Uncovering strengths in adversity can be viewed in the following areas:
O Successful coping skills.
O Surviving family disruption
O Surviving violence
O All of the above


Answer 1


All of the above

Answer 2


All of the above


Successful coping skills, Surviving family disruption, and Surviving violence all are uncovering strengths in adversity.

Related Questions

'Every man has to lead for humanity as much as he/she can. Serving the people is helping the society and nation to grow up.' Justify the statement with examples​


If all the people in the world help each other the world can become a better place.

Karl listens to his colleague giving an overview of the store's new leave policy. What behavior can Carl show to show that he cares about what his colleague says? a) click with his finger on his knees b) confirm what is being said with the person next to him c) summarize what he heard at the end of the overview to his colleague d) say “yes, ok” repeatedly



C) Summarize what he heard at the end of the overview to his colleague.

Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off d) Complete his coworker's work for him


option b is best

snitching won't help

Chứng minh chương trình các môn học về tự nhiên và xã hội có cấu trúc đồng tâm và phát triển.




As a citizen born and living in Globalisation era, Present your thoughts about globalization and international trade in your own country?



Globalization refers to the global interconnection of people and corporations, which ultimately contribute to major cultural, political, and economic cooperation. It is the capacity to move and interact effortlessly with people from all over the world in order to conduct global business. Globalization also refers to the acceleration of social institutions and exchanges (of people, products and services, capital, technologies, and cultural practices). One of the consequences of globalization is that it encourages and expands interactions between different regions and communities around the world.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Forward reasons why national flag is regarded as national oride​




Because it represent the culture, people, values of a country. Therefore it represent the country and its pride

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about economic systems?


Answer: In a command economic system, the answers to the questions are determined by the interactions of buyers and sellers.


"We should be able to provide the appropriate materials by June of next
year" would be an example of a




We can classify the sentence shown above as a qualifier. That's because the term "qualifier," refers to a sentence (or a word, in some cases) that has the ability to attribute a characteristic, or a quality, an ability to something or someone.

In the sentence shown above, you can see that the speaker is assigning a characteristic to a group of people, when he informs you that this group will be able to provide suitable materials for a certain activity. This ability to provide adequate materials is what makes us realize that this sentence is an example of a qualifier.

More information in the link:


prepare a conversation about child trafficking including its cause and solution ​


Answer:eseos y capacidades de comunicación diferentes, aunque tengan la misma edad pueden presentar un desarrollo normal del lenguaje. ¿Sabes lo que necesitas saber para mantener una conversación con tu hijo? Conocer en profundidad el estilo comunicativo de cada niño es clave para establecer una fluida interacción que permita que el lenguaje emerja y aumente cada día más.  

Mucho más aún, se debe tener en cuenta este perfil, en aquellos casos en los cuales el inicio del lenguaje fue tardío, presenta desafíos en el desarrollo del lenguaje primarios (trastorno especifico del lenguaje) o secundarios (trastorno del espectro autista, déficit de atención e hiperactividad, trastornos cognitivos y sensoriales), ya que se necesitarán herramientas que se adapten especialmente para aumentar su lenguaje.espero ábrete ayud ado

Anna is terrified of riding the elevator. Whenever she gets near she feels hot and sweaty. She has taken to avoiding the elevator at all costs, even if it means a big walk up the stairs. Her avoidance of elevators has become habitual and she has even avoided going to meetings in buildings where she might have to ride in an elevator.

Is this an example of classical or operant conditioning?



This is an example of operant conditioning.


This development of fear and eventually a phobia of elevators in Anna is associated with operant conditioning.

Slate thru functions of stem.​




Support for and the elevation of leaves, flowers and fruits. ...

Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem(see below)

Storage of nutrients.

Production of new living tissue

solve this pls p uhuvu​



Nepal is a similar to garden were different types of flowers are grown. The fragrance of these flowers enchant the whole garden making and pleasant. Nepal is considered as beautiful garden because of its immense beauty . Nepal is comparable to a garden where divers types of flowers are grown. Nepal is a beautiful country which has rich culture and amazing history. There are 126 caste/ethnic groups reported in the census 2011.

I hope it will help.

Please make me as brilliant answer.


As we know Nepal is known as the garden of natural beauty.Here are many types of plants,trees,flowers etc. Here are many types of animals,birds etc.We can see huge huge himalayas and hills as well as terais. We can find different types of weather here such as very cold ,moderate,warn and very hot. We can find different types of medicine plants here. We can see different castes,religion and culture. Here are different types of history places such as temples,old styles houses etc. Here we can find different religion,caste, culture, humans,plants, trees, places so we can say 'Nepal is a beautiful garden.'

Trong các xí nghiệp không phải độc quyền, tại sao phần lớn các nhà tư bản công
nghiệp phải nhường một phần giá trị thặng dư cho nhà tư bản thương nghiệp để nhà
tư bản thương nghiệp thực hiện chức năng lưu thông?




During the 1960s and 1970s, controversy and debate erupted among social psychologists, much of which centered on the issue of.

A. The soul
B. Social justice
C. Funding for treatment
D. Laboratory experimentation


The answer is c just took it
The answer is c just because it is

which type of climate do you prefer to live in why give reason ​



Moderate climate.. more than a sunny day. Because it is very suitable to live in. No heavy rain, no heat and not very cold.

why does the country like Nepal need federalism? how does it help to address the diversity?​



Nepal is a geographically, culturally and ethnically diverse country so, people from all background can get equal respect, rights and opportunities.It will decentralize the power so people can exercise all the rights and services from their local area.


Federal System of government, I think, is actually not suitable for a small country like Nepal but as for now let us assume that it is important.

It will also reduce the stress and pressure on the central government as the state and local government will administer their respective areas.

Think of one behavior that used to be a considered legal/moral deviance in the past that today is more likely to be seen as a medical condition. Then, answer the following questions:

a. What is this behavior?
b. Who responded to this behavior (police, community, therapist, teacher...) in the past and who responds to it presently (you might want to do some online research on this if you don't know; just make sure to cite your source)?
c. How was this behavior dealt with in the past, and how is it dealt with in the present?



a. Sexism

b. Community responded to it in the past and then parents and teachers responded to it in the present

[Note: This is my own personal reasoning and not any online research]

1. Anh, Chị hãy trình bày những nội dung cốt lõi, những vấn đề mới trong văn kiện Đại hội XIII của Đảng


I dont know this answer please tell

Based on the demographic characteristics of Clinton and Trump voters, what predictions can you make about g



what is g?


The traditions may be different from family to family within the same community. How can you preserve your own traditions and deal with the people of other traditions?​


respecting every tradition as if it was your own. always keep in mind how they see their lives. and how you can learn from new experiences.

Jamila was raised in a different country from her coworkers, and she often finds their mannerisms unfamiliar. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful for Jamila as she deals with these confusing nonverbal behaviors?
a. Focus on body movements.
b. Consider the social situation.
c. Avoid highly expressive people.
d. Use chronemics.
e. Concentrate on touch behaviors.


The correct answer is B. Consider the social situation.


Mannerism is a facial gesture or body expression that conveys an implicit message and is characteristic of a specific region or area. Mannerisms are forms of communication through brief gestures. According to the above, Jamila can determine the mannerisms meanings of his companions by considering the social situation in which they used them because these gestures are usually complementary and the main message can be understood by analyzing the situation or context. So the correct answer is B.

Psychological characteristics of Thai tourists





Mention five benefits of rain forest



five benefits of rainforest are


1. they are home for millions of creatures

2.rainforest have a large a number of tall trees

If you were president and wanted to gather support for a new foreign policy initiative, which three U.S. foreign policy actors would you approach and why? What do you think is the most advantageous school of thought for the United States to follow in foreign policy in the future? Why? Respond to at least 2 other students' posts.


If I were president and I wanted to gather support for a new foreign policy initiative, the three U.S. foreign policy actors to approach will be:

the national security advisor.

• the secretary of state.

• the US trade representatives.

The most advantageous school of thought which the United States can follow is liberal internationalism. This is because it helps in the growing of a country thorough the fact that the country work with other countries such as foreign powers which help in their growth.

Read related question on:


55. Name three supranational organizations where the UK is a member.



UN Security Council, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Council of Europe.


what is creativity skill l?Explain with examples.​


Answer:Creativity skill is the ability to think about or a problem in a new or different way.

Creativity skill is the ability to think of tasks, situations or problems in new and different ways. It is also the ability to use your imagination to generate new ideas!

Who is the father of nation Nepal



king thribuwan shah dev


King Tribhuwan shah Dev


b) Cả hai phương thức giá trị thặng dư dều giảm giá trị của sức lao động là đúng hay sai



b) Cả hai phương thức giá trị thặng dư dều giảm giá trị của sức lao động là đúng hay sai


Cả hai phương thức giá trị thặng dư dều giảm giá trị của sức lao động là đúng hay sai

Most people in Dave's culture volunteer an hour every other week at a local food shelf. In addition to this, Dave also helps coordinate volunteers and fills in for people who can't make their hour. What would a conventionalist call Dave's actions? Impermissible Neutral Supererogatory Obligatory


A conventionalist would say that Dave's actions fit the concept of supererogatory morality.

Supererogatory morality refers to actions that are beneficial to society, are not mandatory, but are considered laudable and admirable. This type of morality is aimed at people like Dave, who voluntarily helps people in need and organizes the work of other volunteers, that is, Dave promotes beneficial, commendable and non-mandatory actions.

It is important to emphasize that the conventionalist is a philosopher who analyzes:

The set of customs and practices that human beings promote.The effect of these practices on society.How cultural conventions are organized based on this.

You can get more information at the link below:


How does Aristotle's idea of telos or entelechy prevent somebody to think that “You can be whoever you wanted to be”, a rugged notion of individualism that is prevalent today?


Answer and Explanation:

Aristotle's entelechy states that we can only be what we have a modicum of potential, that is, we cannot be anything we want, but we need to have potential, a certain talent and ability to be, or do what we want. This concept reinforces the idea that we will often want to be or do something that we have no potential, in which case, we will be frustrated because we will not be able to achieve this goal. However, when we want to be something or do something that we have a potential, even if that potential is low, we will be able to do it, because we will work on that potential until we reach our goal.

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