We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week.
What is the passive form of this sentence? Immersive Reader
(2/2 Points)

Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.

Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.

Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.

Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.


Answer 1


our grandmother will be being visited by us next week

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Is it extremely slowly or extremely slow?

I know this is důmb but I don't want to get this wrong.

Sentence: The door opened extremely slow/slowly.

Or does it not work?​



slowly because it's an adverb

Summarize - His white T-shirt was splattered with blood. I just stood there, trembling
with sudden cold. I thought he might be dead; surely nobody could be
beaten like that and live. (p.32)
Write 3 sentences that summarize the events connected to this passage.

Pls help The book is THE OUTSIDERS


The Outsiders is about two clashing groups of teenagers, the Greasers and the Socs. A proud member of the Greaser group, protagonist Ponyboy faces lessons of loss, pride, and sacrifice through various conflicts in the novel. The novel is especially focused on class and opportunity differences.

Hope this helps!

Johnny was beaten by a group of Socs. He was beaten so severely that the Greasers all thought he was dead due to the damage done to his body.

You are going to write a short story. Use a story from your own life or a story in the news. Plan the story using the five-part structure.
1. Where did it happen?
2. What was the weather like? Who was there? What were they doing?
3. What went wrong?
4. What surprising event happened? Who was there? What were they doing?
5. Did the story have a happy or sad ending?




here did it happen?

2. What was the weather like? Who was there? What were they doing?

3. What went wrong?

4. What surprising event happened? Who was there? What were they doing?

5. Did the story have a happy or sad ending?

the company has run up huge……




The answer is salaries i took the test

Which is the appropriate order for a body paragraph?

A. transition, evidence, topic sentence, concluding sentence
B. evidence, topic sentence, transition, concluding sentence
C. topic sentence, transition, thesis statement, evidence
D. transition, topic sentence, evidence, concluding sentence





Transition from paragraph before to your new paragraph

Introduce what you are going to talk about in the paragraph (establish a point)

Give evidence to support your point

Conclude your paragraph

Answer: it is D. transition, topic sentence, evidence, concluding sentence


what can the reader use to best interpret the theme of a story ? “the yellow wallpaper”
A) The time period in which the story was written
B) The chronological order of events that happen in the story
C) The personal opinion of the author that creates a sense of bias
D) The details from the story that suggest a universal truth



i think the answer a is the best one.


In two sentences, summarize the benefits derived from the
mining industry
In one sentence, summarize the negative effect of mining
on the environment.
In three sentences, summarize how the mining industry
can be made more beneficial to the local community and
the nation


1. Mine exploration, construction, operation, and maintenance may result in land-use change, and may have associated negative impacts on environments, including deforestation, erosion, contamination and alteration of soil profiles, contamination of local streams and wetlands, and an increase in noise level, dust and ...

2. Mined materials are needed to construct roads and hospitals, to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites, to generate electricity, and to provide the many other goods and services that consumers enjoy. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries.

3. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries. It provides employment, dividends, and taxes that pay for hospitals, schools, and public facilities. The mining industry produces a trained workforce and small businesses that can service communities and may initiate related businesses.As a developed society we are fortunate to enjoy the many benefits that lignite, uranium and industrial minerals help provide. These benefits include low-cost, reliable electricity and the materials necessary to build our homes, schools, hospitals, roads, highways, bridges and airports.

Read the excerpt from the story Hummingbird and Heron:

Many years ago, when the world was so young that the sun was still new in the sky, there lived two friends. Heron was large and slow, with a long, gangly neck and big, floppy wings. Hummingbird was tiny and swift, with wings that moved so quickly that they buzzed and a slender beak as sleek as a needle.

Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.

One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.

"Heron! Heron!" he called. "Why have you eaten all the fish?"

Heron bustled to her door, angry and surprised at her friend's accusation.

"Me? Eat all the fish?" she squawked. "I barely caught anything this morning! My poor stomach has been growling all day."

How does the narrator's point of view influence the description of events?
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know exactly what Heron is thinking when he doesn't catch any fish.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that Hummingbird has had a growling stomach all day.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to see Hummingbird as reasonable because he doesn't accuse Heron of eating all the fish.


Answer: I think the answer is most likely the second one

The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.



The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Find the correct phrase to give this sentence a parallel structure.

Paul doesn't like to shovel snow, to mow the lawn, or ( to rake , raking , rake , raked ) leaves.

A. to rake
B. raking
C. rake
D. raked


Hi! I think the answer is to rake leaves or option C. I think this because to rake doesn’t make much sense in this sense, option B. to raking leaves doesn’t make much sense either, and option D. makes it in the past tense. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)




Hơ many year your in Word?


which language is this i can't understand

state any two problems that ambiguous sentences can create in communication​



"Ambiguity refers to a form of meaning in which a word, statement, or resolution is not specifically defined, allowing for several interpretations." When you realise that there are several solutions to an issue but aren't certain which one to choose, you're dealing with ambiguous circumstances.

As a result, ambiguity might obstruct concept clarity, which is a key communication fundamental. Ambiguity can have a detrimental impact on the response or reaction to a message that has been delivered and received.

Explain the goal and purpose of an advertising company.



The goal is to get money


The purpose of it is to catch the peoples attention. For Example if I said you can get this toy for this amount but then I said you can get this toy and has weapons. But in reality the toy that has accessories cost more than the toy without the accessories.

They want to get as much money from a company like Pepsi and to make an ad for Cable to let people know they are still relevant or doing something different even though lots of people know what pepsi is if they stop their relevancy would go down and they would stop making as much money.

Basic explanation- To advertise.

Mr.mahat is _______ S.P. (a, an,the)​




it is a special case


please mark me as brainliest


Mr Mahat is the s.p..................................

They (know) the result in a couple of day( future indefinite form)​


Upon putting the verb in bracket into future indefinite tense. The given sentence “They (know) the result in a couple of days” will be written in the following way:

They will get to know the result in a couple of days.

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. There are three keys to winning: practice, practice, and practice.
B. There are three keys to winning. Practice; practice; and practice.
C. There are three keys to winning: practice; practice; and practice.
D. There are three keys to winning. Practice, practice, and practice.


I pretty sure it’s A! Hope this helps.

There are three keys to winning: practice, practice, and practice is the correct way to punctuate this statement. Thus, the option (a) is correct.

What is punctuate?

The term punctuate refers to the create the systematic sentence formation. Without punctuation no sentence are formed. The punctuation are adjust the sentences. The may information and details are in one sentence with the help of punctuation. The punctuation are many types such as commas, semicolon, full stop and question mark etc.

The sentence was highlighted the number refers to three. The sentence was used in commas and colon also full stop to end the sentence. The sentence was started in there are three keys to wining used as colon and practice to used in commas and at the end used in full stop. The perfect punctuate used in sentence first.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on punctuate, here:



Question 6 of 20 :
Select the best answer for the question.
6. An MLA in-text citation usually appears at the end of which of the following?
A. Paragraph
O B. Paper
O C. Clause
OD. Sentence





is a sentence I think


C. Clause I took the test.

Which type of graph would best show the data collected from measuring time for a ball to fall from varying heights?

scatter plot

circle graph

frequency table

bar graph



no.1 scatter plot



The person above is right! It's scatter plot.

La persona de arriba tiene razón! Es gráfico de dispersión.

they got the lunch ready..... 12:30.​


Answer: wym by that?

I always try to get out of doing the dishes.
a. It’s my favorite chore. b. I enjoy doing the dishes. c. It’s my least favorite chore. d. I often do the dishes.


Answer: C.


the answer is c. Its my least favourite chore




You can't be serious in choosing A or B. If you liked doing dishes, the first introductory statement would be a questionable utterance. Both are wrong.

C: is the answer most likely, but you have to get rid of D.

D: could be right. If you often do the dishes, you might be sick and tired of doing them. But the introductory statement says you always try to get out of it which means that like it or not, you are going to do the dishes.

who are you I don't know who were you ​


lol what you are saying ?lolo

have a great day


what exactly are you asking ?

is online examination okay​




yeah its very lit in online examination . we can cheat easily from go.gle

Answer: stuff can be neat

Please mark brainliest dear sire

Can somebody answers these plz.


Hi is there a text that I’m suppose to read to answer this?

Please help me ASAP?!!!!!



false false the creative




The Assembly line Process

The nurse who admitted Long asked what.......to him


Answer: what are you doing


How old is Ryan?‎ ‎Ryan…
Where does he live? ‎He…
Does he live with his parents?‎ … with his parents.
What’s his father’s job?‎ His father…



Ryan is 15years old .He lives in Uganda.He also lives with his parents.His father works in an organization called MercyCops

please help so I won’t post it again!

Decide whether sexual harassment occurred,
could or should have done differently, and what the "victim" could do about the problem or potential problem.

A construction worker whistles and applauds as an attractive woman walks by his construction site every day. The woman always quickens her pace to get past the building as fast as possible, every once a while she smiles a little, suggesting that she enjoys being found attractive. The worker's buddy pokes him and says he could be putting the company at risk for a sexual harassment lawsuit, but the worker doesn't think that's likely to happen and continues to whistle and applaud at attractive women.



In my view, this would depend on how the lady felt and how she communicated with the man. meaning if the Lady indeed enjoyed being praised then I don't believe this would be put in under sexual harassment, however even though the prompt said she smiled it also mentions how she would quicken her pace. But this can have several meanings, lets say she did enjoy it then there might be a possibility that she would hurry off being embarrassed by the compliments. Now if indeed she hurried off being uncomfortable then she should tell the worker that, after seeing his reaction they can either reconcile or in other scenarios she may be able to charge him for sexual harassment.


Are there any kind of movies you dislike?





Summary for music for my mother


Answer: music can make people happy, dance, and sing. It can do a lot of things for people.


"The autumnal equinox (noun) is an astronomical event that occurs when the hours of night and day are equal in length, happening around September 22 each year."

What type of definition is provided in the sentence?

formal definition

extended definition

dictionary definition

informal definition


dictionary definition

dictionary definition

As you prepare to organize an academic paper, what's the first thing you should do?
A. Write a formal outline using full sentences
B. Double-check the requirements of the assignment.
C. Put all your ideas in order from most to least important.
D. Type up your detailed notes on your research.



A). Write a formal outline using full sentences.


Organizing a text or paper is one of the most crucial tasks as it directly impacts the readers' interest and understanding. It not only establishes a connection among the ideas that allow the readers to relate it effectively to the thesis but also promotes their comprehension.

As per the question, the first step is to develop a formal outline of the essay or paper. This draft will begin with the thesis statement that will reveal the key idea of the paper. The thesis statement will be immediately followed by ideas that back the thesis statement and then, the key ideas are further supported in a logical manner until the topic is developed completely. Thus, this will arrange the paper in an effective and coherent manner. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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