What does the term isolationism mean? Why did China choose this path? AND most importantly why does this policy always actually hurt the country that is trying to protect itself?


Answer 1


isolationism means cutting yourself off from the world and trying not get involved in politics or trade, China chose this path maybe because they thought it could help not involve with countries like America. (i said maybe i tried my best)


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explain how voting limits the powers of the government (think about the idea of popular sovereignty)



Popular sovereignty means that the government can only exercise authority if it has been given permission to do so by the People. Therefore, popular sovereignty LIMITS THE POWERS OF GOVERNMENT. In a democracy the People delegate their authority to government ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES set forth in their constitutio

Why were there so many civilians killed during the Vietnam war.


Civilian deaths were partly caused by assassinations, massacres and terror tactics. Civilian deaths were also caused by mortar and artillery, extensive aerial bombing and the use of firepower in military operations conducted in heavily populated areas.

The period following the Civil War was called:

A.) Renaissance
B.) Emancipation
C.) Antebellum



reconstruction period


Abraham Lincoln start planning the reconstruction Optus also during the Civil War as Union Soldiers accompany the huge area of the South

The fact that the North had a greater number of railroads than the South was an advantage because __________.

Jefferson Davis could visit camps to boost morale
Jefferson Davis could visit camps to boost morale

the North had the ability to mobilize troops and supplies
the North had the ability to mobilize troops and supplies

Southern armies targeted Northern railroads to hurt Northern economies
Southern armies targeted Northern railroads to hurt Northern economies

runaway slaves sought freedom in the North
no links


Answer: to move troops


The fact that the North had a greater number of railroads than the South was an advantage because "the North had the ability to mobilize troops and supplies."

What was the American Civil War?

The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy. The central cause of the war was the status of slavery.

The practice of slavery in the United States was one of the key political issues of the 19th century. Decades of political unrest over slavery led up to the Civil War.

How did the north and South contribute to the Civil War?

Ultimately, what led to the American Civil War were the differences in the North and South's views toward the institution of slavery.

There were other aspects within the institution of slavery that led to division in the United States.

What advantages did North have over South?

"The North had significantly more railroads than the South at the time, meaning that weaponry, soldiers, supplies, etc. could be shipped across larger distances within short span of time during the civil war.""At the time, the North produced over 90% of all industrialized goods in America, producing 17 times more textiles, 30 times more shoes and boots, 13 times more iron, and 32 times more firearms."

Hence, option B is correct.  

To learn more about the North and South during American Civil War refer:



Tras el descubrimiento de los españoles del continente americano, sucedería la conquista de dicho territorio dando comienzo a la época colonial. ¿Durante qué siglos duró la Colonia en Chile y América?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos, podemos responder lo siguiente.

¿Durante qué siglos duró la Colonia en Chile y América?

Los historiadores consideran el inicio de la colonia española en América, desde el momento en que Cristóbal Colón descubrió el continente Americano el 12 de octubre de 1492. Fueron años y años de control, explotación, y dominio de la colonia española hasta que los países comenzaron a independizarse después de que las 13 colonias en Norteamérica se independizaran de la monarquía Inglesa en 1776.

México fue el primer territorito de la Nueva España que se independizó de la monarquía española, en 1821.

Belice, fue el último país es conseguir su independencia de España, y esto fue hasta el año de 1981. ¡Sorprendente! ¿No?

Esto quiere decir que la colonia española duró cerca de 580 años. Es decir, de los siglos 15 al 20.

En el caso de Chile, la presencia española en Chile comienza cuando llegó el colonizador Pedro de Valdivia a territorio Chileno, y culmina en 1818, con la independencia de Chile. Aunque la monarquía española no reconoció la independencia sino hasta 1844.

Which statement best describes how international governments have worked together to solve environmental problems?



The options are

A.They have funded colleges for environmental education.

B.They have adopted agreements like the Kyoto Protocol to limit pollution.

C.They have adopted international laws and fined countries who break them.

D.They have funded agencies like the World Wildlife Fund.

The answer is B.They have adopted agreements like the Kyoto Protocol to limit pollution.

The Kyoto agreement was adopted in 1997 in Japan by a host of countries. They came together to discuss and tackle the problem of climate change as a result of emissions of gases by machines etc. Due to the fact that greenhouse gas emissions can’t be totally eradicated, it could however be minimized to the barest minimum.




Do you think the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are more similar than different OR more different than similar?





Christianity and Islam are more alike, in my opinion. In Christianity, it is to be believed that Jesus is God. In Islam, Jesus is a prophet. They both believe in one God.

I would go on but this time thing on the top that is telling me to hurry or people will answer it for me is scaring me.

why did many Americans oppose the war in Vietnam?
A. It was long, unsuccessful, and too expensive for America to afford.
B. It was long, unsuccessful, and many Americans were drafted or died in the war.
C. Many Americans supported communism and the Soviet Union.
D. It was long, deadly, and most Americans came to support the Viet Cong.​





The main reason some Americans opposed the Vietnam War is that they believed that the United States had no right to interfere in another country's affairs, especially if it involved the expense of so much blood and so many resources.

All of the following are associated with labor unions EXCEPT:
1) strikes
2) Samuel Gompers
3) Knights of Labor
4) Management


Number 1 Strikes is the correct answer

Who had the right to vote in Athens?



Adult Males


Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training held the right to vote

What complex historical causes led to the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany during the 1930s?



Hitler used economic woes and strife with local jewish buisness, popular social discontent and political discord to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933.

be sure to paraphrase

Read the excerpt from The Communist Manifesto.

Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians [workers] have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!

What is the best meaning of “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains”?

Workers should take care not to lose their personal property.
Workers are so oppressed that they should revolt.
A failed revolt will land the revolutionaries in prison, in chains.
It is unjust to hold communist revolutionaries in chains.



Workers are so oppressed they should revolt


most likely


b. Workers are so oppressed that they should revolt.


I did the test

Why were colonies considered so important to the nations of Europe?



Colonies were important to Europe because they helped to ensure the wealth and trade of the countries of Europe. Colonies allowed Europe to establish trade routs, bring in raw materials which were then manufactured into finished goods and sent back to the colonies for sale.


Because they were land that were controlled by them and that made them more powerful

Which statement about the Emancipation Proclamation is true?

It made slaves more fearful of running away.
It made slaves more fearful of running away.

Many slave owners set their slaves free because of the order issued.
Many slave owners set their slaves free because of the order issued.

It was an attempt to free only the slaves in the Confederacy, not the Border States or areas under Union control.
It was an attempt to free only the slaves in the Confederacy, not the Border States or areas under Union control.

It was an attempt to free only slaves in the Union as Lincoln knew he could not control the Confederacy.
It was an attempt to free only slaves in the Union as Lincoln knew he could not control the Confederacy. no links please help



It was an attempt to free only slaves in the Union as Lincoln knew he could not control the Confederacy.

i need help ASAP!! right answer gets brainlyist person thing :)



1 is stage 3       2 is stage 1


Revolution came to Mexico because _____.
1-a small group signed over too much power to foreign countries
2-World War I inspired leaders to act
3-President Diaz kept the land and power to himself
4-the people were denied many rights and were forced into poverty



The Revolution began with a call to arms on 20th November 1910 to overthrow the current ruler and dictator Porfirio Díaz Mori. ... In an attempt to strengthen ties with the United States and other influential foreign interests, Díaz allocated land, once belonging to the people of Mexico, to wealthy non-nationals.


dinosaurs be like ┈┈┈┈▕▔╱▔▔▔━▁┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕▔╱╱╱▆┈╲▂▔▔╲┈ ┈┈▕▔╱╱╱╱▔▂▂▂▂▂▂▏ ┈▕▔╱▕▕╱╱╱┈▽▽▽▽▽┈ ▕▔╱┊┈╲╲╲╲▂△△△△┈┈ ▔╱┊┈╱▕╲▂▂▂▂▂▂╱┈┈ ╱┊┈╱┉▕​


Is this even a question? you want to know what it sounds like? well is sounds something like RRRWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!       ( my dino impression)

Select the three Old World events that sparked exploration
A)the Crusades
B)Polo's journeys
C)Spanish war with the Muslims
D)Prince Henry's school


prince Henry's school

Because of the Crusades, Christians in Europe.
o A. Lost influence over the catholic Church.
o B. Left for the holy land in huge numbers.
o C Won independence from powerful kings.
o D gained knowledge from Arabic texts.





If its wrong im sry

Which of these events were effects of the Homestead Act? Check all of the boxes that apply.



The answers are A,C and D


A, C, and D.

A. Settlers continued to push onto American Indian lands.

C. Land speculators made profits by making land claims.

D. Millions of acres of US public land were claimed.


edg- answers

Small towns, villages
one big city?
How is it organized?
What buildings do you
have like temples,
palaces, etc?
What is your housing
like? What its the
layout? Is there
irrigation? Where is the
water source? (Create you’re own civilization)


Answer and Explanation:

Civilization will be established around a territory with the presence of an extensive river. This area was chosen for presenting environmental advantages for the establishment of civilization. This is because regions around rivers usually present soil with high fertility, which will be extremely important for the establishment of agriculture, allowing civilization to have enough to feed itself and establish a trade that will stabilize the economy. The river will be used as a water source for irrigation of agricultural crops and for consumption. In addition, fishing can strengthen trade and food.

Civilization will organize itself into small villages that will be enlarged as needed. In the middle of the territory will be the leader's house, which will be established in the center to represent the leader's power and control in people's lives. On the right side of this house, there will be a temple where offerings will be offered to the gods. Around time there will be the priests' house and the citizens' houses will be established in the rest of the region, with the noblers living closer to the leader.

My house consists of a square made of mud walls and covered with straw. My house is closer to the river as I am a farmer and it is close to the river that farmers live.


In the Cuban Missile Crisis,

A. Turkey threatened to have the United States destroy Cuba if the Soviets attacked Turkey.

B. the Soviet Union decided to send nuclear weapons to Cuba in 1962.

C. the United States president threatened to shoot down Soviet planes and announced a total "air blockade.

D. President Johnson sent American troops to Cuba.


The answer is b because The u.s and the Soviet Union engaged in a political standoff due to the Soviets nuclear armed missiles on cuba.
the answer is B because it would be easier for the missiles to be fired from cuba to the us bc they are closer

In your own words, describe the image. What kind of printing technology is being used in this image?



printing press


what is the similarities and differences between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II? YALL PLZ ASAP


- both built up huge militaries and weapon stock piles
- both influenced international affairs

- government
- Americans thrived ( free market economy policy )
- russians suffered in their economy

Which of the following factors most supports the idea that regional economic differences were a major cause of the civil war?



D. Southerners cited tariffs protecting domestic industries as a major grievance against the United States government


The factor that most supports the idea that regional economic differences were a major cause of the civil war is "Southerners cited tariffs protecting domestic industries as a major grievance against the United States government."

The above statement shows that southerners were complaining about tariffs is favoring the northern region because it protects domestic industries. The northern region of the United States has an economy based on industries in which tariff is protecting for them, however, the Southerners don't like that situation.

Please select one of the choices in the parentheses.

Korea was left divided at the end of (Vietnam War, WW2, or Cold War). In 1950 communist (South or North) Korea invaded democratic (South or North) Korea in 1950 starting the Korean War which ended in 1953 and the creation of a demilitarized zone on the (24th, 28th, 34th, or 38th) parallel.



South Korea invaded the North Korea in the year 1950

pls help

Which nation probably had the highest standard of living in 1991?

a. USA
b. Japan
c. Singapore
d. South Korea


i believe it’s the united states
USA had the highest standard of living in 1991

Each of the following was necessary for an Egyptian to reach the afterlife except _____



I did a similar question to this so the answer would be:

D. Travel through the underworld.

Happy learning!


all of the following were steps towards the ‘final solution’ except
A. boycott of jewish businesses
B. the warsaw ghetto
C. the lend lease act
D. nuremberg laws


Boycott of Jewish businesses

The British ended the war after their defeat at in 1781.




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