Tu fiesta de cumpleaños es el domingo. Hay 30 amigos y amigas en la fiesta. Tu mamá decide « decides » donde quieres la fiesta en la casa.
Mamá: ¿Dónde quieres la fiesta en la casa?
En el garaje, hay ventanas y una puerta grande.
O En el garaje, hay clósets y una puerta pequeña.
O En el dormitorio, hay ventanas y cortinas.
En el dormitorio, hay una puerta grande.

Tu Fiesta De Cumpleaos Es El Domingo. Hay 30 Amigos Y Amigas En La Fiesta. Tu Mam Decide Decides Donde


Answer 1


en el garaje, hay ventanas y una puerta grande.


Answer 2


En el garaje, hay ventanas y una puerta grande.


Related Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb in the present tense.
Yo les
la comida.
O A. traigo
B. trae
O C. trajo
D. traiga


traigo is the answer
Yo kea traigo la comida

16. Provide the five Spanish Present Indicative tense conjugations of the verb Ser (to be). List only your answers for the persons indicated below: 1-First person singular 2-Second person singular 3-Third person singular 4-First person plural 5-Third person plural​


1- Soy
2- Eres
3- Es
4- Somos
5- Son
Soy Eres EsSomos Son

Recordemos que el verbo ser es un verbo irregular.


mang miguel is a simple and popular draftsman in their hometown if plans to make his own house design what technical drafting safety procedures will he follow?​



si, miguel es muy popular es el de la pelicula de coco, tocaba guitarra y la wea


Translate in Spanish
I wake up at 6:00 am and call my grandma to wake her up. Then I get ready for school. It is 6:02, I get in the shower and wash up. It is 6:14 and I got out of the shower and got dressed. At 6:17, I finished getting dressed; I



Me despierto a las 6:00 am y llamo a mi abuela para que la despierte. Luego me preparo para la escuela. Son las 6:02, me meto en la ducha y me lavo. Son las 6:14 y salí de la ducha y me vestí. A las 6:17, terminé de vestirme; I0


Me despierto a las 6:00 am y llamo a mi abuela para que la despierte. Luego me preparo para la escuela. Son las 6:02, me meto en la ducha y me lavo. Son las 6:14 y salí de la ducha y me vestí. A las 6:17, terminé de vestirme; I

(a) 11110101 - 10110101​



es igual a 9


por favor dra corazón

¿Cuales son los recursos gráficos del catálogo?




Diseños gráficos





Fill in the blank in the dialogue with the appropriate double object pronoun.
Camarero, ¿me trae la cuenta, por favor?
Sí, ahora traigo.
A. te la
B. nos la
C. se la
D. me le


The answer is Se la traigo

Match each sentence with the appropriate description that matches the words in bold.

Elena, mi pobre amiga, no puede encontrar su gatito. A) una amiga sin esperanza
Anita, mi amiga pobre, perdió su trabajo y necesita ayuda. B) una amiga sin dinero
Los azulejos árabes tienen un patrón raro y distinto. C) un patrón extraño
Los diseñadores hicieron un raro patrón con las baldosas en la casa. D) un patrón único




Elena, mi pobre amiga, no puede encontrar su gatito.

A) una amiga sin esperanza

Anita, mi amiga pobre, perdió su trabajo y necesita ayuda.

B) una amiga sin dinero

Los azulejos árabes tienen un patrón raro y distinto.

C) un patrón extraño

Los diseñadores hicieron un raro patrón con las baldosas en la casa.

D) un patrón único

Manuel delega las responsabilidades a los voluntarios en el hogar de ancianos.

Which pronoun would you use to replace the indirect object in the sentence above? (1 point)

Select one:
a. La
b. Lo
c. Les
d. Los


It would be LA
Letter A
I think it’s La to be honest

¿Qué hará Nancy en Panamá?

She will swim all week.
She will go on a tour of Panama.
She will go shopping.
She will translate at a conference.



Its D

She will translate at a conference

took test







um ok


I don't really understand what ur saying besides the fact that ur name is Tami and ur 11 years old

Answer: está bien, solo haz una pregunta y trataremos de responder (esto fue traducido)

Explanation: for everyone else he is saying he lost his count and called him he was 11 years old

Help me fix this please!



3-9 | Los fines de semana Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs
in parentheses.
1. La profesora no (tener) que trabajar los fines de semana.
2.Los estudiantes (hacer) fiestas.
3.Nosotros (conocer) a muchos amigos nuevos.
4.Yo (poner) música y bailo en mi casa.
5.¡Pero yo no (saber) bailar bien!
6.Mi primo (salir) con sus amigos todos los sábados.
7.Típicamente yo (estar) en la biblioteca por las tardes.
8.A veces yo (ver) a mis padres los domingos.
9. Yo (traer) mi cámara digital para sacar fotos del gato. ¡Es muy simpático!
10. Y tú, ¿qué (hacer)?



1. tiene












1 tiene

2 hacen

3 conocemos

4 pongo

5 se

6 sale

7 estoy

8 veo

9 traigo

10 haces

Help me answer these questions please!


1)Antes yo barria a menudo la escalera de mi casa.

2)Antes mi hermano pequeño casi nunca apagaba la luz de su habitación.

3)Antes la ropa era más barata.

4)Antes mis amigas apenas iban al centro comercial.

5)Antes tú a veces quitabas el polvo de los muebles.

Bueno lo hice así porque lo entendí así,una disculpa si está mal.

4- ¿Cuáles eran las plataformas de consumos y reproducción musicales hace 20 años (año 2000)?. Compararlas con las actuales.

ayudaa es de musica



nose pero gracias por los puntos xd


Help answering statement


Disfruten Despedir Buscar Haga

Hay verbos infinitivo y un verbo subjuntivo entre otros.


Identifica en los textos publicitarios si el
tratamiento utilizado es formal o informal.



vivienda, tu empleo, tu emancipación; INFORMAL

Usted también puede ayudar a salvar una vida: FORMAL

Pon tu pieza:  INFORMAL

El nuevo mundo se descubre todos los días. ¡Descúbralo usted!: FORMAL


Any help is much appreciated!


1. Llegar
2. Ponerse
3. Decir
4. Explicar
5. Ser


1) llegaria

2) Pondria

3) Diria

4) Explicaria



a story ends with indeed it was the biggest lesson of my life?​



I wouldn't say that the bitter lesson from the that happened in my life was part of my destiny. In fact, I couldn't but remember this particular incident that later came to shape my life adversely. However hard I tried to forget the incident, its ugly memory always come to hunt me.

     I was the third child of a family of four where our lives were regulated by religious doctrines. My father was a clergyman, so we, his children were brought up in a strict and regimented home where things that could be tolerated by other families were forbidden. I grew up as a child in this family until I gained admission into a mission school in a neighbouring city and I had to leave home for a boarding secondary school. I had to live in a hostel and so for the first time, I had the opportunity of mixing with girls from various homes as my school was a girls' school.

     I still remembered the warning of my mother when she was about to leave me after assisting me in carrying my load into my hostel. Shade, you must not forget the home you came from. You must not disappoint your father and me. Be guided by all the religions teachings you have been taught both at home and in the church." After saying these words, my mother with tears cascading down her cheeks, reluctantly entered into the car that brought me and the driver drove off.

     The warning of my mother echoed in my ear until I fell into the trap set for me by my friends, Susan and Jennifer. Before this time, I was highly regarded by my teachers and mates as a girl who would never want to come near anything that could tarnish her image. Most times, I kept to myself so as to avoid ugly incidences that could make me disappoint my parents. While some of my mates engaged in social activities like sneaking out of school to attend parties, I shunned such things.

     This good reputation of mine was one day tarnished by the bitter experience I had. One open day when we were permitted, as boarders, to visit town. Jennifer and Susan prevailed on me to accompany them to town on a visit to Jennifer's uncle who had just arrived the country from Britain. Jennifer was a native of the city but lived in the same hostel with me in school When we got to Jennifer's house. we were welcomed by three boys whom Jennifer said were her cousins. While we were waiting for Jennifer's uncle who we were told was resting upstairs, we were served drinks. This is what I could remembered until the second day when I woke up to find myself on a hospital bed in a hospital in the town. Unknown to me. Susan and Jennifer must have conspired with Jennifer's cousin to lace my drinks I was served with alcohol and sleeping pills so as to make it easy for me to be raped by her cousins. As I was told, I was indeed raped.

     The incident later became a scandal in my school and I was expelled in my final year. As if this was not enough, three months later, my parents discovered that I was pregnant. This incident traumatized my parent and I was disowned by my father. I had to flee to my uncle's house to have the baby.  

     The reality of this ugly incident now dawn on me. Saddled with a grown-up boy, no man is ready to marry me and my father died three years ago without forgiving me just I also find it difficult to forgive Susan and Jennifer despite their efforts to seek my forgiveness. I now go about with a heavy conscience with the fear that this may ruin my Christian life. But I learn a lesson that it is not good to trust anyone. I had to learn that lesson in a very hard way. Indeed, it was the biggest lesson of my life.


plz give me brainliest and have a nice day!

Lee y escoge la opción con el nombre correcto del movimiento artístico para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct artistic movement name to complete the sentence.

Lee y escoge la opción con el nombre correcto del movimiento artístico para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct artistic movement name to complete the sentence.

Los artistas del ________ eliminaron el color negro en favor de la luz para reflejar la luz de los objetos. Las obras capturaban una imagen de la realidad.






Where is the area in Chile where vegetables are produced?

Central part of the country
Southern part of the country
North part of the country
Western part of the country



Central part of the country


Central part of the country

verb in italics to the future tense..¿Viniste tú a la fiesta? ___________________





¿Irás tu a la fiesta?

Write the conjugation of each verb according to the subject given.

subir: Usted


I believe the conjugation is, subió

Help me answer these questions please!


1. I | yo
sweep | barrer
the stairs of my house | la escalera de mi casa
often | a menudo

2. mi hermano pequeno | my little brother
casi nunca | almost never
apagar | turns off
la luz de su habitacion | the light of his room

3. la ropa | the clothes
ser | to be
mas barata | more cheap

4. my friends | my amigas
barely | apenas
go | ir
to the mall | al centro comercial

5. you | tu
quitar | take off
the dust from the furniture | el polvo de los muebles
sometimes | a veces

I hope this helps you <3

Help with basic spanish.



2  Ellas también van

3 Juan también se afeita.


Write the conjugation of each verb according to the subject given.

correr: nosotros


I believe the conjugation is, corremos




that way it´s talking about "us" (nosotros) with the verb "correr"

where and when were your parents or other relative married​


If you need the translation here it is

Answer: dónde y cuándo se casaron tus padres u otro pariente



Mis padres se casaron en la iglesia de "La sagrada familia" en la Ciudad de México el día veintisiete de mayo de mil novecientos ochenta y dos.

Lee la frase, mira el verbo irregular en negrita y escoge la opción con ese verbo en la forma correcta del subjuntivo. Read the sentence, look at the irregular verb in bold type, and choose the option with that verb in the correct form of the subjunctive.

Mi abuelo insiste que nosotros dormimos en su cuarto mientras visitamos la casa.






Duermamos is the answer
durmamos, duermamos is not correctly written

¿Cierto o falso?
Indicate whether each statement is cierto (true) or falso (false). Remember that más means plus, menos means minus, and son means equols.
Sels más quince son veintiuno.
Dieciocho menos catorce son once.
Veinticinco menos doce son trece.
Siete más slete son cinco.
Treinta menos seis son veinticuatro.
Diez más nueve son veintiuno.


1. True
2. False
3. True
5. True
6. False



1.  Seis más quince son veintiuno. True

 6+15 = 21

2.  Dieciocho menos catorce son once. False

 18-14 ≠ 11

3.  Veinticinco menos doce son trece. True

  25-12 = 13

4.  Siete más siete son cinco. False

  7+7 ≠ 5

5.  Treinta menos seis son veinticuatro. True

  30-6 = 24

6.  Diez más nueve son veintiuno.  False

    10+9 ≠ 21

Note: The symbol ≠ means "is not equal to ..."

Queridos José Antonio y Amalia:

¿Cómo (1)___? Les escribo ahora porque hoy (2)___ lloviendo, y no vamos a ir a la playa. El hotel (3)___ muy bonito y (4) _____ en un pueblo muy tranquilo. Yo (5) ____muy contenta aquí. Ramiro y yo vamos a la playa todos los días, y después salimos a bailar. Sólo volvemos al hotel cuando (6)___ muy cansados.

El fin de semana que viene, Ramiro quiere visitar a su amigo Gerardo. Ellos estudiaron juntos (together) en secundaria (high school). Gerardo (7) ____periodista y ahora (8) ___ trabajando para la televisión. Su novia se llama Sara. Creo que los cuatro vamos a ir de excursión a una montaña que no (9) ___muy alta, porque yo todavía no (10)__ lista para escalar montañas altas.

Les escribo pronto. Un beso,




1. estan










Las conjugaciones empleadas en la carta son listadas a continuación:


En esta pregunta debemos completar esta carta con las conjugaciones correctas de verbos en español, cuya forma depende del pronombre asociado al sujeto de cada oración. En este caso se emplean conjugaciones en presente de los verbos ser y estar.

A continuación, presentamos la solución completa en cuestión:

Queridos José Antonio y Amalia:

¿Cómo (1) están? Les escribo ahora porque hoy (2)está lloviendo, y no vamos a ir a la playa. El hotel (3)es muy bonito y (4)está en un pueblo muy tranquilo. Yo (5)estoy muy contenta aquí. Ramiro y yo vamos a la playa todos los días, y después salimos a bailar. Sólo volvemos al hotel cuando (6)estamos muy cansados.

El fin de semana que viene, Ramiro quiere visitar a su amigo Gerardo. Ellos estudiaron juntos (together) en secundaria (high school). Gerardo (7)es periodista y ahora (8)está trabajando para la televisión. Su novia se llama Sara. Creo que los cuatro vamos a ir de excursión a una montaña que no (9)es muy alta, porque yo todavía no (10)estoy lista para escalar montañas altas.

Les escribo pronto. Un beso,


Para aprender más sobre verbos en español, invitamos cordialmente a ver esta pregunta verificada: https://brainly.com/question/11946336

Other Questions
Describe how and where viruses reproduce and the function of RNA and DNA in this process. Please answer base on the video. The question is in the image. have you ever help any disabled person?what did you do?write. Need answer asap. Which jar contains a mixture? A jar of solid carbon. A jar of carbon dioxide gas. A jar of liquid copper. A jar of copper and water. On a coordinate plane, rhombus W X Y Z is shown. Point W is at (7, 2), point X is at (5, negative 1), point Y is at (3, 2), and point Z is at (5, 5).What is the perimeter of rhombus WXYZ?StartRoot 13 EndRoot units12 unitsStartRoot 13 EndRoot units20 units Hi can i please get help on this question Find the volume of this sphere.Round to the nearest tenth.16 ftFormulas for Spheres[? ] ftEnter $ 485,000 $ 432,000 $Enter a dollar amount Enter percentages rounded to 0 decimal places % Inventory $ 786,000 $ 617,000 $Enter a dollar amount Enter percentages rounded to 0 decimal places % Total assets $3,111,000 $2,707,000 $Enter a dollar amount Enter percentages rounded to 0 decimal places % Which expression is equivalent to 3 square root of x^5*y Need an answer quick!!Lines A and B are parallelA123125B5 678m26 = [? ] A sample of 25 one-year-old girls had a mean weight of 24.1 pounds with a standard deviation of pounds. Assume that the population of weights is normally distributed. A pediatrician claims that the standard deviation of the weights of one-year-old girls is less than pounds. Do the data provide convincing evidence that the pediatrician's claim is true effects of drug in an individual, family and society SOMEONE HELP ASAP PLES NO EXPLANATOIN NEEDED PLS LEAVE UR ANSWER AS TEXT (SOME TIMES I CAN'T SEE IMAGES) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Complete the sentence with the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent. If students would like to be part of the class play,we should come to the drama room this afternoon.you should come to the drama room this afternoon.they should come to the drama room this afternoon.he or she should come to the drama room this afternoon. Please help! Which answer offers the best explanation for why Tecumseh fought alongside the British in the War of 1812? Tecumseh was well paid by British generals. Tecumseh wanted to preserve trade with Britain. Tecumseh considered the United States to be an enemy. Tecumseh felt his homeland was more secure with the United States. Morwenna, Inc. reports the following information for August: Sales Revenue $900,000 Variable Cost of Goods Sold 120,000 Fixed Cost of Goods Sold 60,000 Variable Selling and Administrative Costs 150,000 Fixed Selling and Administrative Costs 50,000 Calculate the operating income for August using absorption costing. When the E string of a guitar (frequency 330 Hz) is plucked, the sound intensity decreases by a factor of 2 after 4 s. Determine Each of the following factors affects the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) equation. Which are factors that a firm can control?A. Interest rates in the economy B. Tax rates C. The firm's dividend payout ratio D. The general level of stock prices A sealed vessel initially contains 100 g of chlorine gas and 90 g of hydrogen gas. The two gases undergo reaction to form HCl. Which of the following statements is true?a. 100 g HCl is producedb. 190 g HCl is producedc. less than 90 g HCl is producedd. between 100 and 190 g of HCl is produced Escoge la mejor respuesta, segn el contexto. Qu ___ en la television ahora? a. mires b. miraras c. ests mirando d. has mirado mention two institutions that can help to claim our right in Ghana