The exchange of genetic materials between homologous chromosomes is called

a. synapsis

b. chiasmata

c. crossing over

d. cytokinesis


Answer 1


c is correct answer ......

Answer 2
it's c;
crossing over
Chromosomal crossover, or crossing over, is the exchange of genetic material during sexual reproduction between two homologous chromosomes' non-sister chromatids that results in recombinant chromosomes.

Related Questions

Select the correct answer.
Why do plants excrete more carbon dioxide at night than during the day?
Cellular respiration occurs only at night and not during the day.
Cellular respiration occurs at a faster rate at night than during the day.
Photosynthesis uses some of the carbon dioxide released during the day.
The light-independent reaction of photosynthesis that releases carbon dioxide occurs at night.





because they cannot do photosynthesis at night.


The answer is C. Photosynthesis uses some of the carbon dioxide released during the day.


How is an RNA molecule different from a DNA molecule?

RNA is single stranded and composed of nitrogenous bases, a phosphate group, and a pentose sugar.
RNA is single stranded and composed of nitrogenous bases, a phosphate group, and a tetrose sugar.
RNA is a double-stranded helix and composed of nitrogenous bases, a fatty acid, and a pentose sugar.
RNA is single stranded and composed of nitrogenous bases, an amino acid, and a hexose sugar.



RNA is single-stranded and composed of nitrogenous bases, a phosphate group, and pentose sugar.


RNA is different from DNA because instead of having two matching bases; it is only made of one strand of nitrogenous bases. These bases are attached to the phosphate, which holds the whole strand of RNA together. The sugar acts as a carrier for the bases. The sugar in RNA is known as ribose and contains 5 carbon molecules. This is why it is called pentose sugar.

Which of the following diseases is not caused by viruses?




malaria isn't caused by bacteria

Which of these is an example of an adaptive )or specific) immune response


Adaptive immunity is defined by two important characteristics: specificity and memory. Specificity refers to the adaptive immune system's ability to target specific pathogens, and memory refers to its ability to quickly respond to pathogens to which it has previously been exposed.
___IgD: B. This class of antibody is the first to appear after activation of B cells
___IgM: E. This class of antibody is not secreted by B cells but is expressed on the s...
___IgE: C. This class of antibody is involved in the defense against parasitic infections ...
___IgA: A. This class of antibody is the only one that can cross the placenta

Organizing a higher trophic levels tend to be fewer in number than those at lower tropic levels (true or false?





What questions do you have about skin and skin color?



nothing I have☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

A study is done on a group of families in Sweden that are segregating a genetic disorder. A statistical estimate of whether two genes, or a gene and a disease gene, are likely to be located near each other on a chromosome (called Lod-score analysis) indicates that the gene involved in the disorder shows a strong likelihood of linkage with a particular DNA marker locus. However, a second study done in Italy with other families segregating the same genetic disorder results in lod-score values that strongly indicate the lack of linkage between the gene and the same DNA marker locus. Assuming that both studies were performed appropriately, what is the most likely explanation for the different outcomes



This disorder is caused by mutations in either of two different genes; one of these genes is linked to the DNA marker locus and the other gene is not.


A gene marker (also known as a molecular marker) is defined as a particular DNA sequence that has a specific physical location on a given chromosome. The gene markers are always physically linked with genes of interest, thereby they are useful for identifying patients affected by a given disease and/or a particular phenotypic trait. In this case, in the first study, genetic variation of the marker has been shown to be useful to map one locus that is associated with the disease phenotype. However, in the second study, a second locus that is not linked to the marker can segregate independently, thereby showing different results from the first study (in this case, it is imperative to develop a new genetic linkage analysis to discover genetic markers linked to the second gene, which is also responsible for the disease phenotype).

How do I make a Punnet Square without knowing if traits are Dominant or Recessive? I cannot refer to the parents of the current generation, so I have to rely on that generation to create a theoretical next generation.


If you are referring to a previous generation, that would probably mean that the traits they have are the dominant ones


if you know all the traits possible, then the ones the parents have of a previous generation are most likely the dominant ones, from there, you can hopefully figure out another generation. could you attach a picture if this didn't help? thanks

In this assignment, you will expand your knowledge of muscle structure and function by exploring muscle strength and contraction. Then, you will use what you learn to answer some follow-up questions.

Read the article and use the information to answer the following questions.

Strongest Muscle

Name the four ways muscle strength can be measured and briefly describe each.



Absolute strength measures maximum force.

Dynamic strength measures repeated motions.

Elastic strength measures exertion of force rapidly.

Strength endurance measures fatigue resistance.


im megaminds child

Absolute strength measures maximum force. Dynamic strength measures repeated motions. Elastic strength measures exertion of force rapidly. and Strength endurance measures fatigue resistance.

What is Muscle strength ?

Physical strength and muscular endurance share some characteristics, they also differ significantly. Your ability to apply force or lift weights is a measure of your muscular strength. Using heavier weights for fewer repetitions helps develop muscular strength.

The term "muscular endurance" describes a muscle's capacity to endure prolonged periods of repeated contractions against opposition.

Long-distance running, cycling, or swimming, as well as bodyweight exercises and circuit training, are exercises that increase muscle endurance.

To learn more about Muscle, refer to the link:


True or False: As ATP is used in the myofilaments, mitochondrion, and cytoplasm of muscle cells, heat is released. The circulatory system takes heat to the skin’s surface to dissipate to the environment. People sweat to help cool down.



- As ATP is used in the myofilaments, mitochondrion, and cytoplasm of muscle cells, heat is released. True

- The circulatory system takes heat to the skin’s surface to dissipate to the environment. True

- People sweat to help cool down. True


Muscle contraction occurs when myosin heads bind to actin to pull it inwards. The energy for muscle contraction is provided by the hydrolysis of ATP molecules. ATP hydrolysis also provides energy for cellular processes in the mitochondria and cytoplasm of muscle cells. During ATP hydrolysis, heat is released, thereby the increase in ATP hydrolysis increases heat production (approx. 60% of the energy released from ATP hydrolysis produces metabolic heat). Moreover, on hot days, the cardiovascular system composed of the heart and blood vessels dissipates heat through the blood flowing in veins and arteries, which moves closer to the skin surface (and therefore heat is lost). Finally, sweating refers to the process of exocrine secretion of the sweat glands that release salty water through the pores of the skin. As sweat evaporates, it helps to cool down the body and regulate its temperature.

What process facilitates locomotion for the ovum?

Question 6 options:

a. Once the ovum leaves the ruptured follicle it is captured by the uterus and then directed into the Fallopian tube, where it is pushed along towards the oviducts.

b. Once the ovum leaves the ruptured follicle it is captured by the fimbriae and then directed into the Fallopian tube, where it is pushed along towards the uterus via cilia.

c. Once the ovum leaves the ruptured follicle it is fully matured and propels itself into the Fallopian tube, where it moves along towards the uterus.

d. Once the ovum leaves the ruptured follicle it is captured by the cervix and then directed into the Fallopian tube, where it is pushed along towards the uterus via cilia.


The correct answer is B. Once the ovum leaves the ruptured follicle it is captured by the fimbriae and then directed into the Fallopian tube, where it is pushed along towards the uterus via cilia.  


Ovulation is a process that occurs during the menstrual cycle that occurs around day 14 of the cycle. In the ovulation process, the eggs go through different places before reaching the uterus (their final destination). The first step is when the egg leaves the broken follicles. The second step is when it is taken to the fallopian tubes (place where fertilization occurs) through the fimbriae. The third step is when the egg uses the cilia to reach the uterus.

Describe hydrophobic interactions, the conditions under which they occur, and the probable influence they have on protein structure. Group of answer choices These are nonpolar side chains of amino acids that tend to associate to form hydrophobic clusters usually away from the protein surface. These are nonpolar side chains of amino acids that tend to destroy hydrophobic clusters away from the protein surface. These are polar side chains of amino acids that tend to associate to form hydrophobic clusters usually close to the protein surface. These are polar side chains of amino acids that tend to destroy hydrophobic clusters close to the protein surface.



Nonpolar side chains of amino acids tend to associate to form hydrophobic clusters usually away from the protein surface.


Hydrophobic interactions are defined as the relationship between the low water soluble molecules named hydrophobes and water. They contains a long chain of carbon atoms and are usually considered as a nonpolar molecules.

They occur when the non polar amino acids are associated to produce the hydrophobic clusters that are usually away from the surface of the protein.

Explica como crees que se originó la vida sobre el planeta tierra


Sabemos que la vida comenzó hace al menos 3.500 millones de años, porque esa es la edad de las rocas más antiguas con evidencia fósil de vida en la tierra. Estas rocas son raras porque los procesos geológicos posteriores han remodelado la superficie de nuestro planeta, a menudo destruyendo rocas más viejas y creando otras nuevas (lo siento si es un amor incorrecto, marque como más inteligente si es correcto).
La pregunta del cómo empezó la vida en la Tierra es una de las más difíciles (e interesantes) que se pueden plantear. De hecho, el origen de los seres vivos encierra varias cuestiones clave: ¿cuándo ocurrió?, ¿pudo producirse más de una vez?, ¿cómo fue la transición entre la química y la biología?, ¿tuvo lugar en la Tierra o fuera de ella? Y, a medio camino entre la ciencia y la filosofía: ¿fue fruto del azar o de la necesidad?

La investigación experimental sobre el origen de la vida comenzó en la década de 1950, con el trabajo de dos científicos pioneros en una disciplina llamada química prebiótica: Stanley L. Miller y Joan Oró. Las pruebas acumuladas desde entonces nos indican que la vida probablemente comenzó hace unos 3.800 millones de años, sólo 700 millones de años después de la formación de nuestro planeta. En el gran laboratorio de química que era la Tierra primitiva se sintetizaron las primeras moléculas orgánicas, que fueron organizándose progresivamente para formar otras más largas y complejas.

Now look at the volcano map what type of boundary tends to give rise to volcanic activity



there's no map but


There are about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, aside from the continuous belts of volcanoes on the ocean floor at spreading centers like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. About 500 of those 1,500 volcanoes have erupted in historical time


Volcanoes occur primarily on convergent boundaries, specifically oceanic-continental convergent boundaries.


exact answer

If the gene sequence of DNA is A T T C G A C T C G what will the complementary mRNA sequence be that is made during transcription?





The complementary bases in RNA are the same as DNA with G-C (guanine to cytosine).

But, they are different in that RNA has A-U (adenine to uracil) instead of A-T (adenine to thymine).

Using these RNA base pairs of G-C and A-U, create the complementary mRNA sequence:




So, the complementary mRNA sequence will be U A A G C U G A G C

.Origin of species was given by



Charles Darwin


They were given by Charles Darwin

The point in a eukaryotic cell cycle at which DNA condenses to from visible chromosome?





There are different stages in the eukaryotic cell cycle. Different cellular occurrences are found in each of this stages. The stages include; prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase etc.

Prophase, which is the first division stage, is characterized by the dissociation of the nuclear membrane, tightening of DNA coils called chromatin by condensin proteins (condensation) to form X shaped visible chromosomes.

The graph shows the history of human population growth



exponential growth, c.

Exponential growth is iconic for ramping up, resulting in a near vertical line by the time its really going.

What factor is described as sexual
A. non-random mating
B. migration
C. small populations
D. natural selection



D Natural Selection


Species choose mates to reproduce with naturally.


Which of the following strategies can reduce urban sprawl?

A. Increasing the number of green belts

B. Decreasing the length of city blocks

C. Creating expensive housing in the city

D. Eliminating high-rise homes and offices




As the human population grows, some minerals in everyday products could
become scarce. Which of the following is the best way to address this

A. Explore uses of more plentiful minerals.

B. Use more energy to locate existing minerals.

C. Move human communities to uninhabited areas.

D. Construct more and larger-sized landfills.



B. Explore uses of more plentiful minerals

A. Explore uses of more plentiful minerals

write at least three difference between arteryand vein with diagram​



1. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body, whereas veins carry blood from the rest of the body back to the heart.

2. Almost all arteries carry oxygenated blood and almost all veins carry deoxygenated blood.

3. Arteries have a thick elastic muscle layer, whereas the muscle layer for veins is much thinner.


Difference Between Artery and Vein Artery 1. Vessels which carry blood from the heart to various body parts  2. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart except pulmonary artery  3. Arteries have thick elastic muscular walls  4. Valves are absent  5. Blood flows under high pressure  Vein  1. Vessels which carry blood from the various body parts to the heart  2. Veins carry deoxygenated blood from the various body parts except pulmonary vein  3. Veins have thin non elastic walls  4. Valves are present to prevent the backward flow of blood  5. Blood flows under low pressure

Which of the following is a cost of using dams as a source of freshwater






why are living organisms classified?​


Answer: See explanation


An organism refers to a living thing which can react to stimuli, move, grow, has an organized structure, reproduce, and can adapt.

Living organisms can be classified into kingdom, phylum, classes etc. The reason the classification of living organisms include:

1. Gives information about diversity of living organisms.

2. Easy identification of the organisms

3. Shows inter-relationship among the organisms.

4. Helps in understanding the evolution of the living organisms.

living organisms are classified so that it becomes easier for us to examine or study organisms

2. What characteristics are shared by most cells?

a. Most cells have membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus.

b. Most cells contain cytoplasm, are enclosed by a membrane, and have a nucleus. Most cells are microscopic, enclosed by a membrane, and contain cytoplasm.

c. Most cells are microscopic, enclosed by a membrane, and contain cytoplasm.

d. Most cells can be seen by the unaided eye and are enclosed by a membrane.​



Ans. B

* I am not sure about this answer, if I am wrong pls correct my mistake.


the correct answer is B

hope it helps you

What is significant about the homeotic genes
in many different organisms?
A. They are all very different in every individual organism.
B. They cause the organisms to evolve.
C. They are similar among organisms early on in development.
D. They control small specific functions in the cell.



they control small specific functions in the cell


genes are very crucial in every organisms since they determine the tiniest composition of the cell,evolving from the parent organism.

Answer: it’s c

Explanation:I just answered question

In an animal, which part of the cell is responsible for keeping viruses out?



here's your answer


Once attached to a host cell, animal viruses may enter in a variety of ways: by endocytosis, where the membrane folds in; by making channels in the host membrane (through which DNA or RNA can be injected); or, for enveloped viruses, by fusing with the membrane and releasing the capsid inside of the cell.

In an animal cell, the lysosome is an organelle of the cell that is responsible for destroying the virus. The virus can enter the cell via endocytosis, but the lysosome can degrade and destroy it to protect the cell.

What is the function of the immune cell?

Immune cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, and others play a role in protecting the body from foreign harmful pathogens. They have specific structures for doing so.

Because not all body cells have MHC II or toll-like receptors, cells have different organelles to protect themselves. Cells have lysosomes within them. Lysosomes have an acidic environment that can degrade viral proteins.

When the virus is phagocytosed by the cell, it combines with the lysosome. The lysosome degrades the virus with the help of hydrolyzing enzymes and throws it out of the cells. These are collected by other cells.

Hence, the lysosome of the cell degrades the virus and keeps it out.

To learn more about the immune cell, refer here.


Please help me with this! *30 *points Picture included



1.) The first picture is mitochondria and the second picture is chloroplast

2.) The second one is only in plants

3.) The first one is found more commonly in animal cells

4.) Glucose & oxygen goes into #1 and releases ATP energy and water & carbon dioxide (waste) during cellular respiration

5.) Sunlight and water goes into #2 and releases oxygen (waste)

6.) The waste product from mitochondria is what the chloroplast needs to perform photosynthesis and vice versa for mitochondria where the waste product from the chloroplast is what mitochondria needs to make ATP energy

7.) They both have folds and membranes because this is how energy is transferred from one place to another.


what team was credited with laying the foundation of understanding DNA with x-ray crystallography studies?


Scientist Rosalind Franklin

write four different between parenchyma and collenchyma?​



The major distinction between parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells is that parenchyma cells are engaged in photosynthesis, storage, and secretion, whereas collenchyma cells support and transport nutrients, and sclerenchyma cells support, protect, and transport water.


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