the three scholars of mayhayana buddhism​


Answer 1


Those are:

1. Theravada



Related Questions

A. The sentence that grabs the reader's attention
B. The sentence that contains the main argument of the essay
C. The type of sentence that gives support to the topic sentence
D. The sentence that restates the thesis in new words



Yes, the answer is D.


A claim is the same thing as a thesis statement, only with new words and an opinion, which is exactly what a thesis and claim is.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Which is the MOST LIKELY reason that President George W. Bush used this setting in May of 2003 to declare that major military operations had ended in Iraq?

to gain public support for his actions
to impress American military leaders
to intimidate the citizens of other countries
to persuade Congress to increase the defense budget


it’s c

President George W. Bush decided to invade Iraq in order to "undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war."


Letter C


Labor legislation was most favorable to labor unions during the pe- riod (a) 1960–present (b) 1945–1959 (c) 1933–1945 (d) 1865–1933.


The correct answer is C. 1933 - 1945.


In 1929 there was a world financial crisis that affected the great world powers like the United States. Therefore, the 1930s represented a challenge for President Franklin D. Rosevelt, who had to lead the economic reactivation after this crisis. For this reactivation, Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal in which he included broad support for workers through laws such as The Fair Labor Standards Act of 19383 and the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. These policies contributed to the strengthening of unions and labor rights over the next decade. So the correct answer is C.

Which sentence below is an example of gender-neutral language?
A. A true statesman is a person who can listen to his constituents.
B. A true statesperson is someone who is interested in the concerns
of his or her constituents.
C. A true statesman has a large responsibility to his constituents.
D. A true statesman represents the interests of his voters.



It's B. A true statesperson is someone who is interested in the concerns..................................

If the governor of Georgia vetoes a bill, it can still become law through an override by



Two-thirds majority of each chamber voting to override the governor's veto


what was a result of the war of 1812



The War of 1812 eventually ended in a draw on the battleground, and the peace treaty represented this. The Treaty of Ghent was negotiated on December 24, 1814, in present Belgium, and went into action on February 17, 1815, after both sides approved it.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Which invention provided manufacturers with a new source of power for machines?



Steam engine Provided manufacturer's with a new source of power for machines

How does Lincoln speech address the north’s interest


On March 4, 1865, in his second inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of mutual forgiveness, North and South, asserting that the true mettle of a nation lies in its capacity for charity. Lincoln's second inaugural address previewed his plans for healing a once-divided nation. He argued that all Americans—North and South—shared culpability for the unimaginable horrors the nation had endured. This war of unexpected duration and ferocity, he posited, may have been God’s judgment on all of America for the evil of slavery.

Who was the first king



Meet the world's first emperor. King Sargon of Akkad—who legend says was destined to rule—established the world's first empire more than 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.


so sánh sự khác nhau giữa hai nhà nước mua bán nô lệ Asante và Dahomey



which language is thisbro

What was the larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party



It raised the fear.


The larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party because it raised the fear that the debate over slavery could not be contained. The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States that started in 1848 and ended in 1854, when it merged into the Republican Party. The party was largely focused on the single issue which is opposing the expansion of slavery into the western states of the United States.

What is article 1, section 7 of the constitution explain?



creates certain rules to govern how Congress makes law.


let me know if u wnat me to elaborate

How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas’ role in triangular trade?


implied hundreds of Africans were forcibly taken to American and forced to work as slaves. ... Thus, the Atlantic trade impacted the role of America in the triangular trade because "it increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe".


It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe.



According the graph, the number of troops deployed to Vietnam in 1969 would most likely


The correct answer is "escalate."

According to the graph, the number of troops deployed to Vietnam in 1969 would most likely escalate.

The graphic attached shows a continual increase in the number of United States troops sent to Vietnam, since 1961. However, what happened, in reality, was that after the Tet Offense, millions of Americans started to question the reason why the US was sending more troops to the Vietnam War. American people started to state that Vietnam was not an American War. People started to took the streets to organize protests and demonstrations, demanding the federal government to withdraw the troops from Vietnam.

Years later,  the Pentagon Papers indicated that the United States had been secretly involved in Vietnam before its official involvement.

The United States Department of Defense had a secret report about military involvement in the War of Vietnam. They called the Pentagon Papers. Daniel Ellsberg, a military analyst in the case, considered in 1968 that the information should be released to the public. In March 1971, he gave a copy of the papers to the New York Times. The papers showed how previous administrations had misled public information about the involvement of the US in Vietnam.

Arrange the police ranks in descending order.



The police ranks in descending order are given below.


Following are the police ranks in descending order.

1. Director General of Police  

2. Addl. Director General of Police  

3. Inspector General of Police  

4. Deputy Inspector General of Police  

5. Superintendent of Police  (Deputy Commissioner of Police)  

6. Superintendent of Police  (Deputy Commissioner of Police)  

7. Addl. Superintendent of Police/Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police

8. Assistant Superintendent of Police  

9. Addl. Superintendent of Police / Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police.  

10. Dy Superintendent of police/Asst. Commissioner of Police.

11 Inspector of Police  

12 Sub Inspector of Police.  

13 Asst. Sub. Inspector/Havildar Major  

14 Havildar.  

15 Lance Naik.  

16.. Constable.

Una crónica de Bartolomé de las Casas (corto)


Answer: mediados del siglo XVIII, el ilustrado holandés Corneille de Pauw formuló en sus Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l’Histoire de l’Espèce Humaine su conocida denuncia con respecto al papel de Las Casas en el inicio de la trata de cautivos africanos como esclavos hacia América (1771: 13 y 101). Según De Pauw, Las Casas fue quien concibió y gestionó ante las cortes flamencas a comienzos del siglo XVI el plan para introducir esclavos en América como estrategia para contener el exterminio de los habitantes nativos:


These states do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas e) California



I believe only Arkansas does.


Yes arkansas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

State the counting number in the periodic table of elements of the element considered to be the heaviest gas. (the answer should consist of numbers only)





The periodic table is an arrangement of elements in rows and columns. The vertical columns are called groups while the horizontal rows are called periods.

The eighteenth group in the periodic table are called noble gases. All the elements in this group are gases. Coincidentally, the heaviest element, oganesson belongs to this group and has atomic number 118.

This element exits as a gas and it is the heaviest known gas.

Which is the best definition of federalism?



Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combine a general government

what is government and why is it important?



Governments provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have advocated government control over some aspects of the economy.

hope this helps you

have a nice day :)

Explain one way in which opportunities for women and minorities changed during the war.



During World War II, women and minorities gained greater freedoms and protections. In comparison to how they had previously been treated, they were treated much better this time. They were seen as being on a more or less equal basis.



Women were welcomed into jobs outside the home as they filled in for men who had gone to war.

African Americans were given equal treatment in defense industries.

Women and minorities got new and better-paying jobs.

Immigrants from Mexico were invited to the United States to help fill labor needs.


answer on edge 12-13-22

In the 1920s, women's liberation was most closely associated with

Group of answer choices
the lifestyle choices of single women

the success of the Equal Rights Amendment

finding freedom in established churches

the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment



Group of answer choices

the lifestyle choices of single women

imagine that you lived in jebel faya in the past what skills do you have to learn in order to meet your basic needs​



Presence of water and vegetation.


jebel faya is a eastern desert located in Arabia, is an arkeological site that includes a limestone hill. The site has a limestone mountain outlined in central region. The presence of freshwater and vegetation cover in the area has helps human subsidence

What does Jefferson say about whether the US Constitution allows for an agreement such as the Louisiana Purchase?



Jefferson accepts that the Louisiana Purchase is "an act beyond the Constitution." In other words, it's a type of agreement that the Constitution doesn't directly authorize.


Which of the following BEST describes the “rule of four”?
The Supreme Court uses the rule of four after they have heard a case to decide whether they will issue an opinion on the case.
The Supreme Court uses the rule of four to determine whether a case will be granted a writ of certiorari.
It refers to the number of votes required to make a majority decision on the Court.
The rule of four refers to the number of justices it takes to form a minority opinion on a case



B. The Supreme Court uses the rule of four to determine whether a case will be granted a writ of certiorari.


A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.

There are different types of courts and these includes;

I. Trial court.

II. Circuit court.

III. Appeal court.

IV. Supreme court.

Supreme Court refers to a federal court and it's known to be the highest court in relation to the hierarchy of courts in the judicial branch. Therefore, it is referred to as the ap-ex court. Generally, the Supreme Court comprises of nine (9) justices (a chief justice and eight (8) associate justices). These nine (9) justices are appointed only by the president and subsequently confirmed by the senate after screening them diligently.

A rule of four can be defined as a custom (practice) of the Supreme Court of the United States of America which involves granting a petition for certiorari and the case in question will be reviewed if four (4) of the nine (9) justices votes that it is worthy of being heard.

This ultimately implies that, a petition for certiorari will be granted only if four (4) of the nine (9) justices vote in favor of the grant.

Hence, the Supreme Court uses the rule of four to determine whether a case will be granted a writ of certiorari.

A certiorari can be defined as an order or writ issued by a higher (superior) to reexamine an action of a lower court or review the proceedings and case that was tried at a lower court.




Which other member of the Triple Alliance first supported Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia?





because they assassinated the arch duke franz ferdinand

Nineteenth-century Americans imagined the "Wild West" as all of the following EXCEPT:
a. a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.
b. isolated farms, where men and women carved out difficult lives on the Great Plains.
c. a spectacle of adventure as portrayed by vaudeville shows featuring famous battle reenactments and real Indian warriors.
d. a violent frontier recounted through dime novels and prolific newspaper stories.
e. an uncivilized space that ended at the Rocky mountains.



a. a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.


Nineteenth-century Americans did not imagine the "Wild West" as a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.

In contrast, it was viewed by them as a place of gunslingers, adventures, cowboys and more where things went almost unchecked.

I think I should give the reason for my being in Birmingham, since you have been influenced by the argument of “outsiders coming in.” . . . Several months ago our local affiliate here in Birmingham invited us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary. We readily consented and when the hour came we lived up to our promises. So I am here, along with several members of my staff, because we were invited here. I am here because I have basic organizational ties here.

–“Letter from Birmingham Jail,”
Martin Luther King Jr.

What does King mean by the phrase "a nonviolent direct action program”?

a peaceful form of protest, such as a sit-in or march
white Southern resistance to a civil rights protest
a legal case to bring about change via the courtroom
a negotiation between civil rights protestors and local politicians



A should be the right answer.


The Correct answer is "a peaceful form of protest, such as a sit-in or march"    

Or A


I got it right on edgu 2022 also the guy above me deserves Brainlyest

How do the exotic elements of the North African desert affect the movie Casablanca ? How would the film be different if the story had been set somewhere else?



Answer to the following question is as follows.


Casablanca is influenced by the unique features of the North African desert. I also believe that the sun's brightness and other exotic aspects contribute to the film's overall feeling of Casablanca as a haven. Its unique features of sand and beaches, which are connected with the region, create a romantic and mysterious mood.

A film, often known as a movie, motion picture, or moving picture, is a piece of graphics creating visual moving images to simulate emotions such as ideas, tales, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or ambiance.

Sound on rare occasions, additional sensory stimulations accompany these visuals.  

Casablanca is influenced by the distinct features of the North African desert. I also believe that the film's general sense that Casablanca as a paradise is affected by the brightness of the sun and other exotic features.

Its particular sand and beach features, which are connected to the region, create a romantic and mystical atmosphere.

To know more about  the exotic elements of the North African desert affect the movie Casablanca, refer to the link below:

Kennedy supported paying for health care for all. In 1962 he brought a bill before
Congress to create Medicare - the public program to provide health care for
older people.
Did You Think It Passed?


Answer: It did not.


It could not have passed because the first Medicare act was signed into law by former President Lyndon B. Johnson who did so in 1965. It was the culmination of efforts by various presidents over the years including Present Truman.

One could say that Johnson knew to try again only 3 years after Kennedy did because the passage of the bill under Kennedy had been missed by only a few votes in the Senate. Johnson therefore believed that times had caught up and proceeded to try and succeed.

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