Suppose a State of Nevada bond will pay $1,000 eight years from now. If the going interest rate on these 8-year bonds is 5.5%, how much is the bond worth today


Answer 1




the worth of the bond today can be determined by calculating the present value of the bond's cash flow

Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value = cash flow / (1 + r)^n

r = interest rate

n = years

1000 / ( 1.055)^8 = $651.60

Related Questions

The cost to produce was $20 per unit in 2019. During 2020, it has increased to $23 per unit. In 2020, Supplier Company has offered to supply for $18 per unit. For the make-or-buy decision:_____.a. incremental costs are $2 per unit.
b. differential costs are $7 per unit.
c. net relevant costs are $2 per unit.
d. incremental revenues are $7 per unit.


Answer: Differential cost is $5 per unit


Differential cost is the extra cost that the company would incur if they made the product themselves versus if they bought it from an outside supplier.

Differential cost is therefore:

= Cost to produce internally - Cost from supplier

= 23 - 18

= $5


L. Bowers and V. Lipscomb are partners in Elegant Event Consultants. Bowers and Lipscomb share income equally. M. Ortiz will be admitted to the partnership. Prior to the admission, equipment was revalued downward by $8,000. The capital balances of each partner are $96,000 and $40,000, respectively, prior to the revaluation.
a. Provide the journal entry for the asset revaluation.
b. Provide the journal entry for Ortiz’s admission under the following independent situations:
1. Ortiz purchased a 20% interest for $20,000.
2. Ortiz purchased a 30% interest for $60,000.


Answer: See attachment and explanation


1. Ortiz purchased a 20% interest for $20,000.

Total capital after the admission of the partner will be:

= ($96000 - $4000) + ($40000 - $4000) + $20000

= $92000 + $36000 + $20000

= $148000

The share of new partner in the capital structure will be:

= Total capital × Interest of new partner

= $148000 × 20%

= $29600

There'll be a deficiency in the profit which the existing partner contributes to and this will be:

= $29600 - $20000

= $9600

Then each partner shares =$9600/2 = $4800

2. Ortiz purchased a 30% interest for $60,000.

Total capital after the admission of the partner will be:

= ($96000 - $4000) + ($40000 - $4000) + $60000

= $92000 + $36000 + $60000

= $188000

The share of new partner in the capital structure will be:

= Total capital × Interest of new partner

= $188000 × 30%

= $56400

Since the share is less than the amount of $60000 bought in, the existing partner will be compensated in the amount of ($60000 - $56400) = $3600. Therefore each partner gets $3600/2 = $1800

Check attachment for the journal entries.

Kathy Elliot has decided that she will start an internet company to sell reliable used cars to customers Nationwide she has decided to use the sole proprietorship business format. Elliot's next step is to write a formal _____ before she applies for a business loan



business plan


Tomlinson Packaging Corporation began business in 2018 by issuing 30,000 shares of $5 par common stock for $8 per share and 5,000 shares of 6%, $10 par preferred stock for par. At year end, the common stock had a market value of $10. On its December 31, 2019 balance sheet, Tomlinson Packaging would report:___________

a. Common Stock of $100,000
b. Paid-In Capital of $150,000
c. Common Stock of $200,000
d. Common Stock of $160,000



d. common stock of $150,000.


First and foremost, upon issuance of stocks, the common stock account would be credited with the total par value of the shares issued as shown below:

total par value=par value per share*shares issued

total par value=$5*30,000

total par value=$150,000

The paid-in capital would be credited with the  total amount the cash proceeds from the share issue exceeds the total par value

total cash proceeds=$8*30,000

total cash proceeds=$240,000

paid-in capital=$240,000-$150,000

paid-in capital=$90,000

The correct option is the common stock of $150,00, except that the number of shares issued is 20,000,hence, the common stock of $100,000 would be correct

Check a similar question below to drive home my point:

Kerwin Packaging Corporation began business in 2010 by issuing 30,000 shares of $5 par common stock for $8 per share and 10,000 shares of 6%, $10 par preferred stock for par. At year-end, the common stock had a market value of $10. On its December 31, 2011 balance sheet, Kerwin Packaging would report:

a. common stock of $300,000.

b. paid-in capital of $150,000.

c. common stock of $240,000.

d. common stock of $150,000.

g A monopoly is a market that has Group of answer choices Only one buyer. Only one seller. Many sellers who sell differentiated products. Many sellers who sell identical products.



Only one seller.


A monopoly is a market structure which is typically characterized by a single-seller (one seller) who sells a unique product in the market by dominance. This ultimately implies that, it is a market structure wherein the seller has no competitor because he is solely responsible for the sale of unique products without close substitutes.

Also, a monopolist refers to any individual that deals with the sales of unique products in a monopolistic market.

For example, a public power supply company is an example of a monopoly because it serve as the only source of power supply to the general public in a society.

A public power company refers to a company that provides power (electricity) utility to the general public of a society.

In conclusion, a monopoly is a market that has only one seller.

Which of the following considerations is related to sociocultural environment



You didn't provide anything for me to choose from, so I can't give you an answer.

Kamal made a scale drawing of a house. The scale of the drawing was 7 inches : 3 feet. A rug in the hallway is 6 feet long in real life. How long is the rug in the drawing?



14 inches


Given that :

Scale drawing ; 7 inches = 3 feets ;

This means that 7 inches on the drawing equals 3 feets in real life

With this, we can calculate the length of scale drawing for 1 feet long object.

7 inches = 3 feets

x = 1 feet

Cross multiply :

3x = 7

x = 7/3 inches

Therefore, for a 6 feet long rug in real life, the length of drawing will be :

1 Feet = 7/3 inches

6 feets = (7/3 * 6) inches

(7/3 * 6) = 42 / 3 = 14 inches

Assume banks are required to hold reserves equal to 20 percent of deposits. Instructions: Enter your responses as a whole number. a. How much excess reserves does the bank hold


Answer: $100


If the reserve requirement is 20% then the required reserves being held by the company is:

= Total deposits * reserve requirement

= 8,000 * 20%

= $1,600

The reserves held by the company of $1,700 comprise of both the required reserves and the excess reserves. The excess reserves will therefore be calculated as:

Excess reserves = Reserves - Required reserves

= 1,700 - 1,600

= $100

Following are selected accounts for a company. For each account, indicate whether it will appear on a budgeted income statement (BIS) or a budgeted balance sheet (BBS).

a. Sales …………………………………….._____
b. Administrative salaries paid….._____
c. Accumulated depreciation………._____
d. Depreciation expense………………_____
e. Interest paid on bank loan….….._____
f. Cash dividends paid…………………_____
g. Bank loan owed………………………_____
h. Cost of goods sold………………….._____



Find the answers below


a. Sales ……………………………………. Budgeted Income Statement

b. Administrative salaries paid…..Budgeted Income Statement

c. Accumulated depreciation………._____ Budgeted Balance Sheet

d. Depreciation expense……………Budgeted Income Statement

e. Interest paid on bank loan….….Budgeted Income Statement

f. Cash dividends paid…………………Budgeted Income Statement

g. Bank loan owed………………………Budgeted Income Statement

h. Cost of goods sold.........Budgeted Balance Sheet

83) Suppose in the United States, the opportunity cost of producing a motor engine is 4 auto bodies. In Canada, the opportunity cost of producing a motor engine is 2 auto bodies. a. What is the opportunity cost of producing an auto body for the United States



Opportunity cost = 0.25 motor engine


Below is the given value:

In the U.S. ,Opportunity cost of 1 motor engine = 4 auto bodies

In the Canada, Opportunity cost 1 motor engine = 2 auto bodies  

Below is the calculation for opportunity cost pf 1 auto body in the U.S.

Opportunity cost = Motor engine / Auto body

Opportunity cost = 1 / 4  

Opportunity cost = 0.25 motor engine

Specter Co. combines cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet. Using the following information, determine the amount reported on the year-end balance sheet for cash and cash equivalents.$7,000 cash deposit in checking account.$28,000 bond investment due in 20 years.$7,000 U.S. Treasury bill due in 1 month.$400, 3-year loan to an employee.$1,800 of currency and coins.$700 of accounts receivable.



the  cash and cash equivalents is $15,800


The computation of the cash and cash equivalents is given below:

= Cash deposit + U.S. Treasury bill due in 1 month + currency and coins

= $7,000  + $7,000 + $1,800

= $15,800

hence, the  cash and cash equivalents is $15,800

The same is to be considered and relevant

You are considering two mutually exclusive projects. Project A costs $3.6 million, has a required return of 14.5 percent, and an IRR of 14.3 percent. Project B costs $4.1 million, has a required return of 16 percent, and an IRR of 15.6 percent. Which project(s) should be accepted





The internal rate of return is a capital budgeting method that is used to determine the profitability of a project.

Internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates the after-tax cash flows from an investment to the amount invested

The decision rule when using the internal rate of return is to undertake the project if the internal rate of return is greater than the required return of the project. If this is not met, the project should be rejected.

If choosing between multiple projects, the decision rule is to choose the projects with the highest internal rate of return. This is because that project would be the most profitable.

Neither of the project should be selected because the IRR of both projects is less than their required returns

Loger's, a high-end apparel company in Bruslon, an Asian country, cuts back on production as consumers start turning to basic products such as food because of the economic downturn in the country. The company also lays off many of its employees to further cut down expenses. In the context of the business cycle, Bruslon is most likely going through a period of _____.
a. economic expansionb. economic integration
c. economic recovery
d. economic contraction



d. economic contraction


Contraction is in economics means it is business cycle phase where the overall economu should be fall. Also the contraction should arise when the cycle of the business is in peak but it should be prior to became as a trough

So at the time of economic contraction, the company normally took the measures of the cost cutting

So as per the given situation, the option d is correct

In the short run, fixed costs: Group of answer choices are an important feature in a firm's decision to produce or not produce. have no impact on a firm's profit level. remain constant. do not exist.



remain constant.


The short run is a period where all  factors of production are fixed. In the short run, a firm would continue to produce if price is above average variable cost. If this is not the case, it would shut down

The long run is a period where all factors of production are varied. It is known as the planning time for a company

Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with output. e,g, rent, mortgage payments

If production is zero or if production is a million, Mortgage payments do not change - it remains the same no matter the level of output.  

Gabbe Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had total sales of $23,615,600, net operating income of $3,164,490, and average operating assets of $5,492,000. The company's minimum required rate of return is 19%.

a. What is the division's margin?
b. What is the division's turnover?
c. What is the division's return on investment (ROI)?



Gabbe Industries

a. Division's margin

= 13.40%

b. Division's turnover

= 4.3x

c. Division's return on investment (ROI)

= 57.62%


a) Data and Calculations:

Sales = $23,615,600

Net operating income = $3,164,490

Average operating assets = $5,492,000

Minimum required rate of return = 9%

a. Division's margin =Net operating income/Sales * 100

= $3,164,490/$23,615,600 * 100

= 13.40%

b. Division's turnover = Sales/Average operating assets

= $23,615,600/$5,492,000

= 4.3x

c. Division's return on investment (ROI) = Net operating income/Average operating assets

= $3,164,490/$5,492,000 * 100

= 57.62%

Carnelian Company sells bicycles at $200 each. Variable cost per unit is $160, and total fixed cost is $120,600. Calculate the sales that Carnelian must make to earn an operating income of $21,500. a. $238,833.
b. $716,500.
c. $243,800.
d. $626,000.



Carnelian Company

The sales that Carnelian must make to earn an operating income of $21,500 is:

= $710,500.


a) Data and Calculations:

Selling price per bicycle = $200

Variable cost per unit = $160

Contribution margin per unit = $40 ($200 - $160)

Contribution margin percentage = $40/$200 * 100 = 20%

Fixed cost = $120,600

Target operating income = $21,500

Sales in dollars to earn target operating income = (Fixed cost + Target Income)/Contribution margin ratio

= $120,600 + $21,500/20%

= $142,100/0.2

= $710,500

Suppose Torche Corporation has the following results related to cash flows for 2020: Net Income of $10,000,000 Increase in Accounts Payable of $800,000 Increase in Accounts Receivable of $600,000 Decrease in Inventory of $100,000 Assuming no other cash flow adjustments than those listed above, create a statement of cash flows with amounts in thousands. What is the Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities?





Essentially... a lot. I would recommend learning about debits and credits. Short explanation is credits are negative and debits are positive. So an increase to a debit is adding to the net value, just as a decrease to a credit adds net value.

We start with 10,000,000.

We subtract 800,000 from this as we are increasing AP, a credit.

We are now at 9,200,000

We then add 600,000 from AR, a debit that is increasing.

We are at 9,800,000.

Finally, we subtract 100,000 because we are decreasing Inventory, a debit.

Our final value is 9,700,000

roject A costs $6,000 and will generate annual after-tax net cash inflows of $2,150 for five years. What is the payback period for this investment under the assumption that the cash inflows occur evenly throughout the year



It will take 2.79 years to cover the initial investment.


Giving the following information:

Project A costs $6,000 and will generate annual after-tax net cash inflows of $2,150 for five years.

The payback period is the time required to cover the initial investment:

Year 1= 2,150 - 6,000= -3,850

Year 2= 2,150 - 3,850= -1,700

Year 3= 2,150 - 1,700= 450

To be more accurate:

(1700/2150)= 0.79

It will take 2.79 years to cover the initial investment.

Define Total Quality Management (TQM) and Lean Production.​


Total Quality Management (TQM) is an on-going improvement management plan. Furthermore, TQM ensures that equipment is properly maintained and a recent type, and workers are well-trained. However, most companies who use Total Quality management also utilize other lean processes, not just TQM.

The company's variable overhead costs are driven by machine-hours. What would be the total budgeted overhead cost for next month if the activity level is 2,400 machine-hours rather than 2,500 machine-hours? Assume that the activity levels of 2,500 machine-hours and 2,400 machine-hours are within the same relevant range. Group of answer choices





Missing word "Kerekes Manufacturing Corporation has prepared the following overhead budget for next month. Activity Level - 2500 Machine Hours - Variable Overhead Cost: Supplies 12,250 Indirect Labor ---22,000 Fixed Overhead: Supervisor 15,500 Utilities -- 5500 Depreciation --- 6500 Total Cost --- 61,750"

So, at activity level of 2500

Total variable overhead cost = Supplies + Indirect labor

Total variable overhead cost = $12,250 + $22,000

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250

So, at activity level of 2400

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250 * 2,400/2,500

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250 * 0.96

Total variable overhead cost = $32,880

So, at 2,400 hours

Total overhead cost = Variable overhead cost + Fixed overhead cost

Total overhead cost = $32,880 + Supervisor salary + Utilities + Depreciation

Total overhead cost = $32,880 + $15,500 + $5,500 + $6,500

Total overhead cost = $60,380

A corporation acquired a copyright by issuing 1,000 shares of $5 par common stock. At the time of the exchange, the stock was selling for $40 per share. The copyright had a carrying value of $18,000 to the author. The purchasing corporation should assign to the copyright a value of



the  purchasing corporation should assign to the copyright a value of $40,000


The computation of the copyright value is given below:

= Number of shares acquired for purchasing a copyright × selling stock per share

= 1,000 shares × $40

= $40,000

hence, the  purchasing corporation should assign to the copyright a value of $40,000

XYZ Co. expects to sell 26,000 pools for $15 each. Direct materials cost is $3 per pool, direct labor cost is $5 per pool, and manufacturing overhead cost is $1.62 per pool. The following inventory levels apply to 2019: Beginning inventory Ending inventory Direct materials 20,000 units 22,000 units Work-in-process inventory 0 units 100 units Finished goods inventory 1,800 units 2,600 units How many pools need to be produced in 2019





Total pools is equal to 26,000

Directable cost is equal to $5 per pool

Manufacturing overhead equals 1.62 dollars per pool

Direct costes equals $3 per pool

We add up this costs

5+1.62+3 = 9.62 dollars in total

In 2019 the total amount of pools that needs to be produced can be gotten by multiply 26000 with 9.62


= 250,120

The price elasticity of gasoline supply in the United States is 0.4. If the price of gasoline rises by​ 8%, what is the expected change in the quantity of gasoline supplied in the United​ States?
A. ​3.2%
B. ​+ 0.32%
C. ​+ 32.0%
D. ​+ 3.2%





Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in price

0.4 == quantity / 8  


If the absolute value of price elasticity is greater than one, it means demand is elastic. Elastic demand means that quantity demanded is sensitive to price changes.  

Demand is inelastic if a small change in price has little or no effect on quantity demanded. The absolute value of elasticity would be less than one

Demand is unit elastic if a small change in price has an equal and proportionate effect on quantity demanded.  

Infinitely elastic demand is perfectly elastic demand. Demand falls to zero when price increases  

Perfectly inelastic demand is demand where there is no change in the quantity demanded regardless of changes in price.

Saving is a leakage in the sense that:______.
a. saving is lost to the economy and ultimately leads to stagnation.
b. it often accompanies a trade deficit.
c. consumers spend less than their total income.
d. the financial system often makes negative profits.



The correct option is c. consumers spend less than their total income.


Saving is simply a portion of the total income that is not spent by the consumers on goods and services.

Saving is a non-consumption use of income which is leaked out of the circular flow of income and expenditure. Saving therefore makes the consumption lower than the total income.

Based on the explanation above, the correct option is c. consumers spend less than their total income.

Dorsey Co. has expanded its operations by purchasing a parcel of land with a building on it from Bibb Co. for $89,000. The appraised value of the land is $26,000, and the appraised value of the building is $92,000.

a. Assuming that the building is to be used in Dorsey Co.’s business activities, what cost should be recorded for the land?
b. Indicate why, for income tax purposes, management of Dorsey Co. would want as little of the purchase price as possible allocated to land. (Select all that apply.) Land is a current asset. Land is not a depreciable asset. Land value will not reduce taxable income. Land is a depreciable asset. Land value reduces taxable income.
c. Indicate why Dorsey Co. allocated the cost of assets acquired based on appraised values at the purchase date rather than on the original cost of the land and building to Bibb Co. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the historical asset value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the book value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.
d. Assuming that the building is demolished at a cost of $11,000 so the land can be used for employee parking, what cost should Dorsey Co. record for the land?



a. Cost of land = $19,610.17

b. Correct options are:

Land is not a depreciable asset.

Land value will not reduce taxable income.

c. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.

d. Cost of Land = $100,000


a. Assuming that the building is to be used in Dorsey Co.’s business activities, what cost should be recorded for the land?

Total appraised value = Appraised value of the land + Appraised value of the building = $26,000 + $92,000 = $118,000

Cost of land = Purchase price * (Appraised value of the land / Total appraised value) = $89,000 * ($26,000 / $118,000) = $19,610.17

b. Indicate why, for income tax purposes, management of Dorsey Co. would want as little of the purchase price as possible allocated to land. (Select all that apply.)

Correct options are:

Land is not a depreciable asset. Note that an asset that is NOT eligible for tax and accounting purposes to register depreciation in compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules is considered NOT to be depreciable property. Since land s NOT eligible for tax and accounting purposes to register depreciation, it therefore not a depreciable asset.

Land value will not reduce taxable income. This due to the fact that land is not a depreciable asset as stated above.

c. Indicate why Dorsey Co. allocated the cost of assets acquired based on appraised values at the purchase date rather than on the original cost of the land and building to Bibb Co.

Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.

The current value of an asset is the price at which it can be sold or settled as of the current date.

d. Assuming that the building is demolished at a cost of $11,000 so the land can be used for employee parking, what cost should Dorsey Co. record for the land?

Since it is assumed that the building is demolished, the addition of the purchase price and the cost of demolition will be recorded as the cost of land. This is because the demolition cost is the expense of preparing the land for its intended use. Therefore, we have:

Cost of Land = Purchase price + Cost of demolition = $89,000 + $11,000 = $100,000

Asset cost $35,000Prepaid Insurance $5,000Maintenance costs $3,000Accumulated Depreciation $10,000Book Value $________Based on the information above, the book value of the tractor is __________.a) $33,000b) $43,000c) $25,000d) $28,000


Okay, I’ll try to figure this one out for you

give me some time





A company issues $17200000, 9.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 10% on January 1, 2020. Interest is paid on June 30 and December 31. The proceeds from the bonds are $16904864. What is interest expense for 2021, using straight-line amortization





First, calculate the discount on the bond

Discount on the bond = Face value of bond - Proceeds from the bond = $17,200,000 - $16,904,864 = $295,136

Now prepare the bond amortization table

The Bond amortization table is attached with this answer please find that

Now calculate the Interest expense for 2021

Interest Expense = Interest Expense on June 30, 2021 + Interest Expense on December 31, 2021

Interest Expense = $845,493.63  + $845,628.31  

Interest Expense = $1,691,121.94

Interest Expense = $1,691,122

A contingent liability can be classified as all of the following except for a.Certain b.Probable c.Remote d.Reasonably possible


Answer: D


A contingent liability can be classified as probable, possible, and remote. Thus, option D is correct.

What is the contingent liability?

The contingent liabilities are liabilities that an entity may incur based on the outcome of an uncertain future event, such as the outcome of a pending lawsuit.

Contingent liabilities are also important for potential lenders to a company, who will consider these liabilities when determining lending terms.

A contingent liability is a potential future liability, such as pending lawsuits or honouring product warranties. If the liability is likely to occur and the amount can be reasonably estimated, it should be recorded in a company's accounting records.

Therefore, There are three types of contingent liabilities: probable, possible, and remote. So, option D is correct.

Learn more about the contingent liability, refer to:


A U.S. investor has borrowed pounds, converted them to dollars, and invested the dollars in the United States to take advantage of interest rate differentials. To cover the currency risk, the investor should:


Answer: C. Buy pounds forward.


The investor borrowed in pounds which means that they would have to pay back in pounds. They would therefore need pounds at the end of the investment period but need to be sure of the rate they are converting back to so as to reduce currency risk.

The way to cater for this risk would be to buy pounds in the forward market at a guaranteed rate so that when they are to pay back the pounds, they buy it at the rate they agreed to in the forward market, regardless of what the rate is in the spot market when they want to pay back the pounds.

Holmes Company produces a product that can be either sold as is or processed further. Holmes has already spent $96,000 to produce 2,425 units that can be sold now for $81,500 to another manufacturer. Alternatively, Holmes can process the units further at an incremental cost of $255 per unit. If Holmes processes further, the units can be sold for $415 each. Should Holmes sell the product now or process it further


Answer: Holmes should process it further to make a profit of $306,496


If Holmes sells now, the selling price would be:

= Amount sold for / No. of units

= 81,500 / 2,425

= $33.61

If the company processes further and sells at $415, they will get a profit per unit of:

= 415 - 255

= $160 per unit

Incremental revenue is:

= (160 - 33.61) * 2,425 units

= $306,495.75

Holmes should process it further.

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