The slope point equation of a line passing through the points (-3, -1) and (2, -6) is:


Answer 1


y = -1x -4

Step-by-step explanation:

The point slope equation is y - y1 = m(x -x1).

You will have to plug in the points (-3, -1) and (2, -6).

y - (-1) = m (x - (-3))

To find "m", find y over x.

m = (y2 - y1) / ( x2 - x1)

m = (-6 + 1)/(2 + 3)

m = -5/5

m = -1

Then plug in "m"

y + 1 = -1(x + 3)

then distribute the "m" into the parenthesis and isolate y or subtract 1 from both sides.

y + 1 = -1x - 3

y = -1x -4

Related Questions

Which expression is equivalent to ____?


Answer: B) ^6√2

Both expressions equal 1.22

Step-by-step explanation:

By selling a mobile for Rs.30, 000, Shankar gains 5%. Find the CP of the mobile.​



Rs. 28,571.4

Step-by-step explanation:


Cost price = x

Profit = 5% of x

= 0.05x

Selling price = Rs.30, 000

Profit = Selling price - cost price

0.05x = 30,000 - x

Collect like terms

0.05x + x = 30,000

1.05x = 30,000

x = 30,000/1.05

x = Rs. 28,571.428571428


Cost price = x = Rs. 28,571.4

the distance between (-4,-5) and (4,2)



rida22 this is the third of these you asked for...

do you need help on the steps???

the solution is using the Pythagorean    theorem (a^2 + b^2 = c^2)

so distance "A" = x1-x2 which is 4 - (-4) in your problem = 8

[tex]a^2 + b^2 = c^2[/tex]

[tex]8^2 + b^2 = c^2[/tex]

"B" = y1-y2 = -5 - 2 = -7

[tex]8^2 + (-7)^2 = c^2[/tex]

64 + 49 = c^2

c^2 = 113

c = [tex]\sqrt{113}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given m
n, find the value of x.
Please help



hope it doesn't help you!!

There is a bag with 50 popsicles inside. 5
are red, 15 are orange, 12 are blue, 8 are
yellow and 10 are purple. If you were to
grab one popsicle from the bag, what is
the probability that it is red or not orange?
P(not red)




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that there are ten purple popsicles. Together without the purple popsicles, there are 40 popsicles in total. Therefore there is a 10/40 chance to get purple. We need to turn this into a percentage so we do (10 / 40) x 100. This would equal to 25%, therefore, there is a 25% probability to get a purple popsicle.

me podrian ayudar con esto?-- cual es la factorizacion prima del 90 y su respectivo proceso



[tex]2*3^{2} *5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

90 = 45 = 15 = 5

        2       3     3

                  2    3


Which equation is equivalent to the given equation?
- 4(x – 5) + 8x = 9x – 3



-4(x - 5) + 8x = 9x - 3

-4x + 20 + 8x = 9x - 3

-4x + 8x - 9x = -3 - 20

-5x = -23

Answer: B



Step-by-step explanation:

-4x +20 +8x = 9x -3. That's equall to 4x+20=9x-3. subtract 9x both sides, -5x+20=-3. subtract 20 both sides, -5x=-23.

The sizes of the interior angles of a pentagon are in the ratio 1:2:5:5:7. Calculate the size of the largest. Hint; sum of interior angles in a pentagon is 540°. ​



X = 27

2x = 54

5x = 135

7x = 189

Step-by-step explanation:

let 1:2:5:5:7 be 1x,2x,5x,5x,7x

A group of 17 students participated in a quiz competition. Their scores are shown below:

Score 0–4 5–9 10–14 15–19 20–24
Number of students 4 5 2 3 3
Part A: Would a dot plot, a histogram, or a box plot best represent the data shown above. Explain your answer. (4 points)

Part B: Provide a step-by-step description of how you would create the graph named in Part A. (6 points)


Part A

Answer: Histogram


A histogram is best because it helps show how the scores breakdown for the various bins or intervals or classes. It's effectively a visual summary of a grouped frequency table.

A dot plot would not work because we don't know the specific scores, but rather just the general region of where they fall.

A box plot doesn't work well either because we lose information on how the distribution is broken down. Sure we get the five number summary out of it, but we don't see how the bins are set up.


Part B

We have the categories or bins of 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24. Each bin will correspond to a bar that tells us how frequently the values show up. It tells us how frequent or how many scores we got in that sub-interval.

The bin 0-4 has a bar that is 4 units high which means we got 4 scores that are between 0 and 4The bin 5-9 has a bar that is 5 units high, so we have 5 scores between 5 and 9.The bin 10-14 has a bar that is 2 units high since we have 2 scores in this region.

And so on. This all leads to the histogram shown below.


Part A is a histogram.

Part B draw a histogram

Step-by-step explanation:

This is because a dot plot and a box plot are too specific for how the data was given. We don't know the exact number for each student.

Part B The x axis would be labeled by the groups, 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24. The y axis would be labeled number of students. Then you could color in the area matching the correct number of students for each category.

what must be added to x3-3x2-12x+19 so that the result is exactly divisible by x2+x-6?



[tex]x^3-3x^2-12x+19[/tex] is divisible by [tex]x^2+x-6[/tex]  when [tex]2x+5[/tex] is added to it.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let [tex]p(x)=x^3-3x^2-12+19[/tex]  &  [tex]q(x)=x^2+x-6[/tex]

By division algorithm, when p(x) is divided by q(x), the remainder is a linear expression in x

So, let [tex]r(x)=ax+b[/tex] is added to [tex]p(x)[/tex] so that [tex]p(x)+r(x)[/tex] is divisible by [tex]q(x)[/tex]

Let, [tex]f(x)=p(x)+r(x)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]f(x)=x^3-3x^2-12x+19+ax+b[/tex]


We have,


Clearly, [tex]q(x)[/tex] is divisible by [tex](x-2)[/tex] and [tex](x+3)[/tex]

{ [tex](x-2)[/tex] and [tex](x+3)[/tex] are factors of [tex]q(x)[/tex] }

We have,

[tex]f(x)[/tex] is divisible by [tex]q(x)[/tex]

⇒ [tex](x-2)[/tex] and [tex](x+3)[/tex] are factors of [tex]f(x)[/tex]

From factors theorem,

If [tex](x-2)[/tex] and [tex](x+3)[/tex] are factors of [tex]f(x)[/tex]

then [tex]f(2)=0[/tex] and [tex]f(-3)=0[/tex] respectively,

⇒ [tex]f(2)=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex]2^3-3(2)^2+2(a-12)+b+19=0[/tex]

⇒ [tex]8-12+2a-24+b+19=0[/tex]

⇒ [tex]2a+b-9=0[/tex]


[tex]f(-3)=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex](-3)^3-3(-3)^2+(-3)(a-12)+b+19=0[/tex]

⇒ [tex]-27-27-3a+36+b+19=0[/tex]

⇒ [tex]b-3a+1=0[/tex]

Subtract (1) from (2)


⇒ [tex]b-3a+1-2a-6+9=0[/tex]

⇒ [tex]-5a+10=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex]5a=10[/tex] ⇒ [tex]a=2[/tex]

Put [tex]a=2[/tex] in equation 2

⇒ [tex]b-3[/tex] × [tex]2+1=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex]b-6+1=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex]b-5=0[/tex] ⇒ [tex]b=5[/tex]

∴ [tex]r(x)=ax+b[/tex] ⇒ [tex]r(x)=2x+5[/tex]

Hence, [tex]x^3-3x^2-12x+19[/tex] is divisible by [tex]x^2+x-6[/tex] when [tex]2x+5[/tex] is added to it.

Hope this helps...

find the square root of the following number 8136.04​




Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming that you can use a calculator, you would need to type in the square root symbol and type in the value 8136.04.

The square root of 8136.04 is 90.2.


Belinda is thinking about buying a house for $179,000. The table below shows the projected value of two different houses for three years:

Number of years 1 2 3
House 1 (value in dollars) 186,160 193,606.40 201,350.66
House 2 (value in dollars) 190,000 201,000 212,000

Part A: What type of function, linear or exponential, can be used to describe the value of each of the houses after a fixed number of years? Explain your answer. (2 points)

Part B: Write one function for each house to describe the value of the house f(x), in dollars, after x years. (4 points)

Part C: Belinda wants to purchase a house that would have the greatest value in 30 years. Will there be any significant difference in the value of either house after 30 years? Explain your answer, and show the value of each house after 30 years. (4 points)


In this question, two houses have an initial value of $179,000, and the projected values are given in the tables for houses 1 and 2.

Part a:

If the absolute value of the change is always the same, it is linear.

If the rate is the same, it is exponential.

House 1:

We have that:

193,606.4 - 186,160 = 7446.4

201,350.66 - 193,606.40 = 7744.26

Let's try exponential:

[tex]\frac{193,606.4}{186,160} = 1.04[/tex]

[tex]\frac{201,350.66}{193,606.40} = 1.04[/tex]

For house 1, the rate of change is the same, and thus, it is exponential.

House 2:

212,000  - 201,000 = 201,000 - 190,000 = 11,000.

Absolute value of change is the same, so linear.

Thus, for house 1, an exponential function is used, as the rate of change is the same, and for house 2, as the absolute value of change is always the same, it is linear.

Part B

House a:

Exponential function, with initial value of $179,000, and exponential growth rate of 1.04 - 1 = 0.04. Thus:

[tex]f_a(x) = 179000(1+0.04)^x[/tex]

[tex]f_a(x) = 179000(1.04)^x[/tex]

House b:

Linear function, with initial value of $179,000, increasing by $11,000 each year. So

[tex]f_b(x) = 179000 + 11000x[/tex]

Part c:

House a after 30 years:

[tex]f_a(30) = 179000(1.04)^30 = 580,568[/tex]

House b after 30 years:

[tex]f_b(30) = 179000 + 110000(30) = 509,000[/tex]

In 30 years, house a will have a value of $580,568, while house b will have a value of $580,568. House a will have a higher value, due to exponential growth.

For more about linear/exponential growth, you can check

What is the answer to this ?



Not enough information

one side should be given.


hope it helps...

have a great day!!

Plsss help... question from gradients. Will give brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:


What are the solutions of x2+ 6x-6= 10?
X=-11 or X= 1
X=-11 or X=-1
X=-8 or X=-2
X=-8 or X= 2


The answer is x=-8 or x=2
the answer is x =-8 and x=2

Diego's family truck holds 21 gallons of fuel. Each day the car uses 1.5 gallons of fuel. A warning light comes on when the remaining fuel is 2.5 gallons or less. Starting from a full tank, can Diego's family drive the car for 10 days without the warning light coming on? Explain or show your reasoning. Starting from a full tank, can Diego's family drive the car for 15 days without the warning light coming on? Explain or show your reasoning. Diego says the expression 21 - 1.5t helps him understand this situation. In this situation, what does this expression represent, and what does the variable t stand for? Write and solve an equation to determine the number of days Diego's father can drive the car without the warning light coming on. Write and solve an inequality that represents the number of days driven without the warning light coming on. Explain clearly what the solution to the inequality means in the context of this situation



The inequality is 0.6x < 12.5

The maximum number of days that Diego's father can drive the car without the warning light coming on is 20 days

Step-by-step explanation:

14 gallons-1.5 gallons=12.5 gallons    

we know that  

If the remaining fuel is greater than  1.5 gallons Diego's father can drive the car without the warning light coming on    



x ----> the number of days

0.6x < 12.5 inequality that represent the situation  

Solve for x

x < 12.5/0.6

x < 20.8 days

The maximum number of days that Diego's father can drive the car without the warning light coming on is 20 days

please help me answer this




Step-by-step explanation:

gitcy is good for your spleen

Find the value or JM in the image below


MK is the perpendicular bisector ò JL so MJL will be isosceles triangle, then JM = ML = 15, i guess

Please help, I will give brainliest if you explain.




Step-by-step explanation:

Basically.. when you draw a line from the vertex of a right triangle's 90 degree angle to its hypotenuse, it'll make two triangles with the same angles. Then you can use ratios to discern the size of said rectangles. I hope that helps.




A.) 6.4 units

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of AB.

If we find the horizontal and vertical distance of A and B, we form a triangle, with leg lengths of 5 and 4.

Now, we just solve using the Pythagorean theorem.

5^2 = 25

4^2 = 16

25 + 16 = 41

sqrt 41 ≈ 6.4 units.

Hope this helps!

If there is something wrong, just let me know.

On a job application, Doris gave her age as 32 years. Her actual age at the time was about 27.What is the relative error for her age?




Step-by-step explanation:

Relative error can be described as the ratio of the measured absolute value to the actual value

relative error = (stated age - actual age) / actual age x 100

(32 - 27) / 27 x 100

5 / 27 x 100 = 18.52%

A line segment has one endpoint of A (2,5) and a slope of (2/3). Find coordinates for B



B could be (4,8), (6,11), (8,14), (10,17), (12,20), etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

quick mafhs

Find AB, given that line AD is the perpendicular bisector of BC




Step-by-step explanation:

because line AD divided the triangle ABC into two equal halves

What is value of x if 20x-10*110=50




Step-by-step explanation:

20x - (10 x 110) = 50

=> 20x - 1100 = 50

=> 20x = 1150

=> x = 1150/20

=> x = 115/2

=> x = 57.5

Your cellphone plan is by the minute. Each minute of use costs $0.10. Create a relation that represents the amount spent, A, per minute, m, of call time. Then, use the relation to find the amount spent if you talk 65 minutes. Show your work.



A = 0.1m

A = $6.5

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that each minute of use costs $0.10.

If the minutes spent is represented by "m" and amount spent is "A', then the relation for amount spent is;

A = 0.1m

If he talked for 65 minutes, then we have;

A = 0.1 × 65

A = $6.5

the slope of a line is -6 and the y-intercept is 3. What is the x-intercept?




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the probability that a random sample of 12 second grade students from the city in a mean reading rate of more than 96 words per minute?


Complete Question

The reading speed of second grade students in a large city is approximately normal, with a mean of 90 words per minute (wpm) and a standard deviation of 10 wpm.

What is the probability that a random sample of 12 second grade students from the city in a mean reading rate of more than 96 words per minute?


[tex]P(\=x >96 )=0.01884[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Sample size [tex]n=12[/tex]

Sample mean [tex]\=x =90[/tex]

Standard Deviation [tex]\sigma=10[/tex]





Generally the equation for P(\=x >96 ) is mathematically given by

[tex]P(\=x >96 )=P(Z>\frac{\=x-\mu_x}{\sigma_x})[/tex]

[tex]P(\=x >96 )=P*(Z>\frac{90-96}{2.887})[/tex]

[tex]P(\=x >96 )=1-P(Z<2.08)[/tex]

[tex]P(\=x >96 )=1-0.98116[/tex]

[tex]P(\=x >96 )=0.01884[/tex]

A house has increased in value by 28% since it was purchased. If the current value is $288,000, what was the value when it
was purchased?




Step-by-step explanation:

288,000 * .28 = 80640

288,000 + 80640 = 368640

4. (03.05)
The graph shows the production of cars per day at a factory during a certain period of time. What is the domain of this function during this period? (1 point)

The domain is all real numbers o through 9.
The domain is all integers o through 9.
The domain is positive real numbers.
The domain is all positive integers.



B. domain is all integers 0 through 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Domain values area usually plotted along the horizontal axis. In this case, the number of days is the domain of the of the function.

The domain of the function that is plotted on the graph ranges from 0, 1, 2 to 9.

1, 2, 3 to 9 are all integers. Therefore, we can conclude that the "domain is all integers 0 through 9."

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

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