despite not knowing what sigma is (aka the population standard deviation), we can see that n > 30 is the case. So we can use the Z distribution. This is the standard normal distribution. When n > 30, the T distribution is fairly approximately the same as the Z distribution.

Use a calculator or a Z table to determine that

P(Z < -0.84) = 0.2005

which is approximate

Because we're doing a two-tail test, this means we double that result to get 2*0.2005 = 0.401

The p-value is roughly 0.401


Since the p-value is larger than alpha = 0.05, we don't have enough evidence to reject the null. So you can say that we fail to reject the null, or we accept the null.

The conclusion based on that means that μ=3.50  must be true (unless other evidence comes along to disprove this). In other words, the mean evaluation score from students appears to be 3.50

Mr. Howe ate 1/3 of a pizza and then Mr. Kurt ate 1/8 of the same pizza. How
much of the pizza has been eaten? *



Step One: We need to convert 1/3 and 1/8 so both have the same denominator, so we need to find the a number that is able to be multiply by 3 and 8 for the process.

Step Two: 1/3 x 8= 8/24 and 1/8x3= 3/24

Step Three: Add our new fractions: 3/24+8/24= 12/24

Step Four: Subtract 12 by 24: 24-12= 12; our answer is 12/24 or half the pizza was eaten

I hope I've help!

Express 18 hours to 2 days in its lowest term



1 : 3

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that 1 days is 24 hours

2 days = 2*24 = 48 hours

16 hours : 48 hours

Divide each by 16

16/16 : 48/16

1 : 3


[tex]3 : 8[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]18h : 2d \\ 18h : 2 \times 24h \\ 18 :48 \\ 3 : 8[/tex]

find the two intersection points

(x+1)^2 +(y+2)^2 = 16

3x+ 4y = 1
Show your steps please



Our two intersection points are:

[tex]\displaystyle (3, -2) \text{ and } \left(-\frac{53}{25}, \frac{46}{25}\right)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find where the two graphs given by the equations:

[tex]\displaystyle (x+1)^2+(y+2)^2 = 16\text{ and } 3x+4y=1[/tex]


When they intersect, their x- and y-values are equivalent. So, we can solve one equation for y and substitute it into the other and solve for x.

Since the linear equation is easier to solve, solve it for y:

[tex]\displaystyle y = -\frac{3}{4} x + \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Substitute this into the first equation:

[tex]\displaystyle (x+1)^2 + \left(\left(-\frac{3}{4}x + \frac{1}{4}\right) +2\right)^2 = 16[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle (x+1)^2 + \left(-\frac{3}{4} x + \frac{9}{4}\right)^2 = 16[/tex]

Square. We can use the perfect square trinomial pattern:

[tex]\displaystyle \underbrace{(x^2 + 2x+1)}_{(a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2} + \underbrace{\left(\frac{9}{16}x^2-\frac{27}{8}x+\frac{81}{16}\right)}_{(a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2} = 16[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 16:

[tex](16x^2+32x+16)+(9x^2-54x+81) = 256[/tex]

Combine like terms:


Isolate the equation:

[tex]\displaystyle 25x^2 - 22x -159=0[/tex]

We can use the quadratic formula:

[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

In this case, a = 25, b = -22, and c = -159. Substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{-(-22)\pm\sqrt{(-22)^2-4(25)(-159)}}{2(25)}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} x &= \frac{22\pm\sqrt{16384}}{50} \\ \\ &= \frac{22\pm 128}{50}\\ \\ &=\frac{11\pm 64}{25}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Hence, our two solutions are:

[tex]\displaystyle x_1 = \frac{11+64}{25} = 3\text{ and } x_2 = \frac{11-64}{25} =-\frac{53}{25}[/tex]

We have our two x-coordinates.

To find the y-coordinates, we can simply substitute it into the linear equation and evaluate. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle y_1 = -\frac{3}{4}(3)+\frac{1}{4} = -2[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle y _2 = -\frac{3}{4}\left(-\frac{53}{25}\right) +\frac{1}{4} = \frac{46}{25}[/tex]

Thus, our two intersection points are:

[tex]\displaystyle (3, -2) \text{ and } \left(-\frac{53}{25}, \frac{46}{25}\right)[/tex]

A telephone call arrived at a switchboard at random within a one-minute interval. The switch board was fully busy for 10 seconds into this one-minute period. What is the probability that the call arrived when the switchboard was not fully busy



50/60 = .8333=  83.33%

Step-by-step explanation:

The probability that the call arrived when the switchboard was not fully busy is 0.75.

What is Normal Distribution?

A probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean is the normal distribution, sometimes referred to as the Gaussian distribution. It demonstrates that data that are close to the mean occur more frequently than data that are far from the mean. The normal distribution appears as a "bell curve" on a graph.


Here X follows uniform distribution with parameter a and b.


a = 0 and b = 1.


The density function of Y is given by:

P( 15 < Y ≤ 60)

or, P( 0.25 < Y ≤ 1)

So,  P( 0.25 < Y ≤ 1) = [tex]\int\limits^{1}_{0.25}{f(y) \, dy[/tex]

                                = [tex][y]^1 _ {0.25}[/tex]

                                = (1- 0.25)

                                = 0.75

Hence, The probability that the call arrived when the switchboard was not fully busy is 0.75.

Learn more about Normal Distribution here:


For an ordered pair left parenthesis x comma y right parenthesis in a relation, the x element represents the



the x éléments représente the domain

x represents the value on the x-axis and the coordinate is also known as abscissa.

What is coordinate geometry?

Coordinate geometry is the study of geometry using the points in space. Using this, it is possible to find the distance between the points, the dividing line is m:n ratio, finding the mid-point of the line, etc.

For an ordered pair left parenthesis x comma y right parenthesis in a relation that is (x, y).

Here x represents the value on the x-axis and the coordinate is also known as abscissa.

More about the coordinate geometry link is given below.

Find the remainder when f(x) = –2x3 + x2 - 4x + 1 is divided by x + 3.



Step-by-step explanation:

The remainder when f(x) is divided by x + 3 would be 76.

What is remainder theorem for polynomials?

If there is a polynomial p(x), and a constant number 'a', then

[tex]\dfrac{p(x)}{(x-a)} = g(x) + p(a)[/tex]

where g(x) is a factor of p(x).

We have been given a function;

[tex]f(x) = -2x^3 + x^2 - 4x + 1[/tex]

We need to find the remainder when f(x) is divided by x + 3.

So, Let p(x) = x + 3

p(x) = 0

x + 3 = 0

x = -3

Substitute in the given function f(x);

[tex]f(x) = -2x^3 + x^2 - 4x + 1\\\\f(-3) = -2(-3)^3 + (-3)^2 - 4(-3) + 1\\\\f(-3) = 54 + 9 + 12 + 1\\\\f(-3) = 76[/tex]

Thus, the remainder when f(x) is divided by x + 3 would be 76.

Learn more about remainder;


a test has 10 multiple-choice questions with 6 choices each, followed by 35 true/false questions. if a student guesses on each equation, how many ways can he answer the questions on the test




Step-by-step explanation:

he has 6 choices for the first multiple choice question.

and for each of those he had again 6 more choices to answer the second question. 6×6 = 36

so, for all 10 multiple choice questions he answer in

6¹⁰ different ways = 60466176 ways

then there are 35 true/false questions, which are Bausch again multiple choice questions but with only 2 options instead of 6.

so we get 2³⁵ different possibilities. a huge number.

and they're possible for each of the 60466176 ways of the multiple choice part.

so, in total we have

6¹⁰×2³⁵ different answer possibilities.

please help me with this question!


I am un able to see the photo please re try so I can help

Ken needs a total of $410 to buy a new bicycle. He has $35 saved. He earns $15 each week delivering newspapers. How many weeks will Ken have to deliver papers to have enough money to buy the bicycle?

Thanks so much! :D


25 weeks he’ll have all $410 :)


25 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we already know that he has $35 buck-a-roons saved, we can just subtract that from the cost of the bicycle to find the actual price—which would be 375. Then, we know that for every week, he gains $15 bucks. Therefore we know that 15 would be our variable so we can create the following equation:

15x + 35 = 410

15x = 375

15x/15 = 375/15

x = 25

After 25 weeks, Ken will have enough money to buy the bicycle.

17. what is the value of x?

18. what is the value of z?

please help me fast!!


for x ,

8x + 10x = 180°

[sum of linear pair is equal to 180°]

or, 18x = 180°

or, x = 180/18

therefore, x = 10°……

for z,

10z =8x

[ being corresponding angles are equal ]

or, 10z = 8 × 10°

( replacing x by 10°)

or, 10z = 80°

or, z = 80/10

thus z = 8°…………

True or false? The polynomial 3xy + 4z - 8 is a trinomial.



False is the answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

answer is False.



Step-by-step explanation:

A trinomial is an algebraic expression consisting of 3 terms. The terms in this instance are: 3xy, 4z, and -8.

can anyone heelp me




B. suggest that you and your boss schedule regular check-ins at lunchtime and at the end of the day

Step-by-step explanation:

It allows you to be ontask at your role (which you are hired for) while at the same time helps your boss know that you are on top of everything. It is the most polite option since you are setting professional boundaries but not complaining and showing frustrations.

(also so that your boss isn't micro-checking on you)

The correlation between a student’s shoe size and their score on a final exam is −0.79.What conclusions can be drawn based on the correlation coefficient? Select all that apply.

There is a relationship between a student’s shoe size and their final exam score.Big shoe sizes correlate to low exam scores.Large shoe sizes cause students to do poorly on the final exam.As the shoe size decreases, the final exam score increases.Small shoe sizes cause students to do well on the final exam.

(1,2,4) (A,B,D)



The first one, the second, and fourth one are correct.

Select A,B, and D.



A, B, and C

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it right ;)

Determine the coordinates of the ordered pairs on the coordinate grid.



A = (5,7)

B = (0, -1)

C = (-8, -3)

D = (5, -8)

Step-by-step explanation:


A = (5, 7)

B = (0, -1)

C = (-8, -3)

D = (5, -8)

To do these problems, trace along in a straight line from the coordinate to the x- axis line and then to the y-axis line. Whatever number you reach will be part of the coordinate.

Hope this helped.

An employee makes $11.20 per hour but is getting a 6.5% increase. What is his new wage per hour to the nearest cent? His new wage per hour is?​




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of increase

11.20 *6.5%

11.20 *.065


Rounding to the nearest cent


Add this to the original wage



7+4i+1-3i simplify as much as possible




Step-by-step explanation:


Combine like terms.


I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

The angle θ between 5i-j+k & 2i-j+k is​


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] \sf \vec{a} = 5 \hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k} \\ \therefore \: \sf \: | \vec{a}| = \sqrt{ {5}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} + {1}^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{25 + 1 + 1} \\ = \sqrt{27} \\ \\ \sf \vec{b} = 2\hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k} \\ \therefore \: \sf \: | \vec{b}| = \sqrt{ {2}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} + {1}^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{4 + 1 + 1} \\ = \sqrt{6} \\ \\\sf \: \vec{a}. \vec{b} = (5 \hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k}).(2\hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k}) \\ = 5 \times 2 + ( - 1) \times ( - 1) + 1 \times 1 \\ = 10 + 1 + 1 \\ = 12 \\ \\ \sf \: angle \: between \: \vec{a} \: and \: \vec{b} \: = \theta \\ \\ \: so \\ \sf \vec{a}. \vec{b} = | \vec{a}| . | \vec{b}| cos\theta \\ = > \sf \: cos \theta \: = \frac{ \vec{a}. \vec{b}}{ | \vec{a}| . | \vec{b}| } \\ = > cos \theta = \frac{12}{ \sqrt{27} \times \sqrt{6} } = 0.94 \\ = > \theta = {cos}^{ - 1} (0.94) \\ = > \green{\theta = 19.47 ^{ \circ} }[/tex]

find the derivative of e power ax divide by log bx​



Step-by-step explanation:

A random sample of n1 = 49 measurements from a population with population standard deviation σ1 = 3 had a sample mean of x1 = 9. An independent random sample of n2 = 64 measurements from a second population with population standard deviation σ2 = 4 had a sample mean of x2 = 11. Test the claim that the population means are different. Use level of significance 0.01.
Compute the corresponding sample distribution value. (Test the difference μ1 − μ2. Round your answer to two decimal places.)



The answer is "-3.04"

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\to \bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}=9-11=-2[/tex]

Sample distribution:

[tex]z=\frac{\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}- \bar{\mu_1}-\bar{\mu_2}}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^2}{n_1}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^2}{n_2}}}\\\\[/tex]


What fraction is equivalent to 0.46464646...












answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is a fraction with numerator is the period (46) and the denominator is a number made with 9 as longer that there are digits in the  periode (here 2 digits ==> 99)

solve the following ineuality -1+6(-1-3x) >-39-2x


Step-by-step explanation:

(=) 5 (-1-3x) >-39-2x

(=) -5-15x > -39-2x

(=) -13x > -34

=> x < 34/13

On a recent trip to the convenience Store you picked up 4 gallons of milk 4 bottles of water and 5 snack size bags of chips your total was $28.35 if a bottle of water cost twice as much as a bag of chips and a gallon of milk cost $2.10 more than a bottle of water how much does each item cost​



The milk cost $2.10 each the snacks cost $1.535 each the water cost $3.07 each

Step-by-step explanation:

I think Im right

What is the value of y?


The answer is y=0

See the attached photo for details

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Power Function:

Analyze and model the power function: Exercise 1

(Correctly identify the function and later use it to answer the questions asked, including the development and the answer)



The function is:

f(x) = axⁿ

According to data in the table we have:

f(1) = 3 ⇒ a(1)ⁿ = 3 ⇒ a*1 = 3 ⇒ a = 3f(2) = 12 ⇒ 3*2ⁿ = 12 ⇒ 2ⁿ = 4 ⇒ n = 2

Since we found the values of a and n, the function becomes:

f(x) = 3x²

The number of infected to the tenth day:

f(10) = 3*10² = 300

Solve d – 0.31 ≥ 1.87 Question 1 options: A) d ≤ 2.18 B) d = 2.18 C) d ≥ 1.56 D) d ≥ 2.18



D) d ≥ 2.18

Step-by-step explanation:

d – 0.31 ≥ 1.87

d >_ 1.87 + 0.31

d >_ 2.18

Of the travelers arriving at a small airport, 60% fly on major airlines, 20% fly on privately owned planes, and the remainder fly on commercially owned planes not belonging to a major airline. Of those traveling on major airlines, 50% are traveling for business reasons, whereas 70% of those arriving on private planes and 80% of those arriving on other commercially owned planes are traveling for business reasons. Suppose that we randomly select one person arriving at this airport.

What is the probability that the person
a. is traveling on business?
b. is traveling for business on a privately owned plane?
c. arrived on a privately owned plane, given that the person is traveling for business reasons?
d. is traveling on business, given that the person is flying on a commercially owned plane?



a) 0.55 = 55% probability that the person is traveling on business

b) 0.14 = 14% probability that the person is traveling for business on a privately owned plane.

c) 0.2545 = 25.45% probability that the person arrived on a privately owned plane, given that the person is traveling for business reasons.

d) 0.2 = 20% probability that the person is traveling on business, given that the person is flying on a commercially owned plane.

Step-by-step explanation:

Conditional Probability

We use the conditional probability formula to solve this question. It is

[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)}[/tex]

In which

P(B|A) is the probability of event B happening, given that A happened.

[tex]P(A \cap B)[/tex] is the probability of both A and B happening.

P(A) is the probability of A happening.

Question a:

50% of 60%(major airlines)

70% of 20%(privately owned airplanes)

80% of 100 - (60+20) = 20%(comercially owned airplanes). So

[tex]p = 0.5*0.5 + 0.7*0.2 + 0.8*0.2 = 0.55[/tex]

0.55 = 55% probability that the person is traveling on business.

Question b:

70% of 20%, so:

[tex]p = 0.7*0.2 = 0.14[/tex]

0.14 = 14% probability that the person is traveling for business on a privately owned plane.

Question c:

Event A: Traveling for business reasons.

Event B: Privately owned plane.

0.55 = 55% probability that the person is traveling on business.

This means that [tex]P(A) = 0.55[/tex]

0.14 = 14% probability that the person is traveling for business on a privately owned plane.

This means that [tex]P(A \cap B) = 0.14[/tex]

Desired probability:

[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)} = \frac{0.14}{0.55} = 0.2545[/tex]

0.2545 = 25.45% probability that the person arrived on a privately owned plane, given that the person is traveling for business reasons.

Question d:

Event A: Commercially owned plane.

Event B: Business

80% of those arriving on other commercially owned planes are traveling for business reasons.

This means that:

[tex]P(B|A) = 0.2[/tex]

0.2 = 20% probability that the person is traveling on business, given that the person is flying on a commercially owned plane.

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