Suppose f"(x) = -9 sin(3x) and f'(0) = -4, and f(0) = -2
Find f(pi/4)


Answer 1


9sin (3)and f,(0)=4,AND f(0)=2

Related Questions

Order these in the correct order fanks



0.05, 8%, 15/100, 3/10, 0.7

Step-by-step explanation:

so they are 5%, 8%, 15%, 30%, 70%

How does the function notation compare with the standard notation?


Therefore, function notation is a way in which a function can be represented using symbols and signs. Function notation is a simpler method of describing a function without a lengthy written explanation. The most frequently used function notation is f(x) which is read as “f” of “x”.

help me plsssss i’m not sure how to do it



x^16 y^8

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 8 x 2 = 16

y = 4 x 2 = 8



Step-by-step explanation:

all you gotta do is multiply the exponent on the inside and the outside

hope this helped ^^

A quality control inspector has drawn a sample of 18 light bulbs from a recent production lot. If the number of defective bulbs is 1 or more, the lot fails inspection. Suppose 30% of the bulbs in the lot are defective.

What is the probability that the lot will pass inspection?



0.0016 = 0.16% probability that the lot will pass inspection.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each bulb, there are only two possible outcomes. Either it is defective, or it is not. The probability of a bulb being defective is independent of any other bulb, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

Sample of 18 light bulbs

This means that [tex]n = 18[/tex]

30% of the bulbs in the lot are defective.

This means that [tex]p = 0.3[/tex]

What is the probability that the lot will pass inspection?

It will pass inspection if there are no defective bulbs, that is, we have to find P(X = 0). So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{18,0}.(0.3)^{0}.(0.7)^{18} = 0.0016[/tex]

0.0016 = 0.16% probability that the lot will pass inspection.

46. Five people L, M, n, O and P sit in a row, not necessarily in the same order.
P sits exactly in between Mand n. if Lsits exactly in between Mand O, then
which of the following must be true?
(A) O sits to the immediate right of M.
(B) L and n always sit together.
(C) M sits exactly at the centre of the row.
(D) P sits between Mand L.
caniay Gannat Dhruy. nagrai and Jiyan are


C M sits exactly at the center of the row.

a yogurt shop offers 7 different flavors of frozen yogurt and 11 different toppings. How many choices are possible for a single serving of frozen yogurt with one topping


answer: 77

Step-by-step explanation:


sorry if I'm wrong


fijatebie nl aperguntaa

Step-by-step explanation:

Peter is married and has two children. He wants to be sure that he has sufficient life insurance to take care of his family if he dies. Peter’s wife is a homemaker but attends college part-time pursuing a law degree. It will cost approximately $40,000 for her to finish her education. Since the children are teenagers, Peter feels he will only need to provide the family with income for the next 10 years. He further calculates that the household expenses run approximately $35,000 per year. The balance on the home mortgage is $30,000. Peter set up a college fund for his children when they were babies, and it currently contains sufficient funds for them to attend college. Assuming that Peter’s wife can invest the insurance proceeds at 8%, calculate the amount of insurance Peter needs to purchase.




Step-by-step explanation:


I - 8

N - 10

PMT - 35,000

FV - 0

solution :

We use the Budget method to estimate the amount of insurance needed

PV of annual expenses

=PV(8%,10,-33100) considering Rate=8%, N=10

 PV - ? = $337,501.61

Amount of Insurance to Purchase = $234,853 + $40,000 + $30,000 = $304,853

Rationalize the denominator and simplify



x² - √3x / x² - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

To Do :-

To rationalize the denominator .

Solution :-

We need to rationalize ,

x/ x + √3

Multiply numerator and denominator by x-√3 :-

x( x - √3 ) / ( x +√3)( x -√3) x² - √3x / (x)² - (√3)² x² - √3x / x² - 3

Use the drop-down menus to select answer.
Use the fraction bars and the expression provided to answer the questions.



loser you called me a bad word so now I'm taking points

Step-by-step explanation:

use elimination to solve the system for 4x + 7 y equals -14 + 8 x + 5 y equals 8 for x​


9514 1404 393


  (x, y) = (3.5, -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Elimination is easiest if one of the coefficients of a variable is a multiple of the other coefficient of the variable. Here, we have x-coefficients of 4 and 8, so it will be easiest to eliminate x.

Subtract the second equation from 2 times the first.

  2(4x +7y) -(8x +5y) = 2(-14) -(8)

  9y = -36 . . . . . simplify

  y = -4 . . . . . . . divide by 9

  4x +7(-4) = -14 . . . . substitute for y in the first equation

  4x = 14 . . . . . . . add 28

  x = 3.5 . . . . divide by 4

The solution is (x, y) = (3.5, -4).

Which polynomial correctly combines the like terms and puts the given polynomial in standard form? -5x^3y^3+8x^4y^2-xy^5-2x^2y^4+8x^6+3x^2y^4-6xy^5



The polynomial is:


To find:

The simplified form of the given polynomial in standard form.


We have,


Combining the like terms, we get



Now, rewrite this polynomial in standard form.


Therefore, the required polynomial in standard form is [tex]8x^6+8x^4y^2-5x^3y^3+x^2y^4-7xy^5[/tex].

Find the measure of the missing angles.



<d = 90

<e = 46  

<f = 134

Step-by-step explanation:

<d = 90 since it forms a straight line with a 90 degree angle

<e = 46  since they are vertical angles and vertical angles are equal

<f = 134  since it is a linear pair with 46 ( they add to 180)  f+46 = 180

              f = 180-46    f =


See this attachment

Please help!! Which two equations are the equations of vertical asymptotes of the function y = 5∕3 tan(3∕4x)?
A) x = 0 and x = 2π∕3
B) x = 4π∕3 and x = –4π∕3
C) x = 0 and x =4π∕3
D) x = 2π∕3 and x = –2π∕3


9514 1404 393


  D) x = 2π∕3 and x = –2π∕3

Step-by-step explanation:

The tangent function has asymptotes at ±π/2, so the corresponding values of x are ...

  (3/4)x = ±π/2

  x = (±π/2)(4/3) = ±2π/3 . . . . matches choice D

The answer is D) x=2TT/3and x =-2TT/3

What is the slope of the line that contains these points? xxx 454545 494949 535353 575757 yyy 101010 555 000 -5−5minus, 5 slope:




Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

x : 45, 49, 53, 57

y : 10, 5, 0, - 5

The slope of the line :

Slope = Rise / Run

y2 = - 5, y1 = 10

x2 = 57, x1 = 45

Rise = y2 - y1 = - 5 - 10 = - 15

Run = x2 - x1 = 57 - 45 = 12

The slope = Rise / Run = - 15 / 12 = - 5/4



Step-by-step explanation:

i brought the answer correct

Your calculator is showing a result of 248.592.
What is this to the nearest whole number?


the nearest whole is 200.600
200.600 should be the nearest whole

Find the measure of the missing angles. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


D = 90
This is because any line is equal to 180 degrees, we see that d is situated on a line that continues into another angle, the other angle is 90 degrees, so we minus 90 from 180, to get 90.

E = 99
E is situated on a line with the other angle F, F = 81 (see below) so we minus 81 from 180

F = 81
F is situated on a line, we minus it from the other angle situated on the same line, so we minus 99 from 180to get 81

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Factor 60y-90-20X to identify the equivalent expressions.
Choose 2 answers:

A) 5(14y−16−4x)

B) 2(30−45−10)

C) 5(12y−18−4x)

D) 10(6y−9−2x)

Please I need help :)


The answers are C and D! hope this helps :)

Use the definition of a Taylor series to find the first four nonzero terms of the series for f(x) centered at the given value of a. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)
f(x) = 7/1+x a=2


If f(x) = 7/(1 + x), then

f (2) = 7/3

f '(x) = -7/(x + 1)²   ==>   f ' (2) = -7/9

f ''(x) = 14/(x + 1)³   ==>   f '' (2) = 14/27

f '''(x) = -42/(x + 1)⁴   ==>   f ''' (2) = -14/27

Then the Taylor series of f(x) about a = 2 is

7/3 + 1/1! (-7/9) (x - 2) + 1/2! (14/27) (x - 2)² + 1/3! (-14/27) (x - 2)³

= 7/3 - 7/9 (x - 2) + 7/27 (x - 2)² - 7/81 (x - 2)³

Scatterplots show:

A the frequency of individual test scores.
B causal relationships between two variables.
C two scores represented as individual points on the graph.
D bars representing different variables.



B. causal relationships between two variables

Scatterplots show causal relationships between two variables. Option B is correct.

What are Scatter plots?

A scatter plot is a collection of points plotted on two axes, horizontal and vertical. Scatter plots are useful in statistics because they illustrate the extent, if any, of correlation between the values of observed quantities or phenomena (called variables).


Given that, to justify Scatterplots,
Plotting a scattergram using the data points can assist in determining whether they have a probable relationship.

Thus, Scatterplots show causal relationships between two variables. Option B is correct.

Learn more about scatter plots here:

Adult tickets to the fall play cost $8 and student tickets cost $4. The drama class sold 20 more adult tickets than student tickets
to the fall play. If the class collected $840 from ticket sales, how many adult tickets were sold?
The drama class sold
adult tickets



A= 80

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm not good at explaining my work. I sometimes can look at the problem and find the answer in 2 seconds.

Please help out really need it !!



use the area formula

Step-by-step explanation:


rounded to the nearest tenth i think its 40

How many of 320 million Americans would you predict wear contact lens



I think 40 - 60 Million Americans would wear contact lenses.

Find the measure of the missing angles in the regular polygon below.


Step-by-step explanation:

First, we can see that the angles inside the polygon form a full circle, as it goes fully around. Therefore, the sum of the angles around the center of the circle (such as m < 7) is 360 degrees. Since it is a regular polygon, and the lines are going from the center to its corners, the 6 angles directly surrounding the center are equal.

Each angle is therefore 360/6 = 60 degrees, so m<7 is 60 degrees.

For m<8, we can see that a line bisects one of the 6 angles surrounding the center. Therefore, m<8 is 1/2 of the angle it bisects, which is equal to 360/6 = 60 degrees, and m<8 = 60/2 = 30 degrees

Finally, we can see that there are 6 sides of the polygon. For a polygon with n number of sides, the sum of its interior angles is equal to (n-2) * 180. Here, there are 6 sides, so the sum of this polygon's interior angles is (6-2) * 180 = 4 * 180 = 720. Because this is a regular polygon, each interior angle is the same, and because there are 6 of them, each one is 720/6 = 120 degrees. As shown in the picture, m < 9 is seemingly one-half of an interior angle, as it is bisected by a line from the center to a corner.

Therefore, m <9  = 120 /2 = 60 degrees

In terms of the perimeter of a regular polygon, the area of a regular polygon is given as, Area = (Perimeter × apothem)/2, in which perimeter = number of sides × length of one side.

given f(x)=2x-4 and g(x)=x213, determine gf[x]]​


Step-by-step explanation:

you have to substitute the function g(x) where there's x in the function f(x)


if that's x two thirteen then you can multiply the 2 outside the brackets by it

giving you a final answer of


hope it helps and sorry if am wrong

Salma invested $8000 in a fund for 6 years and was paid simple interest. The total interest that she received on the investment was $1400. As a percentage, what was the annual interest rate of her investment?


9514 1404 393


  about 2.917%

Step-by-step explanation:

The simple interest formula can be used. Fill in the known values and solve for the unknown.

  I = Prt . . . . principal P invested at rate r for t years

  1400 = 8000(r)(6)

  r = 1400/48000 = 7/240 = 0.0291666...

Salma's interest rate was about 2.917% per year.

three cards are drawn from an ordinary desk and not replaced
find probability a.getting 3 jackets​



Assuming you meant three jacks:

1 in 5525 or else 1/5525.

Step-by-step explanation:

You start with a full deck of 52 and 4 jacks. After each draw, you reduce both the jacks and total deck by one. Your first draw would be 4/52. The next would be 3/51. The final draw would be 2/50. You multiply each fraction together as you need all of them to happen, and that is your odds of drawing 3 jacks in a row without replacement.

Suppose you deposit $500 in a savings account where the interest earned is compounded
continuously at a rate of 10%. How many years will it take the balance in the account to reach
$8000 (round your answer to the nearest year)?


14 years after rounding to the nearest year

Determine the area of the given parallelogram with length 11 and altitude five


9514 1404 393


  55 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a parallelogram is the product of base length and height:

  A = bh

  A = (11)(5) = 55 . . . area of the given parallelogram in square units

Need help giving 10 Points. Answer—and explanation


I think it’s the 3rd one because 4x6=24, and these numbers can be multiplied into 24

Find the length of BC
A. 6.81
B. 7.64
C. 13.37
D. 29.44



13.37 = BC

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = opp / hyp

cos 27 = BC / 15

15 cos 27 = BC

13.36509 = BC

Rounding to the nearest hundredth

13.37 = BC

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