Present everything you should know about the health team and its work in the community. Your paper should clearly present the following information:
definition of health team
the members of a health team
kinds of health team
the function of the health team
the aim of a community health team
what a health team must do to achieve its aim
how to establish relations with the community


Answer 1


Health team is a clinical care team.


Health team is a clinical care team consists of the health professionals such as physicians, nurses, physician assistants, clinical pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. Doctors, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Pharmacists, Dentists, Technologists and technicians are the kinds of health team. The function of the health team is to provide treatment and services to the patients. Cooperation with one another is the thing which a health team must do to achieve its aim. To establish relations with the community, we have to do good behaviour with the people and provides its services.

Related Questions



a, b, and c
the last one isn’t an argument

What was one of Steinbeck's primary purposes for writing The Grapes of



Answer to the following question is as follows


The main goal of Steinback's novel The Grapes of Wrath is to demonstrate how one family's hardship is representative of many other farming families. He wrote it to show the terrible working and living conditions of California's migrant labourers in the 1930s.

The Grapes of Wrath author John Steinbeck stated that his objective was to "tear a reader's emotions to rags." Steinbeck hoped that readers would be able to experience the lives of the Dust Bowl immigrants with someone he had spent time.

Describe some of the challenges or obstacles you foresee as an online student and explain how you will set yourself up for success. REQUIRED: As you respond, specifically refer to at least three of the 7 Tips for Online Success you read about in the Unit 1 Challenge Activity article, “How Students Develop Online Learning Skills,” (Roper, 2007).




Studies of faculty adoption of instructional innovations and surveys of instructional practices in science and engineering have identified several factors that instructors often perceive as obstacles to using more research-based practices.

Time involved in learning about new strategies and redesigning courses Concerns about ensuring that students are taught important content Concerns about students’ reactions to an unfamiliar teaching method and the impact on student course evaluations Concerns that a different strategy will not work as well, especially if it impacts tenure     Departmental norms about teaching methods and other expectations Class size and classroom facilities Course scheduling issues

Although some of these factors are more myth than reality, several can present genuine challenges. Henderson, Dancy, and Niewiadomska-Bugaj (2012) suggest that about one-third of the faculty who try at least one research-based strategy abandon their reform efforts, often when they are confronted with implementation challenges, such as student complaints, concerns about losing important content, or weaker than expected student outcomes. In addition, faculty members frequently modify a research-based strategy to suit their needs—a reasonable reaction, but one that can compromise effectiveness if the modifications omit elements that are critical to the strategy’s success.

I hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

correct an error in the sentence: Tell me why did you do that?​



Tell me, why did you do that?​


You would need to include a comma between "me" and "why", as the sentence would focus on the phrase "Tell me why" rather than "why did you".

Read the following sentence, using what you know about context clues to identify the meaning of the word quandary?

Risa complained that she was in quite a quandary, and I had to admit I didn’t know how she would get out of this predicament.

What type of context clue helps you understand the meaning of quandary?
A) restating the word's meaning
B) example



A)  restatement of the meaning


What is the subject of the following sentence? “Please, stay a little longer."
A. The subject is implied
B. little
C. please
D. stay



A. The subject is implied.

The subject of the provided sentence is already implied from it.

Option A is correct.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is composed of words and grammatical devices. It could be written in singular or plural form.  

The subject is referring to an individual or a thing in reference to which a statement is being made. It could also be the phrase or a word that has an influence over the verb used. It could be singular or plural where the former referring to a singular sense whereas later referring to a plural sense indicated by letter 's' or letter 'es' at the end of words. It uses the verbs in the same sense in accordance with the subject. According to the sentence, it has been assumed that the subject is implied as the provided statement gives a signification of a subject who can be male or female.

Therefore, the explanation written in option A is correct.

Learn more about the subject in the related link:


Read the passage.

The salaries of athletes who take part in professional sports are well earned and well deserved. These athletes benefit more than just fans like me. In a recent survey, 92 percent of children stated that they viewed at least one athlete as a role model; 75 percent go on to state that they learn about fair play and sportsmanship from professional athletes. While not all athletes exhibit sportsmanship, most kids focus on athletes with admirable traits, since 76 percent of children surveyed agree that it is never okay to taunt an opponent.

Which statement best evaluates the evidence used in this argument?

The author presents empirical evidence, then uses logical evidence to highlight the connection between the data and the claim.
The author focuses on logical evidence, then uses anecdotal evidence to share children’s viewpoints.
The author uses primarily anecdotal evidence, as a fan of professional athletes to provide support.
The author employs empirical, logical, and anecdotal evidence equally to support the claim with data, common sense, and a short narrative.





took the test

The author presents empirical evidence, then uses logical evidence to highlight the connection between the data and the claim. this statement best evaluates the evidence used in this argument. Hence option A is correct.

what is Author ?

A writer of a book, essay, play, or other written piece is referred to as an author. A more general definition of the term "author" is as follows:

Authorship establishes accountability for what was made and is defined as "the person who originated or gave existence to anything."

The person who developed the work, or the author, is often the original owner of a copyright. Joint authorship occurs when more than one individual contributed to the work. Different nations have different copyright laws. For instance, according to the United States Copyright Office, copyright is "a form of protection provided by United States laws (title 17, U.S. Code) to authors of 'original works of authorship'."

A person who holds the title "author" over "literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, [or] certain other intellectual works" is granted rights as the owner of the copyright, including the only right to participate in or provide permission for the production or distribution of their work. Anyone who want to use intellectual property that is protected by copyright must first obtain permission from the copyright holder. They will frequently be required to pay a fee for using copyrighted information.

Intellectual property's copyrights lapse after a predetermined period of time. It becomes part of the public domain and is available for unrestricted usage Many states have copyright laws, largely imitating those in the United States, where the entertainment and publishing sectors have considerable lobbying influence.

To know more Author :


What is the central idea of this poem?


The nature situation of a man (both male and female)

A summary of the issue, Briefly.what are the key facts of the case study​



Common problems in case study analysis

Identify the real problem, focusing on describing the case study situation and missing the underlying issues.

Separate the strategic management issues form the operational issues.

Identify for whom the issue is a problem.

Examine possible alternatives.


A summary of the issue the key facts of the case study​:

Identify the important facts surrounding the case. Read the case several times to familiarize yourself with the information contained in the case. Identify the main problem. Provides an alternative approach.Evaluate each course of action.Recommend the best course of action.

Learn more :

I believe mobile phones __________ change the way we live


ANSWER: I believe mobile phones [Can Definitely] change the way we live

Hassan says he must drink alcohol to calm his nerves. Brittany says being late for work every morning puts her in a better mood. Who is displaying the defense mechanism of rationalization?

a. Both Hassan and Brittany
b. Neither Hassan nor Brittany
c. Brittany
d. Hassan


Hassan is more rational since alcohol acts as a pacifier for him to cope with his problem, therefore his excuse makes more sense. Being late for work would not put anyone in a better mood, and it shouldn't, for it risks getting one fired from the job.

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love you should not say, ‘God is in my heart,’ but rather, ‘I am in the heart of God.’5 And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.10 To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;15 To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

1.Which of these responses is MOST supported by details in this poem?
A) Gibran focuses on the dangers of love.
B) Gibran is describing the ways we can control love.
C) Gibran stresses that love is more powerful than we are.
D) Gibran shows the need for more self-assertion in matters of love.



D) Gibran shows the need for more self-assertion in matters of love.




The Poem emphasizes the nature of character of love as powerful. it's inevitable, and tender and at some point, the pains it inflect when not handled appropriately. it centers on the power of love that none can control or restrain

Which is a theme in the story “Two Friends”? Gradpoint


if the story you said is of friend is about friends and the bear then the moral may be...

A friend in need is only a friend indded.


Intelligence and patience always saves you............

The main theme of the story is 'friendship'.

Read this passage from a rhetorical text.

The backyard of a city apartment building is not the first place one might expect to find a chicken coop, but so-called "urban farming” has caught on in recent years as people embrace the benefits of eating local. However, raising backyard chickens can be a significant health risk for the surrounding community. Cities need to relearn the lessons of the early 20th century and ban the raising of chickens in urban settings.

What rhetorical element does the passage most clearly show?

a call to action
a counterargument
a claim



C. A counterargument


The rhetorical element that the passage most clearly shows is a claim. The correct option is d.

What is a rhetorical device?

A rhetorical device is typically defined as a technique or word construction that a speaker or writer uses to win an audience to their side, either while trying to persuade them to do something or trying to win an argument.

The majority of rhetorical devices have names that come from Greek or Latin. While the concept of public speaking developed early around the world, much of what we know about the art of public speaking comes to English speakers from the ancient Greeks. The Greeks cultivated the art of rhetoric and many great philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, thoroughly studied it. The ancient Romans greatly valued rhetoric as well and they continued to build on the Greek rhetorical traditions that came before them.

Rhetorical devices are effective tools that any writer or speaker can use to make their words more impactful to an audience.

Learn more about rhetorical, here:


How is coal extracted from mountaintop removal mines?
Dynamite is used to create underground tunnels where miners go to extract the coal.
Dynamite is used to break apart rocks and then draglines are used to remove the broken rock and reach the coal.
Coal in mountaintops is extracted by digging strips in the landscape to reach the coal.
Placer deposits in mountain river bottoms are removed by sifting through sediment​


Answer: Dynamite is used to break apart rocks and then draglines are used to remove the broken rock and reach the coal.


Mountaintop removal is also referred to as valley fill and this is a mining practice whereby mountain tops are removed, which then exposes seams of coal. In order to achieve this, about give hundred feet or more of the summit if the mountain can be removed in order to get the seams of coal.

Coal is extracted from mountaintop removal mines when dynamite is used to break apart rocks and then draglines are used to remove the broken rock and reach the coal. When this is done, then the earth from the top of the mountain will then be dumped in neighboring valleys.

Answer: B

Explanation: correct on edge

PLEASE help ASAP anyone ????????



I think Q5 is b and Q6 is Literal


I'm 100% on Q6

50 50 on Q5

Which of the following is a scored activity?
Unit overview


A scored activity, when completed, will give a final score to the learner. This score thus becomes a key element of the activity success or not, so reading is not a scored activity, i think

I need help let me know if it’s a statement or not
I have so many trophies
Please give me 6 statements that are meaningful for example the sky is blue
Everyone please list 6 statements that are meaningful



i need the points


In colonial times why were parents willing to have their young sons become apprentices


Answer: The ideal age for an apprenticeship might be considered fourteen, so that a full seven-year apprenticeship could be served by age twenty-one, but this was seldom the actual practice.


The shorter apprenticeships common in the American colonies were achieved by starting at a later age

pls help me Im beggın you​



1. wierd

2. fashion conscious

3. contemporary

5. appeal to

6. outdated

fecund most opposite meaning



She couldn’t get into the house because sheAnswer (forget) his keys.



she couldn't get into the house because she forgot her keys

What part of speech is the word quickly acting as in the above sentence?



Could you give me the above sentence?



He sometimes writes to me. (negative)​



He does not always write to me.


In case of transformation of sentences, if there is the word "sometimes " we eplace it with "not always"

What type of irony is shown in the following paragraph? “The rookie wide receiver has been the star of the team, leading the league in touchdowns, yet no one knew the wide receiver very well. No one talked to the wide receiver. No one knew where the wide receiver came from. No one knew about the ponytail the wide receiver had hidden in the helmet. No one knew Lucy Parker was the wide receiver’s real name. And no one could ever know. Women were not allowed to play, but Lucy was determined to show them that she had every right to play."


The Irony which best describes the paragraph is Dramatic Irony.

Dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows something the characters don't.

In the excerpt, neither the team nor the audience knew that the Wide Receiver was Lucy Parker.

She had concealed her identity because she is female, and women were prohibited from playing American Football.

Other forms of irony are:

a) Definition Irony. This occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected and what happens. This almost looks like it. However, the other side of expectation is occurrence. When something occurs it is most likely in the know of the people involved. Recall that no one on the team knows that Lucy is a woman yet. hence this answer cannot fly.

b) Situational irony. This is almost like the Definition of Irony. In this case, however, there is no expectation. Only a sudden occurrence of an event that was not expected to happen. If the team discovers that after winning the league that it was because of Lucy that they won, then a situational irony would have occurred. Remember,

Definition Irony is when Expectation is not equal to the occurrence.Situational Irony is when there is no pre-expectation of the event that happened.

c) Verbal Irony. This is the easiest to grasp. It is used when exactly the opposite of what actually exists is spoken of. For example, John Cena is not a wrestler. Or it snows in summer.

For more details about dramatic irony please see the following link:



Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in your School or the top 1 in your class. How will you show humility to others? What is the importance of being humble?​



you show humility by making your class realize how important and amazing they're by leading them through appropriate leadership and teamwork and not extreme levels of supremacy.

staying humble is intensively important because you get to build strong and healthy bonds with the people around you. you also get to win their trust and loyalty, promoting peace and unity.


I will give brainlest



The answer is thus or so

It so. Because it shown in the sentence

Click to read the passage from Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside, by
Edward Abbey. Then answer the question.
Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A. Startled
B. Sad
O C. Sarcastic
O D. Cheerful


Based on the details given in the except by Edward Abbey, the tone can be best described as C. Sarcastic.

What is the tone of this excerpt?

Edward Abbey talks about how the wealthy in society should build roads and boats to get to places that they can walk to.

He therefore uses sarcasm to point out that there is no need to destroy nature to suit the whims of a few.

Find out more on Edward Abbey at


Putting patriotism ahead of pocketbooks





A plot that functions separately from the primary plot is called a ____________.

multiple plot line


main plot

side plot


A subplot is a secondary plot that adds complications to or puts obstacles in the way of the main characters
Other Questions
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