Trình bày phép biến đổi tịnh tiến và quay quanh trục tọa độ? Hãy xác định ma trận chuyển đổi của các phép biến đổi sau :
H = trans(3,7,2). Rot(x,30).Rot(z,45)


Answer 1


Explanation: she she

Related Questions

Think about that the C, B and S parameters of a Cache. Think about what happens to compulsory, capacity, conflict misses, if only each of the following parameter changed (the other two are kept the same)?
(i) C is increased (S, B same)
(ii) S is increased (C, B Same)
(iii) B is increased (C, S Same)



(i) C is increased (S, B same)


Cache are items which are stored in the computer at a hidden place. These are sometimes unwanted and they may hinder the speed and performance of the device. They exist to bridge speed gap.

How are dates and times stored by Excel?​



Regardless of how you have formatted a cell to display a date or time, Excel always internally stores dates And times the same way. Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd. tttttt


mark me as BRAINLIEST

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100 %sure

Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General. Note: apparently, 42544 days after January 0, 1900 is the same as June 23, 2016

Write a method that prints on the screen a message stating whether 2 circles touch each other, do not touch each other or intersect. The method accepts the coordinates of the center of the first circle and its radius, and the coordinates of the center of the second circle and its radius.

The header of the method is as follows:

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2)


Distance between centers C1 and C2 is calculated as follows:
d = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2).

There are three conditions that arise:

1. If d == r1 + r2
Circles touch each other.
2. If d > r1 + r2
Circles do not touch each other.
3. If d < r1 + r2
Circles intersect.



The method is as follows:

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2){

    double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2),2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2),2));

    if(d == r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles touch each other");     }

    else if(d > r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles do not touch each other");     }


        System.out.print("The circles intersect");     }



This defines the method

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2){

This calculate the distance

    double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2),2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2),2));

If the distance equals the sum of both radii, then the circles touch one another

    if(d == r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles touch each other");     }

If the distance is greater than the sum of both radii, then the circles do not touch one another

   else if(d > r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles do not touch each other");     }

If the distance is less than the sum of both radii, then the circles intersect


        System.out.print("The circles intersect");     }


What type of editor is used to edit HTML code?What type of editor is used to edit HTML code?


For learning HTML we recommend a simple text editor like Notepad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac).

mark me brainliestt :))


If you want to use HTML editor in windows, you can use notepad. And if you want to use HTML editor on your phone than you need to install any editor on your phone.


If you want to use another app than notepad in pc, laptop, mac, OS or Linux, you can download a editor known as Visual Studio Code. If you want to do another language you can also do it in it. You can do all programming languages in it.

Given two regular expressions r1 and r2, construct a decision procedure to determine whether the language of r1 is contained in the language r2; that is, the language of r1 is a subset of the language of r2.



Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.


An algorithm must be guaranteed to halt after a finite number of steps.

Each step of the algorithm must be well specified (deterministic rather than non-deterministic).

Three basic problems:

Given an FA M and an input x, does M accept x?

Is x in L(M)

Given an FA M, is there a string that it accepts?

Is L(M) the empty set?

Given an FA M, is L(M) finite?

Algorithm for determining if M accepts x.

Simply execute M on x.

Output yes if we end up at an accepting state.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

This algorithm is also clearly correct.

Testing if L(M) is empty.

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if all strings are rejected.

The "algorithm" is well specified, and it is also clearly correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine; you must think in this fashion to solve the problems we will ask.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between 0 and n-1 where M has n states.

Output no if and only if all strings are rejected.

Otherwise output yes.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts any strings, it must accept one of length at most n-1.

Suppose this is not true; that is, L(M) is not empty but the shortest string accepted by M has a length of at least n.

Let x be the shortest string accepted by M where |x| > n-1.

Using the Pumping Lemma, we know that there must be a "loop" in x which can be pumped 0 times to create a shorter string in L.

This is a contradiction and the result follows.

COMMENT: There are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

Testing if L(M) is finite

Incorrect "Algorithm"

Simulate M on all strings x.

Output yes if and only if there are a finite number of yes answers.

This "algorithm" is well specified and correct.

However, this is not an algorithm because there are an infinite number of strings to simulate M on, and thus it is not guaranteed to halt in a finite amount of time.

COMMENT: Note we again use the algorithm for the first problem as a subroutine.

Correct Algorithm

Simulate M on all strings of length between n and 2n-1 where M has n states.

Output yes if and only if no string is accepted.

Otherwise output no.

This algorithm clearly halts after a finite number of steps, and it is well specified.

The correctness of the algorithm follows from the fact that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, it must accept one of length between n and 2n-1.

This builds on the idea that if M accepts an infinite number of strings, there must be a "loop" that can be pumped.

This loop must have length at most n.

When we pump it 0 times, we have a string of length less than n.

When we pump it once, we increase the length of the string by at most n so we cannot exceed 2n-1. The problem is we might not exceed n-1 yet.

The key is we can keep pumping it and at some point, its length must exceed n-1, and in the step it does, it cannot jump past 2n-1 since the size of the loop is at most n.

 This proof is not totally correct, but it captures the key idea.

COMMENT: There again are more efficient algorithms, but we won't get into that.

   Other problems we can solve using these basic algorithms (and other algorithms we've seen earlier this chapter) as subroutines.

       COMMENT: many of these algorithms depend on your understanding of basic set operations such as set complement, set difference, set union, etc.

Given a regular expression r, is Lr finite?

Convert r to an equivalent FA M.

COMMENT: note we use the two algorithms for converting a regular expression to an NFA and then an NFA to an FA.

Test if L(M) is finite.

Output the answer to the above test.

Given two FAs M1 and M2, is L(M1) = L(M2)?

Construct FA M1-2 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M1) - L(>M2).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M1-2) is empty.

Construct FA M2-1 from M1 and M2 which recognizes the language L(>M2) - L(>M1).

COMMENT: note we use the algorithm that is instrumental in proving that regular languages are closed with respect to the set difference operator.

Test if L(M2-1) is empty.

Answer yes if and only if both answers were yes.

Reverse Word Order: Write a program that reverses the order of the words in a given sentence. This program requires reversing the order of the words wherein the first and last words are swapped, followed by swapping the second word with the second to last word, followed by swapping the third word and the third to last words, and so on.



function reverseArray(arr) {

   if (arr.length > 1) {

      arr = [arr[arr.length-1], ...reverseArray(arr.slice(1, -1)), arr[0]]


   return arr;


function reverseSentence(sentence) {

   let words = reverseArray( sentence.split(" ") );

   return words.join(" ");


console.log( reverseSentence("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two three") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two") );

console.log( reverseSentence("Single") );


This is a solution in javascript leveraging several powerful constructs in that language, such as the spread operator.

What is the name given to software that decodes information from a digital file so that a media player can display the file? hard drive plug-in flash player MP3





A Plug-in is a software that provides additional functionalities to existing programs. The need for them stems from the fact that users might want additional features or functions that were not available in the original program. Digital audio, video, and web browsers use plug-ins to update the already existing programs or to display audio/video through a media file. Plug-ins save the users of the stress of having to wait till a new product with the functionality that they want is produced.


B plug-in



Read integers from input and store each integer into a vector until -1 is read. Do not store -1 into the vector. Then, output all values in the vector (except the last value) with the last value in the vector subtracted from each value. Output each value on a new line. Ex: If the input is -46 66 76 9 -1, the output is:



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main(){

vector<int> nums;

int num;


while(num != -1){


 cin>>num; }  

for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){

    cout << *i <<endl; }

return 0;



This declares the vector

vector<int> nums;

This declares an integer variable for each input

int num;

This gets the first input


This loop is repeated until user enters -1

while(num != -1){

Saves user input into the vector


Get another input from the user

 cin>>num; }

The following iteration print the vector elements

for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){

    cout << *i <<endl; }

Given the following tree, use the hill climbing procedure to climb up the tree. Use your suggested solutions to problems if encountered. K is the goal state and numbers written on each node is the estimate of remaining distance to the goal.


I see that using the hill climbing procedure to climb up a tree

Explain why it is important for you to build proficiency with Microsoft Word.



Listing proficiency in Microsoft helps push your resume through applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office programs can also increase your earning potential.

Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Additionally, having more in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications can boost your earning potential.

What is Microsoft skills?

Your proficiency and expertise with the Microsoft Office family of software products are collectively referred to as Microsoft Office skills.

Although MS Office has many various programs, employers may frequently assess your proficiency with some of the most widely used ones, such as MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word.

The most popular business productivity software globally is Microsoft Office.

Therefore, Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review.

Learn more about Microsoft, here:


pleeeese help me for these questions


1 Account

2 online

3 access

4 password

5 internet

6 email

computer is an ............. machine because once a task is intitated computer proceeds on its own t ill its completion.​



I think digital,versatile

computer is an electronic digital versatile machine because once a task is initiated computer proceeds on its own till its completation.

Your IaaS cloud company has announced that there will be a brief outage for regularly scheduled maintenance over the weekend to apply a critical hotfix to vital infrastructure. What are the systems they may be applying patches to


Answer: Load Balancer




The systems that they may be applying the patches to include load balancer, hypervisor and router.

The load balancer will help in the distribution of a set of tasks over the resources, in order to boost efficiency with regards to processing.

A hypervisor is used for the creation and the running of virtual machines. The router helps in the connection of the computers and the other devices to the Internet.

The compound known as butylated hydroxytoluene, abbreviated as BHT, contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A 1.501 g sample of BHT was combusted in an oxygen rich environment to produce 4.497 g of CO2(g) and 1.473 g of H2O(g). Insert subscripts below to appropriately display the empirical formula of BHT.





n(C) = 4.497 g/44g/mol = 0.1022

Mass of C = 0.1022 × 12 = 1.226 g

n(H) = 1.473g/18 g/mol = 0.0823 ×2 moles = 0.165 moles

Mass of H = 0.0823 × 2 ×1 = 0.165g

Mass of O= 1.501 -(1.226 + 0.165)

Mass of O= 0.11 g

Number of moles of O = 0.11g/16g/mol = 0.0069 moles

Dividing through by the lowest ratio;

0.1022/0.0069, 0.165/0.0069, 0.0069/0.0069

15, 24, 1

Hence the formula is;



The formula is C1SH240

How does a distributed operating system work?



A distributed operating system is system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and physically separate computational nodes. They handle jobs which are serviced by multiple CPUs. Each individual node holds a specific software subset of the global aggregate operating system.

These systems run on a server and provide the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions.

plz mark it as brainliest


Explanation:A distributed operating system is system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and physically separate computational nodes. They handle jobs which are serviced by multiple CPUs. Each individual node holds a specific software subset of the global aggregate operating system.

which one is exit controllefd loop ?
1.while loop
2. for loop
3. do loop
4. none



2 is the ans


bye bye, gonna go to studyy

the grade point average collected from a random sample of 150 students. assume that the population standard deviation is 0.78. find the margin of error if c = 0.98.



[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]



[tex]n = 150[/tex]

[tex]\sigma = 0.78[/tex]

[tex]c = 0.98[/tex]


The margin of error (E)

This is calculated as:

[tex]E = z * \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

When confidence level = 0.98 i.e. 98%

The z score is: 2.326

So, we have:

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{\sqrt{150}}[/tex]

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{2.326 *0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{1.81428}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = 0.1481[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]

Functions should contain only the code that performs a single task.
O True
O False





function should contain more codes

In this project you will write a set of instructions (algorithm). The two grids below have colored boxes in different
locations. You will create instructions to move the colored boxes in grid one to their final location in grid two. Use the
example to help you. The algorithm that you will write should be in everyday language
(no pseudocode or programming language). Write your instructions at the bottom of the
Example: 1. Move
the orange box 2
spaces to the right.
2. Move the green
box one space
down. 3. Move the
green box two
spaces to the left.
Write your instructions. Review the rubric to check your final work.
Rules: All 6 colors (red, green, yellow, pink, blue, purple) must be move to their new location on the grid. Block spaces are
barriers. You cannot move through them or on them – you must move around them




Pink: Down 5 then left 2.

Yellow: Left 3 and down 2.

Green: Right 7, down 4 and left 1.

Purple: Up 6 and left 9.

Red: Left 7, down 5 and left 1.

You can do the last one, blue :)



u=up, d=down, r=right, l=left

yellow: l3d2

pink: d5l2

green: r7d4l1

purple: u6l9

red: l7d5l1

blue: r2u7l5

A good CRM should Integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here, we just have a statement.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, the answer is "true."

It is true that a good CRM should integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.

The reason is that effective investment in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) should be able to operate efficientñy with these management aspects in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the company.

A good CRM has to facilitate the operations of a company, improving time management and people's activities that can produce better results accomplishing the companies goals and fulfilling the key performing indicators (KPI)

Write a c++ program to find;
(I). the perimeter of rectangle.
(ii). the circumference of a circle.

(1). all the programs must allow the user to make his input .
(2).both programs must have both comment using the single line comment or the multiple line comment to give description to both programs.​




{ \tt{perimeter = 2(l + w)}}


{ \tt{circumference = 2\pi \: r}}

Just input the codes in the notepad

3. It is used to measure the resistance on ohms and voltage that flow in circuit both AC and DC current. A. Gadget C. Electrical tape B. Voltage D. Multi-tester VOM​



the answer is D. Multi -tester VOM

It is used to measure the resistance on ohms and voltage that flow in the circuit both AC and DC current is D. Multi-tester VOM​.

What does an ammeter degree?

Ammeter, tool for measuring both direct or alternating electric powered modern, in amperes. An ammeter can degree an extensive variety of modern values due to the fact at excessive values most effective a small part of the modern is directed thru the meter mechanism; a shunt in parallel with the meter consists of the main portion. ammeter.

A multimeter or a multitester additionally referred to as a volt/ohm meter or VOM, is a digital measuring tool that mixes numerous size capabilities in a single unit. A traditional multimeter can also additionally encompass capabilities consisting of the capacity to degree voltage, modern and resistance.

Reda more about the Voltage:


Write the algorithm for finding the perimeter of a rectangle using English like form step by step


L+L+W+W= Permiter
Or Lenght+Lenght+Width+Width= Perimeter
That’s all just add all the 4 sides

Viết chương trình kiểm tra số nguyên dương N có phải là số nguyên tố không?


Could you say that in English please? I can try helping

A technician is able to connect to a web however, the technician receives the error, when alternating to access a different web Page cannot be displayed. Which command line tools would be BEST to identify the root cause of the connection problem?





Nslookup command is considered as one of the most popular command-line software for a Domain Name System probing. It is a network administration command-line tool that is available for the operating systems of many computer. It is mainly used for troubleshooting the DNS problems.

Thus, in the context, the technician receives the error "Web page cannot be displayed" when he alternates to access different web page, the nslookup command is the best command tool to find the root cause of the connection problem.

HELP ITS A TESTTT!!!Which symbol shows auto correct is in use?

A-a white light bulb
B-A green plus sign
C-A flashing red circle
D-A yellow lightning bolt


After careful consideration the answer to this problem looks to be D




The following pseudocode describes how a widget company computes the price of an order from the total price and the number of the widgets that were ordered. Read the number of widgets. Multiple the number of widgets by the price per widget of 9.99. Compute the tax (5.5 percent of the total price). Compute the shipping charge (.40 per widget). The price of the order is the sum of the total widget price, the tax, and the shipping charge. Print the price of the order



The program in Python is as follows:

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

price = widget * 9.9

tax = price * 0.55

ship = price * 0.40

totalprice = price + tax + ship

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)


The question is incomplete, as what is required is not stated.

However, I will write convert the pseudocode to a programming language (in Python)

Get the number of widgets

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

Calculate price

price = widget * 9.9

Calculate the tax

tax = price * 0.55

Calculate the shipping price

ship = price * 0.40

Calculate the total price

totalprice = price + tax + ship

Print the calculated total price

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)

The _________ attack exploits the common use of a modular exponentiation algorithm in RSA encryption and decryption, but can be adapted to work with any implementation that does not run in fixed time.
A. mathematical.
B. timing.
C. chosen ciphertext.
D. brute-force.



chosen ciphertext


Chosen ciphertext attack is a scenario in which the attacker has the ability to choose ciphertexts C i and to view their corresponding decryptions – plaintexts P i . It is essentially the same scenario as a chosen plaintext attack but applied to a decryption function, instead of the encryption function.

Cyber attack usually associated with obtaining decryption keys that do not run in fixed time is called the chosen ciphertext attack.

Theae kind of attack is usually performed through gathering of decryption codes or key which are associated to certain cipher texts

The attacker would then use the gathered patterns and information to obtain the decryption key to the selected or chosen ciphertext.

Hence, chosen ciphertext attempts the use of modular exponentiation.

Learn more :

Examine the following output:
4 22 ms 21 ms 22 ms []
5 39 ms 39 ms 65 ms []
6 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms []
7 40 ms 39 ms 46 ms []
8 75 ms 117 ms 63 ms []
Which command produced this output?
a. tracert
b. ping
c. nslookup
d. netstat



a. tracert


Tracert is a computer network diagnostic demand which displays possible routes for internet protocol network. It also measures transit delays of packets across network. The given output is produced by a tracert command.

While saving a document to her hard drive, Connie's computer screen suddenly changed to display an error message on a blue background. The error code indicated that there was a problem with her computer's RAM. Connie's computer is affected by a(n) __________.



The right answer is "Hardware crash".


According to the runtime error message, this same RAM on your machine was problematic. This excludes file interoperability or compliance problems as well as program error possibilities.Assuming implementation performance problems exist, the timeframe that would save the information would be typically longer, but there's still a lower possibility that the adequacy and effectiveness color will become blue but instead demonstrate warning would appear.

Thus the above is the right solution.

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