what were the key factors shaping southeast asia? Answer must be a paragraph.


Answer 1


Southeast Asia is one of the regions of the world most affected by deforestation and climate change. Environmental degradation caused by deforestation and commercial planation farming has been a major factor behind the recurring air pollution (haze) in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore

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what does the map indicate


Incomes in Mississippi are significantly less than the national average.


Incomes in Wyoming and Arizona are relatively the same in comparison to the national average.


Incomes in South Carolina are significantly higher than the national average.


Incomes throughout all of Michigan are lower than the national average.


Incomes in Nevada are higher than the national average, whereas incomes in Utah are lower than the national average.

Please help, I'm not sure if what I chose is correct



E incomes in nevada are higher than the national average,whereas incomes in utah are lower than the national average

Which evils of modern society does Mr. Diamond cite as evidence that the Neolithic Revolution was a negative event in the history of mankind?


The evils of modern society referred to by Jared Diamond in his article "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" are:

Population GrowthHealth IssuesGross social and sexual inequalityDespotism

In his article, he describes the above challenges as a  fall out of the Neolithic Revolution. The Neolithic Revolution is none other than the discovery of Agriculture by man.

His article visits evidence upon evidence using evolution, and findings from archeology to buttress his points.

1. Population Growth: His interpretation of this is that because man discovered agriculture, he shelved his nomadic lifestyle (hunting and gathering) in favor of sedentary existence. Because man no longer migrated from place to place, population density triggered around the location where he chose to settle.

2. James cites the following as evidence that agriculture created an upward trajectory in the occurrence of health issues:

first, while the nomadic man (hunter and gatherer) had and ate a variety of foods the sedentary (agriculturer) was limited to just a few carbohydrates (starch) based crops. Of course, this is an approximation but the point is very clear and near to the truth. second, increases in population densities leading to the spread of parasites and infectious diseases; third, the risk of death increased because of the dependence on just a few varieties of crops to propagate.

3. James also posited that despotism and inequality are fallouts of Agriculture. Hunters and gathers, according to him, have no need to store food for prolonged periods of time. They depended on fresh intake of nutrients. Nature held the power of ownership of resources. Hence, there were no class divisions such as the rich and the poor, the weak and the powerful (politically speaking).

4. He also posited that under the nomadic culture, the job of the woman was mostly to transport babies as the tribes moved from one location to the other. Under the agricultural system, women became more like beasts of burden tasked with various kinds of agricultural routines including carrying very heavy loads from farm to sites of residence.

Learn more about the Neolithic Revolution here:


What is the "interruption" in an interrupted time series design?



A commerical or ad/advertisement

How was southeast asia a part of "global middle ages?"




Productive agricultural and interregional trade contributed to Southeast Asian cultures in mainland and island Southeast Asia. Knowledge of Southeast Asia spread across Eurasia along with its valuable trade goods, making the region a part of the "Global Middle Ages."

Jack and Jill want to play Monopoly with us.

Which meaning of the word play is used in the sentence?

A noun meaning "an athletic activity"
A verb meaning "to take part in an activity such as a sport"
A noun meaning "an activity that is engaged in for recreation"
A verb meaning "to engage in an activity for recreation"



A verb meaning "to engage in an activity for recreation"


#1 and #2 automatically wouldn't be the answers because the word 'play' isn't being used to describe a sport being played - monopoly is a board game, not a sport (lol). #3 wouldn't be the answer because the word 'play' isn't a noun, since it isn't being used as, or means a place, person, or thing.

Hope this helps! :D

When Europeans finally began to explore
after the Crusades, they were aided in large
part by
A. Their vast knowledge of other cultures
B. Their benevolent approach to conquest
C. The sheer magnitude of their exploration fleets
D. The use of cannons and guns on their ships


I think the answer is D

How did world religions spread in southeast asia?
Answer must be a paragraph.






About the beginning of the Common Era, Indian merchants may have settled there, bringing Brahmans and Buddhist monks with them. These religious men were patronized by rulers who converted to Hinduism or Buddhism. ... Later, from the 9th century onward, Tantrism, both Hindu and Buddhist, spread throughout the region.

Explain how the revival of classical texts contributed to the development of the Renaissance in Italy.


Renaissance was  when art and literature was revived during the 14th century  under the influence of the classical models.

The revival of the classical texts was vital as it brought about new values and methods of scholarship to the religion and the society.

It also helped in revitalizing their culture as the classical texts were reemphasized. Lastly, there was an expansion of philosophy, and art.

Read related link on:


Due to changing the ideology of people at that time that plays a crucial role in the movement of renaissance.

The revival of classical texts contributed to the development of the Renaissance in Italy because these classical texts changed the ideology of people that contributes to the development of Renaissance movement. The renaissance thinkers considered the Middle Ages or the dark ages is a period in which decline of culture occurs. They revitalize their culture through the action of re-emphasizing their classical texts and philosophies. They interpreted them in order to create their own style of art, philosophy and scientific researches.


Roads in urban areas are generally
A. narrower and more compact
B. unpaved and more Compact
C. rougher and more interesting
D. wideand more interesting
(It's not B or D)


In urban areas, the roads themselves are generally narrower and more compact due to the inherent density of urban infrastructure and planning.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..

Label each as either physical or chemical change.
a.corrosion of aluminum metal by hydrochloric acid
b.melting wax
c.pulverizing an aspirin tablet
d. digesting a Three Musketeersbar
e. explosion of nitroglycerin
f. a burning match
g. metal warming up, due to the burning match
h. water vapor condensing on the metal
i.the metal oxidizes, becoming dull and brittle
j.salt being dissolved by water



corrosion of aluminum metal by hydrochloric acid - chemical change

melting wax - physical change

pulverizing an aspirin tablet - physical change

digesting a Three Musketeersbar - chemical change

explosion of nitroglycerin - chemical change

a burning match - chemical change

metal warming up, due to the burning match - physical change

water vapor condensing on the metal - physical change

the metal oxidizes, becoming dull and brittle - chemical change

salt being dissolved by water - physical change


A chemical change is one in which a new substance is produced and it is not easily reversible. A chemical change always goes with absorption or evolution of heat.

On the other hand, a physical change is one in which no new substance is formed and it is easily reversible.

The processes mentioned in the question were classified into physical and chemical changes as we can see in the answer section.

Two drivers reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time. Who has the right of way?
A.) The driver on the left.
B.)No one.
C.)The driver on the right.


Hope this helps!

⚠️Please help asap, I would like to double check my answer with someone. Thank you

During the Era of Warring
States in China,
Confucius was advocating for
A. peaceful protest
B. obedience
C. civil disobedience
D. free speech


I would suggest B. obedience is the best answer as Confucius is most famously known for advocating basic principles which include taking action, responding to social demands, as well as respecting elders and parents. Obedience falls most in line with the rest of his common ideals.

Hey, Guys! I made it into AP Lang but this assignment is tough and it's due TOMORROW. I would appreciate any help you can give! Thanks!

Brainliest for the best help given! I'm not asking for answers (although if you wanna . . . ;) ), I'm just asking for some desperately needed help! I appreciate it!


OKAY, so you find a quote, and you make sure to mark the page/paragraph because it makes it easier to find. You then add your notations, which include your reactions to the quote, or maybe your thoughts on it when it comes to the context of the article.

Answer: can you plzp mark me as brainlist plz plz i really need this


Which job would not be best suited for an extroverted person?



All job are equal.

but you ask.

the answer is labourer

but labour also important for making house.


Office Job


Step 1:  Define what an extroverted person is

According to https://www.healthline.com, it states that "extroverts are often described as happy, positive, cheerful, and sociable. They aren't as likely to dwell on problems or ponder difficulties. While they experience difficulties and troubles like anyone else, extroverts are often more able to let it roll off their backs."

Step 2:  Examine what would not be the best suited job for an extrovert

Since extroverts are often sociable, which means they are outgoing and like doing stuff with other people, this means that they will most likely not want an office job.  Office jobs are often isolated for most of the day which is something an extrovert wouldn't want.  Therefore, I think that an Office Job is the least suited for an extroverted person.

Answer:  Office Job

What is a good claim about health and fitness?



Working out and maintaining health can benefit your life in the future. It could also increase your motivation to do something because you experienced results.

When your tire blows out in the middle of a drive, you should A. let go of the steering wheel B. pump the brakes immediately C. grip the steering wheel firmly D. immediately steer to the side of the road​


The answer is C Grip the steering wheel firmly


c) grip the steering wheel firmly


A) does not make sense because if you let the steering wheel go, you will loose complete control over the vehicle. DON'T DO THIS!

B) Pumping the brakes immediately is NOT recommended in this situation. Articles show that you should if anything accelerate slightly (if needed) to keep the car's momentum until you have gained enough control of the vehicle to where you are able to pull off to the shoulder.

D) Allow yourself the time to get the car under control before immediately pulling off to the shoulder. Depending on which side the tire blew, the car will naturally steer that direction. Pull the steering wheel the opposite direction the car's tire is pulling.

Hope this helps! Stay safe!

What are the differences between architects and engineers? in box​



Both are professional titles acquired through specific schooling and a licensing process.

With regards to the building industry, an architect is the generalist and an engineer is the specialist. Generally, the architect is the conceptual designer of the project, involved through all stages of a project. Engineers come and go (some stay significantly longer than others) and focus on a specific aspect of a building such as the mechanical systems or the structure. Architects and engineers together make up "the design team," and they work together to make the design complete. Architectural elements may be moved for the structure to make more sense and vice versa. The architect is usually the overseer, communicating with all the disciplines involved. The architect is likely the first to notice that the proposed ductwork conflicts with a structural beam, for example.

If the project is large enough, you might have two sets of architect teams: the design architect and the executive architect, also known as the Architect of Record. The executive architect has a more technical focus.

The technical aspects of architecture include compliance with building codes and figuring out all the building stuff related to the final product. For example, a plumbing engineer's drawing will have a line on a drawing representing a plumbing line. An architect's drawing might include a detail that shows that plumbing line as an actual pipe with a thickness with the bricks and cement block of the wall it is penetrating as well as whatever seal will be keeping the rain out.

Because of the difference in role and scope between an architect and engineer, the engineer of a project will be working on many other projects simultaneously, while the architect is dedicated to a few or just the one.


How do i stay motivated to study? i have exams coming up but i tend to lose focus. any tips?



My future me makes me motivated for studies. I want to be a doctor in future and whenever I can't concentrate I just think of it. Or

Set a time table for the subjects you need to work on the most.spend maximum time and whenever you don't want to study or don't wish to study just do anything else for some time like drawing and then continue.Stay away from social media or technology while studying.
- set a goal, one you know you can keep.
- take lots of notes - easy ones. they help. - motivation quotes are good.
- try listening to calm music.

Which statement best describes a person who is following through on a previously made decision?



The two

all the world now ok?

Is this supposed to be a multiple choice question?

In what ways can Confucasianism be defined as a secular or "humanistic" philosophy rather than a supernatural religion?



Why has Confucianism been defined as a "humanistic philosophy" rather than a supernatural religion"? Confucianism had a secular outlook on society and didn't find it necessary for more educated people to look to gods to keep a social harmony.

In Mesopotamian civilization, people often
believed that the gods were angry with
them because
A. Corrupt priests manipulated them in order to make them
easier to control
B. It was part of their storytelling tradition
C. Life was unpredictable and difficult, and they assumed their
difficulties were a punishment



a Mabey


don't trust me on this

Explain any four attributes of God​


God is infinite and omnipotent: God is everywhere, unlimited, and all-powerful. God can do anything.

God is eternal: God always was and always will be. God is the one being who cannot not be.

God is holy: Gods goodness and love are unlimited.

God is immutable: God does not change-ever.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism's definition of God is an enumeration of his attributes: "God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth." This answer has been criticised, however, as having "nothing specifically Christian about it." The ...

As China modernized they wanted to
A. eliminate inequalities of class and gender
B eliminate poverty
C. eliminate communism



I think its to eliminate inequalities of class and gender


I think tho!! :)

define multiple angle with an example​



If A be a given angle then 2A, 3A, 4A, etc., are called multiple angles. Here we will derive the formulae for multiples of angles or numbers.

The following are the sub-topics which deals with the trigonometrical ratio of multiple angels such as trigonometric functions of 2A in terms of A, trigonometric ratios of 2A in terms of tan A and trigonometric ratios of angle 3A in terms of an angle A.

● Multiple Angles

sin 2A in Terms of A

cos 2A in Terms of A

tan 2A in Terms of A

sin 2A in Terms of tan A

cos 2A in Terms of tan A

Trigonometric Functions of A in Terms of cos 2A

sin 3A in Terms of A

cos 3A in Terms of A

tan 3A in Terms of A

Multiple Angle Formulae

Who is an at-risk driver?
A driver who is following all rules properly
A driver who adapts to the driving situation
A driver who is aggressive in traffic
A driver who reacts appropriately to the driving situation​


A driver who is aggressive in traffic would be your answer.
c. a driver who is aggressive in traffic. aka road rage people :)

Am I thirsty? I am I think so



liquiditaion and liquidation and liquidation

Heterogeneous student are found in ........​


Heterogeneous grouping is a distribution tactic in the classroom, whereby diverse students (for example, students that have learning disabilities and students who are gifted) are placed in different classrooms so that they can apply their skills and abilities more evenly through their cohort.

Hope this helps :))


Which of the following would NOT improve the effects of eutrophication in lakes?



There are two possible approaches to reducing eutrophication: Reduce the source of nutrients (e.g. by phosphate stripping at sewage treatment works, reducing fertilizer inputs, introducing buffer strips of vegetation adjacent to water bodies to trap eroding soil particles).

9. Windows Movie Maker is a ... software created by Microsoft. * a.Subscription base b. Free c.chargable d. Renewable​



b. Free


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

Basically, softwares are categorized into two (2) main categories based on their shareability and availability, these are;

I. Shareware.

II. Open-source software.

III. Closed-source (subscription-based) software.

IV. Freeware.

A freeware software refers to a type of software application (program) that can be downloaded over the internet and used at no extra cost i.e without an end user having to pay an amount of money as fees.

Windows Movie Maker is a free video editing software that was designed (created) and developed by Microsoft Inc. This free software was developed to avail it end users the opportunity to effectively, easily and quickly create movie using picture and video files.

The reason that Germany attacked Belgium
and France before Russia was
A. they believed Russia would be slow to mobilize due to its size
B. France was an easier target
C. France was a greater threat to them


The answer is b, France was an easier target.
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