The only function of the skeletal system is to provide the body with a framework.
Answer it if u know it..




Answer 1




Related Questions

explain packaging of fish and why it is neccessary to package fish well before marketing​


Basically Fish and seafood have a high nutritional value but are at the same time sensitive, perishable foods. Packaging protects the products from harm and contributes towards reducing losses during transport, storage or at the retailer's.

After an evening of drinking, alcohol can still be detected in the blood up to 8 weeks later.
A. True
B. False



your welcome, have a good day!



After an evening of drinking, alcohol can still be detected in the blood up to 8 weeks later.

B. False


While alcohol in the blood is detectable six to 24 hours after consumption, alcohol can be detected in other bodily fluids for different lengths of time. Alcohol can be detected in: Breath roughly 12 to 24 hours ;

Urine up to 80 hours after.

Learning to move past disappointments or frustrations and work with the situation at hand best describes the stress-management strategy of

being flexible
being mindful of diet
focusing on the good
seeking help when needed​



focusing on the good


Focusing on the good

what are you most likely to find on a health website?


importance of daily exercise

types of diets

common diseases and their symptoms

home remedies for some common diseases


What happens when you drop a tv tray on your foot and it bruises and you can feel the bone more than normal?



you need to ice it for 15 minutes then put a heating pad on there for 15 minutes then ice it again continue these steps swelling will go down and bruising will lighten.


hope this helps you❤❤

When you break a bracket, do u have to clean under it?

Because I just broke one and food can get stuck under it since it’s still on my tooth. I have a chain so I can’t take the bracket off.



yes just brush it normally


no need to brush under it. Just brush normally.

what are some illegal drugs that should become legal?
brainly for good answer



stimulants (e.g. cocaine)

depressants (e.g. alcohol)

opium-related painkillers (e.g. heroin)

hallucinogens (e.g. LSD)

Depressants should become legal

What state of matter is earwax and why?


Solid and liquid I think because it’s not a gas

Earwax consists of dead skin cells, hair, and the secretions of cerumen by the ceruminous and sebaceous glands of the outer ear canal. Major components of earwax are long chain fatty acids, both saturated and unsaturated, alcohols, squalene, and cholesterol.

Hope this helps you Buddy! :)

Mr. J, aged 38 years, presents to the clinic today for his routine physical. During the review of systems, he offhandedly mentions that he has a "knot" in his neck, but he figures it is no big deal since it does not hurt. He also reports occasional fever and chills, and the last several weeks, he has awakened drenched in sweat. He attributes this to the fact that he was around his niece and nephew who were both recovering from the flu.

1. What other questions would be helpful to determine the source of these symptoms?

2. The healthcare provider (HCP) has ordered a chest x-ray because he is suspicious of Hodgkin lymphoma. What is the rationale for this order?


Answer: See explanation


1. What other questions would be helpful to determine the source of these symptoms?

The questions include:

• When Mr J first noticed the knot in his neck.

• When did he start having fever?

• When does he normally feel the knot?

• Is there any other nodes in his body?

• Does he feel any tightness in his chest?

• What kind of work does he do?

• Is he allergic to anything?

• Does he have a loss of appetite?

• Does his family have any history of cancer?

2. The healthcare provider (HCP) has ordered a chest x-ray because he is suspicious of Hodgkin lymphoma. What is the rationale for this order?

Hodgkin lymphoma is the cancer of the lymphatic system. The cancer limits the ability of the body to fight infection. Due to the knot in his neck, the healthcare provider (HCP) has ordered a chest x-ray and fever that he has.

Explain the action of the diaphragm when you inhale and exhale.


Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarges. This contraction creates a vacuum, which pulls air into the lungs. Upon exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its domelike shape, and air is forced out of the lungs.

What causes asthenopia?



Asthenopia is more commonly known as eyestrain or ocular fatigue. It's a common condition that occurs when your eyes become tired from intense use. Staring at a computer screen for long periods or straining to see in dim light are common causes.


may this answer is helpful for you

Staring at a computer screen long periods or straining to dim light are common causes.

What kind of disease persists for long periods of time or recurs throughout life?
A. chronic disease
B. emerging disease
C. viral disease
D. trichomoninsis disease



A, chronic disease


hi <3

A. Chronic disease

hope you have a great day <3

The human body produces which type of enzymes?



chemical and mechanical enzymes


chemical = Weak hydrochloric acid

mechanical = Mouth helping chunk/reduce large food coming in the body

Which of the following statements about tobacco use is TRUE?
1. Smoking tobacco is dangerous; chewing it or dipping snuff are safe.
2. To minimize the risk of lung cancer, smoke "light" cigarettes.
3. Tobacco use has been linked only to lung cancer.
4. About 30% of all cancer deaths are related to tobacco use.


4 one: About 30℅ of all cancer deaths are related to tobacco use

hope it helps

Which is a possible consequence for violating a zero-tolerance school policy



Detention, suspension, expulsion and even arrest are used as punishments for students who violate zero policies.

Chanel sees an ad on social media for a diet that claims it will help her lose weight without exercising at all, as long as she follows what the diet asks her to eat. Chanel is skeptical. Which of the following red flags of a fad diet has she most likely recognized?

A bizarre quantity of only one food
A claim of rapid weight loss
A miracle food that burns fat
No increased physical activity​


A bizarre quantity of only one food is a red flag that Chanel recognized as a fad diet.

What is a fad diet? "A fad diet is a diet that becomes popular for a short time, without being a standard dietary recommendation, and often making unreasonable claims for fast weight loss or health improvements."How bizarre quantity of only food affects?Only eating one type type of food may cause deficiency of some other nutrients.It may also effect you tolerance level of your digestion.

Hence, bizarre quantity of only one food in our diet will not results in weight loss rather it can cause other problems. So one should have healthy diet.

To know more about healthy diet here


Which of the following statements about life expectancy is TRUE?

A. Life expectancy is the maximum length of time a member of a species can expect to live under optimal conditions.

B. People born in 1900 could expect to live 65 years.

C. African Americans typically outlive other racial/ethnic groups.

D.People of high socioeconomic status typically outlive people of low socioeconomic status.



D. People of high socioeconomic status typically outlive people of low socioeconomic status.


I took the Quiz

Answer: D. People of high socioeconomic status typically outlive people of low socioeconomic status.


   Why is this? This is because those with a higher socioeconomic status typically can pay for more or have more resources available to better their health.

_____________ foods are free of synthetic or artificial ingredients or additives, such as hormones, antibiotics, sweeteners, food colors, preservatives, or flavorings that were not originally in the food.






Give an introduction to female gonad​


Female gonad: The female gonad, the ovary or "egg sac", is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (ova) and female hormones.

I took a health test by that

Hope this helps :))

How long can the acute mourning stage of grief last?
1. 4-6 weeks
2. 6-12 months
3. less than 6 months
4. a year or more



4-6 weeks


I hope it helps choose me the brainest

waste management is the responsibility of each other member of the society . explain​




Because the garbage that must be responsible for it is caused by people in society. and for compassion People in society need to help each other in various matters.

In which of the following scenarios would it be most appropriate to see a nutritionist?

A. Lucy is recovering from weight loss surgery and needs post-operative food guidance.
B. Cole is leaving the hospital after having a feeding tube placed and needs help.
C. Phillip's parents are concerned about treatment for managing his eating disorder.
D. Rebecca would like advice on how to incorporate more nutritious foods into her diet.​



C. Phillip's parents are concerned about treatment for managing his eating disorder.


D, Rebecca would like advice on how to incorporate more nutritious foods into her diet.​


A nutritionist is an expert on nutrition, hence their title. They can specially formulate a diet for her.

A person who is 15 years old has a target heart rate range of
A. 132-176.
B. 99–132.
C. 123-164.
D. 114-152.


Answer: D. 114-152.


March the definition to the correct term


Obesity(E): A condition characterized by excessive deposits of fat on the body.Health Risk Factors(C): Factors associated with disease, disability, and premature death. Diabetes(A): Condition in which the body is unable to produce or use insulin.Body Image(G): The way one sees oneself physically.Physical Fitness(B): The capacity of the whole body to function at optimum efficiency.Inactivity(D): Lack of physical activity and exercise.Cholesterol(F): A waxy, fat-like substance found in animal tissue. Person Fitness Program(H): A plan designed to help you select activities to improve your lifestyle

How much does it hurt to pierce your ears? I want your opinion.


depends on pain tolerance, but it’s just a pinch


It feels like a shot or like a pinch


Write 7 words that help define the term health



 one of the most important thing in life


Your health should always be put first.

Which of the following describes transmission of a disease by indirect contact?
1. Person A has acne -> Person A and Person B are physically intimate -> Person B does not develop acne
2. Person A has a cold -> Person A sneezes near uninfected Person B
3. deer has Lyme disease -> tick bites deer -> tick bites uninfected person
4. Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B



the answer is 4.


i got it right

A disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, muscle stiffness and spasms, and sleep disturbances is


Fibromyalgia—Disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, muscle stiffness and spasms, and sleep disturbances.

What are two Precautions one should take when strength Training? Why are these important guidelines to follow?


Safety tips for resistance training
Proper technique is essential. ...
Start slowly. ...
Only use safe and well-maintained equipment. ...
Don't hold your breath. ...
Control the weights at all times. ...
Maintain a strong form while lifting, as this will prevent injury through incorrect technique. ...
Use the full range of motion. Hope this helps!

1. What component of fitness does yoga fall under?

Cardiovascular Endurance

Muscular Strength


1. What component of fitness does yoga fall under?

answer = Flexibility


If you need to choose one answer then I would say Flexibility, otherwise I would say all three I think.


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