Under the contract dispute act cda, both the contractor and government parties are permitted to submit claims against each other.
A. True
B. False


Answer 1


A. True


A contract can be defined as an agreement between two or more parties (group of people) which gives rise to a mutual legal obligation or enforceable by law.

There are different types of contract in business and these includes: fixed-price contract, cost-plus contract, bilateral contract, implies contract, unilateral contract, adhesion contract, unconscionable contract, option contract, express contract, etc.

Mutual assent is a legal term which represents an agreement by both parties to a contract. When two parties to a contract both have an understanding of the parameters, terms and conditions surrounding a contract, it ultimately implies that they are in agreement; this is generally referred to as mutual assent.

The contract dispute act (CDA) are responsible for performing oversight functions on all contracts in the United States of America.

Under the contract dispute act (CDA), both the contractor and government parties that enter into a contract are permitted to submit claims against each other.

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Phân tích cấu trúc pháp lý của quy phạm pháp luật sau:

“ người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm”’

Trích khoản 1, điều 194 bộ luật hình sự Việt Nam. Tội sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh.



Analyze the legal structure of the following legal norm:

Any person who manufactures or trades in counterfeit goods being curative or preventive drugs shall be sentenced to between 2 and 7 years of imprisonment.

Excerpt from Clause 1, Article 194 of Vietnam's penal code. Crime of producing and trading in counterfeit goods being curative and preventive drugs.


I don't know the answer but I am helping those people who doesn't understand vetnamese...they could understand this


Người nào sản xuất, buôn bán hàng giả là thuốc chữa bệnh, thuốc phòng bệnh, thì bị phạt tù từ 02 năm đến 07 năm.

2. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 05 năm đến 12 năm:

a) Có tổ chức;

b) Có tính chất chuyên nghiệp;

c) Tái phạm nguy hiểm;

d) Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn;

đ) Lợi dụng danh nghĩa cơ quan, tổ chức;

e) Buôn bán qua biên giới;

g) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá từ 150.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

h) Thu lợi bất chính từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng;

i) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể từ 31% đến 60%;

k) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 100.000.000 đồng đến dưới 500.000.000 đồng.

3. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù từ 12 năm đến 20 năm:

a) Hàng giả tương đương với số lượng của hàng thật hoặc hàng hóa có cùng tính năng kỹ thuật, công dụng trị giá 500.000.000 đồng trở lên;

b) Thu lợi bất chính từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới đồng;

c) Làm chết người;

d) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của người khác mà tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể 61% trở lên;

đ) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này từ 61% đến 121%;

e) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản từ 500.000.000 đồng đến dưới 1.500.000.000 đồng.

4. Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây, thì bị phạt tù 20 năm, tù chung thân hoặc tử hình:

a) Thu lợi bất chính đồng trở lên;

b) Làm chết 02 người trở lên;

c) Gây thương tích hoặc gây tổn hại cho sức khỏe của 02 người trở lên mà tổng tỷ lệ tổn thương cơ thể của những người này 122% trở lên;

d) Gây thiệt hại về tài sản 1.500.000.000 đồng trở lên.

5. Người phạm tội còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 20.000.000 đồng đến 100.000.000 đồng, cấm đảm nhiệm chức vụ, cấm hành nghề hoặc làm công việc nhất định từ 01 năm đến 05 năm hoặc tịch thu một phần hoặc toàn bộ tài sản.

6. Pháp nhân thương mại phạm tội quy định tại Điều này, thì bị phạt như sau:

a) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 1 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

b) Phạm tội thuộc một trong các trường hợp quy định tại các điểm a, b, c, e, g, h, i và k khoản 2 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

c) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 3 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng;

d) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại khoản 4 Điều này, thì bị phạt tiền từ đồng đến đồng hoặc đình chỉ hoạt động có thời hạn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm;

đ) Phạm tội thuộc trường hợp quy định tại Điều 79 của Bộ luật này, thì bị đình chỉ hoạt động vĩnh viễn;

e) Pháp nhân thương mại còn có thể bị phạt tiền từ 100.000.000 đồng đến 300.000.000 đồng, cấm kinh doanh, cấm hoạt động trong một số lĩnh vực nhất định hoặc cấm huy động vốn từ 01 năm đến 03 năm.

Law is always enforced by the state in the society it operates


Law is always enforced by the state in the society it operates

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Personal property generally does not convey in the sale of real property; however, sometimes the parties to the transaction agree to include some items of personal property in the sale. In an instance like this, the agent?


Answer: should identify in the contract which personal property items are to be included in the sale


Personal property refers to the class of property which has to do with an asset that's not a real estate.

Based on the situation given, in an instance like this, the agent should identify in the contract which personal property items are to be included in the sale.

hội nghị trao đổi thông tin là gì ?


Answer: Trao đổi thông tin hoặc chia sẻ thông tin có nghĩa là mọi người hoặc các thực thể khác truyền thông tin từ người này sang người khác. Điều này có thể được thực hiện bằng điện tử hoặc thông qua các hệ thống nhất định.  Đây là những thuật ngữ có thể đề cập đến việc truyền thông tin hai chiều trong viễn thông và khoa học máy tính hoặc truyền thông được nhìn từ quan điểm lý thuyết hệ thống hoặc lý thuyết thông tin. Như, "thông tin", trong ngữ cảnh này luôn đề cập đến dữ liệu (điện tử) mã hóa và đại diện cho thông tin có sẵn, một phương pháp xử lý rộng hơn có thể được tìm thấy trong quá trình trao đổi dữ liệu.


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Restrictions that would enforce pepopel from wrong doings with the consequences listed.


The cost depreciation approach of estimating value has two elements, they are

Select one:
a. the land value plus the value of the improvements on the land
b. the land value and area improvements
c. comparable improvements plus land value
d. none of the above



d. none of the above


The cost depreciation approach of estimating value is a method of getting the value of real estate by estimating the price a buyer should pay for the property, based on the depreciation factors involved.

Using this approach, the value of the property is equals to the land cost, plus the total costs of construction, minus depreciation.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the above as the answer is not in the given answer choices.

roles of ethics on the national development show citation per page three page ​


The roles of ethic are not going to happen in the front of us.

where does the CSI unit transport evidence to be tested



Forensic lab.


The Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) unit transport evidence to the forensic laboratory for the testing of evidences. The physical evidence is collected by Crime Scene Investigators that may include fingerprints, footprints, hair, fibers and other materials that are found at the crime scene and on the victim's body. These evidences are used by the forensic scientist in order to find out the cause as well as the criminal.

In our state's prisons testing for prohibited substances doesn't include alcohol. Cite ONLY the correct Code with your T or F.





Since 2018, alcohol has been removed from the list of prohibited substances and is therefore not analyzed in state prisons in most states. However, in cases of driving vehicles in which the driver is under the effect of alcohol, this substance is considered if a prohibited substance test is carried out, as driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited throughout the country.

what search on seizure and how it is conducted? ​



Search and seizure, practices engaged in by law enforcement officers in order to gain sufficient evidence to ensure the arrest and conviction of an offender. The latitude allowed police and other law enforcement agents in carrying out searches and seizures varies considerably from country to country. There is considerable variance in the amount of protection given to the individual rights of the accused person.

hich often means a more thoughtful presentation of ideas?​





Based on the three elements of the contract intended to create a legal relationship, capacity and judgment, advise Sandhu if there is a prospect for him to recover the additional commission as promised. (15 marks)



GHB Sdn Bhd and Sandhu

There is a remote prospect for Sandhu to recover the extra commission negotiated with Ahmad during golf.

1. One can conclude that the promise of extra commission was made under undue influence when Ahmad could have lacked the capacity to make a binding contract. In addition, at that time, Sandhu disclosed that the land was being sought after by many other parties as a way of piling unnecessary pressure on Ahmad.

2. There was no intention to create a legal relation because the additional commission represents a counter-offer.  We were not told that Sandhu did the job based on this additional commission.  Since the earlier offer was fully documented, this additional offer should have also followed the same process if the company intended it to be legal.

3. There is a lack of consideration to back this additional contract. In the first place, the main contract with Sandhu was made in view of his negotiation skills. So what is Sandhu expected to offer the company in exchange for the extra commission? There is absolutely no consideration from Sandhu.


GHB cannot be expected to promise 0.5% extra commission on a deal, which was equivalent to RM2 million, when an already executed contract for 3% commission had been reached, signed, and sealed.  One can also claim that Ahmad, who suffered from occasional dementia, could have made the promise without the intention for it to be binding on his company but as a way of encouraging Sandhu to close the deal in favor of GHB.  Was the deal closed because of the extra commission?  Certainly not.

do you know that there is a consumer prodection laws? mention three provision of the law.



Do you know that there is a consumer prodection laws? mention three provision of the law.


Ram has just sold his share in a company and decided to buy a new car for his wife. On 15 April 2019, Ram appointed Gan as his agent to buy a car at the price not exceeding RM 75,000. The next day, Gan went to see Song, a car dealer and booked a car at the price of RM 85,000 and paid the deposit of RM 8,500. Gan told Song that the car was meant for Ram’s personal use. Song gave Gan RM 500 as a commission for booking the car with him. One month after the booking date, Song sent the car to Ram and claimed for the balance purchase price of the car. Ram told Song that he has never authorized Gan to purchase the car at that price and refused to accept the car. Advise Ram with regards to his rights as a principal. 2. Describe the circumstances under which a principal cannot revoke/ terminate the authority of his agent.



Principal and Agent

1. Rights of the Principal:

a. The principal can enforce the various duties of an agent.

b. The principal can recover compensation for any breach of duty by the agent.

c. The principal can forfeit agent’s remuneration where the agent is guilty of misconduct in the agency business.

d. The principal is entitled to any extra profit that the agent has made out of his agency. This includes the illegal gratification of RM500 that Song paid to Gan.

2. Circumstances under which the principal cannot revoke/terminate the authority of his agent are:

a. The agent has performed his authority partially.

b. When the agency is coupled with a legal interest in the agency and the interest has not been realized by the agent or the interest has not expired.


a) Some facts of the case:

Principal = Ram

Agen = Gan

Car dealer = Song

Authority limit for the purchase of the car = RM 75,000

Actual amounted booked for the car by the agent = RM 85,000

Deposit for the car = RM 8,500

Commission received from Song by Gan = RM 500

b) Gan did not actually act in the best interest of his principal, Ram, who gave him limited authority to buy a car at a price not exceeding RM 75,000.  It looks like Gan was more interested in the commission (bribe) that he received from Song instead of performing his duties as an agent to Ram.  If the agency authority is written down, Ram can use it as evidence that Gan's authority was limited.

Ba lần phân công lao động nguyên nhân gián tiếp dẫn đến sự hình thành nhà nước



Bắt nạt là một thói quen của một người trong đó họ lợi dụng người khác thông qua thể chất, lời nói, tình cảm, xã hội và thậm chí trong thế giới internet hoặc bắt nạt trên mạng. Điều này thường xảy ra với những người có mong muốn khác và muốn đạt được nó một cách nhanh nhất nên hãy dùng vũ lực để đạt được nó.Một số nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng xuất tinh ra máu như sau:Họ muốn thống trị, thống trị và được công nhận trong môi trường mà họ thuộc về vì lợi ích cá nhân.Vì khó chịu, bực bội và cực kỳ tức giận trước tình huống hoặc người đó nên nó dồn nén xung lực lên một người khác mà chúng ta biết sẽ không trả đũa.Ngoài ra một trong những nguyên nhân khiến người khác xuất tinh là vì muốn trả thù cho lần xuất tinh đã xảy ra với mình. Bị kiềm chế và không thể trả đũa người đã làm việc đó, nạn nhân cũng tìm đến những người quen trẻ hơn họ, những người mà họ biết là yếu và họ biết họ sẽ không bị trả thù.Tác động của xuất tinh là gì:Nạn nhân bị bắt nạt thường phải trải qua nỗi buồn và trầm cảm rất lớn. Do sự khác biệt lớn trong hành vi và không có khả năng tự vệ trước những kẻ bắt nạt, hầu hết nạn nhân trở nên trầm cảm và trải qua những thay đổi trong cách họ suy nghĩ, giao tiếp xã hội và tương tác với người khác cũng như đối phó với những người khác.Đối với các học sinh, những trải nghiệm sôi sục thông thường là cảm giác sợ hãi và e ngại, điều này lặp lại những điều đã xảy ra với anh ta. Kết quả là đứa trẻ không muốn đến trường. Họ xa cách với những người làm tổn thương và lạm dụng điểm yếu của họ.Khi không được điều trị, một số nạn nhân đã tự tử vì quá áp lực và xấu hổ.Cách đối phó với những kẻ bắt nạt bạn:Nếu bạn sôi nổi, hãy khoan dung những lời đã nói và hãy kiên nhẫn. Như câu nói, "hãy kéo dài sợi dây của bạn ..." Chúng ta hãy học cách tha thứ và quan tâm đầy đủ đến những điều khác có ý nghĩa hơn.Tránh xa hoặc chạy (nếu cần) đến người đang làm bạn sôi sục       anh ta không thành công trong việc muốn gây rối.Nhấn mạnh những nhiệm vụ có ý nghĩa hơn trách nhiệm và chống lại những kẻ bắt nạt.Để biết thêm thông tin về hiện tượng sủi bọt, bạn có thể mở các liên kết bên dưới:Ảnh hưởng của bắt nạt đối với học sinh.Nguyên nhân và ảnh hưởng của việc bắt nạt brainly.ph/question/599432#LearnWithBrainly



Do you believe children that who have been adopted into a different culture should be exposed to and learn the culture and languages of their birth parents?​


That’s really up to that person. You don’t have too learn the culture of that person don’t want to really know there parents, if you want to then I recommend it *smiles*
in my opinion it would be nice for the child to know where they came from and their original culture and language. They can learn new things with the culture and language of their birth parents and still learn the culture of their adopted parents also. that is if the adopted parents would want the child to learn where they came from. But most of the time many adopted children would want to know their birth parents and their cultures and languages to know where they came from.

The penalties for a first-time DUI charge include imprisonment for __________.

A. 180 days

B. up to six months for a BAL of .08 to .15

C. up to one year if there is a minor in the vehicle

D. B and C



i think its d which is b and c

3. How can it be said that courts adjudicate the allocation of the costs of a consumer-oriented economy?



It can be said that the courts assess the consumer profile and consumption pattern in a region, determining which sectors will receive more subsidies to reduce expenses, but increase the production of goods and services, optimizing the regional economy.


A consumer-oriented economy is one that is oriented and driven by consumer spending. Therefore, regions that have this type of economy should study and analyze the consumer profile that citizens have, evaluating the goods and services that are most consumed and that are sustaining this economy more efficiently. Thus, the allocation of expenditures should be determined by the courts in that region, based on the sectors that are most in line with the consumer's profile, being the most profitable sectors and the ones that should be more stimulated.

Trial practice is dramatically different in Britain. The lawyers for the two sides, called solicitors, do not go into court. Courtroom work is done by different lawyers, called barristers. The barristers are not permitted to interview any witnesses before trial. They know the substance of what each witness intends to say but do not rehearse questions and answers, as in the United States. Which approach do you consider more effective



The British approach appears to be more effective and even more efficient.


The British approach eliminates the tendency of lawyers to coach the witnesses to produce required answers.  This means that using the British approach, witnesses are not properly prepared with correctly rehearsed answers to questions.  The discovery of the case by both lawyers happens in the courtroom and not at a pretrial stage.  With the British approach, courtroom lawyers are responsible for conducting the opening statement, direct examination of witnesses, closing statement, and cross-examination of witnesses.

Find and summarise the case of National Director of Public Prosecutions v Botha (CCT 280/18) [2020] ZACC 06. Your summary must highlight the facts, legal question, the findings and decision of the court​


Public prosecutions are charged by police officers and police police and police departments in police custody.

Công ty TNHH Hết hạn có 03 thành viên. Công ty muốn phát hành cổ phần vào tháng 12/2021 để chuyển đổi thành công ty cổ phần. Nhận định nào sau đây đúng? Tất cả đều đúng. "Được vì đây là trường hợp để chuyển thành công ty cổ phần", Bạn học giỏi nhất lớp nói. "Không được vì Công ty TNHH không được phát hành cổ phần trong mọi trường hợp", Chiên gia nói.



Tôi khá chắc chắn là "Được rồi.".


how does the criminal justice system deals with vulnerable groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex ( LGBTQI) community amongst others when they are victims of hate crimes ​



depending on the country of justice system implementation we are talking about, some countries protect their rights as minorities while others prohibited the prevalence of such groups

Answer:by using the law


The legal position in real.estate
that the state owns and controls all bodies of water is known as the what?



Doctrine of Prior Appropriation


this position requires that property owners obtain permits for use of water.

Ali and Bob graduated from Kenyatta University in 2010. Ali set up a mobile phone business in Nairobi. Bob established a poultry business in Kisumu. As part of his strategy to develop his business, Bob has contracted farmers who rear chicken and supply him with eggs which he sells in Nairobi. In January 2011, Bob expressed an intention to acquire several pieces of cell phones from Ali to be supplied to the farmers for ease of communication. Ali informed him that he could avail them for Ksh. 5,000 apiece. On 2nd February Bob did text Ali on his cell phone and stated that he would be willing to purchase the phones at the stated price. Ali’s phone was stolen just before the message was received. In the meantime, not having heard from Bob he sold the phones to Chali.

Advice Bob on the legal rights, if any, that he may have against Ali and Chali.
Discuss the remedies available where a breach of contract is proved.


Bob does not have an legal rights because he and Ali did not sign any contract on purchasing the phones on a certain date. Ali did not hear of him since her phone was stolen right before he sent her a message. Ali could not have known if Bob was going to purchase phones. Ali also thought that Bob wouldn’t buy the phones because some time has passed, they both talked in January about his intentions of buying phones for his farmers, he had intentions but wasn’t decided on buying, as the time had passed and Bob had texted Ali that he would want the phones, Ali’s phone was stolen and she did not have any motive to not sell the phones to Bob.

Explain, In your own words, why the therapeutic alliance is so important in confronting offenders.



A positive therapeutic alliance has many benefits one is it can reduce su-icide attempts among people with Borderline Personality Disorder in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. A confident “early working alliance” can also lead to a reduction in symptoms in chronically depressed patients. Overall this alliance can have a major affect on people.


I'm not sure if this is what you were asking for but I hope this helps a bit

(I put a dash because I couldn't post with that word)

How soon after the conviction for driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs shall it be reported to the FAA and to which division should this be reported to?



Within 60 days to the civil aviation security division


You have to report to the security and hazardous materials safety office which is under the civil aviation security division. Anybody that is holding any certificates under part 61 has to give a written report of every motor vehicle action that has to do with alcohol or drug-related, to the security personnel's in faa no later than 60 days after this action was done.

On February 2019, Melinda applies and nominates herself for the prestigious North American Literary Prize. In June 2019, she wins the prize for her academic and literary works. The award comes with a $1,000,000 cash prize that Melinda then donates to the City of Denver. Melinda is not required to take any action after receiving the cash prize. Is Melinda required to include the cash award in Gross Income?



Melinda is required to include the cash prize in the Gross Income.


Gross Income is the total payment in cash, goods and services that a person received before tax reductions, that is, it is the general value of everything that a person received in a given period of time, including wages, premiums, real estate, among other things . In this case, we can confirm that the cash prize received by Melinda must be included in her Gross Income, in addition, if she has received a prize with an economic value, she must also include this prize in the Gross Income, even if she has donated .

Amanda and Kelly used to be friends after an argument with Amanda Kelly tell everyone at the galley middle school to me at the nearby park after school to watch her fight Amanda everyone at the school met at the park and watch Kelly fight and punched her over and over a student cause the police what do you think the consequences should be for Kelly



Is this like a legit question

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Four complex numbers lie at the vertices of a square in the complex plane.Three of the numbers are 1 + 2i, -2 + i and -1 2i. What is the fourthnumber? At the 6th grade school dance, there are 132 boys, 89 girls, and 14 adults. What is the ratio of adults to boys at the school dance? Sam has 24 ball he gives 1/3 to Rita. How many ball did he give to Rita? Contribution Margin Ratio a. Young Company budgets sales of $890,000, fixed costs of $26,000, and variable costs of $115,700. What is the contribution margin ratio for Young Company an interest expense of $125 has been incorrectly debited to utilities expense. Christina cycles 2 kilometers during each trip to work. Write an equation that shows the relationship between the number of trips to work x and the total distance cycled y. Help plisPresent perfect vs Present simplecomplete the spaces1)_____ Rosana____ (take) list?yes, she____2)____ you____ (enter) the school at 7 AM this morning?no, I _____3) What ____you____ (eat) last sunday?we____ (eat) a big lunch and ____ (drink) an orange juice hhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppp (b) Name the devices used to measure the volume of liquid. The forecasted sales pertain to Arrow Corporation: Month Sales September $400,000 October 320,000 Finished Goods Inventory (August 31): 28,000 Arrow Corporation has a selling price of $5 on all units and expects to maintain ending inventories equal to 25 percent of the next month's sales. How many units does Arrow expect to produce in September write any five activities that you can do to aware people in your community for the importance of environment education 4x2 -28x-32 fully factored Asexual reproduction differs from sexual reproduction in that Group of answer choices asexual reproduction utilizes DNA from two parents to code for traits in offspring. asexual reproduction occurs only in plants. asexual reproduction produces offspring containing DNA from only one parent. asexual reproduction only occurs in animals. asexual reproduction produces genetically diverse offspring. Diethyl ether (C2H5 )2O vaporizes at room temperature. If the vapor exerts a pressure of 233 mm Hg in a flask at 25 C, what is the density of the vapor? parallel to y - 2x = 4 and passes through (0,5) HELP HELP HELPPPP PLEASEEEDirections: Determine if segments AB and CD are parallel, perpendicular, or neither.AB formed by (-2, 13) and (0, 3)CD formed by (-5, 0) and (10, 3) I really need some help with this question also.A) 2/5B) 3/5C) 11/25D) 14/25 e B. Copy out the following sentences and fill in the correct prepositions: 1. The pupil must apologise the teacher .......... the mistake. 2. The man .... the blue suit is an authority .... flowers. 3. That mother ....... there is proud ......her son's success. 4. The cake was passed ..... the room ... the beautiful maiden. 5. ....... the show, the crowds gathered ...... the magician. PLEASE (look at the picture) 100 points Re-write this subtraction as an ADDITION of signed numbers. 2 8 =. 8