Until a recent incident, Elizabeth had always been very pleased with her part-time job at a local convenience store. During one of her shifts, the store was burglarized. Although no one was hurt, Elizabeth now feels anxious and fearful during her late-night shift. She is so nervous and worried that she is having a hard time concentrating on her work and is thinking about quitting. Management needs to be aware of Elizabeth's unmet __________ needs. Multiple Choice esteem self-actualization physiological safety


Answer 1




Considering the scenario described in the question, the right answer is SAFETY.

The Management needs to be aware of Elizabeth's unmet SAFETY needs because, considering the situation, the environmental information available to Elizabeth is that she has unmet SAFETY needs, that is there is still a potential threat to her.

Hence, the management should do the needful by ensuring all necessary safety needs are put in place.

Related Questions

what is the effects and cause of corona virus?​



Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that originated in China.



¿Qué son las virtudes? ¿Cómo puedo alcanzarlas?



Un buen atributo o una característica sobresaliente, especialmente desde una perspectiva ética o teológica, es una virtud. La noción de vida virtuosa sustentaba la teoría moral de Aristóteles, y las formas de ética virtuosa siguen siendo influyentes. En la tradición filosófica y religiosa europea, existen las cuatro virtudes principales de los antiguos griegos: prudencia, justicia, templanza y fuerza o fortaleza de alma. Se menciona a los cristianos por tres virtudes adicionales - fe, esperanza y amor - que forman las siete virtudes en contraste con los siete pecados capitales. En el campo de la filosofía política, se menciona la virtud cívica: la actitud y el temperamento adecuados al funcionamiento efectivo del sistema político.

Animism and egocentrism represent limitations in the preoperational child's thinking in that they indicate an inability to:



Animism and egocentrism represent limitations in the preoperational child's thinking in that they indicate an inability to: distinguish between different or real perspectives.


Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) developed a theory which claims that children develop through four stages of cognition: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Animism and egocentrism are limitations seen in a child's thinking on the second stage, the preoperational stage.

Animism means the child believes inanimate objects have lifelike qualities. She believes, for instance, that an object may have feelings.

Egocentrism means the child cannot differentiate between her own and other people's perspective. Have you seen a child playing hide-and-seek by simply closing her eyes? That is an example of egocentrism. She thinks you cannot see her because she cannot see you. She does not understand yet that the two of you have different perspectives.

As we can see, the two concepts show as child's inability to distinguish between different (egocentrism) or real (animism) perspectives.

Three functions of educational institution



Education serves several functions for society. These include (a) socialization, (b) social integration, (c) social placement, and (d) social and cultural innovation.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

In the feedback loop, the impact the message has on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communications process is referred to as





Communication can be defined as a process which typically involves the transfer of information from one person (sender) to another (recipient), through the use of semiotics, symbols and signs that are mutually understood by both parties.

The linear model of communication comprises of four (4) main components and these are;

1. Sender (S): this is typically the source of information (message) or the originator of a message that is being sent to a receiver. Thus, they are simply the producer of a message.

2. Channel (C): this is the medium used by the sender for the dissemination or transmission of the message to the recipient. For example, telephone, television, radio, newspapers, billboards etc.

3. Message (M): this is the information or data that is being sent to a recipient by a sender. It could be in the form of a video, audio, text message etc.

4. Receiver (R): this is typically the destination of information (message) or the recipient of a message that is being sent from a sender.

In the feedback loop, in which the recipient (receiver) sends a feedback (response) to the sender. Thus, the impact of the message on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communication process is referred to as a response.

George describes himself as shy but finds that he feels much more confident in social situations after he has consumed a couple of beers. What property of beer is George experiencing?



anxiolytic effect


Anxiolytics: The term "anxiolytics" is also referred to as "anti-anxiety drugs" and are described as a category of specific drugs that are being used to prevent anxiety & treat various anxiety-related different "anxiety disorders". These drugs usually work more quickly & can be "habit-forming".

In other words, it is a medication or intervention that tends to reduce anxiety. The drugs that have an "anxiolytic effect" are antidepressants, benzodiazepines, azapirones, and β-blockers.

In the question above, the given statement represents the "anxiolytic effect".

Guyana Question

The National Flag and coat of Arm are referred as symbol of .................

(A) National Hood
(B) A colony
(C) Natural Region​



The answer is A- National Hood

A country without constitution is like a ship without a captain. Justify the statement.



cause the bodies formed by the government by mentioning their function power and formation in the constitution. constitution plays a significant role in development of country.


A woman has dissociative identity disorder. Sara is the most outgoing and flamboyant identity but is unaware of the other identities. Madeline is inhibited and shy but is in charge most of the time. Sara would be described as a(n) and Madeline as a(n) .



alter; host personality


Dissociative identity disorder or DID: In psychology, the term "dissociative identity disorder" is also referred to as "multiple personality disorder" or MPD. It is described as one of the mental disorders distinguished by the preservation of at least two different & relatively enduring "personality states". DID is accompanied by specific memory gaps and far away from what is considered forgetfulness.

An individual experiencing DID have two or more than two "alternate personalities" referred to as alters. These alter possess different voices, behavior, names, memories, & ways of looking at the world.

The host is considered as the most prominent state or identity in an individual having DID.

In the question above, the given statement represents Sara would be described as an alter personality and Madeline as a host personality.

Speech that is accompanied by conduct and that can be regulated by the government to preserve public order is called



speech plus


Speech plus can as well be regarded as Symbolic Speech, it is one that involves communication of ideas using

combination of both language and actions, these actions could be

burning of a draft card in the process of

stating opposition to the military. This is contrary to pure speech that basically

entails the use of written as well as oral words alone. Speech plus could also involve direct communication as well as "expressive conduct, and this expressive conduct must encompass action like picketing or actions like distributing pamphlets. symbolic behavior is One of speech plus.

It should be noted that speech plus is a Speech that is accompanied by conduct and that can be regulated by the government to preserve public order.

Myra is presenting herself as polite and friendly. This is her impression strategy. public self. ingratiation strategy. superficial self.



Ingratiation strategy


Ingratiation strategy is the correct answer because this is a psychological technique in which a person influences the other person and he influences the other person by showing himself or herself the most likeable person. The same thing Myra is doing, she reflecting herself as polite and friendly which means she is influencing others by becoming a likeable person.

How has our society been developing


Societies develop when they organise their resources to meet challenges and opportunities.

what are the other possiblities of development in nepal​



development will occur in Nepal when people will choose the honest politicians who can develop Nepal

Depressed individuals tend to attribute negative outcomes to ________ and positive outcomes to ________.



Personal shortcomings, luck


How does the Appalachian Mountains important to the US development


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The Appalachian Mountains have been important to the US development because this mountain chain has represented an important geographic feature in the East side of the United States. It is a natural barrier in which US history has many stories to tell.

For instance, during colonial times, many Native American tribes lived around that geographical area that represented a big obstacle to overcome to the British Troops during the French and Indian War.

The Appalachian Mountains are a large chain of mountains located on the eastern side of the United States and Canada. The Appalachian Trail is one of the most famous attractions of the region. It starts or ends in Mount Katahdin, Main, and ends in Springer Mountain, Georgia. 2,175miles for hikers.

To help determine how participants reacted to and interpreted an experiment, researchers can ask participants questions in a procedure known as the Group of answer choices





This is to know their take on particular issues while still having a say in it.

Laterite soil not suits for agriculture because, a) High temperature and rainfall b) leached soil c) Not fertile d) all are correction ​



Not fertile.


Laterite soil not suits for agriculture because it is not fertile soil than can provide essential nutrients needed by the plants. Laterite soil is acidic in nature and also has less water-retaining capacity. The soil of Laterite lacks nitrogen, potassium , urea and phosphoric acid and contains more iron, aluminum, manganese that make the soil not fit for cultivation purposes.



Answer: The one-stop shopping these businesses provide is extraordinarily convenient, and prices are consistently low.


This sentence lists two advantages to shopping at national chain stores such as Walmart and Costco.

The advantages are that prices are lower and they offer convenience thereby saving people time on shopping because the wide array of goods they offer means that people can get most if not all that they need from these shops without having to hop from shop to shop to find different items.

why is skill based self employment training important?​


Values, beliefs and attitudes (e.g. action orientation, desire for independence, initiative, creativity etc.) 'soft' skills including interpersonal, communication and networking skills. realistic awareness of the risks and benefits of self-employment.

How does the Appalachian Mountains important to the US development


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The Appalachian Mountains have been important to the US development because this mountain chain has represented an important geographic feature in the East side of the United States. It is a natural barrier in which US history has many stories to tell.

For instance, during colonial times, many Native American tribes lived around that geographical area that represented a big obstacle to overcome to the British Troops during the French and Indian War.

The Appalachian Mountains are a large chain of mountains located on the eastern side of the United States and Canada. The Appalachian Trail is one of the most famous attractions of the region. It starts or ends in Mount Katahdin, Main, and ends in Springer Mountain, Georgia. 2,175miles for hikers.

Fred and Wayne are 4-year-olds. When they are together, they often wrestle, run, race, push, and shove each other. Although their activities often aggravate their parents, these activities will



pushing, shoving, and wrestling can possibly hurt them. running they can possibly trip and racing i depends


Although their activities often aggravate their parents, activities will help the boys develop gross motor skills.

What is gross motor skills?

The big (core stabilizing) muscles of the body must move as a whole in order to do daily tasks like standing and walking, sprinting and jumping, and sitting up straight at a table, which all need gross motor (physical) skills.

They also include eye-hand coordination abilities for activities like swimming and biking as well as ball skills (throwing, catching, and kicking).

Other daily activities are influenced by gross motor skills as well. For instance, a child's capacity to maintain proper tabletop posture will influence their capacity to engage in fine motor activities (such as writing, drawing, and cutting).

To learn more about gross motor skills



Sharon is hoping to find a job as a pastry chef. She sets up a booth at a local culinary fair and offers free samples of her pastries. As she had hoped, Sharon gets an interview for a local pastry chef position and is later hired. This is an example of



reciprocal determinism.


Reciprocal determinism: In psychology, the term "reciprocal determinism" was proposed by a famous psychologist named Albert Bandura. The theory states that an individual's behavior tends to influence as well as gets influenced by the social environment and personal factors. Alongside, Bandura believed in the possibility that a person's behavior can be conditioned by the utilization of specific consequences.

In the question above, the given statement represents "reciprocal determinism".

In ______ societies, intimacy in romantic relationships is often more intense due to people's smaller social networks.





Individualistic societies can be regarded as societies which give priority to the needs of an individual more than needs of the whole groups.

In this society, people are been considered as an independent entity, the social behaviour in this society tends to be controlled by the attitudes as well as preferences of individuals.

It should be noted that In individualist societies, intimacy in romantic relationships is often more intense due to people's smaller social networks.

How would I contribute to the development my country? ​



1.Stop littering around.

2.Be environment-friendly.

3.Help support a child's education.

4.Stop participating in corruption.

5.Be better Neighbours.


Psychologist Alan Marlatt and colleagues have argued that a more credible approach to college drinking than abstinence programs is to recognize drinking as normative behavior and focus education on the immediate risks of drinking to excess and the payoffs of moderation. This is an example of the: harm reduction model. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) model. disease model. benefit-maximization model.



harm reduction model


The harm reduction model is a model that was made to reduce the harmful effects of using substances.

This model has the objective of reducing morbidity and death that have to do with the use of substances or use of alcohol wrongly for people who find it difficult to abstain from such habits.

It is also for those who do not see stopping these habits as a feasible goal.

Some of the methods used involves labelling on cigarette packs, putting labels on alcohol etc.

this psychologist's argument is an example of this model.

what is superstition ​


An extreme belief for supernatural beings

Superstition, belief, half-belief, or practice for which there appears to be no rational substance. Those who use the term imply that they have certain knowledge or superior evidence for their own scientific, philosophical, or religious convictions. An ambiguous word, it probably cannot be used except subjectively.


You are on patrol running radar and observe an individual speeding. Your radar indicates the suspect is doing 60 in a 35 mph zone. You turn on your lights and pull in behind the suspect's car. The suspect pulls over and brings his car to a full stop while leaving his car running. After you run the plate on the car and everything is O.K., you approach the car on foot. The driver of the car puts down his window and asks why you stopped him. You inform him that he was clocked doing 60 in a 35. You ask to see his license and registration. The driver's breath smells of alcohol and he is slurring his words, so you ask him to step outside the vehicle so you can do a field sobriety test. At the same time you call for back-up. The suspect becomes verbally abusive and refuses to comply. What should you do



ask him to calm down and keep him where he is at and wait for back up at take it from there.


Gary is taken into the hospital's emergency room by ambulance after a car accident. The doctors work diligently to tend to his injuries, first assessing the situation and then treating the most serious injury first. This is an example of _____ prevention. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.



Tertiary prevention.


Tertiary prevention is when a wound or illness is already there but the focus is on limiting or reducing the effect from getting worse. This is done to improve the life quality and reduce the possibility of the wound or sickness worsening.

In the given scenario, the doctors' efforts tending to Gary's injuries by treating the serious injury first is a tertiary preventive measure. This is done so that the worse injury will be stopped so that it will be safer to treat the other wounds and also enable Gary's injuries to be 'treated'.  

Evolutionary theorists have suggested that human beings may have a natural aversion to bitter tastes because many lethal poisons have a bitter flavor. This natural ability to learn an association for biological reasons is called ______. a. preparedness b. stimulus discrimination c. blocking d. a learned aversion e. instinctive drift



a. preparedness


Preparedness: In psychology, the term "preparedness" is determined as a concept that is being developed to elucidate why specific associations are learned by a person more easily as compared to others.

Example: Phobias associated with survival including snakes or heights are much easier & common to persuade in the laboratory as compared to any other kind of fear.

In the question above the given statement represents "preparedness".

Barry is a black man who has developed _____, and thus can imagine how he looks from the perspective of other African Americans as well as whites.



double consciousness


Black people have lived in a time where they were the minority group and the were subordinated in a nation or in a place that was oppressive to them. Due to these issues people tend to become double conscious of who they are and where they are. It is an internal conflict that this group of people face. From this question we can see that Barry tends to see himself from the eyes and perspectives of other people.

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