Suppose you run three different paths from A to B. Along which path(s) would your distance traveled be different from your displacement


Answer 1
The distance is the measurement all around the path whereas displacement is the measurement of how far apart objects/ points are.
Hope this helps, please give me brainliest:)

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What's the common ecosystem of a Paramecium aurelia



Paramecium live in aquatic environments, usually in stagnant, warm water. The species Paramecium bursaria forms symbiotic relationships with green algae. The algae live in its cytoplasm. Algal photosynthesis provides a food source for Paramecium.

Vaccines are
1 point
cures for pathogens
prevent pathogen infection
used to treat a bacterial infection
100% effective



To prevent a pathogen infection

a person has a cardiac output of 4.9L per minute. the stroke volume of each heart beat is 70 ML


that's true

stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat

cardiac output is the blood pumped by ventricles per minute

Is that a question or a statement?

draw a flowchart showcasing the process of scientific learning .also mention a short description of each of the step in the chart. ​



The scientific method is a system of exploring the world around us, asking and answering questions, and making predictions. Scientists use the scientific method because it is objective and based on evidence. A hypothesis is fundamental to the scientific method. A hypothesis can take the form of an explanation or a prediction. There are several ways to break down the steps of the scientific method, but it always involves forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and determining whether or not the hypothesis is correct. If the hypothesis is rejected, this does not mean the experiment was a failure. In fact, if you proposed a null hypothesis (the easiest to test), rejecting the hypothesis may be sufficient to state the results. Sometimes, if the hypothesis is rejected, you reformulate the hypothesis or discard it and then go back to the experimentation stage.

The process of scientific learning refers to the various steps via which one can examine and study our environment to understand it. Once understanding or know-how is achieved, then technology is said to have advanced further.

It starts with making observations. Now because of the limitation of our senses, it is important not to jump to conclusions. The next step is to form a hypothesis based on the observation madeWhen you have arrived at a hypothesis, you can now carry out a controlled experiment where you collect further data and reach conclusions based on the experimentIf the hypothesis is in line with your observation, you publish resultsIf the hypothesis is null, you also publish results, then review your hypothesis  and repeat the experiment

All the above require consistent documentation at each stage. Please see the attached image for the flowchart.

Learn more about the process of scientific learning here:

Describe an equation which is the summary of the process by which a mesophlly cell gives out oxygen.



An equation is math so i dont really know


Dude im sorry im just trying get some racks

What happens during S phase?

O A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

O B. DNA separates into two nuclei.

O C. The cell splits in two.

O D. Cytoplasm is manufactured.


Answer: A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

Explanation: This is the correct answer on the quiz.

Chromosomes are duplicated in S phase. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What do you mean by S phase?

Between G1 phase and G2 phase, DNA replication takes place during S phase of the cell cycle. The processes that take place during S-phase are tightly controlled and highly conserved.

The cell replicates its genetic material entirely during the S phase of DNA synthesis; At the end of S phase, a normal diploid somatic cell with a DNA complement of 2N acquires a DNA complement of 4N.

DNA synthesis or replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, which occurs prior to the interphase. Before entering mitosis or meiosis, the cell's genetic material is replicated in this manner, leaving enough DNA for daughter cells to divide.

Learn more about S phase:


Question 23 of 32
The diagram below represents the time a cell spends in the two main phases
of the cell cycle. In which phase does a cell spend more time?
O A. Meiosis
B. Prophase
C. Interphase
O D. Mitosis


Interphase is the answer to your question

girl is that mold on your screen?

omplete the passage to describe the function of the heart.

The pumping of the heart involves the alternate contraction and relaxation of the chambers of the heart. The upper chambers of the heart are called
, and the lower chambers of the heart are called



The pumping of the heart involves the alternate contraction and relaxation of the chambers of the heart. The upper chambers of the heart are called at atria and the lower chambers of the heart are called ventricles.

PLEASE NEED HELP ASAP!!! What statement is true about energy and matter in stars? Select the correct answers.
A. Some matter is converted into energy within stars.

B. Energy in stars causes the fusion of light elements.

C. All energy is converted into matter in stars.

D. Energy and matter are both conserved in stars.

E. Only energy is conserved within stars.

F. Only matter is conserved within stars.



I think the answer is A


I would wait for someone else to answer though.

Conjugation differs from reproduction because conjugation Group of answer choices transfers DNA horizontally, to nearby cells without those cells undergoing replication. transcribes DNA to RNA. replicates DNA. transfers DNA vertically, to new cells. copies RNA to make DNA.



it is differs from reproduction because conjunction group of answers

Conjugation transfers DNA horizontally, to nearby cells without those cells undergoing replication.

Conjugation is a mechanism of genetic transfer in bacteria where genetic material, usually in the form of plasmids, is transferred from one bacterial cell to another. Unlike reproduction, which involves the replication and inheritance of genetic material through cell division, conjugation allows bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally between cells that are in close proximity to each other.

During conjugation, the donor bacterial cell containing the plasmid makes contact with the recipient cell through a specialized structure called a pilus. The plasmid DNA is then transferred from the donor cell to the recipient cell through this pilus. The transferred DNA can include genes that provide advantages such as antibiotic resistance or the ability to metabolize certain substances.

The key difference between conjugation and reproduction is that conjugation does not involve replication of the recipient cell's entire genome. Instead, it transfers specific genetic material from one cell to another. The recipient cell does not undergo replication as a result of conjugation but acquires new genetic information from the donor cell.

Reproduction, on the other hand, involves the replication and inheritance of the complete set of genetic material in the parent cell. It results in the production of offspring cells that are genetically identical or similar to the parent cell.

In summary, conjugation is a form of genetic transfer in bacteria where DNA is horizontally transferred between cells without those cells undergoing replication. It allows for the exchange of genetic material and the acquisition of new traits by recipient cells. Reproduction, on the other hand, involves the replication and inheritance of genetic material through cell division.

To learn more about Conjugation, here


what is homostatis in biology​



Homeostasis, from the Greek words for "same" and "steady," refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival. The term was coined in 1930 by the physician Walter Cannon.


A species that is LEAST closely related to the rest of the organisms
represented on a cladogram is called?



A cladogram is a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of animals, called a phylogeny.

Write a short note on tadpole and froglet.
please write in long​



A tadpole is the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian. Where as a froglet is a semi metamorphosed Tadpole. A froglet is still in the process of becoming a frog, through tice the froglet will slowly metamorphoses futher to its adult and final stage.


Một các thể của một loài sinh vật khi giảm phân tạo giao tử. Trong số giao tử được sinh ra người ta nhận thấy số loại giao tử mang 2 NST có nguồn gốc từ mẹ là 6. Quá trình giảm phân diễn ra bình thường, không xảy ra trao đổi chéo.
a. Xác định bộ NST 2n của loài và tên loài.
b. Tính tỷ lệ loại giao tử nói trên?
Cho rằng tỉ lệ thụ tinh của giao tử đực và cái đều là 100%. Toàn bộ các hợp tử đều phát triển thành cá thể con.



i cant understand


because your language in vietnam

how are various components of the blood adapted to function​


I cant see the picture

A pseudogene is a Group of answer choices second copy of a gene that functions when the original copy becomes damaged. gene that is unrelated in sequence to another gene but has the same function. gene that evolved by gene duplication and the acquisition of mutations to yield a gene product that has a slightly different function from that of the original gene product. gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


Answer: Gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


A gene is a functional unit of heredity formed by DNA. They possess a sequence of nitrogenous bases that during translation is read by ribosomes to produce molecules called proteins.  A pseudogene is a DNA sequence that resembles a gene, but which has been inactivated in the course of evolution by mutations in its sequence. Thus, it is a gene that derives from other known genes and whose functions are different, may have lost their functionality or have radically changed it. To this day, it is not known exactly how pseudogenes are created, however some theories are as follows:

1. A gene duplication can generate two copies of a gene when only one is needed. A mutation would then occur that deactivates one of the copies. In addition, the duplication event may not be complete, so that the copy has incomplete promoters.  

2. They may be fragments of the messenger RNA transcript of a gene may be spontaneously reverse transcribed and inserted into the chromosomal DNA. They lack the promoters of normal genes, so they are not expressed normally.

3. A gene may become non-functional or inactivated if such a mutation becomes fixed in the population. This can occur by normal means such as natural selection or genetic drift.

Which is an example of genetic drift?




Genetic drift, gene flow, mutations, and natural selection are responsible for the change in the gene pool over time. Example of genetic drift: a population of rabbits with alleles B and b, both alleles are present in equal frequencies p = 0.5 and q = 0.5 if 10 parents reproduce the probability of having an offspring with alleles B or b is 0.5; however, by chance, a slight difference in the offspring allele frequency might occur due to random sampling. As a result, in the next generation, the allele frequencies will change slightly to new frequencies by chance to become p = 0.4 and q = 0.6. in the following generations, the random sampling of alleles continues and the change in allele frequency will be greatly different from the initial 0.5 frequency due to genetic drift. Even though genetic drifting is one of the factors that participate in the evolutionary process of the genetic pool by increasing or decreasing a certain allele’s frequency, however, it does not influence the adaptation of individuals to the environment since the affected genes may be harmful or beneficial genes.


Masel, J. (2011). Genetic drift. Current Biology, 21(20), R837-R838.‏

Kliman, R. M. (2016). Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology. Academic Press.‏

Maloy, S., & Hughes, K. (Eds.). (2013). Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics. Academic Press.‏

Clark, M, A., Douglas, M., & Choi, J. (2018). Biology 2e. Openstax

©BiologyOnline. Content provided and moderated by BiologyOnline Editors.

An example of genetic drift is a population of rabbits with alleles a and b both of them are present in equal frequencies p=0.5 and q = 0.5 if 10 parents reproduce

If an individual has trisomy resulting in Down syndrome and has an extra chromosome in each cell, what mutation must have occurred?
A. A nondisjunction mutation in the gamete of one of the parents
B. A nondisjunction in both gametes of the parents
C. A nondisjunction in one of the first gamete cells of the individual
D. A nondisjunction mutation in body cells of both parents



if  An individual has an extra chromosome in every one of its cells, the mutation that must have occurred is A non-disjunction mutation in the gamete of one of the parents

If an individual has trisomy resulting in Down syndrome and has an extra chromosome in each cell, the mutation that must have occurred is A. A nondisjunction mutation in the gamete of one of the parents.

Down syndrome simply means a genetic disorder that is caused when there's an abnormal cell division that then leads to extra genetic material.

The effect of Down syndrome is the fact that it leads to an intellectual disability, developmental delays, and a distinct facial appearance.

The mutation that has occurred with someone that has a Down syndrome is the nondisjunction mutation in the gamete of one of the parents.

Read related link on:

During a stay in the hospital, an accident victim develops symptoms of bacteremia. A blood sample shows the presence of Gram-positive cocci in pairs. Lab tests determine that the bacteria are non-hemolytic and bile salt tolerant. The bacteremia is likely due to





Enterococcus is reason for nosocomial infection with predilection for older patients with multiple comorbidities. It is usually caused by longer stay in hospital.  The infections may include urinary tract infections, wound infection and intra abdomen or pelvic infections.

what carbon compound stores energy for the cell and sometimes provides structural support





Carbohydrates are a group of macromolecules that are a vital energy source for the cell, provide structural support to many organisms, and can be found on the surface of the cell as receptors or for cell recognition.




help with this question 20pts ​


6 (A)=(x)sebaceous gland

The state of maintaining a stable internal environment regardless of changing external conditions is called









An experimental herbicide kills plants by blocking the ATP synthase in thylakoids. This is most likely to: Group of answer choices Decrease the pumping of NADPH across the thylakoid membrane Increase the pH of the chloroplast stroma Decrease of flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I Decrease the concentration of ATP in the thylakoid space



Decrease the pumping of NADPH across the thylakoid membrane

Decrease of flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I


Thylakoids are defined as a membrane-bound compartments located inside the chloroplasts and the cyanobacteria. Here, light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occurs.

To block the photosynthesis process, the herbicides pushes the dichlorophenyl dimethylurea to block the electron flow through the photosynthesis II and it reduces the flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I. It also decreases pumping of the NADPH across the thylakoid membrane.

Which hair is Is constitute about two third of the hair of women , one tenth of the hair of men, and all of the hair of children?





The villus hair is also called as the peach fuzz refers to a fine thin and light-colored hair. It covers the majority of body parts such as face, stomach, legs and arms. This hair tends to be very short and has a length of 2mm.

What are true of multicellular organisms



hope this answer help you

Which of the following environments are low-level areas that can be temporarily or seasonally filled with water?

A. Rainforest
B. Swamp
C. Tundra
D. Wetland


I believe your answer will be D. Wetlands, as they have the capability to store flood waters during certain events temporarily.

its A, i took the test sorry for not anasewring at the right time of year, pardon me

Explain the characteristics scientists use when observing organisms and placing them in the six kingdoms .


Archaebacteria. Archaebacteria are the most recent addition to the kingdoms of organisms.
Eubacteria. Eubacteria are also single-celled bacterial organisms.
Fungi. The Fungi kingdom is recognizable to us as mushrooms, molds, mildews and yeasts.

Both mitochondria and chloroplast have about the same function as…

. animal cells.

. eukaryotic cells.

. prokaryotic cells.



Prokaryotic cells.

Hope this helps :)

2. Slime moulds cannot be put neither in kingdom Plantae nor in kingdom Animalia. Give reason.

3. Give the disadvantages of the two kingdom classification.



3. In the two-kingdom classification following are drawbacks:-

The plants comprised of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic species. Fungi, that feed on dead organic matter, were placed under photosynthetic plants. There was another class of classification needed were the organisms with the same characteristics were clubbed into one kingdom. This system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (green algae) and non-photosynthetic (fungi) organisms. There are some organisms which neither fall into plant nor animal kingdom like Lichens.


Hope my answer is helpful.. If yes, plz mark me as brainliest

Mammals who have very short development period Inside their mothers body, followed by a second development period Inside a special pouch of the mother that is made of skin and hair are ____.



placental is the answer
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