The legislature wants to amend your state constitution you might vote against this law in a(n)


Answer 1


yes we can because we are a republic citizen

Answer 2




Related Questions

how has the Trail of Tears been
remembered by the Cherokee people? Why do you think this is
the case?


It was decided in 1987 that this event should be remembered by the U.S. Congress. The trail of tears became national historic trail to remember those who had lost their lives.

The correct order of the Stone Age Eras earliest to latest


The Stone Age is divided in three distinct periods: the Paleolithic Period or Old Stone Age (30,000 BCE–10,000 BCE), the Mesolithic Period or Middle Stone Age (10,000 BCE–8,000 BCE), and the Neolithic Period or New Stone Age (8,000 BCE–3,000 BCE).


1) Paleolithic Period or Old Stone Age (30,000 BCE–10,000 BCE)

2)the Mesolithic Period or Middle Stone Age (10,000 BCE–8,000 BCE)

3) and the Neolithic Period or New Stone Age (8,000 BCE–3,000 BCE).

Even though urban legends have many positive uses, they also have the potential to be negative. Explain why.



The retelling of urban legends over time ensures that they become part of public record and explains why they are so well known. Common examples include “Bloody Mary” – a woman who was once supposedly executed for being a witch and who will show her face in the mirror if you call on her. Hookman, which tells the story of a killer with a hook for a hand attacking a couple in a parked car, and the Vanishing Hitchhiker are also well known legends.

The strange thing is that notoriety and disproof do not prevent urban legends from resurfacing after going out of fashion for some time. Indeed, the enduring gang initiation urban legend recently re-emerged in this way. This is the claim that, as part of an initiation, gang members driving at night without headlights will pursue and shoot the occupants of any car which flashes them a warning.

Psychologically, urban legends are a way for us to make sense of the world and manage threat in a safe environment. From the perspective of believers, myths act as proof and reinforce existing beliefs. This is important because they help to validate an person’s worldview and in doing so legitimatises their fears as real and genuine.

Urban legends also provide a source of entertainment. Sharing them is an important form of social engagement. Passing apparently important information can make people feel helpful, despite a lack of evidence.

Within modern society, due to email and the internet, urban legends spread even more rapidly and indefinitely – constantly adapting to retain relevance, coherence and significance.

With these changes have come a generation of new viral urban legends. You may have heard the story about the two people who have cybersex only to realise months later that they are father and daughter. Another viral one is Slender Man, a creepy character who hangs around in forests and stalks children. This originated in 2009 on an internet forum as part of a Photoshop challenge in which participants edited photographs of everyday objects to make them appear paranormal.

In-_____, Yasser Arafat and Israeli leaders shared the Nobel Peace Prize.


The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 was awarded jointly to Yasser Arafat


In 1994, Yasser Arafat and Israeli leaders shared the Nobel Peace Prize.  


Just trust me, my bros.  

Hope this helps <3

>> Look at the pictures. Under each write what it represents



Great wall China

It represent the borders that China made to seprate it from the other countries

What were some of the harsh working and living conditions that working-class people experienced during the Industrial Revolution?



Poor workers were often housed in cramped, grossly inadequate quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to many risks and dangers, including cramped work areas with poor ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic exposures to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.


This is the best that I could find. I'm sure if you look more deeper you can find some more even important information.

organizations wanted to be left alone by the U.S. government



Latin america


What is cultural order?



The Order of Culture (文化勲章, Bunka-kunshō) is a Japanese order, established on February 11, 1937. ... The badge of the order, which is in gold with white enamel, is in the form of a Tachibana orange blossom; the central disc bears three crescent-shaped jades (magatama).


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

In the late 1960s, Mao Zedong established diplomatic relations with the United States since the Soviet Union and China were at odds. In response, the Soviet Union became better acquainted with America. In a paragraph of 125+ words, explain why the Soviet leader would suddenly become better "friends" with the United States just because China had done so.



It is tough for the Soviet Union to chose the alliance between China and the United States.


The Soviet leader suddenly wanted to become friends with the United States, because an alliance between China and the United States would be tough to to chose for the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union also wanted to become better acquainted, because they were scared of getting attacked from United states of America so that's why Soviet Union wanted to become better friends and formed good relations with United states of America.

which military leader wwas tied to the ship so he would not fall off during a battle



drink my pee






i need help with these two questions



Im gonna answer below where I have more room


1: Anuse of the curch is when using the person you belive in to justify everything you do includong bad things.

2: This would have made people blame everything on other people therefore causing a rift between religions.

Which of the following was the result
of the passage of the Voting Rights
Act of 1965?
A. The voter literacy test was designed by Congress.
B. The voter literacy test was created for use.
C. The voter literacy test was banned.
D. The voter literacy test was graded for the first time.


I believe your answer is A.

How did global trade change as a result of European voyages during the Age of Exploration?

A. Trade declined over land routes, including the Silk Road.

B. Trade became less necessary for Asian countries.

C. Trade expanded on a large scale as Europeans found new

D. Trade between Europe and Africa stopped entirely.


Statement is C.Trade expanded on a large scale as europeans found new markets

which of these statements is true?
A. Stalin agreed with Churchill's complains, and promised to change things in eastern Europe.
B. Stalin agreed with Truman about Churchill's complaints of U.S. atomic policy.
C. Truman refused to back Churchill when he claimed the Soviet Union took freedom from Eastern Europe.
D. Truman backed Churchill when he claimed the Soviet Union took freedom from Eastern Europe.


The true statement is D. Truman backed Churchill when he claimed the Soviet Union took freedom from Eastern Europe.

D. Truman backed Churchill when he claimed the Soviet Union took freedom from Eastern Europe. During the early years of the Cold War, Winston Churchill made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech in 1946, expressing concerns about the Soviet Union's influence over Eastern Europe. President Harry Truman shared Churchill's concerns and supported his claims. Truman recognized the expansionist actions of the Soviet Union and their suppression of freedom in Eastern European countries. This alignment between Truman and Churchill reflected a shared belief in the threat posed by Soviet influence and a commitment to opposing the spread of communism in the post-World War II era.

In conclusion, The true statement is D. Truman backed Churchill when he claimed the Soviet Union took freedom from Eastern Europe.

For more questions on Soviet Union :


What does Thoreau think about the notion of improvement in antebellum in American society?



Thoreau 4.8 Document Review:1.Why did Thoreau believe that most people led lives of “quiet desperation”?

Washis experiment in simple living a response to that belief? They live quiet lives of desperation. Thoreau moved to the woods to live purposefully, to confront only the basic facts of life and see what they had to teach, and to see if he had really lived. Thoreau, in Walden, removes himself from society in order to survive on his own and become self-sufficient. He is on his own at Walden Pond, living and surviving on his own, but he never seems lonely. In reality, in his state of loneliness, he appears to be happy. The transcendental attempts of Thoreau to live a spiritually fulfilling life in nature influenced his attitude toward change. Thoreau was a transcendentalist, believing that truth only existed in the metaphysical realm and that the solution to people's problems was the free expression of emotions. Henry David Thoreau, a transcendentalist, proposed a simple way of life as the most rewarding of all. Thoreau discovers while living in and around a small cabin that when one is  

He used writing as a means of enhancing life in America. He (Henry David Thoreau (Karthik) Page) published writings on a variety of subjects, such as the status of American social standards and criticizing the government. In the underground railroad, he took risks. Henry David Thoreau (Conrad) was a proponent of abolition.

How did Thoreau influence American culture?

In the name of civil disobedience, Henry David Thoreau committed a felony, and as a result, he was put in prison. Because Henry David Thoreau stood up for what he thought was right, his sacrifice was significant. First of all, Mr. Thoreau held high moral standards and was opposed to both slavery and the Mexican-American War. Second, Thoreau made a strong message by quietly refusing to pay his poll tax in an act of civil disobedience.

Finally, in order to make his point, Mr. Thoreau voluntarily accepted the results of his actions. In order to influence legislation or government policy, civil disobedience is defined as "the refusal to obey or comply with certain laws or governmental demands, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as a peaceful form of protest."

Learn more about Thoreau here:


According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, what determined the course of a person’s afterlife?


Weather they were mummified or not

Referring to your notes and the provided documents, write a two- to three- paragraph essay that describes how the primary-sources from Task 1 make their respective arguments. Compare and contrast the arguments presented in the documents. Make sure your essay addresses these questions:

What techniques do the authors use to form their arguments?
Is there any evidence of bias or stereotypes?
Here are some resources to help you write your essay:

Research and writing information
Creating a thesis statement
Using the author-date system, make sure you provide parenthetical, in-text citations for any information you use from outside sources, including the two provided documents. When you have finished, reread your essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread it to be sure your work does not contain errors in grammar or spelling.
I'll venmo you 10 bucks if you give me a good short essay


The essay must show your writing skills and ability to assess a research source. For that reason, it's not possible for me to write an essay for you, but I'll show you how to write one.

First, you should evaluate the documents that you have been provided and understand what issues these documents address.

Next, you must develop a personal opinion, your own position, regarding the information you have analyzed in the documents. That opinion will be your

It is important that you note how similar and different documents are, as you will need to compare them in your essay.

With this in mind, you can write the essay as follows:

1st paragraph: Present the subject to which the documents address and present your thesis statement.2nd paragraph: Show how the documents confirm your thesis statement, in addition to showing how these documents are similar and different from each other.3rd paragraph: Show how these documents guided you to a specific reasoning on the topic covered and reinforce your thesis statement.

You can find more information on writing an essay at the link below:

he French learned languages and skills from the Native Americans in the area that is now called _____________ .

A) Asia

B) Canada

C) Mexico





Native Americans and the French were present in Canada.

Which of the following best describes the trade routes in the early river valley civilizations?



They establish a means of obtaining new goods through the region, Trade routes brought a cultural exchange that resulted in significant advancements in civilization throughout the region


Both the American and the French Revolutions ended in the midst of internal conflict over what the rights of citizens should be. How did the American approach to this conflict differ from the French approach?

The Americans worked out compromises while the French fought a civil war that ended in dictatorship.

The Americans held town meetings to settle these conflicts while the French ignored the conflicts.

The French had many conflicts to address while the Americans had only one or two.

Unlike the French, the Americans addressed all of their conflicts when they wrote their Bill of Rights.



The Americans worked out compromises while the French fought a civil war that ended in dictatorship.


i have done this before im 100% sure this is correct, after the American Revolution , France went to a civil war or revolution to a dictatorship under Napoleon.


A - The Americans worked out compromises while the French fought a civil war that ended in a dictatorship; (took the test)


Like the French, America faced internal conflict regarding how their new government should look and act. In France, it took so long to establish a government that the people of France settled for something less than a genuinely democratic republic. However, the United States figured out how to use compromise and consensus-building to create a republic that lasted.

Evaluate the causes of the growth of slavery in thc Americas between 1521 and 1700



Africans were the immigrants to the British New World that had no choice in their destinations or destinies. The first African Americans that arrived in Jamestown in 1619 on a Dutch trading ship were not slaves, nor were they free. They served time as indentured servants until their obligations were complete.

Explanation: Hope this helps

did anyone use brainly for the ap*ex modern world final exam?



they probably have if it's a virtual exam, if not, you can always post the questions to be answered

Georgia map - Letter J
Which city is located at letter B?
Where is Savannah located?
What city is located at letter D?








1.) Atlanta

2.) G

3.) Augusta


The counterculture movement of the 1960s is best described as
a political movement that worked to increase support for the Vietnam War.
a social movement that expressed discontent with mainstream society.
a cultural movement that promoted materialism and consumerism.
a religious movement that encouraged respect for authority figures.



because of the Vietnam War


a social movement that expressed discontent with mainstream society.


B on Edge 2021

The continent above South America is


North America. They are just called north’s and South American. North America is mainly consists of the United States, Canada, Bermuda, st. Pierre and Miquelon
North America with Greenland Iceland United States and Canada

Many immigrants at the turn of the twentieth century came to the United States to escape religious persecution in their homelands. This is an example of what concept?

push-pull factor
cultural shock



push-pull factor


There were two types of factors that caused people to migrate to the U.S. Economic, Religious, and Political Factors were the most important push factors. The rise of American industry and the growth of the railroads created jobs, which acted as a pull factor.

who was the first man to create light bulb​


We think it was really Thomas Edison but he bought the patent from Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans

Select the reasons why Europeans wanted an all-water route to the Orient:

The Italians had a monopoly on Mediterranean trade.
Extremely high prices were caused by the difficulty of moving Eastern goods to Europe.
Ottoman Turks had captured Constantinople.
They had ships that desperately needed employment.
Ships traveling water routes could carry more goods.
Traders refused to carry silk or cinnamon.



Europeans wanted an water route to the orient because ships traveling from water routes could carry more goods and also water route were less costly than land routes.

The Fifth Amendment protects people from having to???​



it protects people from having to testify against themselves in court.

I hope it helps

Why was adapting the Articles of Confederation difficult?
A there was no Supreme Court
B partisan differences made rulings difficult
C there were not specific rules outlining how to making adaptations
D it required approval from each state


The Correct answer is D, it required approval from each state. Hope this helps :)
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