The difference between a pH of 5 and a pH of 8 is
Group of answer choices

A) 3x

B) 30x

C) 100x

D) 1,000x


Answer 1


The correct answer is - D) 1000x.


pH is a logarithmic scale, 1 reading change leads to the results in ten-fold in the   H+ concentration in acidity/basicity. The more  H +  ions found in solution, the more acidic the substance is as acids donate  H +  ions.  

You can calculate the concentration of  H +  from the pH and the equation  

p H  = − log [ H + ]

arrange again

[ H + ]  =  10 − p H

So for a pH of 8, we get  [ H + ]  = 10 ^− 8

For a pH of 5, we get  [ H + ] = 10^ − 5

 10 ^−5  /10 ^− 8= 10 ^3

=  1000

Related Questions

Before a big soccer game Charlie always eats a big dinner. Which characteristic of life does this fact best describe?

A: Living things reproduce

B: Living things respond to their environment.

C: Living things use energy

D: Living things grow and develop





C. Living things use energy

what is the full form of ATP?​



ATP stands for Adenosine triphosphate, an organic molecule responsible for driving nearly all cellular mechanisms and processes in living organisms. Hence, biologists often refer to ATP as the “energy currency of the cell.”

what is the significance of t tubules?



The significance tubules are the site of spermatogenesis where germ cell develop into spermatozoa in close interaction with sertoli cells.



T-tubules are invaginations of the plasma membrane, which are present exclusively in striated muscle. Their role is to maintain the SR calcium store under the tight control of membrane depolarization via the voltage sensor channel DHPR .

9. Which is the SI base unit of mass?





The answer of this question is kilogram


may this answer is helpful for you

Lowest to highest degree of internal organization stomach


Answer: Epithelial stomach cell, stomach lining tissue, stomach and then the whole digestive system.

from brainly

TenishaTon Ambitious 5.1K answers 44.8M people helped

2. Calculate the rate of population increase for the whales and the seals from the data in table 2, trial 1. What does this rate represent?
Hint: From the point of zero change on the graph to the highest population achieved is a change in time of 100 months. (Refer to the science skills practice in the lesson for the correct formula for the rate of population change.)



There are no tables but it should be a bell curve. as a population of whales rise the population of seals will decrease, eventually creating a plateau in the whale population. shortly after the plateau in the whale population the whale population will begin to decline ( as food becomes less available) causing the seal population will begin to rise and restabilize. this pattern should continue cyclically creating a wave function on a graph!


Explain how a scientist can determine when a particular species of dinosaur lived on Earth.



by fossil dna


it is too easy for a sciencetist

Why do i only have one dimple on my left cheek?



A single dimple on one cheek is a rare phenomenon. Transfer of dimples from parents to children occurs due to just one gene. The dimple creating genes are present in the sex cells prior to the process of reproduction. Each parent provides one of these genes to the child.

What is a living cell? ​



Though they are often debated, there are eight main characteristics that define a cell as living.

The first is genetic code. All living things contain DNA, which is like the instruction manual for life. DNA is contained in each cell, and passed from parent to offspring.

The second is growth and development. Whether by creating more cells or creating more organelles within the cell, all living things grow and develop.

The third characteristic is reproduction. Reproduction can be sexual or asexual, but in the case of single cells, it is asexual.

The fourth characteristic is response. All living things, including cells, react to external stimuli, such as temperature or salinity.

The fifth characteristic is homeostasis. Homeostasis is the condition by which living things maintain a stable internal environment in the midst of an ever-changing external environment.

The last three characteristics go hand in hand, and are sometimes combined, but in my mind they are distinctly separate.

Sixth is consumption, which is taking in food and other materials. A cell specifically takes in molecules such as water or glucose during consumption.

Seventh is metabolism, which is using materials consumed in order to create energy. Living cells use enzymes to break down materials to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is usable energy.

Finally, all living cells undergo excretion in some form. Some examples in cells include exocytosis and osmosis.

These 8 characteristics, though often controversial, determine a cell as living.

Which of the following effectively describes the situation of someone with an inherited predisposition to cancer such a familial adenomatous polyposis or BRCA-associated familial breast cancer?
a) Every cell of their body contains a gain-of-function allele of an oncogene
b) Most cells in their body contain multiple cancer-causing mutations
c) If they get malignant cancer, somatic mutations will not have been a factor
d) Their cancer will most likely arise in their germ cells, not their somatic cells
e) None of the answers effectively describes the situation
f) Every cell of their body contains a defective, loss-of-function allele of a tumor suppressor gene



Every cell of their body contains defective , loss of function allele of a tumor suppressor gene


Tumor suppressor genes - They encode Proteins that inhibit cell proliferation . But due to Loss of functional alleles in Tumor suppressor genes it leads to the development of different cancers

Every cell of the body comprises of a defective and loss-of-function allele of a tumor suppressor gene.

The presence of defective and non-functioning tumor suppressor gene is responsible for the happening of cancer disease because the tumor suppressor gene slow down the process of cell division as well as repair mistakes occur in DNA molecule. When the tumor suppressor genes can't perform its function properly, it causes out of control growth of cell, which can lead to cancer disease so we can conclude that tumor suppressor gene is responsible for the cancer disease.

Learn more:

After weathering releases the
phosphate from rocks and
sediments, where does it go?

A. directly into the leaves of plants

B. into the atmosphere
C. caught by organisms in the air

D. into the soil




d. into soil


plz mark as brainlist


Contrast the usefulness of absolute and relative dating techniques.



In relative dating, fossils are dated according to the depth at which they were buried While in the absolute dating, isotopes of carbon are used for dating fossils. The absolute dating is more precise than relative dating because it tells the exact age of the fossils.

explain why in the morning plant leaves are moisten​



It occurs when there is active absorption of water by roots and transpiration is low i.e. moist and humid conditions. Therefore, guttation generally occurs in the early morning because transpiration is less at that time but water is actively absorbed by the roots.

6. Compare the different measurements of the thermometer which are used.​


Having a reliable medical thermometer at home can be incredibly helpful. The ability to accurately find out if someone has a fever gives you much-needed information about important next steps for their care.

There are many types of contact and contact-free thermometers to choose from. The ages of your household members, as well as personal preference, can help you determine which types to buy.

Like any other device in your home, it’s important to understand how your thermometer works. Not every type works the same way or is designed to provide the same temperature readings.

Identify the effects of the vagus nerve on the following components of the digestive system Salivary glands Pyloric sphincter (gastric emptying) Smooth muscle in the gallbladder Smooth muscle in the duodenal papilla (sphincter of Oddi)



Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve. It is long start from brain and distributed over head, thorax and abdomen.


1.   In the salivary gland the secretory and vasodilator effect on afferent nerve is mediated mainly by parasympathetic reflex which is given by vagus nerve.

2.   Pyloric sphincter is the part present between the stomach and small intestine which regulate the flow of food particles from stomach to the intestine. Vagus nerve control the activities of pyloric sphincter. Vagus nerve help the pyloric sphincter to relax.

3.  Efferent nerves of vagus nerve help the gall bladder to contract. Vagus nerve is stimulating the gastric tract to contract. So the vagus nerve stimulation promotpromotprthe production of CCK hormone and it will lead to the contraction and secretion of hormones from the gallbladder. Those contractions will help the gallbladder to empty the hormones from gallbladder.

4.  The efferent nerves of vagus nerves act on the smooth muscles of duodenal papila. As above says it lead to the contraction of smooth muscles and also promote the production of CCK.

Once the neural plate edges have fused to become a neural tube, the tissues that were at the edges of the plate now form the __________ region the neural tube. Fill in the blank.


Answer: Dorsal.


The neural plate is a region of the dorsal ectoderm that develops into the neural ectoderm. It is a flat structure, with columnar appearing cells, and the formation of the neural ectoderm is the first step in the neurulation process. This region is generated from the thickened mid-dorsal surface opposite the primitive line of the ectoderm. From this epithelial zone the various types of neuronal and glia cells belonging to the nervous system are derived. For the neural plate to be built, it is necessary that the epiblast cells converge towards the midline of the embryonic disc forming a groove of the primitive line, delimiting a longitudinal axis of bilateral symmetry around which the embryonic structures and their organs will be aligned. From this moment on, the embryo will have a rostral (cephalic) and caudal (tail) region as well as a left and right side and a dorsal (back) and ventral (front) surface. From the folding of the neural plate or neurulation, the neural tube and the development of the entire nervous system will be formed.

The neural tube is tubular structure that undergoes modifications and will give rise to a central nervous system structure (encephalon and spinal cord).  The neurulation process begins by means of signals sent by the dorsal mesoderm and pharyngeal endoderm to the ectodermal cells located above these germ layers. These signals cause this area of the ectoderm to elongate into a columnar plate of cells. The elongation allows the differentiation of the cells of the future neural plate, with respect to the pre-epidermal cells surrounding the area.

So, the neural tube is formed by invagination from the dorsal region of the ectoderm (neural plate) induced by the notochord while it is forming. This occurs at the beginning of the third week of conception by a process called neurulation.

Which statement accurately describes the "savanna" biome? This biome features tropical grasslands and is located near the equator. This biome features high levels of biodiversity and is located near the equator. This biome features a level of permafrost and a short growing season during the winter. This biome features forests and grasslands that go dormant during the winter.



This biome features forests and grasslands that go dormant during the winter.

This biome features high levels of biodiversity and is located near the equator.

This biome features a level of permafrost and a short growing season during the winter.

This biome features tropical grasslands and is located near the equator.

What is a difference between complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis?

Two stages of a butterfly's life cyles are described below.

Stage 1: The caterpillar sheds its skin as it grows.
Stage 2: The butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis.

Which statement is true about the stages?



stage. 1


stage.1 it is right


Stage 1 is the larva stage and Stage 2 is the adult stage.


similarities between organic and inorganic fertilizer​



Organic fertilizers are natural, in that the nutrients they possess are strictly comprised of plant- or animal-based materials. ... Cow manure, decaying leaves, and food compost are all forms of organic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizer is synthetic, comprised of minerals and synthetic chemicals.


An object could have some of the characteristics of life, yet still not be considered alive.

A: True

B: False


FALSE. they must have all of the characteristics.

You prepare a gel mobility assay with the following samples:

Lane 1 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein preincubated with allolactose
Lane 2 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein preincubated with lactose
Lane 3 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein missing its DNA binding domain
Lane 4 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac super-repressor (Is) preincubated with allolactose
Lane 5 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + lac repressor protein

On which lanes do you expect to see two bands?

a. 3
b. Lane 1 and 2
c. Lane 2, 4, and 5
d. 2 and 4
e. 1 and 5



c. Lane 2, 4 and 5.


Two bands will be seen when a fraction of DNA added to gel is bound by Lac repressor protein. Radiolabeled LacO DNA will have two bands. Lac repressor is encoded with lacl gene. It has binding ability due to allolactose formation.

Why can viruses not fit in any domain? How are they different from all other forms of Life? What would need to occur for viruses to be classified as "alive"?



virus are obligate parasites. Viruses do not, however, carry out metabolic processes. Most notably, viruses differ from living organisms in that they cannot generate ATP.

When an outbreak of foot and mouth disease is discovered among livestock in a country, what is MOST likely the chosen way to control it?



You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

What are the mechanism that use to resist the antimicrobial agents?

There has been several mechanisms, like resistance to antimicrobial agents, encapsulation or secretation of proteins that affects and might destroy the phagocyte along with some leukocytes in our body perform phagocytosis as a defense mechanism against the pathogenic bacterium.

These phagocytes contain lysosomes, intracellular granules that possess bactericidal substances. When the phagocyte ingests the pathogen, a phagosome is formed, which merges with the lysosome, forming the phagolysosome, which is where toxic substances and enzymes kill the ingested microorganism.

There are several mechanisms by which a microorganism can survive this process as resistance to antimicrobial agents. Some bacteria use phenolic glycolipids from their cell wall, to eliminate toxic oxygen compounds.

Therefore, You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Learn more about bacterium on:


Mr. L was walking through the woods wearing shorts and sandals. He noticed a small tick on his ankle the same evening, and several weeks later he developed flu-like symptoms. A sample of his blood revealed the presence of long, wavelike cells that were twisting and waving. Based on the microscopic findings, which type of microorganism is responsible for Mr. L's symptoms





The long, wavelike cells seen under the microscope would most likely be protozoa and the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's symptoms.

Tick as a vector is capable of causing diseases such as lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Powassan virus disease, tularemia, and a host of other diseases. Among all the diseases, babesiosis is particularly caused by a protozoan known as Babesia microti and it elicits malaria-like symptoms in individuals. Most of the other diseases are caused by bacteria pathogens while a few are caused by virus.

Apart from the above, the morphological characterization of the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's disease is typical for protozoans. Many of them are long and flagellated with a wave-like motion as a movement.

Hence, the case of Mr. L would be that of protozoa.

The haptoid condition for a human ?
‏-Both 46 chromosomes & 2n are correct.
‏-Neither 46 chromosomes 2..nor 2n are correct.
‏-46 chromosomes


haploid means there is 23 pair of chromosome but have n ploidy

Sequence three probable steps of fossil fish formation?





Which of the following did Mendel conclude about patterns of inheritance?

A. An organism inherits one gene from each parent.
B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.
C. Similar forms of genes account for variation in the inherited traits.
D.Organisms inherit one gene for each trait.





I took the test and got this one right (happy to help)


B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.


B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.

2x - 5 = 7
slove for x








what gender of offspring are most often affected by sextinked inheritance?-What gender-are-usmally-carriers-of the trait?

-males, males
-males, females
-females, females
-females, males O O



female, female


this is because sex-linked characters are normally borne in the X-chromosome

What type of factors would have the
greatest influence on a densely
populated area?
A. drought
B. density-dependent factors
C. density-independent factors


A)Density-dependent factors
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