What is described in the poem as in
(line 22 and 23)


Answer 1
reference please?!??!?!?

Related Questions

What rhetorical device is
evident in the following
passage from Thomas Paine's
"The Crisis, No.1"?
Wars, without ceasing, will
break out till that period
arrives, and the continent
must in the end be
conqueror; for though the
flame of liberty may
sometimes cease to shine,
the coal can never expire.
A. repetition
B. parallelism
C. emotional argument
D. establish a common ground



C. Emotional Argument


An Emotional Argument is a rhetorical device used to spark the interest of the audience. An emotional appeal utilizes emotions as a means of communicating a position in the absence of factual evidence that logically supports the major ideas presented. The goal of this technique is to establish a connection and gain sympathy.

Guided Practice

Read the sentence and answer the question that follows.

People still remember John F. Kennedy’s famous words “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Which correctly shows where a colon is needed in the sentence?

words: “Ask

famous: words

do: for

remember: John



A. Words: "Ask"

this is quotated information...

can u answer this !?





To find a cliché (meaning “Overused”) look for the sentence that you hear most frequently or one that seems like it is used most often. I believe that the phrase entered in answer B portrays that the best.

The protagonist and antagonist are in conflict with each other.


The protagonists and antagonists are usually in conflict with one another yes

viết 1 đoạn văn diễn dịch từ 8-10 câu theo lối diễn dịch có dùng từ có lẽ với câu chủ đề lòng biết ơn là phẩm chất đạo đức cần có ở mỗi người


Explain what you want done so I can help

pls what is networking and can you tell what it means to you ​



the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

"the skills of networking, bargaining, and negotiation"


the linking of computers to allow them to operate interactively.

"the demand for wireless networking is increasing rapidly"

Thank You! Please mark me Brainliest!

1. A. focus B. open C. chore D. impose
2. A. generation B. advice C. typical D. elegant
3. A. manners B. conflicts C. objects D. viewpoints
4. A. decision B. impose C. arise D. organisation
5. A. restricted B. obliged C. respected D. beloved



C chore

A generation

A manners

D organisation

A restricted

Which sentence correctly uses in appositive phrase?



The third option. My father, a huge baseball fan, taught me to throw when I was three,


It is correct because it renames the noun (my father) next to it.

Answer: i believe the answer is the third option.

"My father, a huge basketball fan, taught me to throw hen i was three"


Help me everyone, God will bless you ..:)

Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium. This discipline eliminates the intake of meat and in some cases also the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Are there enough reasons to make you change your eating habits? My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental concern. Health is a fragile factor and its behavior relies mostly on the nutritional quality of the food we ingest. A balanced non-vegetarian diet allows the consumption of all four main food groups including meat and other animal by-products that are important protein and fat sources. Most of us consume more proteins and fats than we need. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. On the other hand, vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. This is how they reduce the risk of most diseases caused by fats. It is a myth to believe that vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat. The key is

variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources. If I were asked to describe a vegetarian, I would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.
Moreover, environmental issues have been capturing public attention because of their relevancy and increasing deterioration of our quality of life. If you are concerned about the environment, consider that massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.

Vegetarians' life spans are increased and through this discipline they learn to live quality life in all the possible aspects. Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and they take responsibility and action for problems within their own bodies and in their surroundings. Take a look at yourself. Is your health at risk? Have you been able to reach your goals? Are you a factor of change and improvement within your society? You must at least try becoming a vegetarian now that you know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks. Do it for your body, for your lifestyle, or for your environment, but do it. Stop letting others have all the credit, the fun, and the quality.

1. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text above

2. What is the most popular diet among the young people these days?

3. What is the main reason for being a vegetarian?

4. What are the consequences of consuming more proteins and fats than one needs?

5. How does the writer falsify the myth saying vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat?

6. Where do vegetarians get proteins from?

7. How does the writer prove his claim that vegetarians are very disciplined people?

8. How can massive meat production have a tropical rain forests, soil stability, air and water quality? negative impact on

9. How do vegetarians learn to live a quality life in all the possible aspects?

10. What is the function of rhetorical questions in the last paragraph?



1. The writer wants us to try changing our food habits. she wants us to  at least try becoming a vegetarian now that we know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks.

2. Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium.

3. vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

4. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

5. The writer says that vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. The key is  variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources.

6.  vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food.

7. The writer says that if she were asked to describe a vegetarian, she would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.

8. Massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.

9. -

10. - sorry


Degrees of comparison
Of the following
Please take



honest more honest most honest

cheap cheaper cheapest

jealous more jealous most jealous

brave braver bravest

lazy lazier laziest

quiet Quiter/more quiet Quietest/mostquiet

Shay more shay most shay

necessary more necessary most necessary

bad worse worst

good better best

much more most

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what is the meaning of foreshadowing


The definition of foreshadowing is to give hints for the future. Normally there is a scene where a foreshadowing of something will occur. An example of this is when the sky turns dark, normally this shows that something bad will happen.

Thank you! Please give brainliest!



an indication of something that will happen in the future, often used as a literary device to hint at or allude to future plot developments:

The gothic novel uses foreshadowing to build suspense.

What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt
Whitman, for I walked down the sidestreets
under the trees with a headache self-
conscious looking at the full moon.
In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for
images, I went into the neon fruit
supermarket, dreaming of your
—“A Supermarket in California,”
Allen Ginsberg
How does the long-line free verse used by both Whitman and Ginsberg reflect their rebellious attitudes?






The line free verse used here shows that the person was rebellious given that he still went on a walk despite the fact that he had serious headache and fatigue.

Summary of the passage

The summary of this passage tells that the reader that the writer was unfit for the walk he was having.

The passage described him as a person that was having headache, and also fatigue. But these did not stop him.

Read more on Allen Ginsberg here:https://brainly.com/question/1087703

Choose the redundant phrase in the sentence below.Up until last August, I didn't know how to surf.A.up until B.until last C.last August



its last august


The doctor advised him (get up) half up early.



add to after him


I think it is correct

Lyric poems often express the poet’s _____.



it expresses the poet's feelings

All changes saved
2. A group is planning a multimedia presentation on the history of computers. Which of the following might be a helpful addition to the presentation?
O text explaining how to code
an audio file of someone keyboarding
O music from a video game
O photos of the earliest computers



photos of the earliest computers


the other answers don't seem as relevant to the history of computers itself.

the presentation may want to focus on how computers themselves have evolved over time. we all know what computers look like now, but it would be a nice comparison to some of the first models/designs of them

hope this helps!

A group is planning a multimedia presentation on the history of computers the following might be a helpful addition to the presentation photos of the earliest computers, Thus, option "D" is correct.

What is multimedia?

The other answers don't seem as relevant to the history of computers itself.

The presentation may want to focus on how computers themselves have evolved over time. we all know what computers look like now, but it would be a nice comparison to some of the first models/designs of them

Thus, option "D" is correct.

To learn more about  multimedia click here:



What do you want to achieve during high school? What are your main goals and your



What I want to achieve during high school would probably be to have a good grade like a really good high grade and so in the future I can maybe try to get into college but I doubt I will because I don’t plan on going to college but that would be my main goal and my main focus because as long as I get good grades my parents will finally be able to be less strict on me and I could actually start going out with my friends and not have to spend every single day alone thank you very much for asking this question


Select the correct verb to make this a present tense sentence.





because the girl is reading a book


reading is the correct verb

The Canterbury Tales were mostly written in ________ form.

- prose

- poetry

- sonnet

- eulogy





the answer is poetry

Examples of people who weren't afraid to take help to succeed



•Students-they are not afraid to ask help to someone who is more knowledgable in order to suceed in their studies.

•Entrepreneurs- they are not afraid to ask help to someone — a rich person or anyone that can be beneficial in making their businesses grow.

•Politicians-they are not afraid to ask help to someone because they know that the more people who will help them in terms of voting, the more chances of them being elected.

 [tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

write an email to your friends to give information about a place of interest in your hometown (nam dinh) . Use the cue question below: where is it located ? how can people visit there? why would you recommend it? do they need to pay any cost to get it?



ok I will write thank you

A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human this is what I have so far I need 4 more boxes


The boy shows the box that turned into a human exactly how to be human, and explains stuff to him like what ice cream is or soccer and why it's so great to be human? I dunno

Pls, help me with this... :(
I _________________(agree/disagree) that grief can be transgenerational. I believe this because


well this is up to you, if you were to pick “i agree that grief can be transgenderational. i believe this because everyone experiences grief.” of the other way around for “disagree.”

1. Fill in a, an or θ in each blank. (Điền a, an hoặc θ vào chỗ trống phù hợp.)
1. He’s going to bed soon. He’s got ____ headache.
2. She thinks that her daughter’s got ____ flu.
3. Her children are in bed with ____ mumps.
4. Did you see ____ English dictionary on the table this morning?
5. My brother is ____ engineer.
6. What’s that? - It’s ____ ant.
7. It’s said that ____ Americans are practical.
8. I’ve never seen such ____ silent movie before.
9. What’s ____ matter with him?
10. They spend ____ hours reading books.\






4: an

5 :an




9: the

10: an

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the prewriting strategy of brainstorming?


Answer: D

Explanation: because in D it says that Jose made a list of everything he could THINK of and brainstorming is thinking.

I hope i helped!

Active to passive
People celebrate New Year’s Eve with pomp.
a) New Year’s Eve is celebrated with pomp.
b)Let us celebrate New Year’s Eve with pomp.
c) They will celebrate New Year’s Eve with pomp.
d) People always celebrate New Year’s Eve with pomp.



a) New Year's Eve is celebrated with pomp.


What does the descriptive detail in this passage show about the authors purpose?



It shows that the writer's memory is imperfect and sets up the reason for the trip. ... The author wants to explore human reactions to nature.

base on this excerpt, what can the reader infer about the narrator's character?



Add the excerpt so i can answer your question



no idea


no ideayghhhhhhhhh

The author of Passage 2 would likely criticize the author of Passage 1 for


It is likely that the author of Passage 1 would criticize the author of Passage 2 for failing to think about the drawbacks of this increased time spent on technology—such as a decreased amount of time to spend "learn[ing] and develop[ing] through outdoor activities." Choice (A) is incorrect because the author of ....

If you were the leader in a group and one of your group-mates told you, “I feel like we are stuck, and I don’t know what to do”, what could be a question you could ask to guide him or her to figuring out an independent way to tackle that obstacle?

two or more questions you would ask


I would find a way to do my best


ask what the obstacle is, you could also ask in which area they are stuck in.

Other Questions
9. Calculate the perimeter and the perimeter of a quadrant of a circle with radius 7 cmcorrect to 3 significant figures. Pls help I literally am crying I dont understand ): What was Italy's largest and most powerful nation-state in the mid 1800's? HELP PLZ I GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST IF YOU GET CORRECT PLZ I BEG YOUin a 2-digit number, the tens digit is 5 less than the units digit. if you reverse the number, the result is 7 greater than the double the original number. find the original number 12.5% of it is 6 hrs pls pls pls help me answer this quickly Which statements describe the synapse? Select all that apply. It carries information through electrical impulses to the cell body.It is part of the neuron.It ensures that information travels in one direction only.It carries information through chemical impulses to the cell body.It is the gap between neurons.It ensures that information travels in multiple directions. A purchase costs $25.79 plus a tax of $1.29. Find the sales tax rate. An investment center generated a contribution margin of $400,000, fixed costs of $200,000 and sales of $2,000,000. The center's average operating assets were $800,000. How much is the return on investment 1. Make a list of the ancient human civilizations including the rivers where they were developed. equals 20+20=40 Expression value is An angle measures 51.4 less than the measure of its complementary angle. What is the measure of each angle? What two numbers are between 3.15?The options are:a. 3.0 and 3.1b. 3.1 and 3.2c. 3.2 and 3.3Be quick please, due in 10 minutes! 3.7 kg of a saturated water vapor at 0.4 MPa is isothermally cooled until it is a saturated liquid. Calculate the amount of heat rejected during this process in MJ. (Report your answer in 3 decimal places.) Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, and readthe question that follows. "- Such has been the patient sufferance ofthese Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them toalter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Kingof Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all havingin direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over theseStates." Based on the Declaration of Independence, how would the patriotsdescribe King George Ill?A. Out of touch with the coloniesB. TerrifyingC. As a tyrantD. As an ally 50 percent of 120 is the same as 80 percent of what number? A) 42 B) 45 C) 48 D) 52 summary of chapter 2 the giver by lois lowry Bill finds that his job as a long-distance truck driver suits his strong desire for solitude. He has never really cared about settling down somewhere and developing friendships. He also was mostly indifferent when his partner of six weeks left him for another man. What personality disorder might be present Find the value of x.A. 85B. 131C. 73D. 95 Consider this equation. x - 1 - 5 = x - 8 The equation has(two valid solutions, one valid solution) and(one extraneous solution, no extraneous solutions) A valid solution for x is(0, 4, 2, 5)