What is a series of sharpened poles used to provide security around a settlement?


Answer 1


The Highland Scots


I Know for a fact that this answer is correct, my ancestors were scottish, so I should know. Plus I learned this last year, so I'm positive that I got this question right.

Related Questions


According to Article III of the Constitution, the judicial power of the United States is vested in _[blank]_.

Which options correctly complete the sentence?

Select all that apply. MULTIPLE ANSWERS

one supreme court

state appellate courts, as written by law

trial courts as the states shall set forth

inferior courts established by Congress



"shall be vested in ONE SUPREME court, and in such INFERIOR COURTS AS THE CONGRESS MAY from time to time ordain and ESTABLISH.


Should be 1 and 4 :) hope this helps.

How did the spanish and French differ in their treatment of American indians



How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of American Indians? ... The French were dependent on the fur trade, while the Spanish were dependent on the sugar trade. The Spanish built relationships with American Indians, while the French forced their culture onto them.

What form of government did the constitution set up



federal democratic republic


Ur mom told me

federal democratic republic

A paragraph in your own words (NO PLAGIARISM)
How did mercantilism and the TransAtlantic trade led to the development of the colonies?


The transatlantic slave trade between Africa and the Americas was fueled by the need for raw resources and agricultural products such as rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton in England.

Why is migration important ?



Migration boosts the working-age population.  Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. Migrants also contribute to technological progress. Understanding these impacts is important if our societies are to usefully debate the role of migration


please consider as brainlest if useful

Herodotus was the first great historian in the Western tradition partly because he used multiple
O True
O False





What is the correct order of these climate regions from most rainfall to least rainfall?
subtropical steppe, subtropical humid, subtropical arid
subtropical arid, subtropical steppe, subtropical humid
subtropical subhumid, subtropical steppe, subtropical arid
subtropical humid, subtropical arid, subtropical subhumid






subtropical humid, subtropical arid, subtropical subhumid

What were the Framers afraid of?
plez help.


Answer: The Framers were still worried about the idea of a part of government taking too much power. They were afraid the executive might become a monarch. On the other hand, they were afraid that the majority of the people might run roughshod over the rights of a minority


Who is the president of Zimbabwe?
Only For Ace Virtuouso Expert.​



Currently the president is, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Zimbabwe, is located in Africa near the south side of that continent.


Please answer number 17



spice trade

Portugal's purpose in the Indian Ocean was to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade. 

34. This Act placed a tax on nearly all products produced in New England colonies
A. The Stamp Act
B. The Coercive Tax Act
C. The Townshend Act
D. None of the above


Answer: A The stamp Act


As explained in Section A, explain what the colonists are wanting to do? Explain the words dissolve and separate in your answer


The colonists wants to separate from British empire in order to seek independence.

The colonists are wanting to separate from the Great Britain and joined the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 by issuing the Declaration of Independence. This decision of the colonists causes the American colonies cut their political connections to Britain empire.

The word dissolve means to put an end to something while on the other hand, separate means to isolate from one another so both words are different from one another.



I need a paragraph using
joint-stock company



Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as a market economy—rather than through central planning—known as a planned economy or command economy. i guess

There are many joint-stock companies. They are mostly run by entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are those people who sets up a business by taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. In these companies, there are millions of labour colony. 90% of them are workers in factories, fields etc. while remaining 10% are popular in mercantalism. Between these merchants and entrepreneurs, there is a conflict between them called capitalism. Labourers are struggling to work with whom. Merchants provide good dress and work, but very less salary, on the other hand, entrepreneurs do no provide clothes, but best salary. These can't choose whether they want comfortness work or hard work.

Hi, all the above words are written in the paragraph.

Hope it helps.

(by Benjemin)

What is a push factor that might cause immigration?



Push factors “push” people away from their home and include things like war.


7. Why is refraining from sleep an appropriate test for one who would gain eternal life?


That is because refraining from sleep is the test to prove that a person can be immortal or just a mortal.

Utnapishtim had offered Gilgamesh an opportunity for him to have eternal life. That is a chance at immortality. But the condition that he needed to fulfill is that he would not sleep for six days and for seven nights. Immediately the condition is fulfilled then he would become immortal.

He agrees to these terms but sleeps off immediately he sits down. He ended up sleeping for the entire duration that he was to stay awake.

More questions from this story at



TOPIC - Why the demand for Indian indigo
2 minute seminar about Why the demand for Indian indigo



just a start


The indigo trade, or the transportation of the product from the location where it was produced to the people who consumed it, was a critical component of the commodity chain. This is also the component for which we have consistent and trustworthy data. This enables us to calculate trade aggregates over relatively long time periods, detect and analyze patterns of development and decline, and interpret these phenomena in their local and global settings. Indigo trade volume expansion or contraction reflects the potentialities of production and supply in India on the one hand, and the dynamics of local and external demand for it on the other.

how would you describe the early colonies in New England?



The earliest colonies in New England were usually fishing villages or farming communities on the more fertile land along the rivers. The rocky soil in the New England Colonies was not as fertile as the Middle or Southern Colonies, but the land provided rich resources, including lumber that was valued for.

Hope it helps you my friendGood morning

What was Black Hawk's role in the War of 1812?
He withdrew his large band to the west side of the Mississippi to escape from the British.
He showed the British where the American settlers' camps were located..
He joined the American Army in hopes of gaining favor with the settlers.
He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands.


The Black Hawk's role in the War of 1812 is that "He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands.

This is evident when Black Hawk, whose original name is known as Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, supported the British against the white American settlers to protect his native land known as Sauk.

He was considered to be the Sauk leader and led a band of 200 warriors. He was given the rank of brevet Brigadier General under the command of Robert Dickson. He fought many battles and was famous for helping the British pushed back the Americans at the upper Mississippi River Valley at the Battle of Credit Island and Fort Johnson.

Hence, the Black Hawk's role in the War of 1812 is that "He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands."

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/499957


D-he joined the brits army in hopes of pushing away Americans settlers away from tribal lands


I got it right on the post test

for many centuries the catholic church


Answer:After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, the Catholic Church became a powerful social and political institution and its influence spread throughout Europe.


sorry if this does not answer your question

What was the outcome of the Battle of Trenton?

Victory for the British

Victory for the French

Victory for the Continental Army

Victory for the Hessians


A) victory for the Britain




How did the Black Death help the renaissance to begin in the Italian states?



The Black Death's impact reduced the influence of the Catholic Church and allowed people to think more freely.


Write a 5-6 sentence summary explaining the Native American traditions



Traditional practices of some tribes include the use of sacred herbs such as tobacco, sweetgrass or sage. Many Plains tribes have sweatlodge ceremonies, though the specifics of the ceremony vary among tribes. Fasting, singing and prayer in the ancient languages of their people, and sometimes drumming are also common.


What is significant about the Gilgamesh Epic in relation to the account of the flood and the Bible?



The flood story was included because in it, the flood hero Utnapishtim is granted immortality by the gods and that fits the immortality theme of the epic. The main point seems to be that Utnapishtim was granted eternal life in unique, never-to-be-repeated circumstances.

Gilgamesh is known to be the first great hero, and the epic is known as the 'first great masterpiece of world literature'. Gilgamesh has encounters with creatures, kings and gods and also provides a story of human relationships, feelings, loneliness, friendship, loss, love, revenge and the fear of death.


How many states sent delegates to the Annapolis
Convention in 1786?

A. None of the states sent delegates

B. Less than half of the states sent delegates

C. More than half of the states sent delegates

D. All of the states sent delegates


Five states sent delegates to the Annapolis convention of 1786. At that time, there were 13 states that made up the United States.

Therefore option B is correct because less than half of the states sent Delegates.

What was the Annapolis Convention?

The Annapolis Convention was a meeting of 12 delegates from five states that comprised the United States at that time. They include

New JerseyNew YorkPennsylvaniaDelawareVirgi.nia

These states called for a constitutional convention. The formal title of the meeting was a Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government.

The major topics of this convention  were to remedy were those barriers that limited trade or commerce between the states under the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about the Annapolis convention at https://brainly.com/question/11662939


what was the populist party and what was its goal



One of the Populist Party's central goals was to create a coalition between farmers in the South and West and urban laborers in the Midwest and Northeast.


Why did North Carolina and South Carolina split into two colonies?

A) They were founded at different times.

B) They had different beliefs about slavery.

C) They had large groups of competing religious beliefs.

D)They had very different economies.


Answer: D. They were 2 colonies with different economies. Both were southern colonies with the same belief about slavery and although they were founded at slightly different times the best answer is D
C)They had large groups of completing religious beliefs.

what does this excerpt tell you about the importance of native americans to europeans? explain your answer.



Native Americans resisted the efforts of the Europeans to gain more land and control during the colonial period, but they struggled to do so against a sea of problems, including new diseases, the slave trade, and an ever-growing European population

The Cuban economy was based on the production of: O A. Sugar. B. Pineapples. O c. Tobacco O D. Bananas.​


Sugar is the answer


A. Sugar


Which of the following was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war? a. more miles of railroad b. higher population c. mostly defending familiar territory c. more factories



C. most defending familiar territory


How does Gerda Seifer story relate to the United States history


Answer:It involves about the Holocaust that has happened in US

Explanation: This also means that there was limitation on survival.

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