What are the functions of hypothalamus​


Answer 1


releasing hormones.regulating body temperature.maintaining daily physiological cycles.controlling appetite.managing of sexual behavior.regulating emotional responses.

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In crude oil affect eggs and larvae of fish and increase mortality.
O a.
O b.
O c.
liquid petroleum



its c liquid petroleum 100% surr

Jeremiah is an 10-year-old male who is short in stature. His parents have become concerned as Jeremiah is now wetting the bed, drinking a lot of water, and often appears tired/fatigued. The doctor orders several blood tests after Jeremiah's urine test was positive for glucose and ketones.1. What disease(s) should be ruled out in this patient?2. List the tests that are used to diagnose diabetes.3. List the symptoms of diabetes.


Answer: 2) Tests used to diagnoses diabetes: Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, Fasting Glucose Test, Hemaglobin A1c, Random Blood Suger Test.

3) unexplained weight loss, frequent unination, lethargic, excessive thirst, nausea , and vomititng, increased hunger even though is still eating, blurry vision, bed-wetting in childern who did not do it previously, dry mouth,


According to cell theory, all new cells...
A. must share DNA with existing cells.
B. must eat.
C. come from other cells.





all new cells come from other cells

Mountain ranges are created at boundaries between tectonic plates a. b. transform transflux divergent convergent C. d. 5​


Convergent would produce mountains because they approach eachother

Sperm cells are not normally exposed to blood, but if they are, the immune system may produce ____________ against sperm cells' ____________ and render someone sterile.



Sperm cells are not normally exposed to blood, but if they are, the immune system may produce __auto-antibodies__ against sperm cells' __auto-antigens_ and render someone sterile.


Auto-antibodies are antibodies that can destroy cells from the same organism. They are mistakenly directed against organs or tissues of the same organisms, causing auto-immune diseases or affections. The autoantibodies action occurs when the organism fails in recognizing its own cells and faces them as strange elements.

Auto-antigen is the molecule produces by the body that fails in being recognized due to a break up in the tolerance mechanisms, triggering an immune response.

In the exposed example, sperm cells do not usually mix with blood. So when they do, blood cells recognize them as strange bodies and act against them. Sterility might be an effect of this auto-immune response.







Active transport differs from passive transport in that active transport requires energy




insects is a write answer.

please helpppppppppp

Identify the variables in this hypothesis.

If Sam increases his exposure to excessive noise by listening to music through his headphones, then his ability to hear will decrease. This is because when sounds are too loud, they can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause hearing loss.

The independent variable is


The dependent variable is




The independent variable is excessive noice exposure

The dependent variable is hearing


sorry for you having to wait so long have a mildly amazing day like me lol


The independent variable is  : Excessive noise exporsure

The dependent variable is : hearing


I gotchu fam :D

What does a botanist study



Botany is the scientific study of plants—how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved.



WOmbats are what type of mammals?



Los wombats son marsupiales que solo se encuentran en Australia, pero estos curiosos y simpáticos animales de piernas cortas y rechonchas rara vez son tenidos en cuenta como otros animales nativos como los koalas y los canguros, que parecen ser más mediáticos.


During inhalation, the chest cavity _________ in volume, _________ the pressure in the lungs.



1. reduce la presión interna

2. el aire se precipita hacia adentro y llena los pulmones.


b. Bobcats are another predator of snowshoe hare. If a population of bobcats immigrates to the
area, how is this likely to affect the habitat's carrying capacities for hare and lynx?



Decrease population and carrying capacity.


If a population of bobcats immigrates to the  area, the population of hare and lynx decreases that also affect the habitat's carrying capacities for hare and lynx because bobcats feed on both hare and lynx. Bobcats are very aggressive in nature, and has an aggressive hunting style. With these characteristics, the bobcats can hunt both hare and lynx which leads to decrease in population and carrying capacity.

What percent of immature T cell thymocytes are eliminated and destroyed by thymic selection to prevent autoimmune diseases?



These cells continue to mature and then exit the thymus, armed to inhibit the activation of self-reactive T cells. It has been estimated that the three steps of thymic selection eliminate 98% of thymocytes.

Question 1 of 10
Consider the following geometric solids.
A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.3 m
A right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to
2.1 m?
What results would you expect if these two models were compared in a
diffusion test?
A. The rate of diffusion would be slower for the right cylinder,
B. The rate of diffusion would be the same for the two models.
C. The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder.
D. The rate of diffusion would be faster for the sphere.



the rate if diffusion will be faster in the right cylinder


The surface area to volume ratio of the cylinder is higher. This means that in the cylinder more reactants are exposed at the surface and the rate at which diffusion takes place increases

Anyone know this??? Help!!!
Devise an experiment to test the effect of pH on the activity of biological washing powder



I think you are nepali yeah but I don't have your question ❓ answer

Guinea pigs can produce different coat colors, white, brown, and mixed white/brown (agouti). The allele B is codominant with allele W (white coat). Cross an agouti-colored Guinea pig with a brown Guinea pig. What are the odds of the offspring?




Explanation:because the agouti itself is a mixture that remains of a pale brown color and the melanin content in the animals is in the darker colors so it is more likely that the brown color is predominant to the agouti due to the content of melanin that it

The descendants of a cross between an agouti heterozygous (AB) colored Guinea pig and a brown (BB) colored Guinea pig are half heterozygous agouti, half homozygous brown. The correct option is A.

What exactly is codominance?

Codominance is a genetic effect that happens whenever the alleles are expressed in heterozygotes.

In this particular instance, allele B co-dominates with allele W, resulting in heterozygous (WB) colored Guinea pigs like one of the parents.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding co-dominance, visit:



The missing options of the question are:

A. 1/2 heterozygous brown, 1/2 homozygous agouti.B. 1/2 homozygous white, 1/2 heterozygous brown.C. 1/4 homozygous brown.D. 1/2 heterozygous agouti, 1/4 white.

Which of the following cycles does not involve living organisms?
a. carbon cycle
b. oxygen cycle
c. rock cycle
d. nitrogen cycle
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



rock cycle is the correct answer

What are the types of honey bee?​




what is the effect of increasing the concentration of each of the following metabolites on the net rate of glycolysis; 1.glucose 6-phosphate. 2. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 3. citrate 4. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate​



hlo everyone how are you all ☆☆☆

Draw the egg and label it​



What egg?




/         \

|           |


Answer please..... I'll be very grateful to you


The answer is b, 12 ng
The answer is 12 ng the option B

Suppose that you close a window because you notice that rain is falling. Your action in closing the window is a(n)

A. involuntary reaction.
B. depressant.
C. stimulus.
D. response.



D. Response


Basically, You Are Coordinating What Is Happening Which Triggers The Brain For A Response.




You are responding to the rain by closing the window.

- it is not an involuntary action because that is something that doesn't require thinking such as breathing and blinking.

- it is not a depressant because that is something that reduces functional activity - so affects the body.

- it is not a stimulus because a stimulus is a change or signal in the environment that can make an organism react. So, in this case the rain would be the stimulus.

what is economic importance of honey bee​



1. They are one of the most important pollinators for both wild and domestic plants.

2. Their most important product, honey, is used in baking, meals, and drinks. It is also used for shooting sore throat and suppressing the urge to cough. It also reduces the ravages of the aging process and it is an antioxidant that may help in the prevention of cancers. It is a mild salve for treating skin conditions and abrasions.

3. Propolis, a material made when bees mix resin with honey, is used to treat minor wounds and abscesses.

4. Bee pollen which are pollen balls are excellent source of amino acids and vitamins for humans.

5. Royal jelly, which is a milky secretion secreted by worker honey bees is used for asthma, hay fever, pancreatitis, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and other diseases.

A genetically heterogeneous population of rice has a mean in the number of days to maturation of 30. Selection for decreased period of maturation is carried out for one generation. The average period to maturation among the plants selected as parents for the next generation is 25 days. F1 plants mature on average in 27 days. Estimate the narrow sense heritability.



h² = 0.6


Before answering the question, we need to know a few concepts.

Artificial selection is the selecting practice of a specific group of organisms in a population -that carry the traits of interest- to be the parents of the following generations.

Parental individuals carrying phenotypic values of interest are selected from the whole population. These parents interbreed, and a new generation is produced.

The selection differential, SD, is the difference between the mean value of the trait in the population (X₀) and the mean value of the parents, (Xs). So,  

SD = X₀ - Xs

Heritability in the strict sense, h², is the genetic component measure to which additive genetic variance contributes. The heritability might be used to determine how the population will respond to the selection done, R.  

h² = R/SD

The response to selection (R) refers to the metric value gained from the cross between the selected parents. R can be calculated by multiplying the heritability h², with the selection differential, SD.  

R = h²SD  

R also equals the difference between the new generation phenotypic value (X₁) and the original population phenotypic value (X₀),  

R = X₀ - X₁


Now that we know these concepts and how to calculate them, we can solve the proposed problem.

Available data:  

You are selecting rice´s decreased period of maturation. The population of rice has a mean maturation time of 30 days → X₀ Parental selected average period to maturation is 25 days → Xs F1 plants mature on average in 27 days → X₁ N arrow sense Heritability → h²

According to what we sow previously, we need to find out the value of h².

We know that h² = R/SD, so we need to get R and SD first.  

R = X₁ - X₀

R = 27 - 30

R = -3

SD = Xs -  X₀  

SD = 25 - 30

SD = -5

Knowing this, we can calculate h²

h² = R/SD

h² = -3/-5  

h² = 0.6


On a plant, stomates are small openings that regulate the passage of air and water vapor to and from the plant. Generally, the stomates open during sunlight and exchange gases with the atmosphere. The stomates of a few specialized desert plants can open only at night. The best explanation for the pattern of stomate opening and closing is that the desert plants are adapted to protect against
(1) harmful insects
(2) dust particles
(3) destructive plant disease
(4) excess water loss
(5) total energy loss

Please help me somebody answer this.





this is because when the stomata opens during the day it would lose much water to the atmosphere so it tends to open during the night and close during the day

the answer is 4 because The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf (as well as the loss of water vapor in transpiration) occurs through pores called stomata (singular = stoma). Normally stomata open when the light strikes the leaf in the morning and close during the night.

Determine the correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.
A. Heat to Chemical to Electrical to Kinetic
B. Heat to Kinetic to Electrical to Chemical
C. Kinetic to Chemical to Heat to Electrical
D. Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical



D. Chemical to heat to kinetic to electrical

The correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels are D) Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical

What converts chemical energy to kinetic energy to electrical energy?

Batteries used in torches, computers, toys, and camera cells, are actually made up of chemical cells which convert the chemical energy from the batteries to the electrical energy required for the devices to work well.

What are the main energy types?

Examples of these are light energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy, and so on. Each form can be converted or changed into the other forms.

Learn more about energy here: https://brainly.com/question/13881533


In a 1973 essay with the same name, geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky made famous the idea that nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. From a careful reading of The Serengeti Rules, one could also argue that nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of regulation. Do you agree or disagree with this claim


I agree with this claim because organisms interact with one another in an ecosystem, thereby regulating population sizes in the community.

The Serengeti Rules is a documentary film based on biologist Sean B. Carroll's book (2017). This book explains the balanced functioning of an ecosystem by exploring the discoveries of five pioneering scientists: Mary Power, Bob Paine, Tony Sinclair, John Terborgh, and Jim Estes.

The term 'Serengeti rules' is due to many of these rules were obtained by studying natural populations in the Serengeti National Park (Tanzania).

These rules are a set of simple ecological rules of nature that indicate how ecosystems work.  

The Serengeti rules explain how organisms interact with one another in the ecosystem, thereby regulating population sizes in the community.

Some key concepts of the Serengeti rules are as follow: Keynote species is a type of species whose activities govern the wellbeing of other species in the ecosystem. A trophic cascade is a phenomenon by which species impact other species even when they do not directly interact with each other. Downgrading refers to cascading effect of the removal of a species at the top of a food web (e.g., predators)

Learn more here:



As part of a resource recovery project, a city decides to open reuse centers.
What kind of materials might a reuse center accept?
A. Household garbage
B. Industrial waste
C. Leftover art supplies
D. Yard trimmings


The reuse center might accept: D. Yard trimmings

What is a reuse center?

A reuse center, also known as a recycling center or a second-hand store, is a facility where various materials and items that are still in usable condition are collected, sorted, and made available for resale or redistribution. The main goal of a reuse center is to divert materials from the waste stream and promote their reuse, extending their lifespan and reducing the demand for new products.

These centers typically accept a wide range of items, such as furniture, appliances, clothing, electronics, books, toys, and more. By accepting and selling these items at affordable prices, reuse centers help reduce waste, conserve resources, and provide affordable options for individuals and communities.

A reuse center can accept yard trimmings as it include grass clippings, leaves, branches, and other organic waste from landscaping and gardening activities.

Read more about reuse center here: https://brainly.com/question/30080263


làm sao bảo quản để bánh không lên



which language is this ?

Match the following description with the appropriate type of respiration:

a. occurs in the mitochondria
b. resting muscles depend on this type of respiration
c. lactic acid builds up in muscle fibers
d. rapidly produces ATP for short time periods
e. produces large quantities of ATP but takes longer to synthesize

1. anaerobic respiration
2. aerobic respiration



The correct answer is -

1. c, and d.

2. a, b, and e.


Anaerobic respiration is the short and quick way of producing energy, however, it produces less amount of energy than aerobic respiration and produces lactic acid as a byproduct. It takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell and working or acting muscles depend on such respiration.

Aerobic respiration is the main and important respiration process that takes place in mitochondria and it takes time to produce ATPs that are much more than anaerobic respiration. Resting muscles get energy by this type of respiration.

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