the price of a box of cereal incresed by 45% if the original price of the box of cereal was 5$ what is the new price?


Answer 1

Answer: 7.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

2+ (-3)^2 - (-1)

please explain! :3




Step-by-step explanation:


First of all you have to understand the order of operations.


Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication/Divison, Addition, Subtraction.

From this you can see that we first have to deal with the exponent, then multiplication, then the addition.

So we get 2+9-(-1)

The 9 is from -3^2




Hope this helps!

frank bought 3 action figures 2 board games and 3 toy cars at the toy store . The action figure coast 1.95$ each, the board games coast 5.10$ a piece and the toy cars were 1.00$ if he paid with a twenty dollar bill, how much change should he get back?




Step-by-step explanation:


Find an equation in standard form for the ellipse with the vertical major axis of length 16 and minor axis of length 10.


Refer the attached image for the answer


[tex]integrate \: ln(x) [/tex]



ln(x) = 1/x... It's a basic rule of Calculus.

A rectangle with an area of 3990 cm2 is x centimeters wide and (x+4) centimeters long. To the nearest tenth of a centimeter, the width and length are


Answer: width:60.2 cm

Length: 64.2 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


The area of the rectangle is [tex]3990\ cm^2[/tex]

Width of the rectangle is [tex]x\ cm[/tex]

Length of the rectangle is [tex]x+4\ cm[/tex]

Area of the rectangle is the product of length and width

[tex]\therefore 3990=(x+4)x\\\Rightarrow 3990=x^2+4x\\\Rightarrow x^2+4x-3990=0\\\Rightarrow x=60.198\ or\ -65.198\ cm\\\text{Neglecting negative term}\\\Rightarrow x=60.198\approx 60.2\ cm[/tex]

Width of the rectangle is [tex]60.2\ cm[/tex]

Length of the rectangle is [tex]60.2+4=64.2\ cm[/tex]

An aircraft carrier can travel 450 km in the same time a container ship travels 300 km. If the aircraft carrier was travelling 5 km/h faster what was the speed of the container ship?



10 Km/h

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the speed of the container ship be y

The speed of the aircraft = y + 5

Next, we shall determine the time taken by the aircraft to travel 450 Km. This can be obtained as follow:

Speed of aircraft (Sₐ) = y + 5

Distance travelled (dₐ) = 450 Km

Time for aircraft (tₐ) =?

Speed = distance / time

Sₐ = dₐ / tₐ

y + 5 = 450 / tₐ

Cross multiply

(y + 5) × tₐ = 450

Divide both side by (y + 5)

tₐ = 450 / (y + 5)

Finally, we shall determine the speed of the carrier. This can be obtained as follow:

Speed of container ship (S꜀) = y

Distance travelled (d꜀) = 300 Km

Time for container ship (t꜀) = Time for aircraft (tₐ)

Time for aircraft (tₐ) = 450 / (y + 5)

t꜀ = tₐ

t꜀ = 450 / (y + 5)

Speed = distance / time

S꜀ = d꜀ / t꜀

y = 300 ÷ 450 / (y + 5)

y = 300 × (y + 5) / 450

y = (300y + 1500) / 450

Cross multiply

450y = 300y + 1500

Collect like terms

450y – 300y = 1500

150y = 1500

Divide both side by 150

y = 1500 / 150

y = 10 Km/h

Thus, the speed of the container ship is 10 Km/h.

The measures of two angles of a triangle are 36 degree and 75 degree . The length of the shortest side of a triangle is 10 cm . The length of longest side of the triangle is:?


Hope it’s helps
You can text me if you don’t understand anything

How much money will be in a bank account after 3 years if $9 is deposited at an interest rate of 5% compounded annually? Round to the nearest tenth.



Step-by-step explanation:


 Chocolate bars come in packs of 8 and graham crackers come in packs of 12.  What is the smallest number of chocolate bars and graham crackers we would need to buy so we don't have any left over?  ​



3 chocolate bars, and 2 graham crackers

Someone forgot the marshmallows...... :P

Step-by-step explanation:

Chocolate bars = 8 pack

Graham Crackers = 12pack

To have no crackers or chocolate left over, we need to find LCM

Factors of 8:

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 72....

Factors of 12:

12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72

The smallest LCM is 24

Chocolate bars:

24/8 = 3

Graham Crackers:

24/12 = 2

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K


3 packs of chocolate and 2 packs of crackers

Step-by-step explanation:

the lowest common multiple of 8 and 12 is 24. We can determine this by prime factorization:

Prime factors of 8: 2 x 2 x 2

Prime factors of 12: 2 x 2 x 3

multipyling the bottom rungs of our factor tree we get: 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 24.

If you need me to draw the factor tree, just ask.

Today, 6 friends went out for lunch. Their total bill was $27.60, including tax and gratuity. They decided to split the bill equally and each paid with a $10 bill. How much money will each person get back?


Step-by-step explanation:

Right, okay, so this is a bit of a weird one. Let's go step by step.

"Today, 6 friends went out for lunch." = The number 6 is gonna be in our equation somewhere.

"Their total bill was $27.60" = so is the number 27.6

"They decided to split the bill equally" = 27.6 "split equally" (aka divided by) 6 friends is 4.6

"each paid with a $10 bill" = This is where it gets a lil weird. So, if they divided the bill among them, none of their amounts are gonna be anywhere near ten dollars. This is one of those questions that wouldn't really happen in real life. People would probably use fives instead, but whatever. So a number we'll be using for something is 10.

"How much money will each person get back?" = So we have to find the amount they all paid (10) minus the amount each one had to pay (4.6).

To put it all into a full equation...

10 - ( 27.6 / 6 )


10 - 4.6



Put back into money form.



Each person will get back $5.40.


if each paid a $10 bill, in total they paid $60 (cuz 10 x 6)

60 - 27.60 = 32.4

32.4/6 = 5.4 (divide the change between 6 people)

Each person will get $5.40 back.

hope it helps :)

Jesse travels 3.0 meters east and then turns and travels 4.0 meters north. The trip requires 35 seconds. What is his velocity?


Using Pythagorean triplet

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=AC^2-BC^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=4^2-3^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=16-9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB^2=7[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto AB=\sqrt{7}[/tex]

Now time=35

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{Displacement}{Time}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{\sqrt{7}}{35}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{2.6}{35}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=0.07m/s[/tex]

An isosceles triangle has one angle of 30 degrees. Calculate the possible sizes of the other 2 angles



75 and 75

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

2 solutions:

30° is angle of the base: other angle of the base is 30° and the main angle is 180°-30°-30°=120°30° is the main angle, angles of the base are (180°-30°)/2=75° and 75°.

**25 POINTS**
Which of the following lists of ordered pairs is a function?


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation: A function is when every domain (x value) corresponds to one range (y value) so that it passes the vertical line test

Through (-1,2) parallel to the line x=5. Find an equation of a line that satisfies the given conditions.



x= -1

Step-by-step explanation:

Since x= 5 is a vertical line, the unknown line would also be a vertical line with an equation of x=___ as they are parallel to each other.

Given that the line passes through (-1, 2), the equation of the line is x= -1.

Parallel lines have the same slope and will never meet.

Aaron, Blaine, and Cruz are solving the equation 4 7 (7 − n) = −1. Aaron started his solution by multiplying both sides of the equation by 7 4 . Blaine started by using the distributive property to multiply 4 7 by both 7 and −n. Cruz started by dividing both sides of the equation by 4 7 .



D. All three chose a valid first step toward solving the equation.

Step-by-step explanation:

Aaron, Blaine, and Cruz are solving the equation 4/7 (7 − n) = −1. Aaron started his solution by multiplying both sides of the equation by 7/4 . Blaine started by using the distributive property to multiply 4/7 by both 7 and −n. Cruz started by dividing both sides of the equation by 4/7 .

Which of the following is true?

A. Blaine and Cruz made an error in picking their first steps.

B. Cruz made an error in picking his first step.

C. All three made an error because the right side equals -1.

D. All three chose a valid first step toward solving the equation.


4/7(7 - n) = -1


4/7(7 - n) = -1

Multiple both sides by 7/4

4/7(7 - n) * 7/4 = -1 * 7/4

7 - n = -7/4

- n = -7/4 - 7

- n = (-7-28)/4

- n = -35/4

n = 35/4


4/7(7 - n) = -1

4/7(7 - n) × 7 = -1 × 7

4(7 - n) = -7

28 - 4n = -7

-4n = -7 - 28

- 4n = - 35

n = -35/-4

n = 35/4


4/7(7 - n) = -1

Divide both sides by 4/7

4/7(7 - n) ÷ 4/7 = -1 ÷ 4/7

4/7(7 - n) × 7/4 = -1 × 7/4

7 - n = -7/4

- n = (-7-28)/4

- n = -35/4

n = 35/4

D. All three chose a valid first step toward solving the equation.


D-All three chose a valid first step toward solving the equation.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope I Helped

Graph the line that passes through (5, 5), and is perpendicular to a line whose slope is –2.



y = 1/2x + 5/2

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 1/2x + b

5 = 1/2(5) + b

5 = 5/2 + b

5/2 = b

make a the subject of the relation p=2(a+b)​



a = (p - 2b)/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for a:

p = 2(a + b)p = 2a + 2b2a = p - 2ba = (p - 2b)/2

The area of a square of side X is 8. What's the area of a square of side 3x



Step-by-step explanation:

We know, for square


∴[tex]X=2\sqrt{2}[/tex] unit

[tex]Now, Side=3X[/tex]

[tex]Then,Area=(3X)^2=(3*2\sqrt{2} )^2=(6\sqrt{2} )^2=72 sq. unit[/tex]

hope you have understood this...

pls mark my answer as the brainliest

The area of square of side 3X is 72 square unit.

What is square?

The square is a 4 sided figure, each side of the square is equal and make a right angle.

The area of square having sided a unit can be given by a² square unit.

Given that,

Area of square having side X is 8.

Since, formula for area of square having side X is X².

Implies that,

X² = 8

X = 2√2

The area of square having side 3X
side =3 × 2√2

side = 6√2

The area of square = (6√2)²

                                = 36 x 2

                                = 72

The area of square is 72 square unit.

To know more about Square on:





d = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

square root 4y - 3 = d - y where y = 7

Substitute y for 7

Square root 4(7) - 3 = d - (7)

Multiply 4 and 7

Square root 28 - 3 = d - (7)

Subtract 28 - 3

Square root 25 = d - (7)

Square root 25

5 = d - (7)

Add 7 to both sides

12 = d

Therefore, d = 12



Step-by-step explanation:

We are given equation:


Squaring both sides gives:


Applying the identity (x+y)^2=x^2+2xy+y^2 on right:


Now let's y=7:




Subtract 25 on both sides:


Factor left:

0=(d-12)(d-2) since -2+-12=-14 and -2(-12)=24

This gives d=12 or d=2.

The d that makes d-y or I mean d-7 negative will give us y=7 as extraneous

Since 2-7 is -5, then d=2 is what we are looking for.



Set d=2: sqrt(4y-3)=2-y

Now solve for y:

Square both sides: 4y-3=4-4y+y^2

Subtract 4y and 3 on both sides: 0=7-8y+y^2

Reorder right side: 0=y^2-8y+7

Factor: 0=(y-7)(y-1) since -7+-1=-8 and -7(-1)=7

This gives y=7 or y=1.

Plugging in y=7 for a check to this equation gives:



5=-5 which is not true which is what we wanted

On a coordinate plane, a parabola opens up. Solid circles appear on the parabola at (negative 4, 14), (negative 3, 9.5), (negative 2, 6), (0, 2), (1, 1.5), (2, 2), (4, 6), (5, 9.5), (6, 14).
Which is the rate of change for the interval between 2 and 6 on the x-axis?



Step-by-step explanation:

The rate of change for the interval between x = 2 and x = 6 is simply asking you for the slope of the line that connects these 2 coordinates. If you were in calculus, you could find the instantaneous slope at any point on this parabola, but you're not quite that lucky yet, so we will go about it the only way we can:

by finding the slope. Remember, that slope is the same thing as rate of change.

[tex]m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex] and filling in:






Step-by-step explanation:


(5 , 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

F(-5 , 2)

After reflection F'(5 , 2)

The rule for reflection over y-axis is

Original point(x , y)   :  After reflection:  (-x,y)

x-coordinate will change its sign and y-coordinate remains same

Find the volume of the prism.




Step-by-step explanation:

I'm not sure, but I think its 11,968

Can someone explain this / answer, Its a picture



option c is the correct answer (l=1 cm and w=42cm)

Step-by-step explanation:

length(l) = 1.00cm

width(w)= 42.00 cm


Area of rectangle = l×w

=1 cm × 42 cm

= 42cm^2

The greatest number which on dividing 1657 and 2037 leaves nemainder 6 ands respectively is?​



It would be 127

Step-by-step explanation:

We see that they only have 127 common in their prime factorization. Hence, HCF(1651, 2032) = 127. Hence, the greatest number which divides 1657 and 2037 leaves a remainder of 6 and 5 respectively is 127.

i need B.




A. Mean = 9.7 (take all the numbers and divide by 10)

Mode = 12

Range = 5

B. Unsure. Would suggest either Mean - average and can tell when bus is running late or early or Mode - highest and lowest time combined

Plzzz help 10 points and will mark brainiest
hint: answer is a fraction




Step-by-step explanation:

The left side of FA is 6 units.

The left side of FB is 2 units.

From 6 to 2, you divide by 3.

Same for the top,

FA is 9 units, while FB is 3 units.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

What is the slope of the line?



A number that describes both the direction and the steepness of the line is known as slope of the line .

the prouduct of any two irrational number is​



mostly rational but sometimes irrational

The product of any two irrational number can be rational or irrational depending on the two numbers.

mp rs 700 and sp rs 524 find discount step by step.


Cost price=CP=700Sold price=SP=524

[tex]\boxed{\sf Discount=CP-SP}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Discount=700-524[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Discount=176[/tex]


cost price(cp)=rs.700

sold price(sp)=rs.524

discount =cp-sp

discount =700-524

discount =rs.176

which letter has horizontal not vertical symmetry H, W, Y, E


The best answer out of all of that is W if I’m right

I thing W,Y is righ am i right.

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