variable index has a value of 4, and variable accessValid has a value of False. What value does variable, accessPoints, have after the if is executed?
accessPoints = 0
if ((index >=2) or accessValid):
accessPoints += 10
accessPoints = 1


Answer 1




If index is greater than or equal to 2, accessPoints will increase by 10 even if accessValid is false because the if statement states that if index is greater than or equal to 2 OR accessValid is true. The if statement gets executed if either expression is true, and index is greater than 2 because index has a value of 4.

Related Questions

explain the types of computer on the basis of model


XT(extra technology) computer: it cannot support GUI Based operating system. its processing speed is 477MHz

AT(advanced technology):it supports GUI Operating system. Its processing speed is 2GHz

PS/2:is a laptop computer which is rechargeable

and battery powered. it's operated with OS/2 operating system.



XT Computers (Extended Technology)  

AT Computers (Advanced Technology)

PS/2 Computers (Personal System 2)


XT Computers :  

            The computers having 8086 or 8088 microprocessor and processing speed of 4.77 Mhz are known as XT Computers. These computers are outdated now because they cannot run on latest software versions.

AT Computers :  

                  The computers having 80286 or later versions of microprocessors are known as AT Computers. Their storage capacity as well as speed is much higher than XT computers. Besides that they have math  co-processor to support main processors to perform complex mathematical calculations.

PS/2 Computers:

                  IBM developed another model of computer in 1990 that have much advanced architecture design that AT computers. They are known as PS/2 computers. They are much faster than AT computers. Most of the laptop computers based on PS/2 model use OS/2 or UNIX operating system and 1.44 MB floppy diskette.

What does this mean? it is coming after i ask a question

Don't use such phrases here, not cool! It hurts our feelings :(



To my own opinion I think it means that when you're answering a question here in brainly I think they are referring that your message is rude but sometimes you are not rude but I don't know. Maybe it could be some difficult technical problems.

why the internet is not policed​



The Internet allows people to circumvent law by committing criminal acts from areas where their activities are not illegal. Those areas will always exist, and thus new regulations will be just as ineffective as the old ones are ["Net Needs Law Enforcement, Author Says,"]. But Internet traffic is marked with IP addresses, and those addresses can be tied to specific networks with specific locations. Shouldn't it be possible to separate traffic based on the originating network and treat data coming from relatively insecure locations differently than data coming from relatively secure locations? It would be much harder for someone in a rogue nation to hack a network if he had to hack an intermediary network first. And unlike government regulation, which has zero impact in areas where these threats are likely to originate, separating traffic by location might actually work

You are in charge of installing a remote access solution for your network. You decide you need a total of four
remote access servers to service all remote clients. Because remote clients might connect to any of the four
servers, you decide that each remote access server must enforce the exact same policies. You anticipate that
the policies will change frequently.
What should you do? (Select two. Each choice is a required part of the solution.)
A. Configure network policies on the RADIUS server.
B. Make each remote access server a member of the RemoteServers group.
C. Configure the exact same network policies on each server.
D. Configure one of the remote access servers as a RADIUS server, and all other servers as RADIUS clients.
E. Use Group Policy to configure network policies in the default Domain Controllers GPO.
F. Configure each remote access server as a domain controller.


Answer: configure one of the remote access servers as a RADIUS server and all other servers as RADIUS clients

configure network access policies on the RADIUS server


Which of the following are characteristics of centralized version control systems? Select 3 options.

A full copy of all project files is stored on each developer's computer.

Changes to the project are stored in a log file on each developer’s computer.

It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time.

Project files are maintained in a central repository.

The process may require file locking, depending on file type.



It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time

Project files are maintained in a central repository

The process may require file locking, depending on file type


The two main types of version control system are the centralized version control system and distributed control system

The centralized version control system is a control system whereby all programmers work on and make their individual changes to a single single copy of the project stored and maintained in a central repository, such as a server

In order to solve the problem of several developers working on each others work simultaneously, a centralized version control system makes use of the lock-modify-unlock model

The three options are therefore;

It allows many developers to work on the same project from anywhere at the same time

Project files are maintained in a central repository

The process may require file locking, depending on file type

Answer:c d e


What is malware? a type of virus that spreads through a network connection a type of virus that targets programs and files any program designed to do harm a type of software designed to track activity online



any program designed to do harm.


Malware is a program that was created by someone with malicious intent. Malware can target your windows system files and damage windows(or what ever os you use). Malware can corrupt files and even lock you out of your computer.

ou have a company network that is connected to the internet. You want all users to have internet access, but you need to protect your private network and users. You also need to make a web server publicly available to internet users. Which solution should you use


Server and network is 2 different things, just put the server on a different network.  ;) duh


What contains programming statement written in VB?​



A statement in Visual Basic is a complete instruction. It can contain keywords, operators, variables, constants, and expressions. Each statement belongs to one of the following three categories: Declaration statements, which name a variable, constant, or procedure and can also specify a data type.

Which computer can be used where there is no regular electricity?​



A mechanical computer


Created from gears and levers

express in Qbasic assignment statement
[tex]v = \ \sqrt{t} ^{2} - 4s \div {d}^{4} [/tex]

[tex]K = {8}{x} ^{3} - {2}{y}^{ 6} \div {5}{d}+ {e}^{4} [/tex]



v = sqr(t^(1/2)) - 4 * s / d^4

K = 8 * x^3 - 2 * y^6 / 5 * d + e^4



[tex]v = \ \sqrt{t} ^{2} - 4s \div {d}^{4}[/tex]

[tex]K = {8}{x}^{3} - {2}{y}^{ 6} \div {5}{d}+ {e}^{4}[/tex]


The equivalent in Q Basic

To solve this, we use the following rules:

+ , - and * are written as + , - and *

[tex]\div[/tex] is written as /

^ stands for raise to power

SQR is used for square

^(1/2) stands for square root.

So, the equivalents of the above statements are:

v = SQR(t^(1/2)) - 4 * s / d^4

K = 8 * x^3 - 2 * y^6 / 5 * d + e^4




name=input('What is your name?')

age=input('What is your age?')

school=input('What is your school?')

print('Hi '+ name +', you are '+ age +', and you go to '+school+'.')

age=int(input('What is your age?'))

if age > 10:

 print('You are a teenager')

for x in range(10):


country='United States or America'


a_list = [0, 2, 4, 8]

maximum = max(a_list)


minimum = min(a_list)


numbers = [1, 3, 4, 2]



What does RoHS stand for and why is RoHS compliance important?



It stands for Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances.

Web search says it is important because,

RoHS compliance dovetails into WEEE by reducing the amount of hazardous chemicals used in electronic manufacture. Put another way, RoHS regulates the hazardous substances used in electrical and electronic equipment, while WEEE regulates the disposal of this same equipment.


which of the following would not transmit signals from one point to another? a. telephone line. b. modem. c. fibre optics. d. coaxial cable​






modem is used to receive signals not transmit

A network administrator updated an Internet server to evaluate some new features in the current release. A week after the update, the Internet server vendor warns that the latest release may have introduced a new vulnerability and a patch is not available for it yet. Which of the following should the administrator do to mitigate this risk?

Options are :
A. Enable the host-based firewall on the Internet server
B. Enable HIPS to protect the server until the patch is released
C. Utilize WAF to restrict malicious activity to the Internet server
D. Downgrade the server and defer the new feature testing



i think its C. Utilize WAF to restrict malicious activity to the Internet server

Express your opinion on whether a successful business analyst can be a good programmer. support your answers with reason


I think that a successful business analyst could be a good programmer because if they had the write training and experience they could learn about that field of work and become good at programming

1. Answer the following questions: a. What are the different types of number system? Name them.​



binary,decimal, hexadecimal and octal number system

Plz help help help

What was the first electromechanical digital computer?

For your kind information I would like to tell you that don't search on internet because it will show ENIAC and that is not the answer the answeris may be ABC or MARK I. I am just confused, Please help me



For your kind information the answer of the question is MARK I.


What was the first electromechanical digital computer?

=⟩ Mark I was the first electromechanical digital computer.

Hope it helpful to you

if ur computer is runing slowly what is most likey to slove the problem


One way to solve this problem is if you clear up some storage space. On my computer things were running very slowly and I checked my storage and it was beyond full. Another way would be to clean up your hard drive, run some virus and malware scans as your computer may have some viruses that would be slowing it down. Some others ideas are to download more memory on your computer, install a faster hard drive, and reinstall or upgrade your operating system. I hope this helps!!
Reboot the device or clear your cache. Maybe it may need to go to a shop as well and get a few parts switched out

Aarti, a museum employee, has created a table in access titled “Roman Achitecture”. She has included a field that links users images of buildings.





Aarti, a museum employee, has created a table in access titled “Roman Achitecture”. She has included a field that links users images of buildings

Abdullah wants to send sessitive data. Abdullah wants to make sure that only ahmed can see and read this. How can abdullah protect this data, so that ahmed can only access it. By using this information make an algorithm.



Use an encryption algorithm


An encryption algorithm can be used to hide the message from parties in-between or any third parties that might want to intercept the message being sent by Abudullah to Ahmed.

Encryption algorithms use cryptographic methods to encrypt or code data such that only the sender and receiver of that data have the keys to properly decode/decrypt these messages/data.

tiền tệ ra đời là kết quả


bruuh, wht is this man saying

Money was born as a result?

Laser printer use a special powdered ink called?


If i am correct it is called toner!

What is the role of memory in a computer​



Computer random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components in determining your system's performance. RAM gives applications a place to store and access data on a short-term basis. It stores the information your computer is actively using so that it can be accessed quickly.

Help me why did my desktop erase every app I need that please



Your computer is affected by a polymorphic or trojan horse virus, so install avast antivirus. Set your computer into safe mode, then open the antivirus


your pc has virus


monitor is hard copy output device??





monitor is an output device but not hard copy. Hard copy is paper

c. Compare Mainframe and Minicomputers with their key features

plzzz help ​



Mainframe computer:

The size of the disk is large.

They have large memory storage.

The speed of processing is fast in comparison to minicomputer.

They are more expensive.


The size of disk is small.

They have less memory storage in comparison to mainframes.

Their processing speed is less in comparison to mainframes.

It is not as expensive as mainframes.


I hope this will help you

Tristen is teaching her history course. She printed off her presentation so the students could take notes. Wyatt is
teaching a science course. He wants to make sure students who do not have PowerPoint can still view the
presentation. Reed is teaching a math course online. He finds the students are very visual and wants to control the
timing per slide
Which best describes how each teacher handled their presentations?
O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed saved as a video
O Tristen created a video, Wyatt saved as a PDF, and Reed broadcasted.
O Tristen created handouts, Wyatt saved as a video, and Reed saved as a PDF.
O Tristen created a video, Wyatt broadcasted, and Reed saved as a video


Since Tristen want her students to take notes on her presentations, she should have some sort of handout.

Because Wyatt, wants to ensure that students who do not have PowerPoint can still view his presentations, converting it into a pdf is best.

Since Reed's students are very visual, converting his slides into a video will make it better for students who want to spend some time assessing some of the graphs or equations.

Thus, A is the best choice.

The program prompts the user for five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces, calculates the average of those numbers, and displays the numbers and their average to the user.

The program uses methods to:

1) get the numbers entered by the user all on one line separated by spaces;

2) calculate the average of the numbers entered by the user; and

3) print the results.

The first method should take no arguments and return a String of numbers separated by spaces.

The second method should take a String as its only argument and return a double (the average).

The third method should take a String and a double as arguments but have no return value.

IF user input is: 20 40 60 80 100



import java.util.Scanner;  

public class AverageDemo


public static String getNumbers()



 String numbers;  

 Scanner scn = new Scanner(;  

 System.out.println("Enter five to ten numbers all on one line, separated by spaces: ");

 numbers = scn.nextLine();

 return numbers;


public static double calcAverage(String numbers)


 String[] values = numbers.split(" ");

 double total = 0;  

 for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)


  total += Integer.parseInt(values[i]);


 if (values.length == 0)

  return 0.0;


  return (total / values.length);


// Method definition of printResults: print the results

public static void printResults(String numbers, double average)


 System.out.printf("\nThe average of the numbers %s is %.2f\n", numbers, average);


// main method

public static void main(String[] args)


 // Call the methods

 String numbers = getNumbers();

 double average = calcAverage(numbers);

 printResults(numbers, average);




why are laptop employment of computer popular these days​



Because due to pandemic all the offices and employment sector are closed physically and to make their work smoothly people are preferring virtual platforms with the concept of work from home .

I hope it is helpful and mark me as brainlest and follow me plllzzz♥️♥️

Still giving out the brainly thing :)
just answer its as simple as that and you get points :)



The answer to that my friend, Is 0 :D





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