the study of the organization and collection of data is know as?


Answer 1


investigation isanswer

Related Questions

11. When you multiply two decimals less than 1, how does the product compare to the factors?
Illustrate with an example.
the ctarting line there are water stations every



When multiplying a number by a decimal less than one, the product will be smaller than the number being multiplied. This is because we are finding a fractional amount of a quantity. For example, 0.1 x 0.8 = 0.08, because the question is asking us to find one tenth of eight tenths.


It will always be less than both.

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying by something smaller than 1 will always make the result smaller, so taking something like

0.8⋅0.5 means that we are taking half of 0.8

OR 45 of 0.5 (same thing)

either way it makes it smaller, which means we will get something smaller than both.

Phil’s age is 7 years more than times Peter’s age. Also, 4 times Phil’s age is 2 years less than twice Peter’s age. If x is Peter’s age in years, identify the equation that represents this situation and identify the solution to the equation.




Step-by-step explanation:

Peter's age:x.... twice age:2x

Phil's age:x+7...4times age:4(x+7)

Difference if ages is 2

Hence; 2x-4(x+7)=2







54 answers

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Step-by-step explanation:

we know that "x" is Peter's age

assume that "y" is Phil's age

In the sentence "Phil's age is 7 years more than 1/5 times than Peter's age" are two things: "Phil's age": y and "1/5 times Peter's age": 1/5 x

create equation with these two things

y = 1/5 x

including "7 years more"

many people make a lot of errors with it, they dont know: y+7 = 1/5 x or y=1/5 x + 7 ?

in order to avoid mistakes

read the sentence and point, which: y or 1/5 x is greater and smaller

"Phil's age is 7 years more than ..."

so y is greater, and 1/5 x smaller

y = 1/5 x

greater = smaller

we must add 7 to smaller number to make an equality

greater = smaller + 7

y = 1/5 x + 7

Second sentence:

"4 times Phil's age is 2 years less than twice Peter's age."

Two things: "4 times Phil's age": 4y and "twice Peter's age": 2x

4y = 2x

read the sentence once again

"4 times Phil's age is 2 years less than (...)" , so 4y - smaller, 2x - greater

4y = 2x

smaller = greater

including "2 years less" we add 2 to a smaller number

smaller + 2 = greater

4y + 2 = 2x

Substitute y=1/5 x + 7 to the equation 4y+2 = 2x

Step-by-step explanation:

Choose the algebraic description that maps the image ΔABC onto ΔA′B′C′.

Question 2 options:

(x,y) → (x – 4,y)

(x,y) → (x,y + 4)

(x,y) → (x,y – 4)

(x,y) → (x + 4,y)



(x , y )  -----> (x , y -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

There is no change in x-coordinate

Compare the y-coordinate of A(-4 , 7) and A'(-4 , 3)

7 + a = 3

    a = 3 - 7

   a = -4

y-coordinate of A' = y-coordinate of A  - 4

If f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3 and g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7 , find (f - g)(x) .



x^2 + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3

g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7

(f - g)(x) =2x ^ 2 + 3 - (x ^ 2 - 7 )

Distribute the minus sign

             =2x ^ 2 + 3 - x ^ 2 + 7

Combine like terms

            = x^2 + 10

25. Several functions represent different savings account plans. Which functions are linear?
A. y = 3.6 x2
B. y = 5.25 x
c. y = 0,5 Х
D.y = 2.5 x +7
E. y = 2.50(1.3)*



b, c, d

Step-by-step explanation:




so y=5,25x-right



The question is
"Mia has a large bag of sweets, If i share the sweets equally among 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 people, there will always be 1 sweet left over"
with step by step pls :(






Step-by-step explanation:

Find the L.C.M. of 2,3,4,5,6 and add 1.

2| 2-3-4-5-6


2| 1-3-2-5-3


3| 1-3-1-5-3


5| 1-1-1-5-1


 | 1-1-1-1-1-1


reqd. number=60+1=61

if i distribute between 2,3,4,5,6 people then reqd number is 61

if Mia is also among those people or she gets also share

then the people are2,3,4,5,6 or 7

L.C.M. of 2,3,4,5,6,7=60×7=420

so reqd number is 420+1=421

What is x in the diagram below?



3rd option, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:


or, x=√(4×10)

or, x=2√10

Answer: C, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:

how do i convert y = 6x into y = mx + b form?​



it already is in that form

y = 6x

technically Y = 6x + 0 could be the answer...

but in math we tend to not rite "obvious"  information

to reduce clutter and confusion

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] is technically correct but we drop the + sign for positive numbers

and also drop the exponent if it is a 1 ... similarly

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] + 0 + 0 + 0  would also be silly and we don't write the zeros

+1[tex]x^{1}[/tex] + 0 + 0 + 0 = x

Step-by-step explanation:

6 + 13mn + 7m² n²




Step-by-step explanation:

The coefficients and variables in this equation have a common factor of 1, therefore the equation will go back to it's original state if you use 1 as the common factor.

I hope this helps and sorry if am wrong

what is 2,034,627 rounded to the nearest ten thousand



rounded to the nearest ten thousand



Which of the following is not a step in creating a box plot?
A. Order the data
B. Find the values for the five-number summary
C. Create a number line
D. Add all of the numbers in the data set and divide by the number of data items in the set


9514 1404 393


  D (compute the mean)

Step-by-step explanation:

A box plot is a visual representation of the 5-number summary of a set of data. It is plotted against a number line.

The 5-number summary of the data set is most easily determined from an ordered set of the data, so ordering the data is usually the first step. Since the 5-number summary is plotted against a number line, the next steps are finding the 5-number summary, and creating a suitable number line.


The business of adding the data and dividing by the number of data items is a description of computing the mean of the data. That value is not part of the 5-number summary, and is not needed in the creation of the box plot.

The sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational.

Always true,sometimes true, never true


Answer:   Always true



We can prove this by contradiction.

Let's say

A = some rational numberB = some irrational numberC = some other rational number


A+B = C

We'll show that a contradiction happens based on this.

If A is rational, then A = p/q where p,q are two integers. The q cannot be zero.

If C is rational, then C = r/s for some other integers. We can't have s be zero.

Note the following

A+B = C

B = C - A

B = r/s - p/q

B = qr/qs - ps/qs

B = (qr - ps)/qs

B = (some integer)/(some other integer)

This shows B is rational. But this is where the contradiction happens: We stated earlier that B was irrational. A number cannot be both rational and irrational at the same time. The very definition "irrational" literally means "not rational".

In short, I've shown that if A+B = C such that A,C are rational, then B must be rational as well.

The template is

rational + rational = rational

Therefore, we've shown that if A is rational and B is irrational, then C cannot possibly be rational. C is irrational.

Another template is

rational + irrational = irrational

Rationalize the denominator and simplify:
a) (√3 - √2)/( √3+√2)
b) (5+2√3)/(7+4√3)
c) (1+√2)/(3 - 2√2)



A) (√3-√2)/(√3+√2)

Step-by-step explanation:

i think so

Opal can make 9 beaded bracelets per hour, and Lynette can make 6 per hour. Together how many hours should it take them to make 45 beaded bracelets?



I'm pretty sure it is 3 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

Well, when you add 9 plus 6, you get 15. Then you divie 45 by 15, which gives you three. Hope this helps. Good luck :D

Solve the inequality 8 + n > 4.




Step-by-step explanation:






Step-by-step explanation

Subtract 8 from 4 to get -4.

N = -4

God Bless.

Can anyone help?
For what values of K does the equation (2k+1)x^2 +2x= 10x - 6 have two real and equal roots?


For the equation (2k + 1)x² + 2x = 10x - 6 to have two real and equal roots, the value of k = 5/6.

Since the equation is (2k + 1)x² + 2x = 10x - 6, we collect subtract 10x from both sides and add 6 to both sides.

So, we have (2k + 1)x² + 2x - 10x + 6 = 10x - 6 - 10x + 6

(2k + 1)x² - 8x + 6 = 0

For the equation, (2k + 1)x² + 2x = 10x - 6 to have two real and equal roots, this new equation (2k + 1)x² - 8x + 6 = 0 must also have two real and equal roots.

For the equation to have two real and equal roots, its discriminant, D = 0.

D = b² - 4ac where b = -8, a = 2k + 1 and c = 6.

So, D =  b² - 4ac

D =  (-8)² - 4 × (2k + 1) × 6 = 0

64 - 24(2k + 1) = 0

Dividing through by 8, we have

8 - 3(2k + 1) = 0

Expanding the bracket, we have

8 - 6k - 3 = 0

Collecting like terms, we have

-6k + 5 = 0

Subtracting 5 from both sides, we have

-6k = -5

Dividing through by -6, we have

k = -5/-6

k = 5/6

So, for the equation (2k + 1)x² + 2x = 10x - 6 to have two real and equal roots, the value of k = 5/6.

Learn more about quadratic equations here:

In a math class of 28 students, 14 boys and 14 are girls. On a unit test, 5 boys and 9 girls made an A grade. A student is chosen at random from the class. What is the probability of choosing a girl or an A student?

A. 0.82

B. 0.68

C. 0.14

D. 0.50



The probability of choosing a girl is 1/2.

The probability of choosing an A student who is a BOY is 5/28.

1/2 = 14/28, and 14/28 + 5/28 = 19/28. This can be simplified to 0.68

Thus, the answer is B. 0.68

Let me know if this helps!

The required probability of choosing a girl or an A student is 0.82. Option A   is correct.

Given that,
In a math class of 28 students, 14 boys and 14 are girls. On a unit test, 5 boys and 9 girls made an A grade.
A student is chosen at random from the class. What is the probability of choosing a girl or an A student is to be determined.

What is probability?

Probability can be defined as the ratio of favorable outcomes to the total number of events.

Total sample space = 28
Number of girls = 14
Number of boys = 14
Number of girls A grade student  = 9

probability of a girl = 14/28 = 0.5
probability of A grader girl  = 9 / 28 = 0.32
Now the probability of choosing a girl or an A grader girl student,
= 0.32 + 0.5
= 0.82

Thus, the required probability of choosing a girl or an A student is 0.82. Option A  is correct.

Learn more about probability here:


Please help me to solve this two questions​



c.8,625grams of flour

4a. X=12



Step-by-step explanation:

For c. , You have to convert the mixed numbers to fractions.

2¾ cups of flour= 2×4=8


Answer: 11/4 (11 over 4)

You multiply the 2 (whole number) by the 4 (bottom number) and then you get *8*

You then take the 8 (which was your answer) and add 3. This will give you 11

You take the 4 and use it as your denominator (bottom number) for the 11. So no need to find a denominator, because you just use the 4

For the fruit cake, she uses *1½* cups of flour more than carrot cake


1½ converted to an improper fraction= 1×2=2


Answer: 3/2 (3 over 2)

"Customer orders *3* carrot cakes and *4* fruit cakes

How many cups of flour are required to bake for the cakes ordered by the customer?"

11/4÷3= 8,25grams

3/2÷4= 0,375grams

8,25+0,375=8,625grams in total

*Feel free to correct me as I might be wrong!*

find the missing side of the triangle.​



x = 17

Step-by-step explanation:

x ^2 = 8^2+ 15^2

√x^2 =√64+225




Step-by-step explaination:

The given triangle is a right angled triangle.

Using Pythagorean Theorem,

a² + b² = c²

Putting the given values in the equation;

(15)² + (8)² = c²

225 + 64 = c²

289 = c²

17² = c² (square root of 289 = 17)

17 = c

c = 17

Therefore, the missing side of the triangle is equal to 17 cm.

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.
the quotient of 14 and a number



Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number be x

14 ÷ x = [tex]\frac{14}{x}[/tex]


14 / x

Step-by-step explanation:

quotient = /

14 = 14

a number = the variable, let's call it x

Brainliest please!

Help anyone can help me do this question,I will mark brainlest.​



[tex]344 {cm}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]area \: of \: the \: square \\ = 40cm \times 40cm \\ = 1600 {cm}^{3} \\ [/tex]

[tex]area \: of \: the \: circle \\ = \pi {r}^{2} \\ = 3.14 \times {(20)}^{2} \\ = 3.14 \times 400 \\ = 1256 {cm}^{2} \\ [/tex]

[tex]area \: of \: shaded \: region \\ = 1600 {cm}^{2} - 1256 {cm}^{2} \\ = 344 {cm}^{2} \\ [/tex]

4cosx - 2cos2x - cos4x=1



x = 360°

Answered by GAUTHMATH

On a baseball field, the pitcher's mound is 60.5 feet from home plate. During practice, a batter hits a ball 214 feet at an
angle of 36° to the right of the pitcher's mound. An outfielder catches the ball and throws it to the pitcher. Approximately
how far does the outfielder throw the ball?


9514 1404 393


  169 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The law of cosines can be used to find the distance from the outfielder to the pitcher. It tells you for triangle ABC, the length of side c can be found from ...

  c² = a² +b² -2ab·cos(C)

Here, we hve a=60.5, b=214, and C=36°. Then the desired distance is ...

  c = √(60.5² +214² -2·60.5·214·cos(36°)) ≈ √28507.56 ≈ 168.84

The outfielder throws the ball about 169 feet.

Which number best represents the slope of the graphed line?

A. -5
B. -1/5
C. 1/5
D. 5



A. -5

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all this is a line that shows a negative slope.

Secondly, the formula for slope is rise/ run.

5 is your rise and 1 is your run, therefore: -5/1

And this can be reduced to :  -5

find the values of x and y.



x=15.75 y=59

Step-by-step explanation:

In total there is 360 degrees. We know y is 59 so we will replace it with that.

59+59=118. 360-118=242. 242/2=121. 29+29=58. So we can subtract that to equal 63. Now 63=4x. We can divide so 2x=31.5. x=15.75.

Therefore, 15.75=x and 59=y

I hope this helped ^^.

Jerry sold 320 tickets for the school play. He sold x adults tickets for $8 each and y child tickets for $5 each. He sold $1900 worth of tickets. Write a system of equations to model the situation.

What is the equation?



x + y = 320

8x + 5y = 1900

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation x + y = 320 represents how 320 tickets were sold in total, from combining the adult and child tickets sold.

Since adult tickets are $8 each, the money from adult ticket sales can be represented by 8x.

The money from child ticket sales can be represented by 5y.

The equation 8x + 5y = 1900 represents how $1900 worth of tickets were sold.

So, the system of equations for the situation is:

x + y = 320

8x + 5y = 1900


y = 220

x = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

x + y = 320

8x + 5y = 1900

x = 320 - y

8(320 - y) + 5y = 1900

2560 - 8y + 5y = 1900

2560 -3y = 1900

-2560        -2560


   -3y = -660

   -----    -------

    -3        -3

      y = 220

x + 220 = 320

    -220   -220


        x = 100



The answer is C) 2786.23
The correct answer is A

Whats different for the functions


This would cause the function to shift 4 units to the left, because it affects the x value/ the input of the function.


And with the g(x), you’ll get 10^(x+4). But if it were out of the parentheses, 10^x + 4 then it would shift upward 4 units.

Write the equation in standard form. Then factor the left side of the equation.

2x2 + 7x = 15

A. (2x – 3)(x + 5) = 0

B. (2x + 3)(x + 5) = 0

C. (2x + 5)(x – 3) = 0

D. (2x – 5)(x + 3) = 0




Step-by-step explanation:

do it

A school bought 45 band uniforms and 18 musical instruments. If the
uniforms cost $89 each, what was the total cost of the uniforms?



45 times 89

Step-by-step explanation:

The instuments are irrelevant and are only there to distract you.


45 times 89 equals 4005

Step-by-step explanation:

Other Questions
Select any decade from the nineteenth or the twentieth century and create a timeline that traces the significant developments in the field ofpsychology across that decade. Your timeline should include at least 10 significant psychological developments that span the decade that youselect. Cell phones are an integrated part of our society at this point, and their main use is communication. They keep students in touch with the rest of the world by giving them the power to interact with it. In my day, if you forgot your lunch you were at the mercy of the office calling home for you. Now, students have the ability to solve their own problems and handle certain "emergencies" on their own.Cell phones also allow students the ability when the time is right, to keep in touch with students at other schools or friends that don"t go to school. While not an educational benefit directly, better relationships can lead to higher self-esteem and reduce isolation, which is good for everybody. In the same way, camera phones allow students to capture the kinds of memories that help build a solid school culture, and, in some cases, can act as documentation of misbehavior in the same way that store cameras provide evidence and deter bad behavior.Academically, the cell phone can act as to record video of a procedure of explanation that may need to be reviewed later. It could be used to record audio of a lecture, as well, for later review. And just imagine if class could be easily taped for students who are absent? What if they could even be streamed and seen from home instantly?The iPod is a little trickier, because its function varies greatly by model. At its heart, it is a media player, and I know for a fact that many students work better while listening to music. For this reason, they can have a good effect by keeping students from getting too distracted while working (ironic, because we mostly think of them AS distractions!). If it is a WIFI compatible model, and wireless internet is available, the iPod can be a great tool for looking up information or digging into things more deeply. Depending on the model, it may be able to act as a camera and video recorder as well (with the same benefits as the cell phone).Devices like the Kindle could, conceivably, make learning a lot easier. Imagine carrying all your textbooks in the palm of your hand, rather than strapped to your back! Though expensive, compared to buying new textbooks, the Kindle is a bargain. Many of the books used in high school English classes are actually FREE on the Kindle.Which of the following is NOT true about the iPod according to the passage?. A.The iPod can be used to record videos B.The iPod can be used to make phone calls C.The iPod can be connected to the Internet. D.The iPod comes in different models. what is the sign of x/y times 7y^3 when x0? A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced different from the others: A. Know B. Close C. Town D. Sofa Whats this topic called 1. Este tipo de organizacin social se desarroll en el periodo Paleoltico; es el trmino con el que se denomina a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria, su final se produjo con la Revolucin neoltica, cuando el ser humano dej de ser nmada, comenz a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron. 1Comunidad primitiva2Civilizacin primitiva3Organizacin primitiva4Grupos primitivos Reduce 20/60 to its lowest common denominator 1.Graph the data in the table. Which kind of function best models the data? Write an equation to model the data.A. exponential; y = 6 1.5xB. quadratic; y = x2C. exponential; y = 6 2.5xD. linear; y = 3x 6 I cant solve plz help me ... The number of solutions of |x - 1| + |x - 3| = 2 is The measure of one of the small angles of a right triangle is 45 less than twice the measure of the other small angle. Find the measure of both angles. 3. Grace has twice as much money as tadTogether they have $36. How much Moneydes Tad have? find the value of trigonometric ratio Please help me , I also have to show work on paper Will Mark Brainlest Help Please ,,,, find the value of x and y You have 2 5 sided dice, what's the probability the addition of rolling both Peyton's management professor just told her class that the final exam is optional for students like Peyton who currently have an A. Peyton decides to take the exam anyway because she likes the subject and wants to master the material. Peyton is motivated to take the exam by a(n) Group of answer choices extrinsic reward. physiological need. high need for power. hygiene factor. intrinsic reward. PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The sample concentration was measured at 50mg/ml. The loading concentration needs to be 10mg/ml. The final volume needs to be 25ul. What is the volume of sample needed and the amount of buffer needed to reach 25ul Find the length of AB