There was a major collision of an asteroid with the Moon in medieval times. It was described by monks at Canterbury Cathedral in England as a red glow on and around the Moon. How long after the asteroid hit the Moon, which is 3.84 x 10^5 km away, would the light first arrive on Earth?


Answer 1


c = 3.00E108 m/s = 3.00E5 km/s

t = S / v = 3.84E5 / 3.00E5 = 1.28 sec

Related Questions

Steel railway tracks are laid at 8oC. What size of expansion gap are needed 10m long rail sections if the ambient temperature varies from -10oC to 50oC? [Linear expansivity of steel = 12 x]​



Gap left = Change in length on heating

Gap=Initial length×Coefficient of linear expansion×change in temperature


⟹Gap=0.0018 m

this is an example u have to put your equation in it

A spherically mirrored ball is slowly lowered at New Years Eve as midnight approaches. The ball has a diameter of 8.0 ft. Assume you are standing directly beneath it and looking up at the ball. When your reflection is half your size then the mirror is _______ ft above you.



The distance between mirror and you is 2 ft.


diameter, d = 8 ft

radius of curvature, R = 4 ft

magnification, m = 0.5

focal length, f = R/2 = 4/2 = 2 ft

let the distance of object is u and the distance of image is v.

[tex]\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\v = \frac {2 u}{u - 2}[/tex]

Use the formula of magnification

[tex]m = \frac{v}{u}\\\\0.5 =\frac { u}{u - 2}\\ \\u - 2 = 2 u \\\\u = -2 ft[/tex]

A 15.0 g bullet traveling horizontally at 865 m>s passes through a tank containing 13.5 kg of water and emerges with a speed of 534 m>s. What is the maximum temperature increase that the water could have as a result of this event



The rise in temperature is 0.06 K.


mass of bullet, m = 15 g

initial speed, u = 865 m/s

final speed, v = 534 m/s

mass of water, M = 13.5 kg

specific heat of water, c = 4200 J/kg K

The change in kinetic energy

[tex]K = 0.5 m(u^2 - v^2)\\\\K = 0.5\times 0.015\times (865^2-534^2)\\\\K = 3473 J[/tex]

According to the conservation of energy, the change in kinetic energy is used to heat the water.

K = m c T

where, T is the rise in temperature.

3473 = 13.5 x 4200 x T

T = 0.06 K



u distribute it
(a+b) • x2
ax2 + bx2
THE ANSWER IS ax2 + bx2 (the two means squared)

A sinewave has a period (duration of one cycle) of 645 μs (microseconds). What is the corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz


The corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz, expressed to 3 significant figures is: 155 kHz.

Given the following data:

Period = 645 μs

Note: μs represents microseconds.


1 μs = [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^-6[/tex] seconds

645 μs = [tex]645[/tex] × [tex]10^-6[/tex] seconds

To find corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz;

Mathematically, the frequency of a waveform is calculated by using the formula;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{Period}[/tex]

Substituting the value into the formula, we have;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{645 * 10^-6}[/tex]

Frequency = 1550.39 Hz

Next, we would convert the value of frequency in hertz (Hz) to Kilohertz (kHz);


1 hertz = 0.001 kilohertz

1550.39 hertz = X kilohertz

Cross-multiplying, we have;

X = [tex]0.001[/tex] × [tex]1550.39[/tex]

X = 155039 kHz

To 3 significant figures;

Frequency = 155 kHz

Therefore, the corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz is 155.

Find more information:

The position of a particle is given by ~r(t) = (3.0 t2 ˆi + 5.0 ˆj j 6.0 t kˆ) m



[tex]v=(6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex]


Given that,

The position of a particle is given by :

[tex]r(t) = (3.0 t^2 i + 5.0j+ 6.0 tk) m[/tex]

Let us assume we need to find its velocity.

We know that,

[tex]v=\dfrac{dr}{dt}\\\\=\dfrac{d}{dt}(3.0 t^2 i + 5.0j+ 6.0 tk) \\\\=(6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex]

So, the velocity of the particle is [tex](6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex].

Cho dòng điện xoay chiều trong sản xuất và sinh hoạt ở nước ta có tần số f = 50Hz. Tính chu kỳ T và tần số góc ω?



T = 1/f = 1/50(s)

ω = 2πf = 100π (rad/s)

(vote 5 sao nhó :3 )

Write the derivation and unit of impulse​



impulse applied to an object produces an equivalent vector change in its linear momentum, also in the resultant direction. The SI unit of impulse is the newton second (N⋅s), and the dimensionally equivalent unit of momentum is the kilogram meter per second (kg⋅m/s).

A ball of mass 0.50 kg is rolling across a table top with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When the ball reaches the edge of the table, it rolls down an incline onto the floor 1.0 meter below (without bouncing). What is the speed of the ball when it reaches the floor?





The speed of the ball when it reaches the floor is 0 because any object at rest or in uniform motion has no speed or velocity

Question 5 of 10
What must be the same for two resistors that are connected in parallel?



in parallel combination : potential difference between two terminal of resistors are always constant. ... hence, potential difference ( voltage ) must be same across each resistor .


Flapping flight is very energy intensive. A wind tunnel test
on an 89 g starling showed that the bird used 12 W of
metabolic power to fly at 11 m/s. What is its metabolic power for starting flight?



The metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg


We are given that

Mass of starling, m=89 g=89/1000=0.089 kg

1 kg=1000 g

Power, P=12 W

Speed, v=11 m/s

We have to find the metabolic power for starting flight.

We know that

Metabolic power for starting flight=[tex]\frac{P}{m}[/tex]

Using the formula

Metabolic power for starting flight=[tex]\frac{12}{0.089}[/tex]

Metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg

Hence, the metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg

What does E=mc2 stand for?


It stands for energy=mass times the speed of light squared.

That mean mass-energy equivalence

what Is accuracy ............​



Accuracy is how much the consequence of an estimation adjusts to the right worth or a norm' and basically alludes to how close an estimation is to its concurred esteem



In a set of measurements, accuracy is closeness of the measurements to a specific value, while precision is the closeness of the measurements to each other.


_Hope it helps you_

A rock is suspended by a light string. When the rock is in air, the tension in the string is 37.8 N. When the rock is totally immersed in water, the tension is 32.0 N. When the rock is totally immersed in an unknown liquid, the tension is 20.2 N. What is the Density of the unknown liquid?


When the rock is suspended in the air, the net force on it is

F₁ = T₁ - m₁g = 0

where T₁ is the magnitude of tension in the string and m₁g is the rock's weight. So

T₁ = m₁g = 37.8 N

When immersed in water, the tension reduces to T₂ = 32.0 N. The net force on the rock is then

F₂ = T₂ + B₂ - m₁g = 0

where B₂ is the magnitude of the buoyant force. Then

B₂ = m₁g - T₂ = 37.8 N - 32.0 N = 5.8 N

B₂ is also the weight of the water that was displaced by submerging the rock. Let m₂ be the mass of the displaced water; then

5.8 N = m₂g   ==>   m₂ ≈ 0.592 kg

If one takes the density of water to be 1.00 g/cm³ = 1.00 × 10³ kg/m³, then the volume of water V that was displaced was

1.00 × 10³ kg/m³ = m₂/V   ==>   V ≈ 0.000592 m³ = 592 cm³

and this is also the volume of the rock.

When immersed in the unknown liquid, the tension reduces further to T₃ = 20.2 N, and so the net force on the rock is

F₃ = T₃ + B₃ - m₁g = 0

which means the buoyant force is

B₃ = m₁g - T₃ = 37.8 N - 20.2 N = 17.6 N

The mass m₃ of the liquid displaced is then

17.6 N = m₃g   ==>   m₃ ≈ 1.80 kg

Then the density ρ of the unknown liquid is

ρ = m₃/V ≈ (1.80 kg)/(0.000592 m³) ≈ 3040 kg/m³ = 3.04 g/cm³

Solve numerical problem. Please give me step - step explanation Help me out plz



You should multiply 60 kg*9.8 and answer will come.

Hope this will help you.


yes she is right you should multiple 60*9.8

have a great day God bless you

What is the need for satellite communication elaborate


The high frequency radio waves used for telecommunications links travel by line of sight and so are obstructed by the curve of the Earth. The purpose of communications satellites is to relay the signal around the curve of the Earth allowing communication between widely separated geographical points.


hope it helps!!

A 2.5 kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.5 m/s.A second block, sliding at a faster 4.1 m/s , collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.5 m/s. What was the mass of the second block?





Given data

mass m1= 2.5kg

mass m2=??

velocity of mass one v1= 1.5m/s

velocity of mass two v2= 4.1m/s

common velocity after impact v= 2.5m/s

Let us apply the formula for the conservation of linear momentum for inelastic collision

The expression is given as

m1v1+ m2v2= v(m1+m2)


2.5*1.5+ m2*4.1= 2.5(2.5+m2)

3.75+4.1m2= 6.25+2.5m2

collect like terms

3.75-6.25= 2.5m2-4.1m2

-2.5= -1.6m2

divide both sides by -1.6

m2= -2.5/-1.6

m2= 1.5 kg

Hence the second mass is 1.5kg

A mass weighing 4 lb stretches a spring 4in. Suppose the mass is given an additional in displacement downwards and then released. Assuming no friction and no external force, the natural frequency W (measured in radians per unit time) for the system is? (Recall that the acceleration due to gravity is 32ft/sec2).
a) None of the other alternatives is correct.
b) W = v2 3
d) w = 4/6
e) w=213



4√6 rad/s


Since the spring is initially stretched a length of x = 4 in when the 4 lb mass is placed on it, since it is in equilibrium, the spring force, F = kx equals the weight of the mass W = mg.

So, W = F

mg = kx where m = mass = 4lb, g = acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/s², k = spring constant and x = equilibrium displacement of spring = 4 in = 4 in × 1ft /12 in = 1/3 ft

making k the spring constant subject of the formula, we have

k = mg/x

substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

k = mg/x  

k = 4 lb × 32 ft/s² ÷ 1/3 ft

k = 32 × 4 × 3

k = 384 lbft²/s²

Now, assuming there is no friction and no external force, we have an undamped system.

So, the natural frequency for an undamped system, ω = √(k/m) where k = spring constant = 384 lbft²/s² and m = mass = 4 lb

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

ω = √(k/m)

ω = √(384 lbft²/s² ÷ 4 lb)

ω = √96

ω = √(16 × 6)

ω = √16 × √6

ω = 4√6 rad/s

1. A sequence of potential differences v is applied accross a wire (diameter =0.32 mm length = 11 cm and the resulting current I are measured as follows: V 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 I (MA) 72 144 216 288 360 2) a) plot a graph of v against I.
b) determine the wire's resistence , R.
c) State ohm's law and try to relate it . your results.​



a. Find the graph in the attachment

b. 720 kΩ

c. The ratio V/I gives us our resistance which is 720 kΩ


a) plot a graph of V against I.

To plot the graph of V against I, we plot the corresponding points against each other. With the voltage V measured in volts and the current I measured in mA, the plotted graph is in the attachment.

b) Determine the wire's resistance , R.

The resistance of the wire is determined as the gradient of the graph.

R = ΔV/ΔI = (V₂ - V₁)/(I₂ - I₁)

Taking the first two corresponding measurements. V₁ = 72 V, I₁ = 0.1 mA, V₂ = 144 V and I₂ = 0.2 mA

R = (144 V - 72 V)/(0.2 - 0.1) mA

R = 72 V/0.1 mA

R = 72 V/(0.1 × 10⁻³ A)

R = 720 × 10³ V/A

R = 720 kΩ

c) State ohm's law and try to relate it your results.​

Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it provided the temperature and all other physical conditions remain constant.

Mathematically, V ∝ I

V = kI

V/I = k = R

Since the ratio V/I = constant, from our results, the ratio of V/I for each reading gives us the resistance. Since we have a linear relationship between V and I, the gradient of the graph is constant and for each value of V and I, the ratio V/I is constant. So, the ratio V/I gives us our resistance which is 720 kΩ.

Since V/I is constant, we thus verify Ohm's law.

A rocket explodes into two fragments, one 25 times heavier than the other. The magnitude of the momentum change of the lighter fragment is A) 25 times as great as the momentum change of the heavier fragment. B) The same as the momentum change of the heavier fragment. C) 1/25 as great as the momentum change of the heavier fragment. D) 5 times as great as the momentum change of the heavier fragment. E) 1/4 as great as the momentum change of the heavier fragment.



B) The same as the momentum change of the heavier fragment.


Since the initial momentum of the system is zero, we have

0 = p + p' where p = momentum of lighter fragment = mv where m = mass of lighter fragment, v = velocity of lighter fragment, and p' = momentum of heavier fragment = m'v' where m = mass of heavier fragment = 25m and v = velocity of heavier fragment.

0 = p + p'

p = -p'

Since the initial momentum of each fragment is zero, the momentum change of lighter fragment Δp = final momentum - initial momentum = p - 0  = p

The momentum change of heavier fragment Δp' = final momentum - initial momentum = p' - 0 = p' - 0 = p'

Since p = -p' and Δp = p and Δp' = -p = p ⇒ Δp = Δp'

So, the magnitude of the momentum change of the lighter fragment is the same as that of the heavier fragment.  

So, option B is the answer

A man is driving a car at speed 25m/s. calculate the distance covered by it in one hour.​



6.94 km/hr


m/s to km/hr -> Multiply by 18/5


=> 25 x 5/18

=> 125/18 km/hr

=> 6.94 km/hr

Answer: 90,000 m = 90 km


Given information

Time = 1 hour

Speed = 25 m/s

Given expression deducted from the given information

Distance = speed × time

Convert units of time

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute = 60 seconds

1 hour = 60 × 60 = 3600 seconds

Substitute values into the expression

Distance = 25 × 3600

Simplify by multiplication

Distance = [tex]\boxed{90,000 m=90km}[/tex]

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. How far horizontally will it travel in 2 seconds?
A. 30 m
B. 90 m
C. 45 m
D. 60 m



It will travel Vx * t = 30 m/s * 2 s = 60 m

Distance = velocity x time
= 30m/s x 2 sec
= 60 m/s

What about Iceland's location makes it particularly well-suited to produce electricity from geothermal energy


The volcanoes in Iceland generate geothermal energy, heating & help with the making of electricity


Iceland lies on a boundary where two plates are moving away from each other. Heat from Earth’s interior rises through this plate boundary at a fast rate. This fact makes Iceland well-suited to producing electricity using its abundance of geothermal energy.


Edmentum sample answer.

A roller coaster uses 800 000 J of energy to get to the top of the first hill. During this climb, it gains 500 000 J of potential energy and pauses (velocity = 0) for a fraction of a second at the very top before heading down the other side.

a) Draw a sankey diagram for a roller coaster's climb.


A roller coaster uses 800 000 J of energy to get to the top of the first hill. During this climb, it gains 500 000 J of potential energy and pauses for a fraction of a second at the very top before heading down the other side. At the top of the hill total, the kinetic energy of the roller coaster would be zero as the velocity is zero at the top of the hill, therefore the total mechanical energy is only because of potential energy.

What is mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy is the combination of all the energy in motion represented by total kinetic energy and the total stored energy in the system which is represented by total potential energy.

The expression for total mechanical energy is as follows


As total mechanical energy is the sum of all the kinetic as well as potential energy stored in the system.As given in the problem a roller coaster uses 800000 J of energy to get to the top of the first hill. During this climb, it gains 500 000 J of potential energy which means 300000 J of energy is lost in the frictional energy while climbing the hill,

Thus at the top of the hill, the total energy of the roller coasters is only due to the potential energy.

Learn more about mechanical energy from here


Light of frequency f falls on a metal surface and ejects electrons of maximum kinetic energy K by the photoelectric effect. If the frequency of this light is doubled, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons will be


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Light of frequency f falls on a metal surface and ejects electrons of maximum kinetic energy K by the photoelectric effect.

Part A If the frequency of this light is doubled, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons will be If the frequency of this light is doubled, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons will be




greater than 2K.




Given that the kinetic energy of photo electrons is given by;

K= E -Wo


K = kinetic energy

E= energy of incident photon

Wo = work function


E= hf

Wo = fo

h= Plank's constant

f= frequency of incident photon

fo= Threshold frequency


K= hf - hfo

Where the frequency of incident light is doubled;

K= 2hf - hfo

Hence, maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons in this case will be 2K

A sports car accelerates uniformly from rest to 24 m/s in 6 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the car



a = 4m/s^2


Velocity(V) = uniform = 24m/s

time(t) = 6sec

Acceleration(a) = V/t

= 24/6

= 4m/s^2

When a sports car accelerates uniformly from rest to 24 m/s in 6 seconds,then acceleration of the car would be 4 m/s²

What are the three equations of motion?

There are three equations of motion given by  Newton

The first equation is given as follows

v = u + at

the second equation is given as follows

S = ut + 1/2×a×t²

the third equation is given as follows

v² - u² = 2×a×s

Note that these equations are only valid for a uniform acceleration.

As given problem sport car accelerates uniformly from rest to 24 m/s in 6 seconds then the acceleration of the car can be calculated by using the first equation of motion

v = u + at

As given the initial velocity u= 0

The final velocity v = 24 m/s

The time taken is t= 6 seconds

By substituting the respective values of velocity and  time

24 = 0+ a*6

a = 24/6

a = 4 m/s²

Thus, when a sports car accelerates uniformly from rest to 24 m/s in 6 seconds,then acceleration of the car comes out to be 4 m/s²

Learn more about  equations of motion from here


Consider a piston filled with 3 mols of an ideal gas, kept at a constant temperature 290 K. We slowly compress the gas starting at 2 m3 and ending at 1 m3. How much work do we need to do on the gas to perform this operation


Answer: [tex]-5013.65\ J[/tex]



No of moles [tex]n=3[/tex]

Temperature [tex]T=290\ K[/tex]

Initial volume [tex]V_1=2\ m^3[/tex]

Final volume [tex]V_2=1\ m^3[/tex]

Work done in constant temperature process is

[tex]W=nRT\ln \left(\dfrac{V_2}{V_1}\right)[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow W=3\times 8.314\times 290\ln \left (\dfrac{1}{2}\right)\\\\\Rightarrow W=-870\times 8.314\times \ln (2)\\\Rightarrow W=-5013.65\ J[/tex]

What distance do I cover if I travel at 10 m/s E for 10s?





i think this is the answer because the formula for distance is

d=speed×time in this case the speed is 10m/s and the time is 10s therefore the distance will be



I hope this helps


100 m

Explanation: this is when you need to find velocity and the formula for velocity is displacement by time taken.

describe four energy changes that happen in the process.


Driving a motor........

chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Falling off of cliff

.........gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Hydroelectric energy generation

.......gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (i.e. driving a generator), which is then converted into electrical energy.

Nuclear power generation

.........mass is converted into energy, which then drives a steam turbine, which is then converted into electrical energy.

When you shine a beam of light, which is composed of just two different colors, red and green, onto a diffraction grating which color gets diffracted more



The diffraction grating separates light into colors as the light passes through the many fine slits of the grating. This is a transmission grating. ... The prism separates light into colors because each color passes through the prism at a different speed and angle.

Other Questions
Jack can build 1/5 of a shed in the same time Kyle build 5/8 of a shed. How much of a shed will jack have built when Kyle has finished building 1 shed. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME, ILL GIVE BRAINLIESTActivity 11: Making InferencesDirections: As explained earlier in this chapter, an inference is something a reader learns from a text through information that was never directly given, stated, or explained by the author. Review the information about inferences and the story if necessary, and then answer the question below.Incorrect Answer1.Remember that an inference is information given in a story that is not directly stated by the author, but it is still very important in order to understand a story. Place a checkmark next to each inference the reader needed to make in order to understand "The Cask of Amontillado":Montresor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.One reason Montresor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.Montresor leads Fortunato down into the catacombs where many people were buried.Montresor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.Montresor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.No one ever found Fortunato, who Montresor buried alive down in the catacombs.Montresor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him. Describe genetic______ and gene_________ as mechanisms of evolution. CName the painting displayed above. Describe its artistic characteristics and the subject matter.Mark this and retumSave and ExitNenSubmit Explain the difference between macro-sociology and micro-sociology. Identify one macro-level theory and one micro-level theory. Explain how each theory views society. Who was responsible for establishing the League of Nations, an organization that would settle disagreements betweennations? Marion is a great manager and he has a number of special skills. In particular, Marion has the ability to get his subordinates to do more than would be normally expected. Which of the following terms best describes Marion?a. Transactional leaderb. Supportive leaderc. Charismatic leaderd. People-oriented leader Applying Probability ConceptsOINTSPOINTSM3 2POINTSPOINTS00cuPOINTSON00POINTSNPOINTSPOINTSSENIOSSINIOSDid you know that all 50 states in the United States have some sort of state fair? Fairs and carnivalsinclude a variety of games of chance that aren't typically "fair." 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