The poster suggest that Mr. Young


Answer 1

Hi. Your question is incomplete and you need to provide more context so it can be answered. Furthermore, you did not present the poster the question refers to, which makes it even more difficult for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To answer this question, you first need to understand who Mr. Young is, this should be done through reading a text, viewing a video, or other media to which Mr. Young is introduced. Once you identify him, you should look at the poster and recognize the way Mr. Young is represented on that poster. The way he is represented suggests something about him, something about what he likes to do, or about who he is. This representation is the answer to your question.

Answer 2


The poster suggests that Mr. Young

The answer is "wants to recover his property"

Hope this helps :)))


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Abbasid Caliphate

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The Abbasid Caliphate was in power during Islam's golden age. The beginning of the golden age is in 786, when Harun al-Rashid came to power.

plz hurry
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Austria-Hungary’s imperialist ambitions to dominate the Balkans


The World War I was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

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He did finance

How does Trans Atlantic Slave Trade impact today?



Answer below


Slaves were taken many locations. In the locations they were brought today, there is a population of African Americans and more that live there. If they were not brought there by the slave trade there would most likely be a noticeable difference on how many of them live in those locations (as in less)

what region were slavery was most common



The South Carolina and Georgia Coasts.


The Chesapeake Bay and in Eastern Virginia.

results of the United States dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?



D. It maked the begining of the Nuclear Age.


as a ruler emperor Qin Shihuangdi



lol whats the question?

reply in comment so i can help:)


What was the Minie Ball?
A cannonball that could travel twice as far.
A cannonball that could travel twice as far.

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A bullet that could be loaded quicker and fired more accurately.
A bullet that could be loaded quicker and fired more accurately.

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A bullet that could be shot multiple times without having to reload. no links please help



A bullet that could be loaded quicker and fired more accurately


This was a type of bullet developed by the French army officer Claude-Etienne Minié, in the year 1849. It was used during the American civil war. Minié developed this bullet because tradidional ammunition had to engage the spiral grooves, or rifling, inside the rifle barrel, had to be equal in diameter to the barrel, and shooters would have to jam the bullet into the rifle by force.  Because of this the rifles would become increasingly difficult to load as the barrel became dirty with gun powder residue. This bullet was smaller than the diameter of a rifle barrel, and could be easily loaded, even when the rifle became dirty.This gave rise to the ammunition that we see today. :)




This decision created the doctrine of judicial review and set up the Supreme Court of the United States as chief interpreter of the Constitution


The last guy hahah

Read the passage.

We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff’s argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it. . . . The argument also assumes that social prejudices may be overcome by legislation, and that equal rights cannot be secured . . . except by an enforced commingling of the two races. . . . If the civil and political rights of both races be equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically. If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot put them upon the same plane.

–Majority opinion of the US Supreme Court,
Plessy v. Ferguson,

Which statement best describes the US Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment in Plessy v. Ferguson?
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law; separation by race creates a condition of inequality and is not permissible.
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law; segregation laws are permissible as long as penalties for violating those laws do not differ based on race.
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law; segregation is legal, however, because African Americans are not citizens of the United States, so the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply.
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law; as long as equal facilities are provided, it is permissible for them to be segregated.



The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law; as long as equal facilities are provided, it is permissible for them to be segregated.


What two issues worried Austria in the years before WW1?


Answer: The answer is C.

what did the song dynasty invent in transportation?

that's it.


During the Song Dynasty there were canals built that connected to the main rivers. The compass was also invented and they used it for navigation.

The slave laws of South Carolina were likely affected by the fact that:
A. Most of its leaders were not Christian.
B. Many of its settlers were artisans.
C. Many of its settlers came from the Caribbean.
D. Most of its land was used for family farming.





A majority of South Carolinas population and leadership were christian, settlers mostly came from a farming background or looking for opportunity, and they mostly came from Britain.

The answer is C. Many of its settlers came from Caribbean. In between 1662 - 1807, Britain shipped almost more than 3.1 Million slaves across the Atlantic Ocean, where Africans where brought to the British owned colonies in the world. Specifically the Caribbeans; they were tasked to work on plantations daily.

How did Napoleon change the bureaucracy?



Napoleon held absolute power in the new government and crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I two years after being named consul for life. He made peace with the Church, codified the French laws, developed a new bureaucracy, and spreaded principles of the revolution.


Explaining the Effects of the Dred Scott Decision What were the results of the decision in the Dred Scott case? Check all that apply.



In simple words, Abolitionists were angered by the Dred Scott decision, which they considered as a method for the Supreme Court to put an end to discussion about enslavement in the colonies The split among the North and the South over slavery widened until southern states seceded from the Union as well as the Confederate Counties of America was formed.

The answers are:

-Congress was not allowed to ban slavery in the territories.

-African Americans were not allowed to become US citizens.

-Northerners feared that slavery would become legal across the nation.

I just did the question..

What did the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 do? Check all of the boxes that apply.



Established the Union Pacific Railroad Established the Central Pacific Railroad. Gave livestock to railroad companies. Gave loans and land to railroad companies. Decided where the railroad would meet in the middle.

Define the term poverty threshold.



The poverty threshold, also known as the poverty limit, the poverty line, or the breadline, is the lowest level of income considered sufficient in a certain society. The poverty line is generally determined by adding up the entire cost of all basic resources consumed by an average human adult over the course of a year.

oml pls help with this question will mark branliest :)))





The answer would be A.

Visual sources should be used within the discussion to reinforce and
explain the written information​





It is TRUE that Visual sources should be used within the discussion to reinforce and explain the written information​.

The above statement is correct because visual sources reinforce and increase the interest of students or learners during the teaching process. Similarly, the visual sources also aid the teacher to explain the concept that is being taught better. Visual sources also give students or learners clear pictures of what is being taught.

What was William Cockerill’s role in the spread of industrialization?


He established the first railroad in Great Britain. He helped bring industrialization to continental Europe. He pioneered manufacturing methods in the United States.

which advantages did the British have over the colonists during the American war for independence?
a) they were battling on their home turf & had access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers
b) they had a well trained army & access to funds to recruit foreign soldiers
c) they had support of all Native American tribes & African Americans
d) they had a well trained army & supporter of France, Spain, and Germany



I'm going with B


It can't be A because the war took place in America and that is not the Brits home turf and can't be C because the natives almost definitely didn't like the brits. I'm not sure on D but B seems more likely over that.

Caiaphas was the high priest and was also Annas' son-in-law.







It’s true ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


How did philosophies like social Darwinism and the ideas behind the labor movement change American culture?



Hard work is rewarded


I think that it would have to do with hard work. socal darwinism was the idea that the strongest would prevail. this idea spead and people osvously wanted to work hard to prevail.

Im not sure what you mean by culture, but maybe the idea of the "American Dream"...but like how people hard working, and hard work gets rewarded.


Hard work is overrated

Question 8
What do
you call millions of stars that group or cluster together?
solar system
O pictographs
O galaxies


Answer: number 3: galaxies

Komisyung Konstitusyun na pinamumuan ni hukom​


Sorry don’t understand
what are you trying to ask here?

8. List any 3 most important ways of protecting Arab-Islamic culture.



Avoiding the adaptation of foreign cultures and promote our Arab-Islamic culture.


Avoiding the adaptation of foreign cultures, transfer the Arab-Islamic culture in the next generation through education and provides environment to children of  Arab-Islamic culture are the three ways of protecting Arab-Islamic culture. If we adopt some aspects of the western culture so our children will follow the western culture and our future generation will not know about our beautiful Arab-Islamic culture.

compare and contrast the Treaty of Versailles and Woodrow Wilson's



Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson's 14th points.


Both the Treaty of Versailles and 14th points are somewhat related as they both deals with Germany. Both tried to punish Germany because of the First World War which bought deaths and destruction.

Both wanted the return of Alsace Lorraine to France.

The 14th Points by President Wilson were less harsh than the Treaty of Versailles which was imposed by Allied powers with France, Britain, etc.

The 14 points are mainly to establish countries independence in Europe with peace. The treaty focuses on punishing the Germans by putting the blame and reparation terms.

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