The Krebs cycle is an aerobic process, meaning it needs what to take place?
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Glucose
D. Oxygen


Answer 1




Because it's an aerobic process.

Related Questions

How far is the moon from the sun?



150 million kilometers


The Moon is approximately 150 million kilometers from the Sun on average. Because the Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of roughly 150 million kilometers, this is a fascinating coincidence. Because the Moon orbits the Earth, it follows the Earth's orbit around the Sun.


help ill give brainlist!!!!!​



I  believe the answer is B. an enzyme


the substrates attach to the active site of an enzyme.

What is the role of the fungus in the food web shown?
boa constrictor
- coati
poison dart frog
strangler fig
fungus fruit bat
A. To recycle molecular building blocks
B. To break down photons
C. To gather green light
O D. To convert light energy into chemical energy



OptionA    because decomposers are associated


The role of the fungus in the food web shown is to recycle molecular building blocks. The correct option is A.

What is food web?

A food web is a diagram that depicts the interconnection of various organisms in an ecosystem via the exchange of energy and nutrients.

The food web is made up of several interconnected food chains that represent the flow of energy from one organism to the next.

Fungi are decomposers that play an important role in breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients in many ecosystems.

The fungus in the food web is most likely breaking down dead plant or animal matter, releasing nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus back into the soil.

These nutrients are then absorbed by plants, which are then consumed by herbivores such as the coati and sloth.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding food web, visit:


Paula has studied the effect of ultraviolet light on seed germination.
Data were collected on seeds that were exposed to UV radiation and
then allowed to germinate. Which statement is true concerning this
data? *
O UV rays help seeds germinate.
O Temperature is insignificant.
There is no control group.
UV light is toxic to seeds.



i dont know


What is the best definition of wind energy?
A. Using living organisms for energy
B. Using motion of water for energy
C. Using energy from moving air

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Using energy from moving air


some countries used wind turbine engine to turn electric generator to electric power. a wind turbine is like a ceiling fan, but a big one that function with air to give energy to a point connected to themm

Genetic engineering involves various stages.

1 human DNA is inserted into bacterial plasmid DNA
2 recombinant plasmid inserted into bacteria
3 restriction enzyme cuts bacterial plasmid DNA
4 restriction enzyme cuts human DNA

What is the correct sequence for genetic engineering?​



4, 3, 1, 2


FIRST: cDNA is synthesized to be used as a gene of interest: processed (spliced) mRNA (no introns) is reverse transcribed to cDNA using reverse transcriptase, an enzyme from retroviruses

SECOND: Restriction enzyme used to cut GOI

THIRD: Same Restriction enzyme used to cut plasmid (sticky ends are created)

FOURTH: GOI connects/hybridizes with plasmid due to base-pairing

FIFTH: DNA ligase connects the recombinant DNA strands

identify three ethical, legal, or social issues raised by biotechnology.



Ethical issues that arise from modern biotechnologies include the availability and use of privileged information, potential for ecological harm, access to new drugs and treatments, and the idea of interfering with nature. Applications include agriculture and health care.


pls mark brainliest


the availability and use of privileged information potential for ecological harm access to new drugs and treatment and the idea of interfering with nature .

answer please urgent ​



I think option (b) is right answer

¿En qué momento se produce la hinchazón del tejido?



Es el agrandamiento de órganos, piel u otras partes del cuerpo, causado por la acumulación de líquidos en los tejidos. La presencia de líquido extra puede llevar a un aumento rápido de peso durante un período corto (de días a semanas).

Please help me to fill in the blanks. Thanks!

Sediments minerals rock remains sedimentary millions

When animals and plants die, their bodies fall into __________. Some of these decays while some become part of ______________ rocks. Rock layers build up and the rock becomes a solid. The ______________ in the rock replace the ________________ in parts of dead bodies. This takes place over _______________ of years. The_______________ of living organisms that have changed to ________________ are fossils.


When animals and plants die, their bodies fall into sediments. Some of these decays while some become part of fossilized rocks. Rock layers build up and the rock becomes a solid. The minerals in the rock replace the soft parts in parts of dead bodies. This takes place over millions of years. The remains of living organisms that have changed to stone are fossils.

A man is brachydactylous (very short fingers; rare autosomal dominant), and his wife is not. Both can taste the chemical phenylthiocarbamide (autosomal dominant; common allele), but their mothers could not. Give the genotypes of the couple. If the genes assort independently and the couple has four children, what is the probability of all of them being brachydactylous



The correct answer is -

A) BbTt x bbTt

B) .5^4 or 1/16 or 0.0625


As it is given that Brachydactylus and PTC tasters both traits are autosomal dominant conditions which mean only one allele would be enough.

For Branchydactylus and For tasting :  man and women will be heterogeneous.


The Genotype of man = BbTt

The Genotype of wife = bbTt

b. Answer = 0.0625

For Branchydactylus:

Bb X bb

Possible genotypes:

B b

b Bb( Brachydactylus) bb(normal)

b Bb (Brachydactylus) bb (normal)

The probability of a single child being Branchydactylus = 2/4 = 0.5

So,  Probability of all 4 child being Branchydactylus = .5 x .5 x .5 x .5 = 0.0625

A cell is round and cannot produce its own food. Which organelle does this cell have?(1 point)

A:central vacuole

B:cell wall

C:plasma membrane




may be c is thw correct answer

3 adaptive features of amoeba​





because yes


They reproduce using binary fission

It contract their vacuoles

Amoeba breathe through the body surface

Write the changes occurring in the passage through the alimentary canal as a person has ingested roti and dal as a part of his meal



A person had roti and dal for his lunch. Trace the changes in those during its passage through the alimentary canal. Answer: ... The saliva contains an enzyme salivary amylase (ptyalin) which converts starch in roti into maltose, isomaltose and small dextrins called a-dextrin.


what is homostatis in biology​



the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

It means “same”, and “steady”, and it refers to any process of organisms that live under actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.

Assume that you are a genetic counselor and that a couple seeks genetic counseling from you. Both the man and the woman are phenotypically normal, but the woman is heterozygous for a pericentric inversion on chromosome 8. The man is karyotypically normal. What is the probability that this couple will produce a child with a genetic syndrome as the result of crossing over within the pericentric inversion





An inversion is a genetic phenomenon that occurs when a chromosome breaks into two genomic sites, thereby the resulting DNA fragment is reversed and subsequently inserted into the same chromosome location. A pericentric inversion occurs when the chromosome breaks are located on opposite arms or sides of the chromosomal centromere. Moreover, crossing over (or recombination) is the exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids during gamete production. An inversion carrier, as in this case the woman who is heterozygous for a pericentric inversion, can produce four types of gametes. If there is no crossing over, half the chromatids will produce normal gametes (without the recombination event) and half the chromatids will produce balanced gametes that will transmit the pericentric inverted chromosome. On the other hand, if there is crossing over, half the chromatids will have one duplication on the first chromosome arm together with a deletion on the second chromosome arm, and the remaining half of the chromatids will have an inverse arrangement.

how is the frictional force produced?​



Frictional force refers to the force generated by two surfaces that contacts and slide against each other, If an object is pushed against the surface, then the frictional force will be increased and becomes more than the weight of the object

As more is learned about cancer, it has become clear that cancer, with few exceptions, ________. Group of answer choices is only dependent on the inherited genetics is a result of genetics and environmental factors is 100% dependent on inherited genetics has no genetic basis


Answer: Is a result of genetics and environmental factors.


Cancer is the common name for a group of diseases in which there is a division of the body's cells, whose growth exceeds that of normal tissues and which persists in the same excessive manner. It can begin in a localized manner and spread to other surrounding tissues and its malignancy is very variable, according to the aggressiveness of its cells and other biological characteristics of each type of tumor. In general, the behavior of cancer cells is characterized by lacking the reproductive control required by their original function, acquiring the capacity to invade tissues (metastasis), spreading through the organism via the lymphatic or circulatory system, and causing the growth of new tumors in other parts of the body.

A gene is a hereditary unit composed of DNA that carries the instructions for producing proteins, which do much of the work in our cells. Certain genetic alterations can cause cells to evade growth controls and become cancerous cells. These changes can be inherited from our parents if the changes are present in the germ cells (eggs and sperm) and they are called germline changes. In addition, cancer-causing genetic changes can also be acquired during a person's lifetime (somatic or acquired changes), as a result of DNA errors that occur when cells divide either spontaneously or by exposure to carcinogenic substances that damage DNA (environmental factors), such as certain chemicals in tobacco smoke, or radiation, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun. These substances damage DNA, acting as mutagens.

Sometimes, the changes are not in the DNA sequence. For example, the epigenetic modifications are the presence of chemical marks in DNA which can determine if the gene is expressed. This means, whether and how much messenger RNA is produced, because the messenger RNA is translated into proteins.

So, cancer cells have genetic changes compared to normal cells. These changes are due to mutations that can be inherited, acquired spontaneously during life, or acquired due to environmental factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and other factors. In addition, the fact that a person has the cancer-related mutation does not necessarily mean that he or she will develop the disease during his or her lifetime. In some cases, even if they have this genetic vulnerability, they remain healthy, because cancer is a multifactorial disease that depends on many factors, such as the immune system, nutrition and certainly many others currently unknown to medicine.

In humans, one function of an inter neuron is to relay impulse directly from …





the interneuron is located in the central nervous system between the sensory neuron and the motor neuron, therefore it relays impulses from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron

I hope this helps

proteins have a function in
a. giving form to the cell b. providing stored energy and directing movement within a cell C. providing a scaffold for chemical reactions to take place d. catalyzing chemical reactions within a cell e. all of the above. friend thinks e but i wanna make sure ​





Which is an effect of an increase in ocean temperature?
A. Increased precipitation
B. Increased percolation
C. Decreased evaporation
D. Decreased transpiration




Explanation: because the increased tempuature will result in an increase in evaporation which in  turn increases precipatation

From earliest to latest, the overall sequence of early development proceeds as follows: A) gastrulation → organogenesis → cleavage B) ovulation → gastrulation → fertilization C) cleavage → gastrulation → organogenesis D) gastrulation → blastulation → neurulation E) preformation → morphogenesis → neurulation



C) cleavage → gastrulation → organogenesis

your welcome!

What is a gene??????



A gene is a unit of heredity


A gene is a unit of heredity that is passed from a parent to their offspring and is responsible for determining a certain trait of the offspring.


A gene is a unique sequence of nucleotides that makes up a chromosome and controls how a cell (or virus) can assemble monomers into polypeptides or nucleic acid molecules.

Which of these statements about photosynthesis is correct?
Both photosynthesis and respiration require the same amount of energy for metabolic processes, such as synthesis and the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Photosynthesis releases energy for metabolism, whereas respiration requires energy for the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Photosynthesis requires energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates, whereas respiration releases energy during the breakdown of carbohydrate





Which was most likely an effect on society that resulted from improvement in handling blood during world war l and world war ll?



Effective food supply was most likely an effect on society that resulted from improvements in blood handling during World War I and World War II.


According to the ESRT, the rate of temperature increases below the Earth's surface is greatest between depths of



Between depths of tectonic plate boundaries and the outer core.


The rate of temperature increases below the Earth's surface is greatest between depths of tectonic plate boundaries and the outer core.  At the depth, some of the heat comes from the Earth's core while most of the heat comes from decay of radioactive elements, mainly uranium, thorium and potassium that is located in rocks of the crust. So we can say that the the increase in temperature with depth varies with the chemical composition and age of the rocks.

One gene pair can influence other gene pairs, with their combined activities producing some effect on phenotype; this called ________________. In Labrador retrievers, one gene pair codes for the quantity of melanin produced while another codes for melanin deposition. Still another gene locus determines whether melanin will be produced at all--lack of any produces an albino (recessive).





Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants

In Genetics, a gene pair has the ability to influence other gene pairs based on their combined activities which produces some effect on phenotype; this is called epistasis.

Tại sao khi chi bị đau một bộ phận nào đó trong có thể những ta vấn thấy toàn có thể bị ảnh hưởng ?



Sorry I can't understand anything

A researcher found a beautiful plant while traveling in Alaska and collected its seeds. When she came back to Florida, she soaked some of the seeds in pure water and some of these seeds in a water hormone solution. When she put all of the seeds in the soil to grow, only the seeds that had been soaked with the hormone germinated. The hormone most likely was



auxins and cytokinins


the two hormones induce growth for plants

1. Explain using diagram how monomers are arranged in Thermoplastic and Thermosettingplastics.​



In thermoplastics, the arrangement of monomeric units is linear and in thermosetting plastics, it is cross-linked. Thermoplastics are usually soft, weak and less brittle, so can get soften on heating and stiffen on cooling. They can be melted, remoulded and recycled easily.

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