The ovals above represent mangrove islands of various sizes and distances from shore. According to the MacArthur/Wilson Island Biogeography Model, which island is expected to have the LOWEST number of insect species at equilibrium


Answer 1

There are few island on earth which are insect free due to atmosphere and sea breeze which do not complements the insects breed.

These islands attract tourists more because of no or very few insects, tourist have no fear of getting sick during their stay on these islands.

Antarctica is mosquito free continent. The island in Antarctic ocean are mosquito and have very few insects due to lack of stagnant water available for their breeding.

Iceland, Seychelles and few other island are insect free or have very low amount of insects there. The coral island is all surrounded by water and there is no connection of this island with the land.

There is very less stagnant water and ponds which can cause the insects to survive.

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what is classification of living things​



The classification of living things are








Grade 8 ( Geology )
1. Choose The Correct Answer:

i) Caves are formed by:
a. solution
b. oxidation
c. carbonation
d. hydration​


I think it's answer (c) I hope you are satisfied with my answer

Ethan began making a model to show the processes which resulted in the formation of oceans
Which of the following would be the next step in the process?
Crust is broken down
Earths crust moves
Earths plates meet
Sea floor spreading


It has to be either A or B bc the other 2 were already used, I would go with B) earth crust moves

The next step in the process is sea floor spreading. The correct option is D.

What is sea floor spreading?

Tectonic plates, which are huge chunks of the lithosphere of the Earth, split apart from one another during the geologic process of seafloor spreading.

The oceanic basin is the result of sea floor spreading.

The ocean crust and its basins are formed when the sea floor spreads and separates after the basin has been filled with water.

All of these result from various plate interactions within the planet.

New ocean floors are created by volcanic activity at spreading centers at divergent borders after the crust has developed and accumulated water.

The production of fresh crust occurs close to the margin, and subsequent crusts push against and away from it. Ocean basins are created by the development of new ocean floors.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding sea floor spreading, visit:


What would be considered a quantitative observation



height of radish seedlings is measured.

Quantitative observation is a method of collecting objective data that is largely focused on numbers and values — the phrase means "related with, of, or portrayed in terms of a quantity." Sending out surveys, questionnaires, or polls is a common method of quantitative observation.

quantitative observation include age, weight, height, length, population, size, and other numerical values while, qualitative observation are color, smell, taste, touch or feeling, typology, and shapes.



Gathering data in large quantities to help solve the situation.


imagine a boy name Marco was doing a science project about a certain specimen like a plant but he couldn't understand it he would need to us quantitive observation skills to understand an break down the problem.

DNA's genetic information is copied to form ___ RNA, which then delivers it to the ___ where protein synthesis occurs.



DNA's genetic information is copied to form mRNA, which then delivers it to the ribosome where protein synthesis occurs.


During transcription, RNA polymerase uses a single-stranded DNA template to synthesize a complementary strand of RNA. The mRNA then travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where ribosomes are found. Ribosomes are structures that are responsible for making proteins.

Explain how you would find how much water you need to order for your crop?



The ETa is the water use of a particular crop at a given time. ETa of an annual crop reaches its maximum at full canopy and can be higher or lower than PET, depending on the crop.

Which is the end result of cytokinesis from a cell undergoing mitosis?
a. one cell that has two identical copies of DNA
b. one cell that has two different copies of DNA
c. two cells that have two identical copies of DNA
d. two cells that have two different copies of DNA


Answer: C two cells that have two identical copies of DNA

Explanation: Took the test!

A cell membrane is very specific about what it allows to does this help the cell?



The cell membrane is selectively permeable . It lets some substances pass through rapidly and some substances pass through more slowly, but prevents other substances passing through it at all. Some small molecules such as water, oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass directly through the phospholipids in the cell membrane

what is mitosis? In detail​



a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.

The major purpose of mitosis is for growth and to replace worn out cells.

An example of mitosis is the way the skin cells covering a child's body all multiply while they are growing

The answer is B :)
What connects the respiratory and circulatory systems? O A. Arteries OB. Alveoli O C. Hormones O D. Aorta

IT'S B!!!





oa ia best answer in my opinion


What connects the respiratory and circulatory systems?


OB. Alveoli

explain why men should not blame their wives for not bearing them male children​


Because you cant pick the gender of your child its random and also is the males genes that decide it I’m pretty sure


Because the woman nor the man can control what the sex of their child is, neither party should be blamed. All a parent can do is hope that their child will be one of good character and morals, no matter their gender or anything else.

Explanation: hope this helps .

help me plz, will give 10 pointzz and a brainliest



a. (black fur): phenotype

b. (AA, Aa, aa): genotypes

c. (Aa): heterozygous

d. (aa): hom0zygous recessive

e. (AA): hom0zygous dominant


(lol brainly wont let me some of the words)

I took bio and genetics I hope this helps !!!

which describe the complex carbohydrate cellulose



Cellulose is a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of linked glucose units. Cellulose is an important structural component of the cell walls of plants and many algae.


Which of the following statements is true? Which of the following statements is true? No archaea are capable of using CO2CO2 to oxidize H2H2, releasing methane. Prokaryotes have low levels of genetic diversity. Archaea and bacteria have identical membrane lipids. The cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan.



The correct answer is - The cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan.


Archaea are the prokaryotes that are different from bacteria in various ways but the most important differences are the membrane lipids and the major component of the cell wall that lacks peptidoglycan found in the cell wall of bacteria.

These prokaryotes are able to use carbon dioxide to oxidize hydrogen, releasing methane. Archaea-like prokaryotes have a high level or complex genetic diversity.

How will you remove impurities from a sample of pulses or rice


Answer: To separate husk or dirt particles from a given sample of pulses before cooking, we need to wash the pulses with water.

cxmagoioum come here aajaiooo​





Why are photsynthetic aquatic and marine protists important to ecosystems
(remember to include algaes)?


Protists and their products are essential, indirectly and directly in photosynthesis because they help organisms through their survival and ranging from bacteria to mammals. Protists feed tons of the worlds aquatic animals and species and they do not only create food but they also provide sources for sea dwelling organisms

A scientist is observing onion cells and human cheek cells under a microscope.

Which observation does she most likely make?

A. The onion cells have lysosomes, and the cheek cells do not.

B. The cheek cells have larger vacuoles than the onion cells.

C. The cheek cells have a nucleus, and the onion cells do not.

D. The onion cells have a cell wall, and the cheek cells do not.


Answer: A. The onion cells have lysosomes, and the cheek cells do not.



the onion cell has a cell wall, and the cheek cells do not.

Which stWhy is Pluto now called a dwarf planet?


In August 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of “dwarf planet.” This means that from now on only the rocky worlds of the inner Solar System and the gas giants of the outer system will be designated as planets.

In your opinion, what can we do to reduce our consumption and make the planet more sustainable.


In your opinion, what can we do to reduce our consumption and make the planet more sustainable.

> Being environmentally conscious is not all about plastic bags; it’s about making everyday choices that will — quite literally — determine our success or failure as a species. We can be more conscious about reducing pollution, protecting wildlife, conserving natural resources and take other actions that can help slow the rate of climate change.

> Everyone can make a difference, particularly when smart environmental choices become a habit and perhaps even begins influencing others into taking similar actions. Doing the right thing for the future of life on Earth can even have immediate personal benefits. It can tap into your creativity, can get you more engaged with your community and the world, and may contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Things you can do to reduce our consumption and make the planet more sustainable.


Turn down the bag.

Buy only what you will use.

Don't invest in idle equipment.

Donate used goods.

Make your garden lively.

Buy products with less packaging.

Avoid disposable products.

Kick the bottled water habit.


Give new life to old electronics.

Hope it helps!!

Fill in the blanks!

In the process of photosynthesis, _____ in autotrophs convert solar energy into chemical energy and store this 'food' for later use. The reaction for photosynthesis is: 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) + energy --> C6H12O6(s) + O2(g). In the process of ______, mitochondria in the cells of plants, animals and other multicellular organisms break down 'food' molecules to generate molecules of _____ . This is the source of energy for all cellular functions. The reaction for cellular respiration is: _____

Word bank:
` chemosynthesis
` chloroplasts
` cellular respiration
` C6H1206(s) + 02(g) -- CO2(g) + 6H20(I) + energy



i can't help i wish i knew

which statement correctly describes the transfer of energy between the blue arrows?


Show the statement. (A picture or an example of the problem)


Translate the sequence of amino acids in sickle-cell hemoglobin into (use third valine)
a) mRNA base codes

b) tRNA base codes

c) DNA base codes



Sickle cell hemoglobin occurs in the beta chain of hemoglobin due to point mutation in the sixth codon which changes from glutamic acid to valine which is hydrophobic that causes the change in the size of the RBC in a crescent shape.

The protein or amino acid chain of this condition is as follows:

Protein with Sickle Mutation: VAL HIS LEU THR PRO VAL GLU

which is translated from mRNA sequence

mRNA with Sickle Mutation: G U G C A C C U G A C U C C U G U G G A G

mRNA sequence is the complementary sequence or anticodons of the mRNA sequence RNA:

tRNA with Sickle Mutation: C A C G U G G A C U G A G G A C A C C U C

mRNA sequence is transcribed from the transcription strand of DNA sequence:

DNA with Sickle Mutation: C A C G T G G A C T G A G G A C A C C T C

In arthritis, there is deposition of urate crystals in joints. If you want to treat the arthritis by decreasing the concentration of circulating uric acid, what will you do with its mechanism in kidney?


Answer and explanation:

If I'd wanted to decrease the concentration of circulating uric acid by altering its mechanism in the kidney, I would administer a drug that would inhibit uric acid reabsorption and increase its excretion through urine.

Arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints and can be caused by many diseases. When the cause of this arthritis is the deposition of urate crystals in the joint because of an increase in the concentration of circulating uric acid (hyperuricemia) we are most likely talking about gout, a painful disease that can deform the joints.

Hyperuricemia and gout have many risk factors associated with them, such as genetic predisposition, unhealthy diet, and suffering from other conditions like Diabetes.

Several medications are used in the treatment of the symptoms and the prevention of the worsening of this disease, but the one that is most frequently used to increase the excretion of uric acid is Probenecid. Probenecid blocks the kidney's OAT (organic anion transporter) that reabsorbs uric acid in the kidney tubules, thus enhancing its excretion and decreasing uric acid's blood concentration.

Select the correct answer.
Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal with an atomic number of 12. It's in the third row in the
periodic table. Which expression shows one way to find the number of valence electrons in one
atom of magnesium?
12 x 3
(12-2) + 8
(12 + 2) - 8





magnesium have 12 total electron so 2 8 2 so valance electron is 2

क्षेत्रभेटी नियोजनात वाहतुक मागव वाहतुक मार्ग साधनांचा विचार करने महत्वाचे का असते



Which is an example of when Hector's somatic sensory system is in control?

After a long run, his body is sweating.
When jogging, he sees an ice patch and decides to change directions to a different route.
His eyes dilate because he sees something scary.
He eats a large meal and his body takes multiple hours to digest it.


The statement 'when jogging, he sees an ice patch and decides to change directions to a different route' is an example of somatic sensory system control.

What is the somatic sensory system?

The somatic sensory system is a group of neuronal networks aimed at controlling the senses in the body.

This system (somatic sensory system) is involved in the perception of temperature, position, and pain.

In conclusion, the statement 'when jogging, he sees an ice patch and decides to change directions to a different route' is an example of somatic sensory system control.

Learn more about the somatic sensory system here:



B) When jogging, he sees an ice patch and decides to change directions to a different route.

Imagine taking a bite of a pizza. Briefly discuss the role that each part of the brain takes in this simple act. Medulla, Pons, Cerebellum, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Frontal Lobe.



- Medulla: transmits signals between the spinal cord and higher brain levels

- Pons: transmits impulses related to the voluntary skeletal movements from the cerebrum to the cerebellum

- Cerebellum: coordinates skeletal muscle contraction, conscious/subconscious movements, maintains muscle posture, and balance

- Thalamus: regulation of the human nervous system

- Hypothalamus: maintains the overall homeostasis of the body

- Amygdala: processes fearful and threatening stimuli  

- Hippocampus: regulates learning, memory encoding and consolidation, and spatial navigation

- Parietal Lobe: processes information from the outside world (e.g., touch, taste, temperature)

- Occipital Lobe: interprets information from the eyes

- Temporal Lobes:  process sensory information (i.e., pain and auditory stimuli)

- Frontal Lobe:  higher cognitive functions (e.g., memory, problem-solving, emotions, impulse control, etc)


The medulla (medulla oblongata) is the lowest portion of the brainstem, which is linked by the pons to the midbrain and continues with the spinal cord. The medulla is known to transmit signals between the spinal cord and higher brain levels, thereby controlling autonomic activities (e.g., heartbeat and respiration). The pons is a mass of transverse nerve fibers that links the medulla with the cerebellum, it transmits signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. The pons is involved in different functions, e.g., sleep, respiration, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, swallowing, bladder regulation, facial expression, etc. The cerebellum is a small part of the brain involved in physical movements (e.g., posture, balance, coordination), which receives sensory information from sensory systems, the spinal cord, and different parts of the brain. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, it is involved in speech, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, initiating/coordinating movements, regulating temperature, learning, etc. The thalamus is a mass of gray matter located in the forebrain which is involved in diverse functions (i.e., relay of sensory signals, regulation of consciousness, sleep, alertness, etc). The hypothalamus is a small, central, area of the brain that connects the nervous to the endocrine system that acts to maintain the overall homeostasis of the body. The amygdala is a structure located in each hemisphere of the brain that processes fearful and threatening stimuli. The hippocampus is a structure located in the depths of the temporal lobe that regulates learning, memory encoding and consolidation, and spatial navigation. The parietal lobe is located at the upper back area in the skull, it is involved in processing sensory information from the surrounding world (e.g., touch, taste, temperature). The occipital lobes are responsible for transmitting visual information to the temporal lobes, and they are also associated with memory skills. The frontal lobe is the most anterior part of the brain, which is involved in higher cognitive functions (e.g., social interaction, motor function, memory, emotions, impulse control, problem-solving, etc).

Which of the following statements about chemiosmosis is NOT true?

Hydrogen ions move down the concentration gradient.

It is caused by a higher concentration of protons on one side of the membrane.

Energy is used as protons pass through the ATP Synthase.

A net of 38 ATP is produced from each glucose molecule.

Next question-

Cellular respiration

has carbon dioxide and water as waste products

forms glucose and oxygen.

results in the formation of ADP.

occurs in the chloroplast



I don't know the answer to the first one, but I can answer the second question. Cellular respiration has carbon dioxide and water as waste products.


Cellular respiration does not form glucose & oxygen and doesn't occur in the chloroplast, but does form ATP energy, carbon dioxide, & water and the process occurs in mitochondria. Photosynthesis on the other hand forms glucose & oxygen and does occur in the chloroplast.

Which is a key component of the energy molecule ATP?





correct me if I'm wrong

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