What happens to prey populations when predator populations are scarce?


Answer 1


Predator and prey populations cycle over time, with predators reducing prey numbers. Predator abundance is reduced as a result of a lack of food resources, and prey populations can recover as a result of the lack of predation pressure.

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Marisa’s parents immigrated to the United States from India before she was born. Marisa constantly fights with her mother because she wants more freedom like the rest of her friends. However, Marisa is also not comfortable wearing as revealing clothes as many of her American friends. According to Erikson, Marisa is struggling with the ________ psychosocial crisis.
Group of answer choices


hhs su na wic wnfc whs

Based on the article, what do you think environmental racism is



Racism based on location, area, the rules and regulations, and policies within a community


It should be based on how a certain person of color lives underneath their location / area and how it may affect their day to day lives.

Ex. Ghettos, slums, etc..

What is mass casulty



A mass causality refers to an event or incident that occurs and overwhelmes the medical resources available at a moment.

such as;

[tex]{ \sf{ - \: terrorist \: action}} \\ { \sf{ - \: shooting \: massacre}}[/tex]

Có một "tàu lạ" của nước ngoài hoạt động khảo sát dầu khí trên biển, cách bờ biển Vũng Tàu của nước ta 160 hải lý. Vận dụng những kiến thức đã học về chủ quyền lãnh thổ, biên giới quốc gia; Anh, chị cho biết “tàu lạ” này có vi phạm chủ quyền lãnh thổ của Việt nam hay không?; nếu có, theo anh chị Đảng, Nhà nước ta nên giải quyết vấn đề này như thế nào?




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give five reasons for european exploration



There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.

Here are five reasons for European exploration:

1) Better Trade Routes - Many people explored to find faster and cheaper ways to foreign countries.

2) Fame - Some people wanted to go down as a great name in history.

3) National Pride - Many people explored to claim new lands for their country and become national heroes.

4) Religion - Some explorers went on pilgrimages to spread Christianity.

5) Foreign Goods - People wanted to bring back spices and jewels that could not be found in their own country.

So i have to make trial balance and im kinda confused with 'interest'. So which side did it go to? Credit or debit? It didn't state the interest as received or expense/paid. someone told me to look at the bank but hey i need more explanation T^T​





The interest on capital is on credit side of a trial balance as it is a liability from the point of view of company or enterprise and it comes in the debit side

4. Scientists should avoid bias to ensure that it is a ________


Answer: I would assume that your answer is a fair experiment.


Which of the following would be considered anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment?

a. air pollution

b. introduction of invasive species

c. burning of fossil fuels

d. all of the above



D. All of the above.

For each of the following, come up with a hypothesis to explain the given fact. Explain why your hypothesis is adequate and indicate how you would tell whether the hypothesis is true. In other words, how would you test your hypothesis?

1. When we spend a lot of time looking forward to something, and expect to enjoy it, we are often disappointed.


Testing Procedure:

2. In midterm elections (those held midway through a president’s term), the president’s party usually loses seats in Congress.


Testing Procedure:



1. Hypothesis: High expectations in a situation generate frustration.

Testing Procedure: Interview some volunteers and ask them to describe their expectations about a given situation. Reproduce the situation below the volunteers' expectations and ask them to describe the emotions they felt when living the experience below expectations.

2. Hypothesis: The president-elect's party loses voters, because of the agenda the president is following that disappoints the voters he had.

Testing Procedure: Select a group of volunteers who voted for the president-elect and ask them to explain their level of satisfaction with the current government and how likely they are to vote for the president-elect's party candidates in midterm elections.


In a scientific experiment, the hypothesis is an assumption that the researcher makes about what will be researched, that is, the hypothesis is something that the researcher thinks happens and that he will prove that it is true or not through texts that make up the experiment. These tests will generate data, which the researcher will evaluate and be able to interpret, generating a conclusion. This conclusion is able to show whether the researcher's hypothesis was correct or not.

the balance of payment between Vietnam and Iran





PIB anual 2019 294.361M.€ 556.579M.€ 2020 PIB anual

PIB anual 2019 329.537M.$ 635.724M.$ 2020 PIB anual

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.051€ 6.684€ 2020 PIB Per Capita

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.415$ 7.635$ 2020 PIB Per Capita

Natural resources including trees and oil are part of which factor of
O A. Land
O B. Labor
O C. Capital
O D. Scarcity



A. Land


Land includes any natural resources that land creates used to produce goods and services sold for a profit. Land also includes raw materials. Trees & oil are raw materials. Trees can be used to create paper & oil can be used for fuel. This makes A. the correct answer.

Answer: a. land


Which of the following is the last step in creating a budget. Determine savings r debt. Identifying variable expenses. Identify income r identify fixed expenses which one the answer



The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in.

Estimate Expenses.

Estimate Income.

Determine Savings.

Balance Budget.



Over the past five hundred years, how many species are known to have gone extinct?

Group of answer choices

a, 500 species

b. 750 species

c. 900 species

d. an unknown number of species


Over the past five hundred years, well it must be between answers c and d. I would say d due to five hundred years ago people were not keeping track of the species in the world and their extinction. Hope this helps!

explain the symbiotic relationship that exists between science and technology



science is the study of the natural world by scientific method i.e collecting data through a systematic process.and technology is is where we apply science to create devices that can solve problems and perform different tasks.technology is literally the application of science.

I hope this helps

how much of the total food cultivation was actually found in North America?


Grains, fruits and vegetables were farmed in North America. The cultivation begin there at 5000 bp.

The tropical zones of North America grows oranges, sugar cane, banana and cocoa. Theses crops grow on humid mountains and coastal plains.

The total crops grew were more than $136 billion. This contributed 0.6% of GDP of America.

The total gross Domestic product of America is much high and agriculture crops amount to very small part but still it is one of n important source for economy.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24370354

If enough experimental data supports a hypothesis, then it:
O A. Is proven 100% true.
B. Is falsified.
OC. Is accepted as true until prolan false.
OD. Becomes an Observational Law


Answer: C) Is accepted as true until proven false



We cannot prove the hypothesis to be 100% true because there might be data out there that we haven't accounted for, or some scenario that we haven't thought of yet. There's always going to be room for uncertainty and doubt. Keep in mind that such doubt does not necessarily mean that the theory is automatically false.

So all of this rules out choice A.

Choice B is ruled out as well because data supporting a hypothesis doesn't falsify the hypothesis. The term "falsify" means "to prove false" as you'd expect.

Choice C is the answer because the data seems to support the hypothesis and again we leave room for error. It's quite possible that in some unspecified date in the future, there are better methods of measurement to get a better sense of what's going on.

Choice D is ruled out because a law refers to something like the law of gravity. It's something you observe but it doesn't explain why something works. It doesn't provide the underlying mechanics of what's going on. We simply just report what we see which is exactly what an observation is.

What is environmental resistance? How does it affect populations?



Environmental resistance factors are all the things that keep a population of organisms from endlessly increasing.

They lower the chances for reproduction, affect the health of organisms, and raise the death rate in the population.


As Environmental Resistance increases, population growth slows and eventually stops.

trình bày ý nghĩa của sinh viên với môn học tư tưởng hồ chí minh



Học tập tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh góp phần giáo dục đạo đức, tư cách, phẩm chất cách mạng, biết sống ở đời và làm người hợp đạo lý, yêu cái tốt, cái thiện, ghét cái ác, cái xấu; nâng cao lòng tự hào về Người, về Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, tự nguyện “sống, chiến đấu, lao động, học tập theo gương Bác Hồ vĩ đại”.

Line graphs plot along “ x “and “y “





that statement is true

The concepts of natural selection and evolution are central to how most biologists
understand and interpret the world, and yet the theory of evolution is contrary to the
beliefs of many religious groups. Why do you think this theory is so important to science
and so strongly opposed by others? What evidence would be required to convince
opponents of evolution?



For many people of different religious beliefs, the theory of evolution does not pose a conflict. However, Christian fundamentalists, in particular, may portray evolution and religion as in opposition to each other. Some people think that, to accept the key tenets of evolutionary thought is to deny their religious beliefs, and this prospect can generate considerable conflict. This is not helped by some proponents of evolution, who make derogatory statements about religious beliefs and promote evolution as explaining all there is to know about life. It is important to understand that western science developed within the Church and Philosophers traditionally explained the wonders of natural life through a creator. However, our knowledge and understanding of the natural world, developed through the application of the scientific method, has provided us with a modern and testable explanation for the history and relationships of living things.

This writing team takes the position that there is no conflict between Religion and Evolution because they are two incompatible areas that have nothing to do with each other. We do, however, understand that this is not necessarily the opinion of all. We have, for that reason, prepared the following section to spark critical discussion and reflection on some of the issues.

Darwin and Evolution

Why were Darwin's findings so controversial, and why do they still pose a challenge to some people's religious beliefs.

Specialists' panel

We have documented a number of previously published statements from specialists, stating why the acceptance of evolution poses no threat to their faith, or to them teaching evolution at school.

Roundtable discussion

For the roundtable discussion we have asked scientists a set of questions to which they have replied. These could be used as a starting point for discussion and critical thought.

Darwin and Evolution

Darwin's book, "The Origin of Species" belongs to the category of scientific work that is much discussed but is often not actually read. His findings are amongst the most significant and important that have ever been produced by scientists.

Natural selection simply means the mechanism of evolution. Through this process, the organisms that are adapted to a particular environment will be able to survive.

Natural selection is vital to how organisms are able to adapt and change over time. Natural selection is a process that drives evolution. It also leads to the diversity of life.

The theory of evolution states that all species are related and then change gradually over time. This is contrary to religious beliefs that believe that everyone is made from the image of a superior being and that we didn't evolve.

Read related link on:


Son un par de órganos glandulares mixtos ubicados las bolsas escrotales
Seleccione una:





46.The budget deficits of the federal government of the United States
has caused interest rates to increase? true or fAlse



it is true


The projected deficit for 2021 has increased by a third, mostly because of recently enacted legislation.

Read these sentences. "I heard that the company Gail used to work for was accused of tax fraud. I wouldn't trust her to be on the parent teacher organization committee." Which logical fallacy is used here? moral equivalence bandwagon appeal circular reasoning red herring



moral equivalence


the speaker tries to make it seem like someone else doing tax fraud means gail will be bad as well

The logical fallacy is used here is moral equivalence. The correct option is A.

What is logical fallacy?

The logical fallacy is false or misguided logic that can be disapproved by the reasoning. These logical fallacies are created with reasons that may look true when hear but when we will apply reasoning and actual logic, this argument can easily be disapproved.

Moral equivalence is an informal fallacy that is mostly used in politics. It uses a logic that uses logic in two topics that are not related to each other.

For example, dogs and cats both have paws and tails, so they are equal to each other is showing the logical fallacy, but it is not logically true. These fallacies have wrong reasoning which can easily be corrected by proof.

Thus, the correct option is A. moral equivalence.

To learn more about logical fallacy, refer to the link:



The economy grows at an even rate at all times





Wages Expense

Type of Account

Appears on Which Financial Statement

Normal Balance

Is the Account Closed?



Income Statement





Income Statement




Income Statement





Income Statement



None of the above




because the acc cannot be close

If enough experimental data supports a hypothesis, then it


Answer: The hypothesis would become a theory.

Find 6 2/3 ÷ 2/7. Simplify the answer and write as a mixed number, if possible.




6 2/3 = 20/3

[tex]\frac{\frac{20}{3} }{ \frac{2}{7} }[/tex]

Invert the denominator (2/7) and multiply that by 20/3

Invert means turn it upside down.

[tex]\frac{20}{3} * \frac{7}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{140}{6}[/tex] =23 1/3

The man of the sunglass store hit 23,000 glasses 250 glasses was purchased by two people what is the total


Complete Question:

The man at the sunglass store had 23,000 glasses. 250 glasses were purchased by two people. What is the total number of glass left after the purchase?


Total amount left = 22,500 glasses.


Given the following data;

Total number of glass in the store, Tn = 23,000 glassesNumber of buyers = 2Quantity purchased = 250 glasses

To find the total number of glass left after the purchase;

First of all, we would determine the total number of glass that were purchased;

Total number of glass purchased, Tp = 250 * 2

Total number of glass purchased, Tp = 500 glasses.

Next, we would find the amount left by using the following mathematical expression;

Total amount left = Tn - Tp

Total amount left = 23,000 - 500

Total amount left = 22,500 glasses.

Suppose you borrowed $10,000 via a pure discount loan at 6.25 percent
interest per year and were going to pay back both principal and interest in
five years. How much interest would you pay?



Total amount of interest = $3,125



Amount borrowed = $10,000

Interest per year = 6.25% = 0.0625

Number of year = 5 year


Total amount of interest


Total amount of interest = Amount borrowed x Interest per year x Number of year

Total amount of interest = 10,000 x 0.0625 x 5

Total amount of interest = $3,125

siya ang presidente ng u.s na nagpadala ng kinatawan sa japan​



President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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