The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of which conflict?
World War I
The Franco-Prussian War
World War II
The Russo-Japanese War


Answer 1


World War I


The asination caused to countries with many relationships and defense agreements to go to war pulling all these other countries into the mix

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because of iiidjdjfjfjdjndndjxixjxjn made iiidjdjfjfjdjndndjxixjxjn want to go to iiidjdjfjfjdjndndjxixjxjn, so he ended up going to iiidjdjfjfjdjndndjxixjxjn insetad of iiidjdjfjfjdjndndjxixjxjn.

What would you change about the treaty to possibly prevent WWII



The League of Nations


This is mainly because the LoN made weak efforts to stop the expansion of Nazis

What is the most debated topic of all time (in all subjects, that includes pollotices science pholosophy etc.)



Philosophy is the most debated topic of all time .


Political philosophy, branch of philosophy that is concerned, at the most abstract level, with the concepts and arguments involved in political opinion. The meaning of the term political is itself one of the major problems of political philosophy. Broadly, however, one may characterize as political all those practices and institutions that are concerned with government.

if n=15 whan y=14, find the value of k



Step-by-step explanation:

K = N×Y

K = 15 × 14

:: K= 210


It depends on the numerario value, but I think it's 1.25


Tell me if I am wrong, ;  )

5. How did the printing press contribute to the scientific revolution?
a. It allowed for mass communication of scientific discoveries.
b. It forced church leaders to accept emerging scientific discoveries.
c. It made scientific discoveries profitable.
d. O None of the above.
6 In the



The printing press was also a factor in the establishment of a community of scientists who could easily communicate their discoveries through widely disseminated scholarly journals, helping to bring on the scientific revolution. Because of the printing press, authorship became more meaningful and profitable.

Discuss how illegal dumping may negatively affect the communities



read below


itll make the community look very low income (poor) as a result some people living in other areas may not want to include the community in some things. for EX: railway not going through that part because its low income thus people from the area will not have means of transportation

What did Angelina Grimké encourage women to do?
A. Remain subordinate to men
B. Respect established social roles
C. Refuse to help reform movements
D. Unite in the abolitionist cause


Answer: D. Unite in the abolitionist cause


Angelina Emily Grimké Weld and her sister Sarah Grimke, were remarkable human beings who gave their lives to helping the oppressed in society particular women and enslaved people.

She was born and raised in the South were she had a first hand experience of the terrible institution of Slavery and when she moved up north, got involved in campaigns to end it. She told women that they needed to united in the abolitionist cause because she believed that this was the most important wrong to be righted before others.

If you were alive during either event 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, what would your own thoughts be about the situation?(i.e how would you respond? What would be your emotions ? Would you have been willing to join the military?Etc ).



i would of cried and been scared ngl



Explain yarn as the second production stage of any textile​



Fibres are first converted into yarn by the process of spinning. In the process of spinning, fibres from a mass of cotton (or wool, silk, etc.) are drawn out and twisted. This brings the tiny fibres together to form a long and twisted thread called 'yarn'.

Why did the Maori fight colonists in New Zealand?

to gain power in the Pacific economy

to take over New Zealand ports

to control resources

to defend their land


Answer:-4:To defend their land

Answer: to defend their land

Explanation: gradpoint

What is the fundamental idea behind the fourteenth amendment to constitution which is mentioned in brown.v


The fourteenth Amendment secures the right of citizenship to all Americans.

One number is 5 more than twice another and their sum ls 23.
Which of the following system of equations represents the word problem?


Answer:tbh I don’t get this either


the Albany Plan of Union was


The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. ... Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government.

which of these thinkers of the scientific revolution first proposed a heliocentric theory- that Earth revolves around the sun?


The answer is Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus

Which of the following choices is evidence that the Soviet Union had a command economic system?


Answer: B. The government tried to regulate citizens 'workplace and non-workplace activities.


The Soviet Union was a Communist state which meant that it had a command economy where everything was controlled by the state. The State controlled what was produced, when it was produced and for whom it would be produced for.

For this to happen, the labor needed to be heavily regulated to ensure that the produce what the state wanted them to and when they wanted them to do it. The state therefore attempted to control both the workplace and non-workplace activities of workers for this reason.

Why did Jefferson and Madison think the national bank was not constitutional?


This plan was opposed by Thomas Jefferson. States, he believed, should establish banks with the ability to issue money. Jefferson also argued that the national government did not have the authority to establish a bank under the Constitution.

What impact did railroads have on cities across the United States at the turn of the 20th century?


Many cities became industrial centers I hope this helps



Many cities became industrial centers.


What was the primary responsibility of a

ranchero living in California in the 1800s?

A sell manufactured goods

braise large herds of cattle

C grow grapes

D direct prospectors to where the gold was


Answer: b. raise large herds of cattle


When California was under the Spanish, they gave away a lot of land to former soldiers in order to get them to stay there. When Mexico became independent, they continued this policy and this gave way to the rise of Rancheros.

Rancheros raised large herds of cattle and sheep on the land given to them by the Spanish and then the Mexicans. These lands were called ranchos and were usually close to water and grazing sources to enable ease of feeding the large herds of cattle and sheep.

What was Martin Luther king jr beliefs about African Americans? Plz help



Your welcome!


He was a social activist and Baptist minister who played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 1968. King sought equality and human rights for African Americans, the economically disadvantaged and all victims of injustice through peaceful protest.


King wrote, spoke and organized nonviolent protests and mass demonstrations to draw attention to racial discrimination and to demand civil rights legislation to protect the rights of African-Americans.

Uma bússola que aponta para o Norte apontará para qual número dessa imagem?



the language doesn't allow me to give the correct answer

In Plessy v. Ferguson, Homer Plessy claimed that “separate but equal” violated his rights under the
First Amendment.
Thirteenth Amendment.
Fourteenth Amendment.
Fifteenth Amendment.



fourteenth amendment


I COULD ALMOST pick first amendment, but i choose fourteenth amendment because the slaves had not got their pursuit of happiness

Homer Plessy claimed that “separate but equal” violated his rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?

It is the legislation that granted citizenship to all persons in the United State including the enslaved people and equal protection of the laws.

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the plaintiff claimed that “separate but equal” violated his rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Fourteenth Amendment


how did the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments change the nature of the federal union?




Territory Claimants Notes

Abyei, Heglig, Jodha, Kafia Kingi and Kaka  Sudan

South Sudan Both Sudan and South Sudan have claimed the area after the civil war that led to South Sudan's independence. Heglig was controlled by South Sudan in mid-April 2012 but retaken by the Sudan. Abyei was taken in May 2012.

Banc du Geyser  Madagascar


France Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean, a district of the French Southern Territories.

Bassas da India, Europa Island and Juan de Nova Island  France

Madagascar[1] De facto a part of the French overseas territory of the French Southern Territories.

Ceuta,[2] Melilla, other plazas de soberanía  Spain

Morocco Ceuta and Melilla are administered by Spain as autonomous cities.

An incident on Perejil Island happened in 2002, after which both countries agreed to return to status quo.[3]

Chagos Archipelago  United Kingdom


Maldives[4] United Kingdom administers the archipelago as part of the British Indian Ocean Territory. An advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice has found the United Kingdom administration to be unlawful and called upon the United Kingdom to complete the process of decolonization with respect to Mauritius.

Doumeira Mountain, Ras Doumeira and Doumeira Island  Eritrea

Djibouti Basis of the Djiboutian–Eritrean border conflict of 2008. Disputed territory occupied by Eritrea following withdrawal of Qatari peacekeepers in June 2017.[5][6] Alternatively transliterated as the Dumaira Mountains.[5]

Glorioso Islands  France


Comoros De facto a part of the French overseas territory of the French Southern Territories.

Hala'ib Triangle  Egypt

Sudan[7] Previously under joint administration; Egypt now maintains full de facto control of the Hala'ib Triangle. The boundaries claimed by Egypt and Sudan both include the Hala'ib Triangle. The area of Bir Tawil close to the triangle is unclaimed by both countries.

Ilemi Triangle  Kenya

South Sudan De facto controlled by Kenya. Ethiopian tribes have used and made raids in the land, but the Ethiopian government has never made a claim to it, agreeing it was Sudanese in 1902, 1907 and 1972 treaties.[8][9][10]

KaNgwane and Ingwavuma  South Africa

Eswatini Eswatini claims territories which it states were confiscated during colonial times.[11] The area claimed by Eswatini is the former bantustan of KaNgwane, which now forms the northern parts of Jozini and uMhlabuyalingana local municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal, and the southern part of Nkomazi, the southeastern part of Umjindi and the far eastern part of Albert Luthuli local municipalities in Mpumalanga.

Koalou village and surrounding area  Burkina Faso

Benin Burkina Faso and Benin retain a border dispute at this 68 km2 triangular area of land near the tripoint border with Togo.[12][13] In a 2008 meeting, it was declared that the territory was a neutral zone, neither Burkinabé nor Beninese, making it technically unclaimed.[12] According to the UN Refugee Agency in 2015, there were issues of children being born stateless in the area, however a Beninese civil registration office has taken control of registering births in the area.[14]

Kpéaba village area (near Sipilou/Siquita)  Ivory Coast

Guinea The Guinean military occupied this village for 1 month from January to February 2013, before withdrawing in preparation of talks.[15] In December 2016, Guinea soldiers and civilians attacked the village, killing 1 and wounding several others, before returning to their side of the border.[16] According to the Guinean Minister of Defence, the Guinean army had been asked not to send any soldiers to this area and had no involvement in this incident.[17]

Area near Logoba/Moyo District  South Sudan

Uganda A 1914 British colonial order defined the international border based on the tribal boundary between the Kuku of Kajokeji (South Sudan) and the Ma'di of Moyo (Uganda). However, the border was never formally demarcated.[18] In 2014, a conflict was triggered by the Ugandan national census when Ugandan officials were detained by South Sudan authorities.[19]

Border near Chiengi, Lunchinda-Pweto Province  Zambia

Photo by simsonimages

The __________ Mountains are Africa's longest mountain chain and are located in the northwestern part of the continent.



The answer is B.Atlas

The Atlas Mountains are Africa's longest mountain chain and are located in the northwestern part of the continent.


B. Atlas Mountains


"The Atlas Mountains are Africa's longest mountain chain and are located in the northwestern part of the continent."

Works Cited:

“The __________ Mountains Are Africa’s Longest Mountain Chain and Are Located in the Northwestern Part of the Continent. A. Rwenzori B. Atlas C. Zambezi D. Congo.”, Accessed 8 June 2021.

Which level of U.S. government holds the highest authority?
3 points
A. city government
B. county government
C. state government
D. national government


The answer is D. The national government controls everything


it would be the national one

the city, county , state government don't get to make such huge decisions therefore they don't hold too much power.

what are the most powerful "checks" a president has



A law can be vetoed by the President in the executive branch, but it can be overridden by the legislative branch with enough votes. The legislative branch has the authority to confirm Presidential nominees, regulate the budget, and impeach and remove the President from office.

What would you do to possibly prevent WWII


Answer: when germany started to build its military again (which they were not really supposed to be doing the the first place) i would've put limits in place immediately. the allies allowed Hitler to do what ever he wanted because they were afraid. i would've tried to shut it down before the german army got out of hand. before they obtained the power they had.

How does the US Bill of Rights prevent the federal government from holding all government power?
O It allows people to write their own laws.
O It grants power to the court system.
O It allows people to vote in elections.
O lt grants power to state governments.​



D. the state is given some powers. Apologies if it's wrong. :)


Which of the following best describes the philosophy of the British in colonial matters? [Select all that apply.]

—direct rule



Paternalistic Hands-off


The British usually pursued or at least tried to pursue a paternalistic model of rule in their colonies where they tried to develop their version of civilization whilst putting down cultural practices that they deemed backwards in the hope that the colonies would develop.

In order to reduce the cost of governance, they also practiced a hands-off philosophy where direct rule was left to local leaders who were then accountable to the British local administrators.

What is the answer this question


Answer: I think that your answer is right



After the Industrial Revolution, how did European imperialism affect Africa? PLEASE HELP


The correct answer is D. Arbitrarily formed boundaries caused wars between rival tribes.


During the 19th century in Europe, the Industrial Revolution developed a technological, social and economic movement that meant a significant change for humanity, the growth of many factories, the displacement towards large industrial cities, imperialism, among others. When the industrial powers began to colonize African territories, the continent was divided, however, these new borders did not take into account the tribal traditions of the native African communities, so that several rival communities remained in the same colony causing violent confrontations between them. According to the above, the correct answer is D. Arbitrarily formed boundaries caused wars between rival tribes.

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