The amount of water on Earth
A: decreases slightly over time and does not change form.
B: remains the same and does not change form.
C: increases slightly over time, but changes forms.
D: remains the same, just in different forms.


Answer 1


it remains same, just in different forms

Answer 2
It’s d trust me bro I know

Related Questions

Find the number that makes the ratio equivalent to 12:1.





To find how they got 8, you divide 8 by 1, because they are on the same side of a ratio, and you get 8.

So, to keep the ratio equal, you should multiply 8 by 12 to get the equal ratio.

8 x 12 = 96.

The lack of atmosphere on the Moon results in
A- a lot of weathering and erosion
B- little to no weathering and erosion
C- intense winds
D- cyclones and storms



the Moon is considered not to have an atmosphere because it cannot absorb measurable quantities of radiation, does not appear layered or self-circulating, and requires constant replenishment due to the high rate at which its gases get lost into space.

Which practice of citizenship most often results from strong feelings of nationalism or patriotism?

A)Organizing an antigovernment march
B)Enlisting to serve in the military
C)Voting in local elections
D)Serving on a jury



Enlisting to serve in the military.

the answer you need is B. Enlisted to serve in the military

Your task is to use what you have learnt about energy transfers in this unit to
explain how energy from the Sun ends up as electrical energy.
In your explanation, you must use all of the words in the list below at least once.
Underline them in your explanation when you use them.
evaporate condense
convection current
kinetic energy
gravitational potential energy
water vapour
You may wish to add some labels to the diagram.


The combination of words which can be used to explain how energy from the Sun ends up as electrical energy are given below.

What is Electrical Energy?

This refers to the movement of electrically charged particles to create energy.

With this in mind, we can see that with the radiation which is gotten from the sun, it can be absorbed because of the kinetic energy which makes a convection current to move.

This in turn leads to gravitational potential energy where the sun rays are converted to electrical energy.

Read more about solar energy here:

which prevailing wind blows through zambia in the rainy season​



Winds are predominantly easterly-southeasterly, although in the rainy season winds blow from the northwest and north. Wind speeds are rarely strong enough to cause damage. Although the major contrast is between the rainy season and the drier months, three seasons may be identified.


Hope it will help you

Winds are predominantly easterly-southeasterly, although in the rainy season winds blow from the northwest and north. Wind speeds are rarely strong enough to cause damage. Although the major contrast is between the rainy season and the drier months, three seasons may be identified.

If you want to know more then take a look at this link, it is totally safe!!


If helped mark me the brainiest!!!

what is the role of stars in our galaxy and other galaxies in maintaining accurate navigation in outer space?



That's more than 275 million stars per day in the observable universe. Stars keep themselves fueled. They fuse elements together to make new elements. ... Once the star runs out of hydrogen, the helium atoms fuse together to make carbon.

what percentage of the earth surface does water occupy?​



75%-80% percent.........



I’m not sure what you’re trying to ask here

Define the term climate change and briefly explain why it is important ​



Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place. Climatic Change is important since it helps determine future climate expectations. Through the use of latitude, one can determine the likelihood of snow and hail reaching the surface. You can also be able to identify the thermal energy from the sun that is accessible to a region.

chaotic and random.

not as focused on the coasts.

highest near national borders.

less dense near the capital city.



Less dense near the capital.

Kodėl dauguma Australijos miestų įsikūrę pakran-



trade, travel, ect


The cities are all located by the coast as the coastal areas of Australia are most accessible for trade and travel, have the best climate and leisure activities, and there is enough water available to meet the needs of a large population.

People who practice ______
read the Torah for guidance.
A: Hinduism
B: Christianity
C: Islam
D: Judaism


The answer is

D. Judaism
The answer is

D. Judaism

Which of the following best describes what would have to change to
transform a direct democracy into a parliamentary democracy?
A. An individual would have to take direct control of the government.
B. Executive leaders would have to be chosen from the legislative
C. An elite group would have to take control of the government.
D. An assembly of all citizens would have to take control from an
elected group


Answer: B. Executive leaders would have to be chosen from the legislative branch.


A parliamentary democracy is one where the executive government is controlled by the party that has the largest representation in the nation's legislative branch, the Parliament.

To be a parliamentary democracy therefore, an executive leader would have to be chosen from the legislature by the members of the party in the majority. This ensures that the legislature and the executive work closer together. Countries like Britain and Israel are parliamentary democracies.  

In circle 0, the measure of arc AD is 60 and m/_ AED= 74. Find the mesure of arc BC


Answer: 46

Explanation: 60=74+x/2



What is geography?????​



the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries.

hope this helps

have a good day :)



Geography is the field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the earth and planets.

What do u mean by natural vegetation ?​



Natural vegetation refers to a plant community, which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time. This is termed as a virgin vegetation. Thus, cultivated crops and fruits, orchards form part of vegetation but not natural vegetation.

For Example:

The grasses, shurbs and trees that grow on their own without any human interference or help are termed natural vegetation.

Lines s and t are perpendicular. If the slope of line s is 5, what is the slope of
line t?
А. -1/5
B. -5
C. 1/5
D. 5





It is an established mathematical proof that the slope of line A perpendicular to another line B is the recoprovaknofokad

Hence the slope of B = the negative reciprocal of B

Given that ; lines s and t are perpendicular ;

Slope of S = 5 ;

The slope of T = - 1/5

According to Greek mythology, the
was created by Hermes.
A. Aulos
B. Kithara
C. Lyre
D. Lute





please brainleist my answer

Describe the components that made up Earth's first atmosphere.



Earth original atmosphere was probably just hydrogen and helium because these were the main gases in the justice guess around the sun from which planets from the Earth its atmosphere where is very hot molecules of hydrogen and helium move really fast especially when

Please Help Label the diagram



you already labelled it correct

Look at The Baptism of Christ, an engraving done by Lucas van Leyden in
1510. Why is the baptism of the adult Jesus hidden in the background?



I believe the answer is C


Non required

The reformation made it necessary to push the relgious messages in the art to the background. Hence option C is correct.

What is the Baptism of Christ?

As Jesus came to john baptist and was baptizing the people he tried to change his mind but will do all that God requires.

As soon the god that is Jesus was baptist he came out of the water.  The image depicts people surrounded by the water and reaffirmation made it necessary for pushing the religious message.

Find out more information about Baptism of christ.

which important fossil is most likely to be found in the triassic age rocks in the Newark lowlands? .eurypterid .mastodont .coelophysis .Naples tree​



Coelophysis is most likely to be found in the triassic age rocks in the Newark lowlands.

Two Muslim Imams from different major sects of Islam are discussing religion when they get into an argument that is at the heart of the
disagreement between their two sects, one that plays out many times around the world. What subject are they MOST likely arguing over?
O A how often to pray
where women should pray in the mosque
who should follow the Islamic faith
who is the true leader of Islam


D.) Who is the true leader of Islam

Explanation: I’m Muslim lol


yung mgandang sagot poh.



longitude is up and down

latitude is across


the difference between horizontal and vertical

Explain different methods used to prevent salinity?



Type of salinity and their prevention

There are different types of salinity, each with different causes and varying treatment.

Dryland salinity is the accumulation of salts in the soil surface and groundwater in non-irrigated areas. It is usually the result of three broad processes:

groundwater recharge (or deep drainage)

groundwater movement

groundwater discharge.

Often it results from replacing deep-rooted native vegetation with shallower-rooted crops and pastures, which take up less water. Unused rainwater leaks into the ground causing groundwater to rise and dissolve salts stored deep in the soil. The salty water may:

rise to the surface causing waterlogging and/or scalding

emerge at the break of a slope as seeps

flow over the surface or underground into streams and rivers.

Irrigation salinity

Irrigation salinity is the rise in saline groundwater and the build-up of salt in the soil surface in irrigated areas. It is caused by using large volumes of irrigation water that locally raise groundwater levels and mobilise salt. Irrigation salinity is made worse when water used to irrigate is from salty sources.

Irrigation salinity can be controlled by using water efficiently. Crops should receive only the amount of water they can actually use. Reducing water usage in irrigated areas generally requires changes to irrigation infrastructure and technology, and better matching of crops to soil types.

Urban salinity

Urban salinity is a combination of dryland and irrigation salinity processes and is mainly caused by rising groundwater bringing salts to the land surface. The rise in groundwater is caused by blocked or changed natural drainage paths due to:

urban development

over-watering of parks and gardens

leaking pipes, drains and tanks.

In the urban environment, other sources of salt that can contribute to urban salinity include:


building materials

industrial waste water

fertilisers and chemicals.

Industrial salinity

Many industrial processes have the potential to increase salinity levels in rivers. Examples are:

saline water from mines (working and abandoned) from groundwater seepage and from rainwater coming into contact with mine workings or spoil

discharged cooling water from coal-fired power stations that has been partly evaporated, concentrating the salt content

effluent being discharged.

¿Cuál continente concentra más industria pesada • ¿Cómo es la distribución de la industria ligera en el mundo? • ¿Dónde se concentra la industria pesada en el continente americano? • ¿Qué tipos de industria se localizan en nuestro país?


Answer: El continente que más concentra la industria pesada es Europa, pero también destaca Estados Unidos en América, y China y Japón en Asia.

La distribución de la industria ligera en el mundo se caracteriza por su bajo consumo energético, su fácil integración y por la producción de una escala intermedia an alta.

Las áreas de desarrollo mechanical pesado se encuentran localizadas en su mayoría en el centro del país. Comprenden la parte focal del Estado de México, Nuevo León, Coahuila, centro de Guanajuato, centro de Veracruz, centro de Jalisco, la Comarca Lagunera (entre Coahuila y Durango) y la ciudad de Mérida en Yucatán.

Tenemos que la industria que se localizan en nuestro país (México), child principalmente: industria pesada, pesquera, metalúrgica, textil, farmacéutica, eléctrica , azucarera , manufacturera y agrícola, siendo estas las más relevantes.


Examine the map you created in the first task and note any patterns that might show how climate and physical features impact one another. Do climate zones tend to occur near certain physical features? Write two short paragraphs to record your findings.



You need to provide an image of your map to get an answer

A _____ was storyteller in Africa who would be responsible for passing down the history of society orally.

A) anasi
B) griot
C) mansa
D) qanat


The answer is B. Griot

Using complete sentences, explain how innovations in transportation have impacted agriculture dramatically.



See explanation


Innovations in transportation have impacted agriculture in many different ways. First of all, the innovation of faster means of transportation such as aeroplane have made it possible for agricultural produce to be moved across many miles without loosing perishable goods.

It takes a few hours to travel to areas which are very far apart using an aeroplane. Such a journey may take several days on a horseback.

Innovations in transportation have created new routes and opened new markets for agricultural produce. Areas that where hitherto inaccessible are now readily accessible and the markets in those places are now harnessed for the sale of agricultural produce.

Radiation is a concern with travelling away from the Earth.
What kind of radiation is concerning to astronauts in this journey? ( the trip to Mars)



ionizing radiation


the radiation from the sun is ionizing.

Mark Brainliest please


Ionising radiation

Space radiation is made up of three kinds of radiation: particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; particles shot into space during solar flares (solar particle events); and galactic cosmic rays, which are high-energy protons and heavy ions from outside our solar system. All of these kinds

It comes

Space radiation can cause radiation sickness and other health problems. These effects are classified as either acute, which have immediate impacts on humans, or chronic, which affect humans over longer periods of time.

Radiation on Mars

Radiation exposure on the surface is 30 µSv per hour during solar minimum; during solar maximum, dosage equivalent of this exposure is reduced by the factor two (2). If the settlers spend on average three hours every three days outside the habitat, their individual exposure adds up to 11 mSv per year.

Space radiation is made up of three kinds of radiation: particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; particles shot into space during solar flares (solar particle events); and galactic cosmic rays, which are high-energy protons and heavy ions from outside our solar system. All of these kinds of space radiation represent ionizing radiation.

Why is Ionizing Radiation More Dangerous than Non-Ionizing Radiation?
While non-ionizing radiation is damaging, it can easily be shielded out of an environment as is done for UV radiation. Ionizing radiation, however, is much more difficult to avoid. Ionizing radiation has the ability to move through substances and alter them as it passes through. When this happens, it ionizes the atoms (knocks electrons out of them) in the surrounding material with which it interacts.

Ionizing radiation is like an atomic-scale cannonball that blasts through material, leaving significant damage behind. More damage can also be created by secondary particles that are propelled into motion by the primary radiation particle.

The particles associated with ionizing radiation in space are categorized into three main groups relating to the source of the radiation: galactic cosmic rays, solar flare particles, and radiation belt particles (Van Allen Belts) trapped in space around the Earth.

For more info
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