What determines the composition of the soil?

1 . original rock
2. underlying rock breaks down
3. minerals that are present in the rock
transported from a different location


Answer 1
i think the answer is C because minerals are broken down into the rock

Related Questions

Cells dispose of large waste molecules through a process called



Cells dispose of large waste molecules through a process called exocytosis.

Exocytosis is the process through which cells can eliminate wastes, which might be useless or toxic, to the extracellular space.


The endocytosis and exocytosis process refers to molecules transport mediated by vesicles.

Exocytosis occurs from and into the cell and needs energy to happen because it is active transport.Exocytosis involves vesicles or vacuoles. Vesicles or vacuoles can carry substances destined for exportation or cellular wastes. Wastes may be large molecules that result useless for the cells or that might be toxic. During the exocytosis process

         1) excretion compounds of varying nature accumulate within the  


         2) The vesicle migrates toward the cellular surface.

         3) Once in the surface, the vesicle's membrane fuses with the cellular

             membrane, and its content is expelled from the cell to the  

             extracellular space.

         4) Vesicle membrane remains fused to the cell membrane until it is

              reused during endocytosis events.


Related link: https://brainly.com/question/11660031?referrer=searchResults

Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is correct? (and why?)
a) Nematoda − roundworms, internal skeleton
b) Porifera − gastrovascular cavity, coelom
c) Echinodermata - radial symmetry as a larva, coelom
d) Platyhelminthes − flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity


it’s answer c!! i just took that and i got it right

The phylum and description that is correct among the options is Platyhelminthes − flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity

Flatworms belongs to the phylum platyhelminthes. They are said to have no true body cavity, but they do have bilateral symmetry. For the lack of a body cavity, it is called acoelomates.

They also have an incomplete digestive system. That is, the digestive tract has only one openings

From the above we can therefore say that Option d is the correct option that gives the true description of the phylum platyhelminthes

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Partes del sistema linfatico




Le parti principali del tessuto linfatico sono il midollo osseo, la milza, la ghiandola del timo, i linfonodi, i linfonodi e le tonsille.

Explain why the lack of surfactant would result in respiratory distress. Furthermore, what type of acid-base disorder might she develop and how would her body compensate. Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals.



Due to lack of expansion of lungs.


The lack of surfactant compound would result in respiratory distress because Surfactant enables the lungs to expand more easily which allows easiness in respiration. Without surfactant, the air sacs in the lungs will collapse very easily. This collapse leads to decreased amounts of air or oxygen in the lungs which makes it very difficult for the people or infant to breathe.

What is the role of pitutary gland in puberity



Puberty has begun. The trigger for puberty in both boys and girls is the production of 'gonadotrophin releasing hormone' (GnRH) from a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to release two hormones, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).


Please Mark me brainliest


the gland produce hormones that help to regulate growth and body functions.

What is



1 How food keeps us healthy. Food is needed for energy and nutrients to exist, it provides energy for work, and warmth for the body. Everybody also needs food to build, maintain and repair their body. It is also required for control of body processes and for protection against disease and infections.


Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life.

Life cycle of peziza


growth stage

While the pizza category was in the growth stage, the product life cycle of long-lived products was observed in the rice category.

The MN blood group in humans is under the control of a pair of co-dominant alleles, M (we will call the frequency of M, p) and N (we will call the frequency of N, q). In a group of 556 individuals, the following numbers of individuals are found for each of the genotypes:
167 MM
280 MN
109 NN
a) What is the frequency of each allele? p= q=
b) What is the value of the Chi-square statistic test to find if in this particular case the genotypic frequencies conform to the Hardy-Weinberg distribution.
Chi square value =
c) What is the probability associated with you chi square statistic calculated above? Please complete the blanks below with the corresponding symbol, < OR > than the critical value, your conclusion with respect to the null hypothesis of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, Retain or Reject.
P value __ than 0.05
Conclusion ___ the null hypothesis of HW equilibrium



a) f(M) = p = 0.55

   f(N) = q = 0.45

b) X² = 12.12

c)  P₀.₀₅ = 5.991

d) P₀.₀₅ < X²

e) Reject the null hypothesis of HW equilibrium


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files




D. Their ability to replicate very fast and natural mutations combine to allow them to evolve rapidly


They develop mutations in their DNA that can be resistant to the drugs given.

what is the difference of biology and human and social biology?????



Man's health (human biology) affects and effects change on society (social biology). Human and social biology scrutinizes the human body, disease, health, nature and the environment's influence on biology.


Man's health (human biology) affects and effects change on society (social biology). Human and social biology scrutinizes the human body, disease, health, nature and the environment's influence on biology.

Hope this helped! Good luck! :)

Also do you think you could pls give me the brainly crown? Its totally fine if not! :)

Which of the following describes the product of Meiosis?
A. 4 genetically identical diploid cells
B. 4 genetically unique diploid cells
C. None of these are correct
D. 2 genetically unique haploid cells





meiosis made 4 haploid daughter cells, with 1 round of dna replicates and followed by 4 division of haploid daughter cells

Which is the only element in group 1 on the periodic table that forms covalent bonds?






Hydrogen is the only nonmetal in group 1, therefore it is the only element in group 1 that forms a covalent bond.




What type of cells are produced during

A. asexual cells
B. diploid cells
C. division cells
D. haploid cells



D. haploid cells


Meiosis results in 4 gametes with 23 unpaired chromosomes, making them haploid cells.

what are microorganisms? write the living and non living characteristics of virus. ​



In easy word ......the virus or organism that can only be seen through Microsoft is called microorganisms


Those organisms which cannot be seen under naked eyes and require microscope to be seen are called micro-organisms.

The main living character of the viruses is they contain DNA or RNA as the genetic material. The main non-living character of the viruses is they can be crystallized like other chemicals

Hope ,this helps you!

In this experiment, you are looking at the effect of various germicides on microbial growth. The organism that you are using for this experiment is baking yeast, which is a eukaryote. Do you think that this organism would be more or less susceptible to the various germicides than a prokaryotic organism, such as bacteria?



Less susceptible.


This organism would be less susceptible to the various germicides than a prokaryotic organism, such as bacteria because the form and structure of eukaryotic organism is different from the prokaryotic organism so the germicides no or less affected the eukaryotic organism so we can say that the  the eukaryotic organism which is used in baking would be less susceptible to the various germicides than a prokaryotic organism.

which of the following trairs did Mendel not test
1.) Flower position
2.) Seed color
3.) Number of seeds
4.) Stem length​


3) number of seeds and 4.) stem length

In a study involving a cell-free translation system from coli, the polyribonucleotide AUGUUUUUUUUUUUU directs the synthesis of the oligopeptide fMet-Phe-Phe-Phe-Phe. In the presence of a new class of translation-targeting antibiotics that bind to the large ribosomal subunit, the ribosomal complex forms, the initiator tRNA binds the mRNA, the second tRNA enters the A site of the ribosome, but no peptide bonds form. Which of the following is a likely function of these new antibiotics?

a. Blocks peptidyl transferase activity
b. Inhibits tRNA aminoacyl synthetase function
c. Inhibits ribosomal translocation along the mRNA
d. Prevents anticodon base-pairing with the codon
e. Blocks binding of the Shine-Dalgarno box to the rRNA



c. Inhibits ribosomal translocation along the mRNA.


Initiator tRNA is thought to bind directly to P-site of small ribosomal sub unit. These tRNA are positioned at P site and remain attached to tRNA located at this site. Initiation factor helps to mediate this event.

Explain why succession allows an ecosystem to recover after a primary disturbance.



succession allows an ecosystem to recover from a primary disturbance because theorganisms that moves in helps to rebuild the soil that may have been affected.

vì sao DNA của Prokaryote phải siêu xoắn






describe any four factors affecting the distribution and diversity of crustaceans in marine ecosystems



En marina es: sobre pesca, cambio climático, especies invasoras, acuicultura. En terrestres es: inundaciones, calentamiento global, gases de invernadero, radiación reflejada.Explanation:ponme corona

is a pollen grain a cell


Long story short YES

Which is our body part help us to maintain balance.





The cerebellum is a small part of the brain positioned at the back of the head, where it meets the spine, which acts as the body's movement and balance control centre.

please mark me as brainliest

Tai không chỉ có vai trò để lắng nghe mà còn hỗ trợ trong việc giữ cân bằng

The_____states that the distribution of the sample means tend to be
approximately normal as sample sizes increase.
A. Intermediate Value Theorem
B. Sample Values Theorem
C. Central Limit Theorem
D. Approximate Values Theorem


Answer: C. central limit theorem


The catabolic pathways that degrade fatty acids do not generate ATP directly, but produce NADH and acetyl-CoA.

a. True
b. False





Define Siamese twins



Conjoined twins are two babies who are born physically connected to each other. Conjoined twins develop when an early embryo only partially separates to form two individuals. Although two fetuses will develop from this embryo, they will remain physically connected — most often at the chest, abdomen or pelvis.

Replication of eukaryotic DNA a. must be controlled to coordinate with the cell cycle b. takes place twice during each cell cycle c. must occur faster than replication of prokaryotic DNA d. takes place during mitosis


C. must be controlled to coordinate with the cell cycle

Hope this helps :)

Which one of the following substances is not a product of aerobic respiration?
D. Carbon dioxide​



C. alcahol


aerobic respiration equation

glucose+ oxygen -> carbob dioxide gas + water + energy



Describe fluid exchange between capillaries and the interstitial fluid. Be sure to discuss the forces (pressure) that moves the fluid and the direction in which fluid moves. (4 points) In one to three sentences, describe the role of lymphatic system in this fluid exchange. (3 points) g



Capillary exchange is the exchange of fluid from the capillaries into the interstitial fluid and vice versa. Diffusion, transcytosis, and bulk flow are three mechanisms that facilitate capillary exchange.

The blood plasma or interstitial fluid exerts a pressure of the fluid on the capillary walls known as Hydrostatic pressure. Osmotic pressure is a pressure exerted by proteins either in the blood plasma or interstitial fluid called oncotic pressure.

Lymphatic capillaries gather lymphatic fluid and regulate the pressure of interstitial fluid due to the forces of hydrostatic or oncotic pressure. An essential role of the lymphatic system is to return the fluid to the blood.

At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence. Successful nerve impulse transmission depends not only on myelin sheaths, but also on the presence of ion pumps embedded in the cell membrane. Should the writer make this addition here?
A) Yes, because it describes how the presence of ion pumps is related to the functions of cholesterol.
B) Yes, because it supports the passage’s main argument with a second example of cholesterol’s potential adverse health effects.
C) No, because it identifies a relationship between the nervous system and ion pumps that has already been discussed.
D) No, because it interrupts the paragraph’s discussion of cholesterol’s functions with loosely related information.



D) No, because it interrupts the paragraph’s discussion of cholesterol’s functions with loosely related information.


The passage was discussing the importance of cholesterol in nerve impulse transmission. Its presence in the myelin sheaths of nerve cells speeds up nerve impulse transmission. It will not be wise for the author to now bring in the relationship between nerve impulse transmission and ion pumps. This is because the main topic under discussion is cholesterol and its importance. The sentence should be continued with other importance of cholesterol and not ion pumps.

Which graph represents selection that may lead to reduced variation in a population?
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks before the population after selection.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The population after selection increases, decreases, increases, and then decreases again. The original population increases at the point that the original population drops.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population peaks at the same time as the population after selection but the population after selection peaks higher and at a more rapid speed.
A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and proportion of individuals on the vertical axis. The original population and population after selection have similar curves but the original population is slightly higher at all points.



A graph has trait value on the horizontal axis and population of ... selection have similar curves, but the original population peaks

Answer:   graph B

Explanation:   :)

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