The manager of a clothing store in the mall has hired five new employees for the summer. All of them have just graduated from high school and will only work the three summer months before leaving for college. After the initial week of training, the manager continues to scrutinize and direct them in every detail of their job. Each time they make a mistake they are reprimanded, told their pay may be docked, and reminded that there are always other people who will gladly take their place. This manager is using the approach to management known as:


Answer 1


Theory X


It is correct to say that this manager is using the management approach known as theory X, which is a philosophy that says employees work only for the benefits they receive, and that they avoid job responsibilities, so management must be inflexible and follow the hierarchy of functions, with the manager being responsible for a high degree of supervision of the work and the responsibility of the employee for any error.

Theory X may not be ideal for the current administration, where the focus of organizations are people and the formation of a culture focused on innovation and collaboration.

Related Questions

Required: Journal entry Received Rs.18,000 from debtors and discount allowed him Rs. 2,000. please help. ​



If there was a discount allowed of Rs. 2,000 then it means that the total amount the debtor was owing was:

= Cash paid by debtor + Discount allowed

= 18,000 + 2,000

= Rs. 20,000

Journal entry is therefore:

Date                       Account Title                                          Debit             Credit

XX-XX-XXXX        Cash                                                     $18,000

                              Discount allowed                                $  2,000

                              Accounts Receivable                                               $20,000

what skills does a farm manager need?​



Strong decision-making.



The ability to work with people.


Administration skills.

Knowledge of key equipment practices.


They need to have free time. Without that free time...When will you be able to feed the plants? When will you be able to groom your horse? It also costs A LOT!! Because of the farm animals.

These are quite obvious but just in case I am going to list these for you:




Donkeys (Optional)

Cats (Optional)

Peacocks (Very Optional due to the prices)


Dogs (For the mice. Dogs have a supreme sense of smell. They can sniff out the mice.)

Economists generally argue that:
A. costs of moderate inflation are nearly zero whereas high inflation is quite costly.
B. high inflation is costly, but costs of moderate inflation are not nearly as large as the public believes.
C. costs of both high and moderate inflation are quite large.
D. neither high inflation nor moderate inflation is very costly.


Answer: A. costs of moderate inflation are nearly zero whereas high inflation is quite costly.


Economists generally believe that moderate inflation is actually good for the economy as prices need to increase in a healthy manner overtime in order to drive consumption. This means that to them, the cost of moderate inflation is nearly zero.

This is a sharp contrast to high inflation which most economists generally believe to be costly as it reduces the savings of people as well as their real wages and welfare.

Smith, an individual calendar-year taxpayer, purchased 100 shares of Core Co. common stock for $15,000 on December 15, Year 1, and an additional 100 shares for $13,000 on December 30, Year 1. On January 3, Year 2, Smith sold the shares purchased on December 15, Year 1, for $13,000. What amount of loss from the sale of Core's stock is deductible on Smith's Year 1 and Year 2 income tax returns



Year 1 = $0Year 2 = $0


Stock was sold in year 2 so there is no loss that would be deductible from Smith's Year 1 income tax returns.

In year 2, the stock was sold for $13,000 even though it was bought for $15,000. There is therefore a loss of $2,000.

This $2,000 results from a wash sale however so it will not be deductible.  A wash sale is used to describe a scenario where stock from one transaction is sold but was the investor buys that same stock in another transaction 30 days before or after they sold the former.

As Smith purchased another $13,000 worth of stock merely 16 days before he sold the first batch, this is a wash sale and its loss is not deductible.

A homeowner who regularly borrowed garden tools from his neighbor went to the neighbor's house to borrow the neighbor's leaf blower. The neighbor was not at home, but the leaf blower was in his unlocked garage with his other garden tools, and so the homeowner took it. Unbeknownst to the homeowner, the neighbor had drained the oil from the leaf blower's motor. The homeowner ran the leaf blower for an hour; the motor was totally destroyed because it had no oil. The value of the leaf blower at the time that the homeowner took it was $300. An identical new leaf blower costs $500. The cost of repairing the motor is $150. A new motor will cost $250. If the neighbor sues the homeowner on a theory of conversion and is successful, what damages can he recover



$ 300 but the home owner will keep the leaf blower.


If the neighbor is successful in the conversion action, FMV of the leaf blower converted will be the measure of the damages done by the homeowner. The damage value or the FMV is computed or considered as of the place of the conversion and the time.

In this case, the leaf blower when the homeowner damaged it have the value of $300 at that time. So that is the amount i.e. $ 300, the neighbor is entitled to, but at the same time, the homeowner gets the leaf blower after paying the $ 300 to the neighbor.

A builder and a wealthy landowner entered into a written contract whereby the builder would build on the grounds of the landowner's estate a mausoleum, using imported Italian granite, to hold the remains of the landowner's recently deceased wife. The cost of the mausoleum was set at $100,000. After the contract was signed but before construction began, the builder learned that an unforeseen embargo prevented him from getting the granite he planned to use to build the mausoleum. He could get the granite from another source, but it would cost an additional $25,000. The builder explained the situation to the landowner, who agreed to pay $125,000 to have the mausoleum built. The builder prepared a writing stating that the price for the mausoleum was now $125,000. Both the builder and the landowner signed the writing. After the work was completed, the landowner gave the builder a certified check for $100,000 and refused to pay one penny more.If the builder brings suit against the landowner to recover the additional $25,000, will the builder likely prevail?A Yes, because the modification was fair and equitable in view of the unanticipated increase in the cost of granite.B Yes, because the later agreement was in writing and signed by the parties.C No, because the builder had a preexisting duty to do the work for $100,000.D No, because the 25% increase in price that the builder was trying to force on the landowner is unconscionable.



If the builder brings suit against the landowner to recover the additional $25,000, the builder will likely prevail:

A Yes, because the modification was fair and equitable in view of the unanticipated increase in the cost of granite.


When the parties signed the original contract, the embargo on the importation of granite was not fully anticipated.  When the builder brought the modification to the landowner's attention, the landowner did not object.  Instead, he gladly and understandably signed the modified terms.  It was based on his modified agreement that the builder was able to perform his own side of the contract.  Therefore, the landowner should be honorable enough to abide by the modified contract price, which is, overall, not unconscionable.

Gary has to stay late at the office to complete a project with an upcoming deadline. Furthermore, while he's working late, his boss emails him to inform him that the upcoming meeting for the project has been moved to the same time as his daughter's soccer game. Now Gary cannot attend his daughter's soccer game because of the work meeting. What kind of work-family conflict (WFC) is Gary experiencing





From the question we are informed about Gary who has to stay late at the office to complete a project with an upcoming deadline. Furthermore, while he's working late, his boss emails him to inform him that the upcoming meeting for the project has been moved to the same time as his daughter's soccer game. Now Gary cannot attend his daughter's soccer game because of the work meeting. In this case, kind of work-family conflict (WFC) Gary is experiencing is Time-based.

Time-based conflict can be regarded as the conflict that comes up as a result of devoting a time for a role which makes it to be difficult to be able for someone to participate in role different from first role.

Minstrel Manufacturing uses a job order costing system. During one month, Minstrel purchased $212,400 of raw materials on credit; issued materials to production of $207,000 of which $33,600 were indirect. Minstrel incurred a factory payroll of $157,200, of which $43,600 was indirect labor. Minstrel uses a predetermined overhead application rate of 150% of direct labor cost. Minstrel's beginning and ending Work in Process Inventory are $16,700 and $29,400 respectively. Compute the cost of jobs transferred to Finished Goods Inventory.





Use the following formula to calculate the cost of products transferred to finished goods

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = Beginning inventory + direct materials + Direct labor + Applied OH 150% - Ending Inventory

Placing values in the formula

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = 16,700 + ( $207,000 - $33,600 ) + ( $157,200 - $43,600 ) + ( ( $157,200 - $43,600 ) x 150% ) - $29,400

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = 16,700 + 173,400 + 113,600 + 170,400 - $29,400

Cost of products transferred to finished goods = $444,700

Solaris Autos Inc., a large automobile company, made an initial small investment in a start-up company that was developing a solar-powered car. This gave Solaris Autos controlling interests in the start-up company. However, Solaris Autos had no obligations to make continued investments in the experiments of the start-up company. It could invest small amounts depending on the new product's success at each stage of its development. If the product proved to be successful, Solaris Autos would have the right to buy out the start-up company. This approach to strategic alliance is referred to as



real-options perspective


From the question we are informed about Solaris Autos Inc., which is a large automobile company, made an initial small investment in a start-up company that was developing a solar-powered car. This gave Solaris Autos controlling interests in the start-up company. However, Solaris Autos had no obligations to make continued investments in the experiments of the start-up company. It could invest small amounts depending on the new product's success at each stage of its development. If the product proved to be successful, Solaris Autos would have the right to buy out the start-up company. This approach to strategic alliance is referred to as real-options perspective. A real option can be regarded as an approach that bestow management of a firm the right, so that they can undertake certain business opportunities as well as an investments. Real option can be regarded as projects that contains tangible assets versus financial instruments. Real options could involves decision to expand as well as decision to defer project entirely.

Azure, a C corporation, reports the following: Pretax book income is $543,000. Depreciation on the tax return is $20,000 greater than depreciation on the financial statements. Rent income reportable on the tax return is $36,000 greater than rent income per the financial statements. Fines for pollution appear as a $10,000 expense in the financial statements. Interest earned on municipal bonds is $25,000. What is Azure's taxable income



Azure's taxable income is $544,000.


This can be calculated as follows:

Taxable income = Pretax book income - Excess depreciation + Prepaid rental income + Fines for pollution - Municipal interest income ………………… (1)

Substituting all the relevant values into equation (1), we have:

Taxable income = $543,000 - $20,000 + $36,000 + $10,000 - $25,000 = $544,000

Therefore, Azure's taxable income is $544,000.

"I don't know, but I'll find out" is a customer service example of…
B a dangerous admission.
C losing a sale.
D magic words.

A(Not the answer) an uninformed sales rep.



C. losing a sale.


CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management and it typically involves the process of combining strategies, techniques, practices and technology so as to effectively and efficiently manage their customer data in order to improve and enhance customer satisfaction.

Simply stated, it's a strategic process which typically involves collecting customer information for the purpose of improving a customer's future experience.

Therefore, this set of employees are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the customer are satisfied and happy with their service at all times.

A salesperson can be defined as an individual or employee who is saddled with the responsibility of taking orders from customers, as well as sales of finished goods and services to consumers or end users.

A lost sale can be defined as a situation in which a salesperson or business firm looses a selling opportunity for a variety of reasons such as going out of stock, unavailability of a brand (product line), lack of product knowledge, etc.

This ultimately implies that, a process in which a salesperson looses a sales opportunity due to one reason or the other is referred to as losing a sale.

Hence, "I don't know, but I'll find out" is a customer service example of losing a sales because the customer (buyer) may not be patient enough to get the feedback while others might walk away immediately in search of the product or service elsewhere.


It is magic words


I took the test got it right

If a nation has a comparative disadvantage in the production of some commodity: Group of answer choices it cannot gain from international trade unless it has an absolute advantage in every other commodity. it can gain from international trade in that commodity only if it has an absolute advantage in that commodity. it cannot gain from international trade in the commodity. it can still gain from international trade in that commodity, by getting it at a lower opportunity cost than if it produced it domestically.



it can still gain from international trade in that commodity, by getting it at a lower opportunity cost than if it produced it domestically.


A country has comparative disadvantage in production if it produces at a higher opportunity cost when compared to other countries.

The country with a  comparative disadvantage can gain from trade by trading the good with a country that has  comparative advantage in the production of that good. i.e. the country produces at a lower opportunity cost

For example, country A produces 10kg of beans and 5kg of rice. Country B produces 5kg of beans and 10kg of rice.  

for country A,  

opportunity cost of producing beans = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing rice = 10/5 = 2

for country B,  

opportunity cost of producing rice = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing beans = 10/5 = 2

Country B has a comparative disadvantage in the production of beans and country A has a comparative disadvantage in the production of rice

Country B should buy beans from A and A should buy rice from B

Andrea, a sales associate in the fine china department of the David's Department Store, reports to Chris, the home furnishings department manager. This morning, Chris asked Andrea to change the price tags on the crystal wine glasses. While working on this task, Pietro, the bedding department manager, told Andrea that he wanted her to unload some comforters. To solve this conflict, Andrea turns to the principle of unity of command under which Group of answer choices Andrea needs to decide which manager has more power. Andrea can refuse to do both tasks. employees should report to no more than one manager. employees can report to two managers, so Andrea needs to decide whose directions to follow. Andrea will need to determine how she can multitask.


Answer: employee should report to no more than one manager.


Under the principles of war, it should be noted that the unity of command simply means that all the responsibility of all the forces are under one commander. The commanders possesses the authority to direct and control all the forces in order to achieve q common goal.

Therefore, in this scenario, Andrea should report to Chris who is the home furnishings department manager since Chris is his immediate manager as he can only follow the order of one boss.

The ______ inventory system records all inventory-related transactions in the inventory account (e.g. transportation, purchase returns and allowances, purchase returns and allowances, purchase discounts) and reduces inventory at the time of sale. The ______ inventory system uses separate accounts for these items and records cost of goods sold at the end of the accounting period.



perpetual & periodic

please help me with this account question I'm tryna make entries ​







The formula for the production budget is budgeted sales in units plus desired ending merchandise inventory less beginning merchandise inventory. beginning finished goods units less desired ending finished goods units. desired ending direct materials units less beginning direct materials units. desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units.



desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units.


production budget can be regarded as budget that gives the calculation of the number of units of particular products which is needed to be manufactured, this is comprises the sales forecast as well as amount of finished goods inventory that is planned to have on hand.

It should be noted that the formula for the production budget is desired ending finished goods units less beginning finished goods units..

Zoe's Dog Biscuits, inc, has net cash flows from operating activities for the last year of $226 million. The income statement shows that net income in $150 million and depreciation expense is $85 million. During the year, the change in inventory on the balance sheet was an increase of $14 million, change in accrued wages and taxes was an increase of $15 million and change in accounts payable was an increase of $10 million. At the beginning of the year the balance of accounts receivable was $45 million. What was the end of year balance for accounts receivable?
A. $20 million
B. $25 million
C. $45 million
D. $65 million



D. $65 million


The computation of the  end of year balance for accounts receivable is shown below:

Cash flows from operating activities $226

net income $150

Add: depreciation $85

Less: increase in inventory -$14

Add: increase in wages and taxes $15

Add: increase in account payable $10

Total $246

Change in account receivable -$20

Opening account receivable $45

Ending account receivable $65

The government has adopted an emissions tax if it: Group of answer choices specifies the type of catalytic converter that must be used to reduce automobile emissions. pays automobile drivers 10 cents for each 10% reduction in automobile emissions. charges automobile drivers 10 cents for each unit of automobile emissions. transfers the ownership of city air to a private firm that charges automobile drivers a profit-maximizing price, based in part on the pollution capacity of the atmosphere.



charges automobile drivers 10 cents for each unit of automobile emissions.


Pollution can be defined as the physical degradation or contamination of the environment through an emission of harmful, poisonous and toxic chemical substances.

Taxation can be defined as the involuntary or compulsory fees levied on individuals or business entities by the government to generate revenues used for funding public institutions and activities.

An emission tax can be defined as tax levied on manufacturers or road users such as drivers for the amount of pollution dispersed into the environment.

Hence, the government has adopted an emissions tax if it charges automobile drivers 10 cents for each unit of automobile emissions.

During the Great Depression, a. the pineapple industry finally became highly profitable as world demand for fruits rose. b. Latin America developed a mature regional economy, which exported large quantities of manufactured goods and imported most of its foodstuffs and raw materials. c. revolutions occurred all over Latin America. d. Latin American economies boomed, in contrast to those of the United States and Europe. e. domestic instability led to the creation of dictatorships.



e. domestic instability led to the creation of dictatorships.


The Great Depression was a period of severe economic meltdown or downturn (crisis) of the industrialized world and it started from the United States of America, typically lasting for about ten years (1929-139).

Basically, the Great Depression started in America on the 4th of September, 1929 as a result of a major fall in the prices of stocks and consequently, leading to a stock market crash on the 29th of October, 1929.

Hence, the negative effects of the Great Depression includes a decline in investments, tax revenues, market price, personal income level, consumer spending, profits and a general rise in unemployment rate.

During the Great Depression, domestic instability led to the creation of dictatorships and autocratic leaderships (government) across many countries.

Generally, dictatorship is characterized by a single leader (dictator) having absolute power and as such he or she makes all the rules, policies and decisions without consulting or taking suggestions from anyone else.

Joe has an idea for a new mobile restaurant business. He wants to convert an antique bus into a sit-down restaurant with a service window allowing him to serve people within the bus and walk-ups who want to get their food and take it home. Joe takes his idea and looks at the people, the offerings, the customers, the value proposition, and his distinctive competencies. Joe is performing a(n) ______
A. business model canvas
B. RBI screen
C. classic feasibility study
D. pilot test



C. classic feasibility study


A feasibility study is the study that shows the analysis made for considered the relevant factors for a project. It included the economic, technological, legal in order to ascertain the completion of the project in a successful manner

So as per the given situation, the option c is correct

And, the same is to be considered

Roger Company sold machinery for a total price of $20,000 to be paid in four equal installments, plus interest. The first payment was made in the current year. The original cost of the machinery was $12,000 and $8,000 of depreciation had been taken on it. Ignoring interest income, what amount of income must Roger Company recognize in the current year under the installment method for this sale



$8,000 ordinary income and $2,000 capital gain.


Calculation to determine what amount must Roger recognize in the current year

Since total gain is $16,000 calculated using this formula

Total gain=Selling price-Basis

Total gain=$20,000-$4,000

Total gain=16,000

Which means that he must recognize the complete $8,000 . Hence, the revised gain of $8,000 will be the ORDINARY INCOME in the current year which is calculated as:

Ordinary Income=Selling price-Adjusted basis

Ordinary Income=$20,000-$12,000

Ordinary Income=$8,000

Lastly is to determine The gross profit percentage of which will be applied to each using this formula

Gross profit percentage=Gross profit ÷Contract price

Gross profit percentage=$8,000 ÷ $20,000

Gross profit percentage=40%

Hence, the CAPITAL GAIN for the current year will be:

Capital gain = [($20,000 ÷ 4) × 40%]

Capital gain=$2,000

Therefore the amount that Roger must recognize in the current year is $8,000 ordinary income and $2,000 capital gain.

Select the correct text in the passage.
What is the opportunity cost in this scenario?
Mikael has saved $4,000 for his trip to Brazil. He has calculated that his total transportation expenses will be $1,000. The hotel will cost him
another $1,500. He will spend about $500 on food. He plans on spending the remaining $1,000 for sightseeing and buying souvenirs.
While booking his plane ticket, he realizes that the price has gone up. His total transportation expenses will go up by $200. He realizes that he
cannot cancel his hotel reservation. He also doesn't want to go cheap on food. Finally, he decides to give up visiting the popular Ouro Preto
during his stay in Brazil.


Answer: sightseeing


Opportunity costs represent to the potential benefits that an economic entity misses out on when another alternative is chosen over another.

In this case, due to the increase in the price of the plane ticket, Mikael decides to give up visiting the popular Ouro Preto during his stay in Brazil even though it was earlier planned. Therefore, it can be infered that sightseeing is the opportunity cost as that is what he forgoes in order to choose a different alternative.

A company purchased two identical items. Item 101 purchased in October cost $100. Item 102 purchased in November cost $110. The business uses the Last-in, first-out (LIFO) cost flow method. If item 101 is sold to a customer, the amount assigned to cost of goods sold is ______.





LIFO means last in first out. It means that its the last purchased inventory that is the first to be sold.

If the LIFO method is used, the cost of goods sold would be the cost of purchasing inventory 102 which was the inventory that was purchased last.

The cost of inventory 102 is 110

Charley spends all of his income on soft drinks and pizza. Suppose he is currently buying these products in amounts such that his marginal benefit from an additional soft drink is and his marginal benefit from an additional slice of pizza is . If the price of a soft drink is and the price of a slice of pizza is ​, is Charley maximizing his total​ benefits? A. ​No, he should increase his consumption of both goods. B. ​No, he should shift consumption toward and away from to maximize total benefits. C. ​Yes, there is no other consumption choice that will make his total benefits greater. D. ​No, he should shift consumption toward and away from to maximize total benefits.'



The correct option is B. No, he should shift consumption toward soft drinks and away from pizza to maximize total benefits.


Note: This question is not complete because some important figures and points are missing in it. These figures and points are therefore provided to complete the question before answering it as follows:

Charley spends all of his income on soft drinks and pizza. Suppose he is currently buying these products in amounts such that his marginal benefit from an additional soft drink is $100 and his marginal benefit from an additional slice of pizza is $110. If the price of a soft drink is $2 and the price of a slice of pizza is $3, is Charley maximizing his total benefits?

A. No, he should increase his consumption of both goods.

B. No, he should shift consumption toward soft drinks and away from pizza to maximize total benefits.

C. Yes, there is no other consumption choice that will make his total benefits greater.

D. No, he should shift consumption toward pizza and away from soft drinks to maximize total benefits.'

The explanation of the answer is now provided as follows:

Under utility maximization theory, the condition for the utility or benefit maximization for two goods is as follows:

MBs / Ps = MBp / Pp ……………………………. (1)


MBs = Marginal benefit from an additional soft drink = $100

MBp = Marginal benefit from an additional slice of pizza =$110

Ps = Price of a soft drink = $2

Pp = Price of a slice of pizza = $3

Subtitling the relevant values, we have:

MBs / Ps = Marginal utility per dollar spent on soft drinks = $100 / $2 = 50

MBp / Pp = Marginal utility per dollar spent on soft pizza = $110 / $3 = 36.67

This implies that 50 = MBs / Ps > MBp / Pp = 36.67

The decision rule is that the limited money income should be spent by a consumer on the good which gives the higher marginal utility per dollar in order to maximize marginal benefit.

Since 50 = MBs / Ps > MBp / Pp = 36.67 above, this implies that Charley is NOT maximizing his total benefits. To maximize his total benefits, Charley should consume more of soft drinks and less of pizza until the condition is consistent with equation (1).

Therefore, the correct option is B. No, he should shift consumption toward soft drinks and away from pizza to maximize total benefits.

Concern for the environment among consumers causes consumers to substitute away from traditional autos to electric-powered autos.

Equilibrium quantity: Increases / Decreases
Equilibrium price: Increases / Decreases



the equilibrium price and quantity of  traditional autos decreases

the equilibrium price and quantity of electric cars increases


Due to the decrease in demand for traditional autos, there would be a leftward shift of the demand curve for traditional autos. As a result, equilibrium price and quantity would fall.

Due to the increase in demand for electric-powered autos, there would be a rightward shift of the demand curve for traditional autos. As a result, equilibrium price and quantity would increase.

Please check the attached images for graphical illustrations

In strategic management, both the short-term and long-term perspectives need to be considered because a. the creative tension between the two forces managers to develop more successful strategy. b. shareholders only care about long-term returns c. shareholder value is only measured by short-term returns. d. long-term vision precludes the analysis of present operating needs.



a. the creative tension between the two forces managers to develop more successful strategy.


It is correct to say that short-term and long-term strategies must be designed individually as the creative tension between the two forces managers to develop more successful strategies.

It is essential that in strategic planning the short-term and long-term action plans are well specified, so that the strategic development understands the organizational whole and the strategies are aligned, since the short-term actions will consequently impact those of long term.

In considering the issue of distribution intensity (i.e., how many intermediaries a manufacturer will go through to distribute its goods to end-user consumers), Taza Chocolate __________. a.Uses intensive distribution exclusively. b.Uses selective distribution exclusively. c.Balances intensive distribution with selective distribution. d.Uses neither intensive distribution nor selective distribution.



c.Balances intensive distribution with selective distribution.


In the case when there is an issue of a distribution intensity means no of intermediaries at which the manufactured would go through the distribution of goods for the end consumers so here the company used the intensive distribution that should be balance with the selective distribution

So as per the given situation, the option c is correct

Niat ny mau bikin dua akun tapi malah kesasar :(​



I'm lost and I don't understand your language

Identify the correct statement. Group of answer choices An increase in the price level in an economy will decrease the real GDP demanded along the aggregate demand curve. An increase in the price level in an economy will increase the real value of dollar-denominated assets. An increase in the price level in an economy will shift the aggregate demand curve rightward. An increase in the price level in an economy will shift the aggregate expenditure line upward. An increase in the price level in an economy will decrease the equilibrium level of output demanded.



An increase in the price level in an economy will decrease the real GDP demanded along the aggregate demand curve.


In Economics, there are primarily two (2) factors which affect the availability and the price at which goods and services are sold or provided, these are demand and supply.

In order to understand both short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy move from short to long run, we need the aggregate supply and aggregate demand model.

Aggregate demand (AD) can be defined as the total quantity of output (final goods and services) that is demanded by consumers at all possible price levels in an economy at a particular time.

Generally, an increase in the price level in an economy will decrease the real GDP demanded along the aggregate demand curve.

Additionally, an economy's aggregate demand curve shifts rightward or leftward by more than changes in initial spending because of the multiplier effect. Also, an increase in stock prices that increases consumer wealth will most likely shift the aggregate demand curve to the right.

Lastly, a change in price level would not shift the aggregate demand curve (AD curve).

You pull credit on a husband and wife. It turns out their debt-to-income ratio is too high. You notice the majority of the debts belong to the husband. You also note that the wife has enough income to qualify on her own. You remove the husband from the loan, with permission from the borrower, submit the file, and receive approval. This action is:



This action is legal and ethical (except for communal property sales)


Scenarios do occur where one borrower brings down the entire loan filed. if the other borrower can take on the loan burden, then there is a way.

Absolutely nothing wrong with finding a way to qualify your borrowers request for a loan as long as they are ok with it. Most of the money in the joint assets account belongs to the non-borrower. The lender requires two months of bank statements as therefore, documentation is needed by the lender that requires you to disclose and document deposits for the borrower and non-borrower.

This method cannot work in a communal property state

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Suppose ABCLMN.Which other congruency statements are correct?Select each correct answer.BACMLNBCANMLACBLNMCBAM What isthe solution to the system of equations graphed below? Which values for h and k are used to write the function f(x) = x2 + 12x + 6 in vertex form?h=6, k=36h=-6, k=-36h=6, k=30hs-6, k=-30Someone please help me with this I cant fail this test ! Write a program using a dictionary that reads in a single positive digit number [0 - 9] from the user at the keyboard. Your program will then be able to look up the digit key in the dictionary and print the digit value spelled out. If the user types in a number that is either more than one digit, negative, or a non int value, re-prompt the user for valid input. First, before demonstrating your test cases, print out a display copy of the key:value pairs in your dictionary in sorted order. Deliverable: Your source code solution and a copy of the run pasted into your source submission file. Be sure to comment out your run so that your .py file will still run in the grader test bed. Validate user input is a single positive digit [0 - 9]. rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the first one beginning with the given words1. The lasr time i went swimming was 2 months ago=> I Se o clima e a variao do tempo de um determinado lugar pode-se afirmar a alternativa que indica respectivamente tempo e clima So? Someone, please help me on this one What is 10 + 15k equivalent Plz hurry ASAP please help meeeeeeeeeee Sarah earned 45 1/2 dollars in 5 3/4 minutes. What is the unit rate in dollars perminute? While traveling on a commercial bus line, a passenger was injured when some luggage fell on him. As required by applicable state law, the bus company's in-house attorney conducted an investigation and filed the required report with the state transportation department. The passenger subsequently filed a civil action against the bus company in federal district court, seeking compensatory damages for the injuries he suffered. During discovery, the passenger's lawyer served on the bus company a request for production of documents, including a request for the report that the bus company filed with the state. The bus company objected to the request for the report and refused to produce it on the grounds that the report was privileged and protected from discovery under the work product doctrine. It did, however, produce other documents that were requested. The passenger then filed a motion to compel production of the report. If the court finds that the bus company's claims of privilege and work product were not substantially justified, what orders must the court make relating to the passenger's request for production of the report FOR EASY BRAINLIEST ANSWER AND EXPLAIN!! ASAPQUESTION: A 30minute radio program, the entertainment portion lasts 2 minutes longer than 3 times the duration of the commercial portion. How much is devoted to commercials during the 30 minutes which part of this map is the subregion central america? The company's variable overhead costs are driven by machine-hours. What would be the total budgeted overhead cost for next month if the activity level is 2,400 machine-hours rather than 2,500 machine-hours? Assume that the activity levels of 2,500 machine-hours and 2,400 machine-hours are within the same relevant range. Group of answer choices Solve 2x2 - 9x - 5 = 0 by factoring. How does an individual enter into the devils family? The probability I take a nap today is 4/5. The probability I will take a nap and a bubble bath todayis 1/5. What is the probability I will take a bubble bath today, given that I took a nap? In the diagram attached, ABC has coordinates A(1,1), B(4,1), and C(4,5).Given the function rulef(x, y) (x 5, y 2)Describe the transformation as completely as possible.The diagram is attached-- Thanks in advance!(No this is not homework, I was using a study guide I found online to study for a test.) 14. What was a purpose of the devshirme system?A. To convert Shi'a Muslims to SunniB. To provide soldiers and bureaucratsC. To enable efficient tax collectionD. To establish fair land distribution 10 ICTs that encourage reading...?