The receptionist at Brunt Inc. is punctual, polite, and always cheerful. The firm's employees and customers all love her. However, she has difficulty with the clerical tasks that the firm's prior receptionists handled. The receptionist's supervisor recommends redesigning the receptionist's job. That recommendation would be most appropriate in which situation?


Answer 1

The recommendation proposed by the supervisor would be the most adequate in a circumstance when 'The employee is highly motivated but lacks the ability, and training is not expected to help.'

In an organization, a recommendation for replacing an employee is made only when the employee fails to accomplish the required responsibility adequately. In the given situation, the receptionist despite being extremely prompt, activated, and humble fails to complete the given duties as she lacks the required skills to justify her job's position in the company. Thus, the recommendation for replacing her would be adequate as she lags behind in accomplishing the clerical tasks that play a key role in the organization's management.

Learn more about 'job recommendation' here:

Related Questions

If I pay $20 per month on
Patreon do I have to pay
$5 per week?



yes you have to pay $5 per week

yes because there is 4 weeks in a month.
20 per month / 5 per week = 4 weeks

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. What will this process MOST likely include? A. visiting a bank and paying a fee B. uploading documents to a computer C. getting someone to cosign for his box D. applying for a loan


Answer: Answer is A,,,,,,,,,,

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. The process MOST likely include is visiting a bank and paying a fee. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Bank?

A bank is referred to as a financial institution that allows an individual to deposit and withdraw cash and allow them to borrow funds with a fixed interest rate for investment.

The bank provides you with a key when you rent a deposit box from them, and you must apply it in combination with a second "guard key" kept by a bank employee to open the box.

In the given case, it is explained that Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. Banks are referred to as financial institutions that are connected or authorized by Government due to which they are considered as safe.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Bank, here:


Which statement best describes the outlook for small businesses in international markets? Multiple Choice The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market. Most foreign buyers prefer to deal with large, well-known corporations rather than small businesses. Higher business costs eliminate the profit opportunities in global markets. The threat of terrorist activities prevents small businesses from competing internationally.



The correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."


An international market can be described as a market that exists outside of a company's home country's international borders. This is different from a domestic market that is located within company's own country.

The international market comprises of the whole world or all the countries in the world. As a result, the international market is larger and more profitable than the domestic market for small businesses.

Therefore, the correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."

Record the following selected transactions for January in a two‐column journal. Once you have completed that, answer questions 1 – 5 related to your work.

(a) Earned $7,000 fees; customer will pay later.

(b) Purchased equipment for $45,000, paying $20,000 in cash and the remainder on credit

(c) Paid $3,000 for rent for January.

(d) Purchased $2,500 of supplies on account.

(e) A. Allen $1,000 investment in the company.

(f) Received $7,000 in cash for fees earned previously.

(g) Paid $1,200 to creditors on account.

(h) Paid wages of $6,250.

(i) Received $7,150 from customers on account.

(j) A. Allen withdrawal of $1,750.

2. For part (h), which two accounts are affected?

Question 2 options:

Fees Earned and Cash

Wages Expense and Cash

Accounts Payable and Cash

Rent Expense and Cash



a) Dr: Receivable (Asset) 7000

Cr: Service Revenue (Income) 7000

b) Dr: Equipment (Asset) 45000

Cr: Cash (Asset) 20000

Cr: Payable (Liability) 25000

c) Dr: Rent (Expense) 3000

Cr: Cash (Asset) 3000

d) Dr: Inventory (Asset) 2500

Cr: Payable (Liability) 2500

For example, the sticky-price theory asserts that the output prices of some goods and services adjust slowly to changes in the price level. Suppose firms announce the prices for their products in advance, based on an expected price level of 100 for the coming year. Many of the firms sell their goods through catalogs and face high costs of reprinting if they change prices. The actual price level turns out to be 90. Faced with high menu costs, the firms that rely on catalog sales choose not to adjust their prices. Sales from catalogs will _____________.





We know that when demand for goods and services are low, this can impact prices since there would be a fall in sales. This happened due to the fact that people would reduce their demand for the good given the increase in their price. From the question that we have here we have been told that the prices that were set by the catalogue when compared to the actual price level is on the high side.

given this explanation, the conclusion is that the sales from catalogues are going to fall

A firm has a demand function p=108-5q and the cost function c=-12q+q^2. find the price at which profit is maximum. find the maximum profit. also find the output for maximum cost.



[tex](a)\ q=3.5[/tex]

[tex](b)\ t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

(c) No maximum



[tex]p = 108 - 5q[/tex]

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

Solving (a): The price at maximum profit.

The profit (t) is calculated using the following function

[tex]t = p - c[/tex] --- price- cost

So, we have:

[tex]t = 108 - 5q - (-12q + q^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]t = 108 - 5q +12q - q^2[/tex]

[tex]t = 108 +7q - q^2[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex] --- this is the profit function

A quadratic function is represented as:

[tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]x = -\frac{b}{2a}[/tex]

By comparison:

[tex]q = -\frac{7}{2*-1}[/tex]

[tex]q=3.5[/tex] ----- price at maximum profit

Solving (b): The maximum profit

The profit function is:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]t_{max} = -3.5^2 + 7 * 3.5 +108[/tex]

[tex]t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

Solving (c): Maximum cost

We have:

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

The maximum price of the above function is:

[tex]q = -\frac{-12}{2*1}[/tex] ---- from x = -b/2a

[tex]q = \frac{12}{2}[/tex]

[tex]q = 6[/tex]

So, the maximum cost is:

[tex]c_{max} = -12 * 6 + 6^2[/tex]

[tex]c_{max} = -36[/tex]

The cost function has no maximum; only minimum

Question 6 of 25
For which of the following housing situations is there a tenant and a landlord?
O A. Buying a home
B. Staying at a hotel
C. Renting a house
D. Selling a condominium
Could someone answer this pls?





This is because, in renting a house, the owner becomes your landlord and you become the tenant

The​ free-rider problem arises when an individual​ ____________. A. does not pay for a good because that individual is engaging in illegal activity. B. pays for a good only when being monitored by the authorities for noncompliance. C. does not pay for a good because nonpayment does not prevent consumption. D. pays for a good only when he or she is in the top quartile of people needing the good.


The free-rider problem arises when an individual [C] does not pay for a good because nonpayment does not prevent consumption.

Please I need help!!





Porter's study identified components of the German textile and apparel sector: cotton, wool, synthetic fibers, sewing machine needles, and textile machinery. These were all successful industries in a single country that grouped into related industries. This grouping is an example of a(n)ples of basic factors of production as identified by Porter





From the question we are informed about Porter's study which identified components of the German textile and apparel sector: cotton, wool, synthetic fibers, sewing machine needles, and textile machinery. These were all successful industries in a single country that grouped into related industries. This grouping is an example of cluster of basic factors of production as identified by Porter.

Factors of production can be regarded as resources which are been considered as the building blocks of an economy, they are the inputs that are used in the production of goods as well as services. It can be divided into categories by Economists; these are



✓ labor


Olivia bought a $1,874 sprinkler system with her credit card. Her credit card has an APR of 10.31%, compounded monthly. She made no other purchases on the card until the sprinkler system was fully paid for, which took four years of identical monthly payments. Over the eight years that Olivia kept the sprinkler system, it used an average of $2.11 in water per week. After eight years, what percentage of the total lifetime cost of the system did the original price make up



Percentage of the total lifetime cost of the system that the original price made up = 59.07%


The monthly payments for the sprinkler system can be calculated using the formula for calculating the present value of an ordinary annuity as follows:

PV = P * ((1 - (1 / (1 + r))^n) / r) …………………………………. (1)


PV = Present value or original price of the sprinkler = $1,874

P = Monthly payment = ?

r = Monthly interest rate = APR / 12 = 10.31% / 12 = 0.1031 / 12 = 0.00859166666666667

n = number of months = number of years of payment * 12 = 4 * 12 = 48

Substitute the values into equation (1) and solve P, we have:

$1,874 = P * ((1 - (1 / (1 + 0.00859166666666667))^48) / 0.00859166666666667)

$1,874 = P * 39.1976732321759

P = $1,874 / 39.1976732321759

P = $47.81

Therefore, we have:

Total payment for the sprinkler = Monthly payments * Number of months = P * n = $47.81 * 48 = $2,294.88

Total cost in water = Cost in water per week * Number of weeks in a year * Number of years that Olivia kept the sprinkler system = $2.11 * 52 * 8 = $877.76

Total lifetime cost of the system = Total payment for the sprinkler + Total cost in water = $2,294.88 + $877.76 = $3,172.64

Percentage of the total lifetime cost of the system that the original price made up = (Original price of the sprinkler / Total lifetime cost of the system) * 100 = ($1,874 / $3,172.64) * 100 = 59.07%


B on. edge 2022


(Step by step explanation)

Tetradic Solutions has been making purchases from Ribbon, Inc., for the last three years. Every three months, it makes the same order of 5,000 ml of Ribbon, Inc.'s, secret compound used in Tetradic's lotion line. Recently, Tetradic has seen a downturn in demand and needs to alter its usual order from 5,000 to 3,500 and hopefully reduce the price per ml. What BEST describes Tetradic's situation


Answer: modified rebuy


Tetradic's situation can be defined as the modified rebuy. Modified Rebuy refers to a purchasing situation whereby an individual or organization buys goods that they've bought before but then changes the supplier or some elements in the previous order.

Based on the question given, Tetradic Solutions alters his purchase as the order was modified. In modified rebuy, the specifications of the product, prices, and suppliers can be changed as well.

When Reba lists the Chandlers’ home in the MLS, she will categorize it as a ______. a. Retro-commissioned structure b. Townhome c. Converted structure d. Single-family home 2. If the Chandlers sell the home at this time, is it likely that they will have a capital gains tax obligation? a. Yes, if they sell the home for more than $500,000. b. Yes, if they sell the home for a net capital gain. c. No, as long as the gain does not exceed $500,000, assuming that they are filing a joint return. d. No, because the sale of a primary residence is not subject to capital gains tax. Chapter 4 Home Ownership


When Reba lists the Chandlers’ home in the MLS, she will categorize it as a townhome.

If the Chandlers sell the home at this time, is it likely that they will have a capital gains tax obligation? No, as long as the gain does not exceed $500,000, assuming that they are filing a joint return.

State the type of skewness for a frequency distribution whose three quartiles are 21, 18 and 20.



Left skew


Given the quartiles of a distribution :

21, 18 and 20

Lower quartile, Q1 = 18

Median, Q2 = 20

Upper quartile, Q3 = 21

Representing the quartiles of the distribution as box plot, we can see that the median, Q2 is much closer to the third quartile, Q3, Than it is to the first quartile, Q1. Hence, we have a left skew or a negatively skewed distribution.

291. Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the projection of increasing consumer spending this year. . A. projection of increasing consumer spending B. projection of consumers increasing spending for C. projected consumer spending increase 37 D. consumer spending that is projected to increase E. increase in consumer spending that is projected for



The correct answer is E:

Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the increase in consumer spending that is projected for.


i. Much of the hope (this is the main Subject of the conversation)

ii. for continued improvement (this is the Prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “hope”)

iii. of the economy (this is a Prepositional phrase – it modifies the noun “improvement”)

iv. lies in the projection (This is the main Verb – “lies”)

v. of increasing consumer spending this year. (This is the prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “projection”)

At first glance, it would appear that the positive experience that is anticipated is the projection.

A projection (unqualified) in this case is an estimate of how a thing will be in the future.

Having stated this, we see that it is more logical to hope for a positive experience that will occur than to just hope. Hence the hope is really in the increase in consumer spending not in the projection as a separate word.

(E) therefore is the Correct option because in this option that in this option “that” modifies “increase”.


steps to follow when doing production process​








DeWitt Industries has adopted the following production budget for the first 4 months of 2017. Month Units Month Units January 10,440 March 5,190 February 8,240 April 4,120 Each unit requires 3 pounds of raw materials costing $2 per pound. On December 31, 2016, the ending raw materials inventory was 9,500 pounds. Management wants to have a raw materials inventory at the end of the month equal to 20% of next month’s production requirements. Prepare a direct materials purchases budget by month for the first quarter.



DeWitt Industries

Materials Purchase Budget for the first quarter:

                                   January      February     March

Ending inventory          1,648            1,038           824


requirements            31,320         24,720       15,570

Beginning inventory   9,500            1,648         1,038

Purchases (pounds)  21,820         23,072       14,532


a) Data and Calculations:

Production Budget

Month        Units

January    10,440

February   8,240

March        5,190

April          4,120

                               January      February     March       April

Production Units     10,440          8,240        5,190      4,120


requirements        31,320        24,720       15,570   12,360

Materials Purchase Budget

                                   January      February     March       April

Ending inventory          1,648            1,038           824


requirements            31,320         24,720       15,570      12,360

Beginning inventory   9,500            1,648         1,038           824

Purchases (pounds)  21,820         23,072       14,532       11,536

Absolute advantage is the ability of an​ individual, firm, or country to​ produce: A. a certain good at a lower opportunity cost than other producers. B. more of a certain good than other competing​ producers, given the same number of resources. C. more of a certain good than other competing​ producers, given more resources. D. a certain good at a lower total cost than other producers.





Absolute advantage is the ability of an individual, firm, or country to produce B. more of a certain good than other competing​ producers, given the same number of resources.

The term "absolute advantage" refers to the 'authority or power of an individual, firm, or country to do any economic activity that is more efficient than others. In other words, it is when a particular business is given the opportunity to produce goods more efficiently than others.

In economics, there are two types of advantages- absolute and comparative advantage. Absolute is where an individual firm, company, etc. is given the right to produce a better goods with a lesser labor force. On the other hand, comparative advantage is where the production cost is taken into consideration. This means that an individual firms or nation may be subjected to lower opportunity costs as compared to other producers.

The economic concept where production rights are given more to a particular firm or nation or even an individual is referred to as absolute advantage. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Learn more about absolute advantage here:

A construction company in a small town needs to hire workers to build a new community center. There are only 4 people in town who are qualified to work:
- Klara works full-time at the local gas station, earning $8.99 per hour
- Henry works full-time as an administrative assistant at the town hall, earning $19.99 per hour
- Alex works four hours a day mowing lawns, earning $11.99 per hour, and another four hours a day cleaning houses, earning $17.99 per hour
- Melody works full-time at a bank in the next town earning $22.99 per hour
What hourly wage must the construction company offer to get enough workers to fill 30 hours per day? Assume your answer is in dollars per hour and enter a numeric value only.





Disintermediation involves ______. Multiple choice question. professionally managed and centrally coordinated channels designed to achieve economies and maximize impact one firm's marketing channel being used to sell another firm's products a contractual arrangement between a parent company and another entity that is allowed to operate a business under an established name a channel member bypassing another member to sell or buy product directly



a channel member bypassing another member to sell or buy product directly.


A marketing channel can be defined as the process of developing marketing techniques and sales strategies by a firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the needs of the end users or consumers. There are four (4) main types of marketing channels;

1. Direct selling.

2. Dual distribution.

3. Reverse channel.

4. Sales through intermediaries.

The marketing intermediaries consist of retailers, wholesalers, agents or brokers, franchises, and distributors or dealers in the supply of goods and services to the customers.

The three (3) main functions of the intermediaries includes;

I. Logistical function: it involves assortment, sorting, storing and transportation of goods.

II. Transactional function: it involves an intermediary buying, selling and taking risks with respect to goods and services.

III. Facilitating function: it involves financing, marketing, grading and conducting research on a product or service.

Disintermediation can be defined as a strategic process which typically involves cutting out or isolating one or more intermediary (middleman) such as retailers, wholesalers, banks, agents (brokers), franchises, distributors (dealers) and other third parties from a supply chain, decision-making process, or business transactions.

This ultimately implies that, disintermediation involves a channel member bypassing another member to sell or buy product directly.

which statement best illustrates the relationship between three different elements of the circular flow of products



C. Businesses create goods for product markets, which sell them directly to households.


Circular flow model is an economic model that is used by economists to show or demonstrate how money, goods and services move from one economic agent to another such as producer, workers, wholesaler, retailer and consumers (households).

Basically, the three (3) elements of the circular flow model of products are;

I. Business firms (producers).

II. Product market (wholesalers and retailers).

III. Households (consumers).

According to the circular flow model of products, businesses play a role in the circular flow of products (goods) by creating goods that households or consumers want to buy. These goods are produced to meet the needs or wants of customers (households) and as such making them willing to buy it.

This ultimately implies that, the cardinal point or reason for which businesses engage in the manufacturing of goods and services is to supply the product markets, which sells them to consumers in order to meet their demands.

In conclusion, the statement which best illustrates the relationship between the three (3) different elements of the circular flow of products is that, businesses create goods for product markets, which sell them directly to households.


resource markets sell materials sell materials to businesses which use them to make goods sold to households


I just took the test

Managers should not become complacent about efficiency-based cost advantages because: a. both learning effects and economics of scale go on forever. b. the experience curve will bottom out at some point. c. cost advantages gained from experience effects are not affected by the development of new technologies. d. unit costs keep reducing as output increases. e. the experience curve steadily rises after a certain threshold is reached, indicating an increase in unit costs.



b. the experience curve will bottom out at some point.


In the case when the manager could not become complacent regarding the advantage of efficiency based cost so here the experience curve should be end up at some point of time as the experience curve shows the relationship between the production quantity in cumulative one with the production cost

Therefore the option b is correct

The profit earned from the sale of stock that has increased in value is known as

Question 4 options:

A: a stock exchange.

B: speculation.

C: a capital gain.

D: a dividend.



a capital gain . that is c

Use the following to answer question 10: Presented below is information related to ABC Corporation: Common Stock, $1 par Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common Stock Preferred 8 1/2% Stock, $50 par Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred Stock Retained Earnings Treasury Common Stock (at cost) $3,500,000 550,000 2,000,000 400,000 1,500,000 150,000 10. The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is




Calculation to determine what The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is

Using this formula

Total stockholders' equity

=Common Stock+Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred Stock + Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common Stock + Preferred Stock, + Retained Earnings -Treasury Common Stock (at cost)

Let plug in the formula

Total stockholders' equity=$3,500,000 + 400,000 + $550,000 + $2,000,000 + $1,500,000 - $150,000

Total stockholders' equity= $7,800,000

Therefore The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is $7,800,000

Consider industries X and Y. Industry X has total revenue of $100 million and total costs of $77 million. Industry Y has total revenue of $80 million and total costs of $40 million. We should expect that:
A. resources will move from Industry Y to Industry X.
B. prices are higher in Industry X.
C. labor and capital will move from Industry X to Industry Y.
D. firms in both industries will shut down operations.





Profit = total revenue - total cost

Industry X : profit =  $100 million - $77 million = $23 million

Industry Y : profit = $80 million - 40 million = $40 million.

Industry Y is more profitable than industry X, thus, there would be a move of resources from Industry X to Industry Y.

Honi is not a resident of Iowa although her website can be accessed by residents of that state. Jean files a suit against Honi in an Iowa state court. The court is most likely to have jurisdiction over Honi if Jean's claim arises from Group of answer choices the Internet's capacity to bypass boundaries. minimum contacts between Honi and any Iowa resident. substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website. passive advertising on Honi's website.



substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website.


Jurisdiction of a court is the limit of its authority in in various proceedings such as cases, appeals, suits, and so on.

Normally state courts have jurisdiction when transactions occurred physically within the state.

However in this scenario where Honi's website can be accessed by residents of that state, a suit can be brought against her if there is substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website.

positive factors of bangladesh trading with united states


Answer: Increased revenues, benefitting from currency exchange


There benefits doing international trade. One of the the things that helps the economy of a nation is how well it does trade it's resources to other nations. Some of the benefits of Bangladesh trading with united states is that it increase the revenue of Bangladesh, and improves if the trade are more. Secondly, they benefit from the currency exchange rates. The United States has one of the best rates when we talk of currencies, and those trading with them will improve their local currencies too.

Draw a market supply and demand curve representing a state with no restrictions on who can conduct the real estate closing transaction.



attached below


Supply and demand curves are used to represent the relationship between the two main forces of the open market ( demand and supply )

with no restriction on who can conduct real estate closing transaction, when the demand curve shifts to the right there will be no change with the supply curve. but the price will move from P1 to P2 and quantity will move from Q1 to Q2.

What is the new law the American government enacted for promoting small businesses in the country?

O The Small Businesses Act of 1954.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1953.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1955.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1958.



The Small Businesses Act of 1953.


In the United States of America, majority of the competitive landscape or business environment is made up of small business enterprise.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an agency of the federal government that is saddled with the responsibility of providing both managerial and financial assistance to small businesses in the United States of America.

The Small Businesses Act of 1953 was enacted as an Act of Congress on the 30th of July, 1953 by the Congress of the United States of America to create the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Hence, SBA was established in 1953 as an autonomous (independent) agency of the government of the United States of America to aid, counsel, assist and protect American entrepreneurs and to preserve small business institutions.

Generally, it is saddled with the responsibility of providing both managerial and financial assistance and counseling to small businesses in order to bolster the American economy.

The small business administration (SBA) serves as an intermediary between entrepreneurs and investors or creditors, so as to provide them with the necessary funds required to plan, start and grow their business.

Basically, SBA provides services such as entrepreneurial development, access to funds, advocacy and contracting to small businesses (entrepreneurs) in the United States of America.

In conclusion, the Small Businesses Act of 1953 was the new law the American government enacted for promoting small businesses in the country.

Zero Corp. is an investment company authorized to issue only common stock. During the last half of the year, Edwards and four other individuals owned 450 of the 1,000 outstanding shares of stock in Zero. Another 350 shares of stock outstanding were owned, 10 shares each, by 35 shareholders who are neither related to each other nor to Edwards. Zero could be a personal holding company if the remaining 200 shares of common stock were owned by:



Fifty-five shareholders who are related neither to each other nor to Edward, in equal lots of 10 shares each


100% correct

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Alice WalkerC. Maggies motherD. None of the above. (e) Give the output of the following:String n="Computer Knowledge";String m = "Computer Applications";System.out.println(n.substring(0,8).concat(m.substring(9))); How is specialization applied in settings such as a hospital, restaurant, and church? 5. The average weight of a blue whale is 4 x 105 pounds. The average weight of an elephant is 1 x 10 pounds. How many more times heavier is a blue whale than an elephant in pounds? The closer the smoothing constant, ALPHA, is to 0 the greater the reaction to the most recent demand the greater the dampening, or smoothing, effect the more accurate the forecast will be the less accurate the forecast will be What happens when you drag a file from the Documents folder on the hard drive to the Pictures folder on the hard drive? 2. The ? states that the product of the extremes is equal to the product of themeans. WHERE ARE THE EXPERTS AND ACE!!!!!!! I NEED HELP PLS SHARE YO SMARTNESS!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND RATE AND VOTE!!! Match the following STDs with their descriptions. 1. can cause sores, rashes, dementia, or blindness gonorrhea 2. can cause burning urination and infertility chlamydia 3. similar to gonorrhea but more likely to be carried unknowingly syphilis 4. parasitic STD causing genital irritation and mild discharge 5 crabs 5. pubic lice that cause itching trichomoniasis 6. untreatable STD causing periodic outbreaks of blisters 1 HPV 7. can cause genital warts or cervical cancer 6 genital herpes Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly. the correct answers are A, D, E i just took it!Gently type on the keyboard.Download software from the Internet without permission.Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly.Gently type on the keyboard.Download software from the Internet without permission.Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.