The secretary has been busy .................................. all afternoon.
2 điểm
to type


Answer 1



The secretary has been busy typing all afternoon.

I hope I helped you^_^

Answer 2
Typing the answer is typing

Related Questions

What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help



Verbs (in order): believe, yawn, feel, knows, stretches, breathe, rushes, wakes, try, stop, feels, stretching, feels

Adverbs (in order): widely, deeply, thoroughly.


Verbs are action words, meaning a word that someone can be doing like "playing" or "slept."

Adverbs are words used to describe action words, like "slowly" or "loudly."

Some adverbs are repeated throughout the passage so make sure to highlight all of them.

Be careful when choosing which words are adverbs. Some may look like adverbs, but they are actually adjectives, which describe a noun and not a verb. As a hint, most adverbs end with "-ly" as you can see by "widely," "deeply," and "thoroughly."

You can add your own adverbs by finding any of the verbs we found and describing them in anyway you feel suits it best. For example, the sentence:

"When you try to stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

You can add several adverbs to describe the verbs "try" or "stop." Since the verb "feels" already has an adverb, I'd recommend not adding another one.

"When you try to completely stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

"Completely" is the adverb I chose to describe the verb "stop" in this sentence. Another example:

"When you physically try to stop a yawn, it feels unsatisfying."

Now the adverb "physically" is used to describe the verb "try." There are many different options so feel free to be as creative as possible! Just make sure it makes sense with the verb you are describing. A bad example is "slowly sleeping" because there is no such thing as sleeping in a slow manner. A good example is "waking up slowly" because this is actually possible and can be imagined.

31. The/they/get/had/off/before/of/the/turn/light/office/out



They had to get out before the lights in the office turned out.

Select the correct answer.
What does the setting reveal about the time period of the text?
A. People use technology to communicate.
People often use formal language.
adapted from Dead Souls
by Nikolai Gogol
For several minutes Plushkin stood mute, while
Chichikov remained so dazed with the appearance of the
host and everything else in the room, that he too, could not
begin a conversation, but stood wondering how best to
find words in which to explain the object of his visit. For a
while he thought of expressing himself to the effect that,
having heard so much of his host's benevolence and other
rare qualities of spirit, he had considered it his duty to
come and pay a tribute of respect; but presently even HE
came to the conclusion that this would be overdoing the
thing, and, after another glance round the room, decided
that the phrase "benevolence and other rare qualities of
spirit" might to advantage give place to "economy and
genius for method."
Accordingly, the speech mentally composed, he said
aloud that, having heard of Plushkin's talents for thrifty
and systematic management, he had considered himself
bound to make the acquaintance of his host, and to
present him with his personal compliments.
Causal conversation is common.
Personal expression is dangerous.



People often use formal language.


Hope it helps :)

The setting in the passage given above tries to explain that people often tend to use a formal language. Hence, option B is correct.

What is a formal language?

Formal language is the type of language that intends to develop a communication, which is the least casual in nature, and also develops diplomacy throughout the conversation.

From the text, it is evident that the use of language to develop a conversation or a communication is very polite and gentle, and not much expressive in its nature.

Hence, option B states about formal language.

Learn more about formal language here:


How does the extended metaphor in Paragraph 3 of the passage affect its meaning?

It suggests that the kite, like a bird of prey, has great power and demands respect.

It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

It conveys the idea that the kite moves with impressive grace and majesty, like a bird of prey.

It demonstrates that Kwan is delighted with her little brother's excitement at flying the kite.



B. It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

The extended metaphor in Paragraph 3 of the passage affect its meaning, It shows that Min, like a bird of prey, can make the rest of the world bend to his will.

What are Metaphor?

A metaphor is described in the dictionary as "a figure of speech that uses a non-literal representation of an object or activity to illustrate a point or create an analogy.

Using a metaphor, you can show how two things are related.

Since these two things aren't the same, they aren't being figuratively or symbolically compared.

What is Prey?

Prey is an animal that a predator consumes as food.

One who is defenseless or unable to fend off an attack is prey.

A creature that is killed or hunted by another creature for sustenance.

A victim who is defenseless and unable to flee an attack

Hence, option B is correct.

To learn more about Metaphor here


Highlight themes explored in feminist dramas?



got it


Answer these questions.

(a) Why did Bobby think winter was the best month of the year?

(b) Why did Bobby think summer was the best season?

(c) What did he say about autumn?

(d) What did he say about spring?

It was a winter day. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue The first snow of the winter was sparkling on the ground; little Bobby was out in the yard making a snowman. Suddenly he heard his mother calling, "Bobby, come in and eat your lunch." A moment later Bobby appeared in the doorway. His cheeks were red, and he was covered with snow. He shook the snow off his clothes Then he came into the house, took off his boots, mittens and coat, and sat down to eat his lunch. "Winter is the best season of the year," Bobby said to his mothe "There's snow and you can make snowmen and throw snowballs. You can go ice skating, and you can slide on your sled. Then Christmas comes, and there are Christmas presents. I wish we had winter all the time." "Yes," replied Bobby's mother, "winter is a good time of the year." The days passed quickly, and soon it was spring. One Saturday morning in March, Bobby and his mother were driving their car to the supermarket, and Bobby said, "Spring is the best season of the year.The weather is warm, the trees get their leaves again, the grass turns green, and there are pretty flowers everywhere. The days get longer, and I can play outside more. I wish it were spring all the time." "Yes, spring is a good time of the year," said Bobby's mother, Before long it was summertime, and on a warm July day Bobby was sitting on the porch swing beside his mother. "Summer is the best season of the year," said Bobby. "I can go swimming. And I can play football. I don't have to put on heavy clothes he when I go outside, and I can run barefoot on the cool grass. I wish it an were summer all the time.""Yes, summer is a good season of the year," replied his mothe Soon autumn arrived, and one October day Bobby came from school and said to his mother, "Autumn is the best season of the year. The trees are all red and yellow and gold, and the days aren't hot any more. Then there are treats and jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween and turkey on thanksgiving. I wish it were fall all the time." "But, Bobby said his mother, "one time you said that winter was the best season another time you said spring was the best; and still another time you said summer was the best. Now you say that fall is the best season Which season do you really like best?" Bobby thought for a minute, and then he said, "Well, I guess like all four of them best."
• Arther S. Trace ​



The answer is literally in the story


a) He can do snow activities such as building snowmen and having snowball fights, ice skating, and gets Christmas gifts

b) he can swim, play football, and doesn't need heavy clothing or shoes

c) he said it's the best because the trees turn red yellow and gold, has jacko lanterns, gets candy, and celebrates Thanksgiving

d) he said it's the best because it's warm, the trees are green, days are longer, and pretty flowers are everywhere


it's in the story

Which of the following is true about publishing your work?
A. Aligning text is not helpful in organizing content.
B. A word processor does not assist a writer in formatting paragraphs.
C. As soon as a work is legible, it is ready for printing.
D. A word processor enables a writer to format paragraphs and add tabs


D is the correct answer

Ben is writing a report about cultural life during the Han Dynasty in China from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D. Ben found a lot of facts, dates, opinions, and samples of poetry. What information should Ben quote in his report, and why? A. He should quote basic facts about life during the Han Dynasty to make sure he doesn’t change the meaning of them. B. He should quote excerpts of poetry written during the Han Dynasty to help readers understand aspects of their literature and culture. C. He should quote experts who describe facts about important battles so readers understand the significance of the military during the Han Dynasty. D. He should quote descriptions of China's geographical borders during the Han Dynasty because they are too confusing to paraphrase.



i think its B or D i personally think its B




The verbs of possession can be changed into present continuous tense. * true or false​





Which of the following sentences uses an interjection correctly?

That tower of cans is about to fall. oh my goodness!
That tower of cans is about to fall, oh my goodness!
That tower of cans is about to fall Oh my goodness!
That tower of cans is about to fall, Oh my goodness!



i think it is the last one.


i think it is the last one.


We did all homework ____ couple of hours​




We did all homework in a couple of hours.




in is the appropriate preposition to use in this sentence

We did all homework in couple of hours.

though the place is.... now it is become very touristy.
a. a lot much expensive
b. a lot expensive
c.a lot more expensive
d. a lot much many expensive​​



C. A lot more expensive


discuss two concerns regarding funeral restrictions that your community complain about lock​





if caroline and sue___the salad, phil___the house
a. prepares/ will decorate
b. will prepare/ decorates
c. prepare/ decorate
d. prepare/ will decorate



d. prepare/ will decorate


To answer this question it is helpful to break it into two separate parts. First, figure out which form of to prepare should be used. Remember that verbs must match the number of subjects. In this case, the subjects are plural because it is both Caroline and Sue. This means that "prepare" must be used because it is the verb that fits a plural subject.

Then, you need to understand what conjugation of to decorate that is needed. The second part of the sentence is conditional because it is dependant on what happens in the first part. It is also future tense because it hasn't happened yet. Therefore, "will decorate" is correct because it is the future conditional conjugation of the infinitive.

This means that d is the final answer.

How much is this house_________ ?
1 point



worth fits the best cause the others don't really make sense




How much is this house 1 point?

That doesn't make sense.

How much is this house charge.

That would make sense if the is a does.

How much is this house worth.

That makes perfect sense.

How much is this house cost.

That would make sense if the is a does.

How much is this house pay.

That just doesn't make sense.

So the only correct answer is:

How much is this house worth.

write a letter to your uncle telling him reason why you left your old school and three interesting thing you like from your new school



Ninety-eight IBM employees won't show up at the office this year. But they'll still get paid. It's called ``social service leave,'' a full, paid leave that some companies give employees to do civic projects for an extended time, in some cases as long as a year, with a guarantee of the same job or a comparable one afterward.

``Most nonprofit organizations don't function the way we do at IBM,'' says Doris Milles, who is bringing her business know-how to bear on a private nonprofit organization called Masspep (Massachusetts pre-engineering program).

A Boston-based IBM marketing support representative currently on leave, Ms. Milles aims to get very young minority students excited about careers in engineering.

``Speaking for myself, if you are a minority person, you know that a lot of things are out there but you don't know how to go about it,'' she says.

IBM is a giant player in a game played by corporations large and small that have learned they have something even more valuable than money to give to their communities: the time and talents of their employees.

How do the underlined phrases affect the meaning and
tone of this passage?



they express pride in family and culture.they express the importance of education.they convay the feeling of sadness.

So?my question of the days is that a math problem, well in starts like this my aunt has a mini store so i went a buy a bleach on his story and it cost me $14 so i was having 40 dollars i gave her $20 insted so and here goes the problem i grave the change that was $6 dollars of change and went back home but went i got to my home my parents told me that i should just leave the $20 dollars and do not grave my change. Do you think i did bad tell me.​



Well you should just make it more of a math problem instead of like a story or an experience.


In the Gift of the Magi, what can the reader infer from the following passage?



Della decides to sell her hair and briefly mourns the loss of her favorite feature.

Hi! ❤️ id very much like and appreciate some usefull adive and asnswer here thanks


The first answer is the most accurate.

What is the object in the sentence "I heard a noise "





An object is a word that recieves action from the verb so the action here's (noise)

Escriba e identifique el sujeto y el verbo:
Los padres y los niños nadaron todo el día en el lago



Sujeto: Los padres y los niños

Verbo: nadaron (nadar - swim)


Why does Walt Whitman use the word singing in the title "I Hear America Singing"?



to reflect a hopeful, cohesive view of American society is the correct answer. The commercial songs are pertaining for is the Invincible by the Whitman use the word singing in you are pertaining for is the Invincible by Machine Gun KElly or known as MKG


I want Brainliest plz!!


School boy - - - - snail True False​





Read the excerpt below and answer the question. It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend. He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much. The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells. I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand. In the excerpt above, the word surmounted most nearly means _____. mounted upon gotten over or across prevailed over equaled in value




The hat was sitting on top of his head, probably very loosely. In this case, it means mounted upon.

Please choose the correct answer
Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices
as possible.
as quickly
b) will deal
a) will be dealt
c) will be dealt with
d) will deal with



option c)


I'm guessing it's a 'fill in the blank' question phrased like this:

Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices ______ as quickly as possible.

In this context, option c) is the only one that makes grammatical sense.

I believe the answer is C. Our project team can reassure you that this issue with invoices …will be dealt with… as quickly as possible. Hope this helps!

Though the novel opens with a literal collision, it depicts a number of figurative collisions as well--cultural, racial, natural, familial, marital, and others. Describe some of these collisions, and discuss why they happen.


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


The main "collision" in this story is driven by racial discrimination, portrayed by the unexpected bigotry that slowly surfaces in Delaney´s actions. He who has begun denouncing his neighbors' racist ideas ends up revealing his perception of Mexican immigrants as disruptive to his way of life.

There are also several examples of figurative collisions that represent gender biases and violence against women, such as America being assaulted by José Navidad, which is not only a perceived fear but an acute possibility for women regardless of their social status. At the same time, America suffers abuse from Cándido, because all his frustration and anger can not be thrown back at those who do him wrong, so violence against his wife is an easy way to release that anger.


The question refers to "The Tortilla Curtain," by T. Coraghessan Boyle which begins with Delaney and Kyra, a white man from a wealthy neighborhood, hitting Cándido, an undocumented Mexican immigrant, with his car.

4. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail." the author states that he believes black people should continue to be

1 proud and courageous
2 insecure and meek
3 quiet and obedient​



proud and courageous it is the answer

In "Letter from Birmingham Jail." the author states that he believes black people should continue to be proud and courageous. Thus the correct answer is 1.

What is Letter from Birmingham Jail?

"Letter from Birmingham Jail" describes the event which is written by the author in jail describing the situation it is portrayed in the poem "Why We Can't Wait."

The poem was released following the Birmingham incident. The poem describes the civil rights fight against racial segregation and the Birmingham events of 1963.

"Letter from Birmingham Jail" portrays the thought that individuals have a moral duty to disregard unconstitutional laws and to take immediate action rather than impatiently waiting for the courts to provide justice.

Therefore, option 1 proud and courageous is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about "Why We Can't-Wait", here:


pronounce of education






I need help please ????!!!!



Question 6 country


That what I can tell

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why HDI should high? how do you give cpr? PLEASE HELP ASAPBarney was a very inventive scientist and tried to perform the same experiments as those by famous scientists from long ago. One of the most challenging experiments was to roll out a very thin film of gold and put X-ray film in a circle around it. The difficult part was to get ahold of some radioactivity that he could shoot at the thin film for gold. One day, he ran into The Great Gazoo and told him his goal. The Great Gazoo said he had the perfect substance for him that was radioactive and should work. The element was named after him and had the symbol Gz. Barney quickly went back to his lab to run the experiment. What Barney noticed is that all the radioactive particles went through the gold film and none of them ricocheted back, but all went straight through the gold. Being puzzled, he quickly went to the lab to analyze this unknown radioactive substance. He found that the atomic number was 119, the mass number was 305. After a few more tests, Barney realized what was wrong with Gz. Your task is to figure out what was wrong with Gz by answering the following questions:Whose experiment was Barney trying to imitate?Where would Gz be located on Earths periodic table, column and row?Give as many details on Gz that you could predict based on its location on the periodic table: type of chemical (metal, metalloid, or nonmetal), reactivity, ionization energy, electronegativity, and size of element.What would the elements electron configuration end in?Why did all the radioactive particles go straight through the gold film?What would the daughter product be for Gz? Give all details for the atomic number, mass number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.If Gz had worked correctly, like Barney intended, what type of decay should Gz have had?If Gz had worked correctly, what would the daughter product be? Give all details for the atomic number, mass number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.If Gz had worked correctly, what element would it become? Which of the following are examples of single replacement reactions? Select all that apply. Changing which of the following can reduce anger?A)diet B) Sleeping scheduleC)Communication styleD)Stimuli causing the anger Find the measure of the missing angles. If theres not enough water in the place, just move people out. Is it a good idea? Explain your answer? find the angle measures given the figure is a rhombus. Help with this Area question We have that 2a+1=1 and b-a=1. What is the value of b? what weight is recorded by a scale when it is placed inside a lift which is in free fall? Enplain. [tex]\frac{x+2019}{x^{2}+9 }[/tex] Determine if f(x, y) = 10 x^2 y^2is increasing or decreasing at (7, 3) if wetake y to be constant and let x vary. Also determine if f(x, y) is increasing at(7, 3) if we take x to be constant and let y vary. 1) Explicar la diferencia entre clima y tiempo meteorolgico. Describir los elementos meteorolgicos. 1: what is safety aid?2: what is first aid ? Problem 1 Find the mBC. Which is true about the solution to the system of inequalities shown?y > 3x + 1y < 3x 3 If a proton and electron both move through the same displacement in an electric field, is the change in potential energy associated with the proton equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the change in potential energy associated with the electron?a. The magnitude of the change is smaller for the proton. b. The magnitude of the change is larger for the proton. c. The signs Of the two changes in potential energy are opposite. d. They are equal in magnitude. e. The signs of the two changes in potential energy are the same. How would I do this?? Please help! Question and answers are in the pic