The endosymbiotic theory hypothesizes that mitochondria formed from prokaryotic cells. What evidence supports the hypothesis?

They are autotrophic and have parasitic relationships.
They have linear DNA similar to bacteria.
They have chromosomes and ribosomes that are similar to prokaryotes.
They have flagella similar to prokaryotes.


Answer 1

The evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory is mitochondria have chromosomes and ribosomes that are similar to prokaryotes.

Some lines of evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory include:

Mitochondria are organelles that have their own DNA known as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

Mitochondria have their own ribosomes which are capable of synthesizing their own proteins.

Mitochondrial ribosomes are more closely (evolutionary) related to bacterial ribosomes rather than eucaryotic ribosomes.

Mitochondria also have their own cell membranes.

In conclusion, the evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory is mitochondria have chromosomes and ribosomes that are similar to prokaryotes.

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help me please.......​



the pictures is blur and not clear

I do not understand 2,3 and 9



2,) somatic cells, adult stem cells and cells in the embryo go through Mitosis. 3,)Three major cell populations in the body don't undergo mitosis. Post-mitotic cells don't divide further after they reach maturity. These include erythrocytes, platelets, neurons, retinal photoreceptors, cardiac cells and skeletal muscle cells. 9.) chromosomes

Discuss the intervention measures to mitigate the effects of overstocking to improve performance of the indigeous cattle.​


Umm where are ur answers i will come back hope this helps



I believe the answer is share.



shvgushiirv dtknfussf


A 23-year-old man with an intellectual disability entered an institution because of polydipsia. He had habitually and repeatedly drunk considerable volumes and experienced diarrhoea and vomiting. This behaviour was uncontrollable; therefore, his family decided to admit him. The night of the day following his admission, he suddenly fell and was found unconscious. The patient died despite immediate transport to the emergency room by ambulance.

Autopsy findings:
The patient's height and weight were 166 cm and 49.4 kg, respectively. The external examination revealed no significant findings except a contusion on the facial region that resulted from his fall. The brain weighed 1383 g, with congestion. The heart weighed 328 g, and sclerosis and stenosis of the coronary arteries were not detected. The lungs weighed 422 g (left) and 509 g (right) with a high degree of swelling; the trachea and bronchi were empty. The greater curvature of the stomach was ruptured because of cardiac massage, and 3100 cc of fluid with food debris was observed in the intraperitoneal space. The bladder was empty, likely because of urethral catheterization, alepath Histological analyses revealed edema of the subarachnoid space. Protrusion and surrounding vacuolization were observed at the cardiac vessels. A portion of the cardiac muscle bundles was expanded. The lungs showed fluid in the bronchi, expansion of the capillary vessels, and deposition of fibrin around the vessels. The kidney showed edema of the tubular epithelium.
Serum Na value was <100mEq/L.

Briefly discuss about this case using the knowledge from chapter of cells and particularly chapter on plasma membrane and movement of molecules. ​



Sorry,I don't know


Which characteristic of life best describes the process of photosynthesis?


Answer: The correct answer will be metabolism.

Explanation: Photosynthesis is a process performed by the plants and green bacteria which produces sucrose using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.

A molecule has been isolated from a cell. The molecule is found to be in a ring shape made up of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen atoms in a 1.2.1 ratio. Choose all the statements that apply to this molecule.


Cellulose is another long polymer of glucose. Plant cells make their cell walls out of cellulose. In fact, 100 billion tons of cellulose is made every year on earth. Cellulose is indigestible in most animals, including us. Ever eat a cardboard box? You get the picture. We simply lack cellulase, the enzyme that can break it down. Some bacteria, some single-celled protists, and fungi have the enzyme. Animals that feed on cellulose harbor these microbes that help them digest it. Even though, we cannot break down this molecule, we do need cellulose in our diet. We call it “fiber”. Cellulose stimulates the colon to produce regular bowel movements and helps make the stools large and soft. A diet rich in fiber can prevent a painful intestinal disorder called diverticulosis. Hard impacted stools can sometimes cause the walls of the colon to form blind outpockets called diverticula which can periodically inflame. So what makes cellulose different from starch? Isn’t it made of glucose? Well it is but the glucose monomers are organized in an interesting fashion. The orientation of the glucose molecules alternates. So if the first one is right side up, the next one is upside down and then the next is right side up and the next one is upside down. Apparently this is a tricky arrangement for an enzyme to break.

Please help me please find the answer ​




atom>molecule>cell organalles>cell>tissue>organ system>organism>population>community




the nucleus regulates cell activity :)

Which statement about enzymes is correct?



Enzymes are specific because of their shape and catalyse only certain reaction

plss mark brainliesttt

oque faz no branly pq n sei como mecher nele vcs podem me ajudar


Answer: Se você precisar de ajuda com uma pergunta sobre o dever de casa, pode perguntar aqui e alguém pode ajudá-lo


Unlike most animals, humans can access water from an aquifer by using
A. watershed
B. dam
C. cryosphere
D. well
Reset Selection





it is reserved for humans to consume without causing any harm to the body..

What will be the effect on protein function if each polypeptide adopted only a single, inflexible shape based on its primary structure?

A) The protein ability to catalyze would be impaired. The tertiary structure could not appear, so those proteins could not perform their function.

B) The ability to regulate protein activity would be impaired. The peptide bonds would not be so stable compared to linkages in other types of macromolecules, so those proteins could not perform their function.

C) The ability to regulate protein activity would be impaired. The proteins would be either permanently active or inactive, depending on how they are folded.

D) The proteins would perform their functions normally.


The ability to regulate protein activity would be impaired. The proteins would be either permanently active or inactive, depending on how they are folded (Option C).

Proteins are complex biomolecules composed of linear chains of amino acids that interact to produce a final three-dimensional (3D) protein structure.

Protein folding refers to the cellular mechanism by which proteins are folded to render a biologically active protein.

Different heat shock proteins (Hsp) are involved in protein folding.

If a protein or its subunits are not correctly folded, then it remains inactive because there is no interaction with its corresponding molecular partners (e.g., another protein in protein-protein interactions or DNA in the case of a transcription factor).

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How many different of protein can be found in the human body?



It is estimated that the human body contains between 80,000 and 400,000 proteins. However, they aren't all produced by all the body's cells at any given time.

Your lab team mixes dry baker’s yeast with warm water and divides the mixture between two test tubes. You add 5 grams of sugar to one test tube but nothing to the other tube. A small balloon is placed over the mouth of each test tube. After 30 minutes your team records the following observations.

Yeast and warm water: The water is cloudy after a minute. After 30 minutes the yeast is settled to bottom of tube, water is less cloudy.

Yeast, warm water and sugar: The water is cloudy, a few bubbles have formed on top of the water. After 30 minutes the water is cloudy, lots of bubbles in the test tube, balloon has inflated some.

What is the BEST inference you could make about the yeast based on the data?
(4 Points)

The yeast needs warm water to grow.

The yeast bubbles when it contacts sugar.

Yeast is a living organism that uses sugar for energy.

Yeast is not a living organism because it did not change when added to water.



The yeasts are the eukaryotic, microscopic, unicellular organisms belonging to the kingdom fungi. Yeasts are widely used to prepare beer and wine. Yeasts break down the glucose and release ethanol and carbon dioxide. The best interference is yeasts bubbles when it contacts with sugar.


Yeasts are organisms, which can respire aerobically or anaerobically. During the experiment, when yeasts are placed in a test tube with sugar, it starts to grow. The warm water in the test tube ensures the rapid growth of yeast. Sugar is the source of energy that is required by the yeasts to grow. Thus, during the multiplication of the yeast, they utilize oxygen and food to yield carbon dioxide. The gas is evolved and can be tested by the inflated balloon placed over the test tube. The yeasts bubbles out when it comes in contact with the sugar. Thus, to perform any experiment on living organisms, the population of those organisms should be in large quantity. this can be achieved by providing the sources of energy.

differentiate between resting potential and action potential??​



Resting potential has -40 mV

Action potential has +40 mV

Action potential is relatively static whereas action potential has a rapid rise and fall while considering a particular location on the membrane.


I hope it helps.

Which statement best describes the difference between atria and ventricle ?


Atria push blood from the veins to the ventricles, and ventricles push blood from the atria to the arteries.

which two sentences best describe the role of the setting in the story


Answer: Hello There!...................

The setting helps reveal the speaker's joyous attitude.

The setting helps develop the theme of freedom in the story.


Mark me brainest please. Hope this helps. Anna ♥


Setting is one of the elements of a story. It is the context that surrounds the story - be it fiction or non-fiction -, its time and place. It usually takes one of three forms: an outdoor place, such as a forest; a public or private place that has some importance for the characters, such as a house or a park; the cultural and historical background, which helps readers understand what sort of influences that characters were under.

Thus, the setting is a vital element to convey ideas and theme, as well as create the mood and emotional response for readers. The setting can be so important in a narrative that it may become a character in itself. In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher", for example, the house where Usher lives influences him and the narrator. It's as if the house is alive, haunted, driving those who stay in it to madness. Without the proper setting, however, this story wouldn't provoke the same emotional response in readers - fear, suspense etc.

What is a cephalopod?


A cephalopod is a predatory-like mollusk of the large molluscan class of Cephalopodan animals. This includes cuttlefish, octopus, squid, and/or nautilus. They are animals that live in the ocean. Additionally they eat foods like fish and jellyfish on regular and customary occasions. They sometimes possess cannibalism by eating their own species, which is absolutely crazy. Anyways, I hope that this has helped you today.. :)

Cephalopods are mollusks that live in the ocean.

help pls !!! i’ll give u brainliets



The first one is doubled, the third one is slowed down. The second one is shrink.

b. What are Galenicals?



Galencials are a type of natural medication prepared from herbs and vegetable matter with little to no synthetic components.


Each distinct form of life or type or organism is called a


Answer: Archaebacteria


Each distinct form of life or type or organism is called a species.

What are species?

The biological species are defined as a group of living organisms having similar habits as well as individuals able to exchange genes or interbreeding.

The species are divided on the principle of nature as well as taxonomic unit,starting from taxonomic unit , and ranking below genus. Species are represented by a Latin binomial, e.g. Homo sapiens, Magnifera Indica etc.

A group of living things, plants, or animals sharing common character and appearance comes in the category of a particular species and there are species such as Felis catus, Gallus gallus, Pan troglodytes, Vicugna pacos etc.

Therefore,each distinct form of life or type or organism is called a species.

Learn more about species here:


There are three types of cells true or false


Vas happenin!!

I think that’s true

Animal, plant and bacteria

Hope this helps *smiles*

A mint plant grows many horizontal branches along the ground from which new plants can arise. How can this be harmful to the growing plants?​



The aromatic aroma of mint isn’t as pleasing to many crop pests, so planting crops next to mint can deter these plant nemeses.


Mint can suffer from several plant diseases such as verticillium wilt, mint rust, mint anthracnose. If these strike, the best thing to do is get rid of your mint plants and get new, healthy ones. Just don't place them in the same spot or potting soil because that increases the chances that the disease will spread to the replacement plants as well. In Other Words, If you're feeling kind, you can call mint plants aggressive. If you don't like thugs taking over your garden, you will consider mint invasive. Because it grows by underground root runners, mint spreads easily and quickly. To contain it, grow mint in a 12- to 16-inch-wide pot so it can't ramble through your landscape.

I Hope This Helps.

During the fourth generation, 27% of the dark moths werecaptured from clean forest B. What percentage of moths wererecaptured from polluted forest A during the fourth generation?


The given options are; A. 73% B. 40% C. 140% D. 71% and the complete question is attached below.

The percentage of moths that were recaptured from polluted forest  during the fourth generation: C. 140%.

What are moths?

Moths are insect in nature and can be defined as the group of organism that has wings which they use to fly just like that of butterflies but they are different or distinct from butterflies.

Moths can often be seen in a places that are dark and they mostly feed on fibers.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about moth here:


Oxygen is a survival need. Why is it so important?





oxygen is an essential nutrient which the body needs especially during respiration.

it help the blood cells do provide energy.

without oxygen, there is no gaseous exchange


Because it's the only gas that can support life and without it o no human or animal can survive

If a fruit fly develops legs on its head instead of antenna, what is the most likely reason?
O Chromosomal non-disjunction resulting in extra sets of genes
O Conjugation errors during reproduction
O Frameshift mutation during transcription of mRNA
O Mutation affecting gene expression


Mutation affecting gene expression is the most likely reason for a fruit fly to develop legs on its head instead of antenna.


Mutation is the process whereby an alteration or change occurs to the sequence of DNA either by mistake during replication or caused by mutagens.


Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded by genes are used to synthesize products such as proteins etc.

In the organism described in this question, the fruit fly develops legs on its head instead of antenna, it's most likely because the genes encoding the information for the synthesis of antennas on its head have been CHANGED OR MUTATED, hence, causing something else to be formed there.

Therefore, mutations affecting gene expression can cause legs to be formed on the head of fruit fly instead of antenna.

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In this video I showed you all of the locations for all items in Wacky Wizards!! I hope you enjoyed and please like and subscribe. Piece out!!!

What is the similarity between accuracy and Precision



Accuracy is being able to hit close to or right around the designated area, precision is being able to hit it dead on

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