What is 200% of 20? Thanks!


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

200% of 20 = 200 • 0.20 = 40
Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

200% x 20

200/100 x 20

(200 ÷ 100) x 20

200 x 20 ÷ 100

4,000 ÷ 100 = 40

Related Questions

if 2 and 4 are the factors of a number than is 8 always a factor? true or false



hmmm I think it's true, if it's not my bad.

Brianna's Bakery offers 3 flavors of bagels. Customers can choose from plain, cinnamon, or blueberry bagels. Yesterday, a customer ordered 144 bagels for a company meeting. The order was for twice as many blueberry bagels as plain bagels and 3 times as many cinnamon bagels as blueberry bagels.
How many cinnamon bagels did the customer order



96 darling

Step-by-step explanation:

youre gonna take all the times this was teice as mich as that

like this:blueberrybagel twice as much 2

than plain bagels 1

cinnamonbags 3 times as much than

blueberry bagels 2×3= 6+


EACH portion contains144:9=16 bagels

blueberry ones16×2=32

plain ones16×1=16

cinnamon ones 3×32=96

I need help with this math problem


9514 1404 393


  quiz score if no homework is done

Step-by-step explanation:

The y-intercept is the point where the horizontal coordinate is zero. That axis is defined as "hours per week spent on homework". So, the y-intercept is the function value when zero hours per week are spent on homework.

The function value is defined as "expected quiz score".

Then the y-intercept is ...

  the expected quiz score when zero hours per week are spent on homework



The answer is A or b u choose the answer

the sum of a number and 3 divided by 9




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the length of the third side. If necessary, write it in simplest radical form.



a = sqrt(7)

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean theorem

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse

a^2 +3^2 = 4^2

a^2 +9 = 16

a^2 = 16-9

a^2 = 7

Taking the square root

a = sqrt(7)




so thats 2/6 or 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

A die has 6 sides your odds of getting 2 or lesser are 1/3 or 33%

will give brainlest pls help me with all three questions




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]x^2-4x+3=0\\x^2-3x-x+3=0\\x(x-3)-(x-3)=0\\(x-3)(x-1)=0\\\\x-intercepts\ are\ x=3\ or\ x=1[/tex]


[tex]-x^2-8x+12=0\\x^2+8x-12=0\\(x^2+2*4x+16)-16-12=0\\\\(x+4)^2-28=0\\\\\\(x+4-2\sqrt{7} )((x+4+2\sqrt{7} )=0\\\\x-intercepts\ are \ x=-4+2\sqrt{7}\ and\ x=-4-2\sqrt{7}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]f(x)=-3(x-7)(x+4)\\=-3(x^2-3x-28)\\\\=-3(x^2-2*\dfrac{3}{2} *x+\dfrac{9}{4} )+\dfrac{27}{4} +84\\\\=-3(x-\dfrac{3}{2})^2+\dfrac{363}{4} \\\\\\Vertex\ is\ (\dfrac{3}{2},\dfrac{363}{4})[/tex]

Identify the perimeter and area of an equilateral triangle with height 12 cm. Give your answer in simplest radical form.



perimeter is 36 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Mahmoud earns $450 per week plus a 20% commission as a car salesman. He wants his
hourly salary to be at least $35.


The inequality that relates the number of hours to the weekly sales is:

[tex]450 + 0.20x \ge 35y[/tex]

The complete question implies that we define an inequality that represents the relationship between the number of hours worked in a week and the weekly sales

We make use of the following representation:

[tex]x \to[/tex] weekly sales from cars.

[tex]y \to[/tex] hours worked in a week

His weekly salary is then calculated as:

Salary (S) = Earnings per week + Commission * Sales from car

So, we have:

[tex]S = 450 + 20\% * x[/tex]

Express percentage as decimal

[tex]S = 450 + 0.20* x[/tex]

[tex]S = 450 + 0.20x[/tex]

Assume he works for y hours in a week.

His hourly rate is:

[tex]Hourly = \frac{S}{y}[/tex] --- i.e. weekly salary divided by number of hours

[tex]Hourly = \frac{450 + 0.20x}{y}[/tex]

For this rate to be at least [tex]\$35[/tex], the following condition must be true

[tex]Hourly \ge 35[/tex] --- i.e. is hourly rate must be greater than or equal 35

So, we have:

[tex]\frac{450 + 0.20x}{y} \ge 35[/tex]

Multiply both sides by y

[tex]450 + 0.20x \ge 35y[/tex]

Learn more about inequality:


HELP ANSWER ASAP. what is the radius of a circle in which a 30 arc is 2pi inches long?



I believe it's 12 in.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps you!

What percent of 500 is 125




Step-by-step explanation:

125 of 500 can be written as:  125 /500

To find a percentage, we need to find an equivalent fraction with the denominator 100. Multiply both numerator & denominator by 100.  

125 /500  ×  100 /100

= ( 125 × 100/ 500 ) ×  1 /100   =  25 /100



Step-by-step explanation:

Of means multiply and is means equals

P *500 = 125

Divide each side by 500

P = 125/500

P = .25

Change to percent form

P = 25%

The exchange rate between dollars ($) and pounds (£) is $1 = £0.65 . The exchange rate between euros (€) and pounds is €1 = £0.74 . Khan changes €520 into pounds. He spends £260 and then changes the rest into dollars. Work out how many dollars he receives​





=£182.83 into dollars=$251.52

Therefore he receives $251.52

Help please !!!!!!!!!


Answer: (a): Good course, (b): Bad course

Step-by-step explanation:

Firstly, because the standard deviation of the good course results is lower, there is less variation so he performs more consistently there.

Secondly, the trick with the second question is that while the mean of the bad course is slightly less, the standard deviation is quite a lot higher than that of the good course, so it's more likely that the highest single test score belongs to the bad course.

Utilize graphing to find the solution to
the following system of equations.
4x + 3y = 25 AND y = -5x + 1
([?], [])



you guess any value of x and then you substitute any three values for example for the first equation you can guess the value of x to be 1 or 2 or 3

Someone help asappppp



all have "bases" less than one which is a decay...

only "C" is greater than 1 (1.01)

"C" is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

X^4+x^3-6x^2-14x-12=0 Make a list of possible rational roots. Test the possible roots until you find one that produces a remainder of 0 Write the resulting cubic function. Use synthetic division to find a second root that will reduce the cubic expression to a quadratic expression


Step-by-step explanation:

The Rational Roots Test states that for a polynomial with integer coefficients, the factors of the constant / the factors of the leading coefficient are the possible rational roots.

Here, the constant (the value without an x attached to it) is -12 and the leading coefficient (the value that the x to the highest degree is multiplied by) is 1 as x⁴ is multiplied by 1. The factors of -12 are

±(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12), so the possible rational roots are ±(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12)/1 (as 1 is the only factor of 1).

Trying out a few roots until we get one that works using synthetic division, we can try

x+1 (the root is x=-1)


-1  |     1       1        -6         -14         -12

    |            -1          0          6           8


          1     0        -6            -8         -4

the remainder is -4, so this does not work

x+2 (the root is x=-2)

-2 |     1       1        -6         -14         -12

    |            -2          2          8          12


          1      -1       -4           -6         0

Therefore, x=-2 is a root and x+2 is a factor of the polynomial. The quotient of the polynomial and x+2 is

-6 + (-4)x + (-1)* x² + 1 * x³ = x³-x²-4x-6

Using the rational roots theorem, the possible roots of x³-x²-4x-6 are


Starting with

x-1 (root is x=1), we have

1 |     1       -1        -4         -6      

    |            1          0         -4        


          1      0       -4           -10

there is a remainder, so this is not a root

next, x-2 (root is x=2)

2 |     1       -1        -4         -6      

    |            2         2         -4        


          1      1       -2           -10      

there is a remainder, so this is not a root

next, x-3 (root is x=3)

3|     1       -1        -4         -6      

    |            3         6         6        


          1      2      2          0

x-3 is a factor and 3 is a root. the quotient of (x³-x²-4x-6)/(x-3) is x²+2x+2

If a sine curve has a vertical shift down 19 units with an amplitude of 21, what will the minimum and maximum values be? (i.e. how high and low will the graph go?)
Min Value:
Max Value:



Amplitude = 21

Vertical shift = 19 units down

To find:

The maximum and the minimum value.


The general form of sine function is:

[tex]y=A\sin (Bx+C)+D[/tex]

Where, |A| is amplitude, [tex]\dfrac{2\pi}{B}[/tex] is period, [tex]-\dfrac{C}{B}[/tex] is phase shift and D is the vertical shift.




We have,

Amplitude: [tex]A = 21[/tex]

Vertical shift: [tex]D=-19[/tex]

Negative sign means shifts downwards.









Therefore, the minimum value is -40 and the maximum value is 2.

Daphne borrows $2500 from a financial institution that charges 6% annual interest, compounded monthly, for 2 years. The amount that Daphne will need to pay back at the end of the term is


1350$ is the right answer to your problem trust me I know this

Instructions: Find the angle measures given the figure is a rhombus.



m <1 = 147

m <2 = 90

Step-by-step explanation:

In rhombus diagonals are perpendicular to each other so

m <2 = 90

m < 1 = 180- 33

= 147

Answered by Gauthmath

The required angle of the rhombus m∠1 = 57° and m∠2 = 90°.

Given that,
A figure of a rhombus is shown,
An angle of 33° is given,
m∠1 and m∠2 is to be determined.

What is the triangle?

The triangle is a geometric shape that includes 3 sides and sum of the interior angle should not greater than 180°.

What is the angle?

The angle can be defined as the one line inclined over another line.

Here, the rhombus has been shown with an angle of 33° of the side with one of the diagonal.

Since the diagonal of the rhombus bisect each other at an angle of 90 so the angle m∠2 = 90  and the sum of the interior angle of a triangle is 180. So,
m∠1 + 33 + 90 = 180
m∠1 = 180 - 123
m∠1 = 57

Thus, the required angle of the rhombus m∠1 = 57° and m∠2 = 90°.

Learn more about Angles here:


3x + ky = 8
X – 2ky = 5
are simultaneous equations where k is a constant.
b) Given that y = 1/2 determine the value of k.



(a): x is 3 and ky is -1

(b): k is -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Let: 3x + ky = 8 be equation (a)

x - 2 ky = 5 be equation (b)

Then multiply equation (a) by 2:

→ 6x + 2ky = 16, let it be equation (c)

Then equation (c) + equation (b):

[tex] { \sf{(6 + 1)x + (2 - 2)ky = (16 + 5)}} \\ { \sf{7x = 21}} \\ { \sf{x = 3}}[/tex]

Then ky :

[tex]{ \sf{2ky = 3 - 5}} \\ { \sf{ky = - 1}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \bf{y = \frac{1}{2} }} \\ { \sf{ky = - 1}} \\ { \sf{k = - 2}}[/tex]

Simultaneous equations are used to represent a system of related equations.

The value of k when [tex]y = \frac 12[/tex] is -2

Given that:

[tex]3x + ky = 8[/tex]

[tex]x - 2ky = 5[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac 12[/tex]

Substitute [tex]y = \frac 12[/tex] in both equations

[tex]3x + ky = 8[/tex]

[tex]3x + k \times \frac 12 = 8[/tex]

[tex]3x + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

[tex]x - 2ky = 5[/tex]

[tex]x - 2k \times \frac 12 = 5[/tex]

[tex]x - k = 5[/tex]

Make x the subject in [tex]x - k = 5[/tex]

[tex]x = 5 + k[/tex]

Substitute [tex]x = 5 + k[/tex] in [tex]3x + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

[tex]3(5 + k) + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]15 + 3k + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

Multiply through by 2

[tex]30 + 6k + k = 16[/tex]

[tex]30 + 7k = 16[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]7k = 16 - 30[/tex]

[tex]7k = - 14[/tex]

Divide both sides by 7

[tex]k = -2[/tex]

Hence, the value of constant k is -2.

Read more about simultaneous equations at:


Y = 2x - 4

(0, 4)

(3, -1)

(-1, -5)

(-4, 9)



Y = 2x - 4


gradient= 2

y-intersept = -4

What is the equation of the line that passes through (-12,6) and (-6,1)?


To find the equation, find the slope. To find the slope find the change in y/ change in x.

(1-6)/(-6+12)= -5/6

Then use the equation, y=mx+b, to solve for y int. First, substitute the slope in for m, and then choose a coordinate to substitute for y and x.


y=-5/6x-4 is the equation of the line.

Angle A =



A = 120

Step-by-step explanation:

Angle A is a vertical angle to 120 and vertical angles are equal

A = 120

[tex]\Large\rm\underbrace{{\green{ \: Angle \: A \: = \: 120 \degree}}}[/tex]

Because vertically opposite angles are always equal.

Find the value of x in the triangle shown below.



x ≈ 55.5°

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Sine rule in the triangle

[tex]\frac{5}{sinx}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5.7}{sin70}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

5.7 sinx = 5 sin70° ( divide both sides by 5.7 )

sin x = [tex]\frac{5sin70}{5.7}[/tex] , then

x = [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] ([tex]\frac{5sin70}{5.7}[/tex] ) ≈ 55.5° ( to the nearest tenth )


[tex]x =55[/tex]°

Step-by-step explanation:

An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent sides. One can see that the given triangle is an isosceles triangle, as two sides have a side length of (5) units. One property of an isosceles triangle is the base angles theorem. This theorem states that the angles opposite the congruent sides of an isosceles triangle are congruent. In this situation, this means that two angles have a measure of (x) degrees. As a given, the sum of angles in any triangle is (180) degrees. Thus, one can form an equation, and solve for the unknown, (x):

[tex]x + x + 70 = 180[/tex]


[tex]2x + 70 =180[/tex]

Inverse operations,

[tex]2x + 70 =180[/tex]

[tex]2x = 110[/tex]

[tex]x =55[/tex]

Write an equation that represents the statement "the
product of a number, x, and the number 7 is 42."



7x = 42

Step-by-step explanation:

"Product" refers to multiplication and "is" refers to equal to.

Hi! I'm happy to help!

This equation will be written like this


To make this easier to solve, we can use the inverse operation, division.


42 divided by 7 is 6, so the answer is 6.

I hope this was helpful, keep learning! :D

After getting RM24 from his mother, Samuel had 3 times as much as he had previously. How much did he have previously?​



Samuel had RM8 previously

Step-by-step explanation:


AB←→||CD←→. Find the measure of ∠BFG.



Value of ∠ BFG = 135°

Step-by-step explanation:


AB || CD

∠ AFG = (3x + 15)°

∠ FGD = (5x - 5)°




We know that;

∠ AFG = ∠ FGD

3x + 15 = 5x - 5

3x - 5x = - 5 - 15

- 2x = - 20

2x = 20

x = 10

Value of ∠ AFG = 3x + 15

Value of ∠ AFG = 3(10) + 15

Value of ∠ AFG = 45°

∠ BFG = 180° - Value of ∠ AFG

∠ BFG = 180° - 45°

∠ BFG = 135°

Value of ∠ BFG = 135°

Which of the following characteristics best describes the given function of f(x) = 3x - 6?

A) exponential function, always increasing, linear
B) linear absolute value function, always increasing, linear, maximum
C) linear function, always increasing, straight lines, no maximum or minimum
D) exponential function, always decreasing, linear




Step-by-step explanation:

degree 1 ( linear function

Find the measure of the indicated angle.



i think it the measured of the indicated angle is 55

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