Unit 1 Computer Users


Answer 1







End user.


Graphic artist

Related Questions

5. From whose point of view is this piece likely
A. a television script writer
B. a person who hates watching TV
C. someone knowledgeable about the media
D. a disgruntled fan



A. a televition script writet

question doesn't make sense at all but here have an answer


role of politics in national development




In order to maintain a smooth functioning between agriculture and industrial sectors, a sound socio-economic infrastructure is necessary. Thus, government is investing huge amount money of for the development of overhead capitals like energy, power, transport, communications, education, health, housing etc.

what is the poem i hear america singing about



I hear America singing is about the dignity,freedom and growth of all the American people and enjoying life and being productive .

I hope you like the answer and plz mark me as brainlest and follow me for more good answer.

Freedom and growth and justice for the people

Please please help me


Answer: (I'm not totally sure on this, but I think these are the answers:)

Jodi missed her friends.. - Exposition

..she hadn't connected.. - Exposition

Jodi saw the sign.. - Rising action

Jodi decided to attend.. - Rising action

Explanation: The exposition often occurs at the beginning of a novel or story and may be short or long. Rising action includes the series of events (usually the conflicts or struggles of the protagonist) that increase tension, propel the plot forward, and lead to the climax of the story.


im takin ur points


what’s The definition of lunatic



a mentally ill person (not in technical use).


Hope this helps you<3


Bowl is to fruit as dish is to
A. plate.
B. present.
C. candy.
D. paper.






Hope this helps :))

write a letter why you did not write your note in the class



I'm disabled so I can't take notes


Dear _____,
I’m truly sorry for not writing my note in the class. Because I has having trouble concentrating and understanding the assignment and I didn’t know how to ask for your help. I know it seems like an excuse so I did not want to mention this in f don’t of the class. This is a apology for my irresponsible manners.I hope you understand and will not mind my troubles
Sincerely _______
hope that helps! Wasn’t sure how to start

Write a letter to your brother who is in uproad Asking him to send a mobile phone​



Dear brother

I am fine here and I hope that you are also fine there.

We all miss you a lot these days. As you know my school is going to conduct online class soon so please can you send me a mobile phone. I can't take classes without the mobile. A phone will help us to talk to you.

I promise that I can I'll not misuse it. Thus please send a phone as soon as possible.love you mom miss you a lot.

love from your brother

Are the sentences correct or incorrect

1. Optical illusions are a recent idea.

2. Akiyoshi Kitaoka designed his optical illusion for a car advertisment.

3.There are several of Alexander McQueen’s ‘optical illusions’ dresses.

4. You can find optical illusions in the natural word.

5. In Professor Wiseman’s experiment people had to draw a brick.

6. In the experiment, the more creative people found it easier to see the duck and the rabbit.



Number 5 and six seem to be the only correct sentences


ggdgfrrtuw,yyywuttttidtttyyeuurrtttratyfrrdywttfeeeeryyqutthefedlytafgfrrsuuetfrrrhhyehhfdsalhfddd uurffgfa*\righteous ft former greatest g?

Answer can u help please




Explanation: because if you have to communicate.

who know how to do this ? ​



2)The corner shop has shut down

subject : the corner shop

predicate: has shut down

3) Children are capable of learning anything

subject : children

predicate: are capable of learning anthing

4) Music can soothe a troubled mind

subject : music

predicate : can soothe a troubled mind

5) we are going for basketball practice after school

subject : we

predicate : are going for basketball practice after school

6) krish got into an argument with the police officer

subject : krish

predicate: got into an argument with the police officer

7) The Koshu river flooded the village overnight

subject: the Koshu river

predicate : flooded the village overnight

Help me please………………………


it's C, engaging in a text conversation


I think the answer is letter D

Select the correct answer.
What is the key feature of the third-person omniscient point of view?
It is told from the point of view of a specific character in the story.
It is used to express the thoughts and feelings of the central character.
It is used when directly addressing the reader or giving instructions.
It has an all-knowing narrator who is aware of all the characters' perspectives.


Answer:  D

Explanation: Because the third-person is a narrator of all the book, he knows everything.

A) Your best friend developed a misunderstanding and helsbe is not allowing you to clear up the matter. It upsets you a lot. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings, thoughts and plans to resolve the matter in about 50 words.



hope fully its helping

The letter was mailed by marilyn (change to active)​



Marylin mailed the letter.


Hope it helps...  if yes, plz mark me as brainliest

The drive was so tedious. l fell asleep on the backseat (without using and but and so)



The drive was so tedious that I fell asleep on the backseat.

He was made to police my shoe . Change into active voice



My shoe was polished by him forceley

what does it mean founding fathers???????



Well, a founding father is a person who starts some movement, like the LGBTQ+ movement. There were many in history. An example is George Washington.

Explain the meaning of below sentence

"I have My clothes Ironed by her"​



It means that you gave your clothers to her for ironing.

She irons my clothes .

plz help me .k make you brainlast​





3.not only,but also

4.not only,but also



7.not only,but also


9.not only,but also


Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a good day :)

Is word choice the descriptive words and phrases that make writing interesting



yes, as well as context to the descriptive words.

What factors make up elmo's variable costs



Since Variable costs is one that varies with the output level, therefore in Elmo's case, Cost of Utilities and labor costs makes up the variable costs. The other costs are fixed costs.

Variable costs are costs that change with the level of production or output. Examples of variable costs that could be associated with a product like an Elmo doll might include the cost of materials and labor needed to produce each unit, as well as any costs associated with shipping or packaging.

What are variable costs?

Variable costs are expenses that vary in proportion to changes in production output or sales revenue. In the case of Elmo, the variable costs would depend on the specific business or activity he is engaged in. However, some common factors that may make up Elmo's variable costs could include: Raw materials: If Elmo is engaged in the manufacturing or production of goods, the cost of raw materials would be a variable cost that depends on the quantity of output. If Elmo hires workers to help with the production or delivery of goods or services, the wages or salaries paid to these workers would be variable costs that depend on the level of production or sales.

Hence, variable costs are costs that change with the level of production or output. Examples of variable costs that could be associated with a product like an Elmo doll might include the cost of materials and labor needed to produce each unit, as well as any costs associated with shipping or packaging.

Learn more about variable costs here.



Which of the following is the best way to take notes on a lengthy passage?

Photocopy or copy and paste and highlight all relevant information.

Paraphrase, including every idea in the passage.

Summarize the information focusing ideas related to your topic.

Annotate, copying the entire passage onto a note card.


To "Summarize the information focusing ideas related to your topic" remains the best way to take notes on a lengthy passage.

Summarizing important and relevant ideas on a lengthy passage remains the best way to take notes.

Note-taking does not involve the following:

photocopying the passageparaphrasing every idea in the passageannotating and copying the entire passage onto a note card.

Thus, note-taking means summarizing important and relevant information from the passage in your own words.

Learn more about note-taking here: https://brainly.com/question/4210313

Summarize the information focusing ideas related to your topic.

pls help, 30 points u-u


1. Further
2. Too
3. Accept
4. Beside
6. As
7. Their
8. Farther
9. Kind of
10. Like

Choose the correct form of the past tenses Last night at 9 p.m.I (be) at home. I ( watch) television when suddenly I (hear) a noise. I went to check and it ( turn out) that someone ( break) a window at the back of the house! I (try) to phone the police, but the burglar (cut) the phone line so I couldn't get through. I (run) upstairs and I (phone) the police on my mobile. The burglar heard me and while I (speak) he ran away. It was a frightening experience.



need points


Last night at 9 p.m. I (was) at home. I (watched) television when suddenly I (heard) a noise. I went to check and it (turned out) that someone (broke) a window at the back of the house! I (tried) to phone the police, but the burglar (cut) the phone line so I couldn't get through. I (ran) upstairs and I (called) the police on my mobile. The burglar heard me and while I (spoke) he ran away. It was a frightening experience.


Hope this is what you needed. In the fourth sentence you used the phrase, "phone the police" but most people would say "call the police."

what does inclusive leadership mean to you and how will you model inclusively to make a positive impact in your community?


inclusive means democratic

democratic means using "wisdom of crowds" to negotiate and come up with better decisions for the whole society

crowdsourcing currently shows how this can be successful

In this activity, you are going to plan, write, revise, and edit sentences on the following topic:
Describe three activities you do at your school or university. Give two or more details about each one.


Which is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem? O a) "Do you have a problem you'd like addressed today?" b) "Is there a problem? C) "What seems to be the problem?" O d) "Can I help you?"

How do hucks feelings about going to school change



At first, Huck dislikes school; however, the longer he attends, the more he enjoys it. Huck believes school is a waste of time, and by chapter 4 he decides to stop going. In the beginning, Huck really likes school; by chapter 4, he does not want to go anymore.


muslims???help plzz


i think the first one may be " she's forgetting that Allah is merciful and that things could get better if she were to pray "

List the words in the paragraph that give a clue that the sentence is showing contrast.



perdón yo no hablo inglés

compared with
even though
in contrast to
less than
more than
on the other hand
rather than
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