What is the difference between third-person limited and third-person objective?


Answer 1


The simplest way to say it is:

3rd person limited can only observe what 1 person is thinking and feeling.

3rd person objective have a narrator who tells the story through an unbiased point of view.

btw: 3rd person omniscient can observe what everyone in the story is thinking, doing, and feeling.

Answer 2


Third-person objective: The facts of a narrative are reported by a seemingly neutral, impersonal observer or recorder. For an example, see "The Rise of Pancho Villa" by John Reed.

Third-person limited: A narrator reports the facts and interprets events from the perspective of a single character. For an example, see Katherine Mansfield's short story "Miss Brill."

Related Questions

DVRs changed television by allowing viewers to...
a. record live television for the first time ever.
b. watch programming on demand.
c. view all available programming at once.
d. all of these


AnswerAChanged answer:
A. Record live television for the first time ever.

Which of the following lines contains a simile?


Option (A) would be the correct option. Due to the fact that a simile compares something

Read this story beginning. Kelley had worked for months for this moment. She could see the finish line up ahead, and she could hear the cheering spectators. She began to pedal faster. Then suddenly, Kelley’s bike skidded and Kelley had to put out her feet to keep from falling over. She looked down and saw a flat tire. The park path could be the ___ of this story.

A) setting

B) situation

C) plot

D) character


B trust me bro it’s giving a overview


The answer to your question is D

if it help you please mark me as a Brainlist please.

What skills should you use to define an unfamiliar word used in a scientific text and video? (Select all correct answers.)
Identify context clues in sentences around the word.
Use your knowledge of word roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
Think of a word that seems related to the unfamiliar word.
Read the word over and over until you learn its meaning.


Answer: The most common strategies for comprehending a new or unfamiliar word include using a dictionary or guessing word meaning from the context of the sentence



The most common strategies for comprehending a new or unfamiliar word include using a dictionary or guessing word meaning from the context of the sentence


Select the scripture that shows an example of single-sentence parallelism.

Prov. 17:1 Better is a dry morsel, a quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.
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Prov. 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.



Prov. 20:4 A Sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.


this is the answer sorry if it late

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Answer: Curzon offers Isabel a way to work toward and obtain her freedom. Isabel is obviously tempted by such a possibility, but she turns down the offer. Isabel claims that she promised her momma that she would take care of Ruth no matter what.

Sunday, June 23, 1776

After the disaster with Ruth's seizure, Isabel finally realizes that there's no way out: She and her sister have to get out of New York, and the plot to kill Washington is powerful enough to help them do it. Isabel breaks into Lockton's library desk and steals the list of names, then sneaks out of the house. She makes her way to the Battery, the fort that serves as headquarters of the Patriots, dodging the authorities along the way.

help pls i’m not sure which answer choice to pick





Picasso is a famous painter and it is a reference to him




Now that you have a screenplay, if you adapt every single chapter from your novel into a scene in a movie, your movie will be too long. So, as the screenwriter, you have a decision to make. Which two scenes from your book are crucial and must be filmed for the movie, and which two scenes are not as important and can be left out? Now, in a written memo, you have to convince the producers of your decision.

In a 4-8 sentence paragraph, you will:

• Write a topic sentence to present the main idea of your paragraph.

• Describe two scenes that are crucial to the movie and why they must be filmed.

• Describe two scenes that not important and explain why they can be left out.

• Use complete sentences.

• Write in third-person point of view.



Heyyyy help pleasee c:


After visiting the place it was filmed, I was sure that the movie would be great.

Fix each sentence fragment by adding a subject, predicate or independent clause.


6. Subject
6.) subject
I love dipping etc.

How can we fix global warming? At least 5 sentences
No spams please



refer to the pic attached

hope it helps


Some things that could reduce warming are to burn less fossil fuels, grow more trees, eat less meat, and put some carbon dioxide back in the ground. Shading the Earth from some sunlight (this is called geoengineering) could also reduce warming but we don't understand how it might change weather in other ways


Which sentence tells a fact?

A) I like ice cream.

B) I like Fridays.

C) Birds lay eggs.

D) The movie was terrible.


C- as there is no opinion involved
C , the rest are opinions

Read the story Lost in the Woods:

I never thought departing the trail just a little would be a big deal. My parents had cautioned me so many times about wandering off and how easy it is to get disoriented. But, I wasn't planning to go very far. In fact, I kept looking back to make sure I could retrace my steps. Looking back didn't work. All of the trees began to look the same, and nothing looked familiar. It wasn't until I finally decided to make my way back that I realized I was lost! I had gone much farther, and for much longer, than I had planned.

The warmth that the sun had brought to the forest in the daytime was now quickly disappearing. My parents' warnings came racing through my head. What did they tell me to do if ever I got lost? Over and over they drilled into me, "The most important thing to remember is S.T.O.P.!" It's an acronym for sit, think, observe, and plan. I stopped, sat down on the forest floor, and pulled my knees in close. It was cooling off, and a light drizzle was dampening the forest. I was lonely and scared. I knew that to survive, I had to stay warm, and I needed to drink water. Before I got any wetter, I made a very crude lean-to from the nearby branches and foliage. I managed to collect a bunch of dry leaves for a mattress. It was dark now. I took off my T-shirt and wrapped it around my legs, pulled on my hoodie, and curled up on the bed of leaves. I couldn't sleep. It was a cold, dark, and spooky night, and I was hungry.

It felt like forever before the dawn filtered through the trees the next day. I knew I had to remain calm and make my whereabouts known. My family would be searching for me. I pulled out the only tool I had brought with me, my voice! I began to yell as loudly as I could,

"Help! I'm over here!"

Soon, very faintly at first, I could hear voices. I knew it was the search party, so I kept yelling and then listening. They kept calling out my name, and I kept replying until we were together. My dad was holding me close when he reprimanded me,

"Don't you know you were late for supper? I'm disappointed that you wandered off. I'm glad you told us where you were going, and I'm proud of you for remembering the survival techniques. But, I bet you won't do that again, eh?"

"Nah, I think I learned my lesson," I answered sheepishly.

Read the story The Rescue:

Captain Henry was said to be one of the best divers in Bayfield, Wisconsin, and now he is said to be the best ship captain. However, this evening on Lake Superior was different from any other evening that Captain Henry had seen. It was a wavy and stormy night on the lake. Captain Henry was directing all of his strength to hold the steering wheel and control the ship. The waves were the size of mammoths, and the boat continued to fill with angry water. Captain Henry yelled at his fellow sailors to scoop out the water that was weighing down the ship, but the sailors could not work any faster. "We are sinking! We are sinking!" shouted the sailors.

Captain Henry knew that they were in trouble. With little time to spare before the ship began to sink into Lake Superior, Captain Henry made an urgent call to his older brother. His older brother had helped him with everything from cuts to broken bones all of his life. He was a father figure to Captain Henry. Coincidently, his older brother was also the strongest, bravest, and most dedicated coastguard in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Luckily, with Lake Superior just north of Bayfield, Captain Henry's brother would hopefully be able to rescue them soon. Captain Henry began to desperately flash the emergency lights on the boat so that his brother could find him. In the distance, the sailors pointed to a boat coming their way and tooting its horn. As Captain Henry's brother arrived, he threw a rope to the sailors and pulled them to safety. Standing on the boat, wrapped in blankets, the sailors, Captain Henry, and his brother watched the ship sink. "All good things must come to an end," stated Captain Henry, sadly. "But, hey! Now, you can practice your diving again and go see your ship at the bottom of the lake," joked Captain Henry's brother.

Both texts tell of a need to be rescued. In the story, Lost in the Woods, the child begins to yell loudly to alert the family on where to complete their rescue. Select an event from the other text, The Rescue that is similar.

Captain Henry and his brother watched the ship sink.

Captain Henry made an urgent call to his older brother.

Captain Henry told the sailor to scoop the water out of the ship.

Captain Henry yelled at the sailors that they were sinking.



the answer is (b)



its B


again just process of elimination

Why is writing important?
please explain why.


Because It Improves Communication Skills Grammar, spelling, and punctuation, gestures, paralinguistics, and so on, which are major parts of communication, can also be improved upon when we learn how to use writing as means of expressing our ideas and messages clearly and directly to our listeners.


To express yourself and show progress


Writing preserves our memories so we can look back on precious moments or to see how much we've grown in a certain amount of time.

Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A) My uncles favorite holiday is the Fourth of July.

B) My uncle’s favorite holiday is the fourth of july.

C) My Uncle’s favorite Holiday is the Fourth of July.

D) My uncle’s favorite holiday is the Fourth of July.


Answer: C

Explanation: Brainiest please

help this isn't a homework-related question but I need help in relationships way because there this girl I like but I don't think she likes me back and more I think about it the more worried I get and she just broke up with her ex over the summer and I hate that I like her all of a sudden but I just don't know what to do pls help and by the way, this is only the second crush I have had on someone and I'm 15 that a little sad and also what 4⁴+6²​


4^4 + 6^2 = 292


hahahaha xycccxvuttrxtrcyctrxttxtr

Sorry that's what I know, just stay happy and stay strong :)


Well, if I were you I would wait a while to figure out whether I really like her or if it's just a short period of infatuation. If it really turns out to be a real crush, then I would try to be her friend and get close to her to know her and stuff, then build trust with her so that she can see that she can believe in you and then may be she will have a spark with you ig.

Anyways, 4⁴+6²​ = 256 + 36 = 292


Read the excerpt from I Never Had It Made.

"I know you’re a good ballplayer," he [Rickey] barked. "What I don’t know is whether you have the guts."

I knew it was all too good to be true. Here was a guy questioning my courage. That virtually amounted to him asking me if I was a coward. Mr. Rickey or no Mr. Rickey, that was an insinuation hard to take. I felt the heat coming up into my cheeks.

What effect do the details and descriptions in this passage have on the narrative?

A) They show the drama and intensity of the situation.

B) They show how angry and annoyed Rickey feels.

C) They show how sad and ashamed Robinson feels.

D) They show the confusion and anxiety of the situation.


The answer is C) they show how sad and ashamed Robinson feels.
The answer is c so believe it and answer with that

i need help with this question



3 is the answer to your question

which sentence most clearly describes the tone, but not the mood, of a poem? and did i pick the correct answer choice?


Yes, this is the correct answer because tone is the way someone speaks, rather than the way the author describes the setting to help create the mood.


The answer C. is correct.


Complete the following outline on ants by selecting topics and subtopics from the table. Capitalize each main word of the topic and each first word of each subtopic.

I. Farmer Ants That Plant Crops
C. Plant mushroom spores in mush
B. Carry cows from place to place
III. Ants That Store Food for Others


The ant is an amazing little creature.

Farmer ants plant crops and grow their food. These little ants chew on leaves until they are mushy. They put the mush inside their homes and then plant mushroom spores in the mushy leaves. In time, they harvest the mushrooms for food.

Some ants keep dairy farms. Their cows are little insects called aphids. They milk the aphids. They do not herd them to pasture, but carry them from place to place.

Some ants store food for other ants to use. These ants fill themselves with honey until they are stuffed. Then they hang themselves from the top of the tunnel. These hanging honey pots supply hungry ants with a drink of honey. The hungry ants reach up for the drink as they pass through the tunnel. The ants spend the rest of their lives as hanging honey pots.

giving brainliest to the best answer





find the key words

Answer: I. Farmer Ants That Plant Crops

A. Chew on leaves until they are mushy

B. Put mush inside their homes

C. Plant mushroom spores in mush

II. Ants That Keep Dairy Farms

A. Their cows are little insects called aphids

B. They milk the aphids

III. Ants That Store Food for Others

A. Fill themselves with honey until they are stuffed

B. Hang themselves from the top of the tunnel

C. These hanging honey pots supply hungry ants with a drink of honey

The ant is an amazing little creature. Farmer ants grow their food by chewing on leaves until they are mushy. The mush is put inside their homes, and mushroom spores are planted in it. After a while, they harvest the mushrooms to eat. Ants can also keep dairy farms. Their cows are little insects called aphids. They do not herd them to pasture but carry them from place to place. Ants can store food for others as well. These ants fill themselves with honey until they are stuffed, then they hang themselves from the top of the tunnel. These hanging honey pots supply hungry ants with a drink of honey.

What idea does the repetition and rhyme of the poem help express in Blue Ribbon Dream? Will give brainliest if correct :) because I posted this question 5 hours ago and got no answer :(.

Blue Ribbon Dream = Five a.m., I’m out of bed,

Trudging to the barn, feet like lead.

Training, training every day,

County fair, I’m on my way!

By the entrance hangs a bit, A jingling bridle next to it.

Again, again, and yet again

I lead him all ‘round the pen.

I feel Red’s muscles coiled and strong. Raising my head, I break out in song

Training, training every day, County fair, we’re on our way.



The Repetition shows that they Train everyday. The rhyme shows makes sure to get that in your head and remember it.



I think it express that they are training everyday and they are working hard. They are repeating it because they want to know how hard they trained. I guess. Please don't give my answer a bad rating.

Final Answer:

They are repeating it because they want to know how hard they trained. TvT

please help me im in the middle of a qui



number 1


The best answer for this is the first one.

Which sentence from "Flight to the South Pole" foreshadows the difficult decision that Admiral Byrd would need to make later in the excerpt?

1. Rather, it was the thought of the "Hump," and how we should fare with it.
2. There were handshakes all around, and at 3:29 o'clock we were off.
3. McKinley had his mapping camera ready for action either on port or starboard side.
4. It was quite warm forward, behind the engines.



the answer would be number 2


it is number 2 mark brain

Competition in programming has resulted in...
a. higher quality shows.
b. higher costs for viewers.
c. fewer movies released in theaters.
d. fewer channels.



Higher quality shows


Everyone is competing to have the best so more people watch and they can gain money


Luca inspects the finished tires that are piled at the end of an assembly line.

He checks to make sure that each is the desired thickness and that there are no tears or defects in the tires.

Luca's career falls in the _____ pathway of the Manufacturing career cluster.

Question 6 options:

Therapeutic Services


Quality Assurance


Quality assurance because he checks the tires to make sure that they are good to sell and have good quality for the buyer. This will lead to less law suits and issues.


Here are the CORRECT answers in screenshots bc I'm dyslexic

Explanation: :)

Hi can someone plz help this is due in a couple of hours and I need help bad!!

In this assignment, you will use the reading assignments from this and previous units to discuss whether a character from one of the stories (Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, Cesar Chavez or Helen Keller) has what it takes to be considered a hero. Write at
least four paragraphs (200 words)

Plz plz help (will try to mark as brainliest)


How do you expect someone to answer this without the passages you refer to?…
Could you provide the article/passage/story the question is for the I will try my best to help as much as I can!


" Im not afraid of the dark, im afraid of the creatures in the dark"

Me and my dad. <3



thats nice am impressed

Thank you for the quote it is very cool

The Killer Clowns
One dark and stormy night, a loud bang came from the garage. A 10 year old girl named Rosa went to see what it was. When Rosa opened the door the lights went out. She knew there was a flashlight near the door, but she couldn’t find it, and the breaker-box was on the other side of the house in the basement. Suddenly the lights started to flicker on and off. She heard footsteps coming down the hall. Rosa ran and hid is a closet across the hall, she whispered to herself “Please don’t come this way”. “Clump, Clump, Clump” She heard the footsteps getting closer, all of a sudden they stopped in front of the door and went back down the hall. Rosa let out a sigh of relief. Then she heard a clown car and thought “That’s odd, clown car’s don’t pass through this late” but realized there were killer clowns on the loose and the police couldn’t stop them, the clowns already killed the entire police force. She knew what she had to do. The kitchen was down the hall and it sounded like the intruder was upstairs in the attic. Rosa had found a bag and started towards the kitchen, she knew exactly where the kitchen knives were and grabbed some food and a large carving knife. She also grabbed her mother’s pistol and some ammo from the gun safe. She heard the front door rattling and knew to get to her room, because it was her and her puppy, Rose-Bud who was a pit bull, that night and it had no windows to get in through.
Rosa locked the room door and pushed the dresser and nightstand against the door to barricade the door. Rosa heard the honking of a rubber chicken, and she knew the clowns were here. Still instead of screaming she stayed silent, got the gun loaded and ready to fire then hid in her closet. She would be safe in there for the time being, suddenly she knew Chuckie had teamed up with the killer clowns. Who else would have the clowns teamed up with besides a haunted doll? Rosa heard a knife scraping against the wall, it was deafening. Rosa was still in her closet with Rose-Bud. “Bang, Bang, Bang” went the door, a clown had gotten in! The clown opened the closet door very slowly and got shot straight in the heart. The gunfire made chuckie and all the clowns run, but they are still out there.


i saw the third chapter first lol but this one’s great:))

Which evidence from the Damon and Pythias text supports the idea that true friendship is extremely valuable?

Question 9 options:

"'But I would give all my money and power for one friend like Damon or Pythias.'"

"'I'll take care of them, Pythias, as if they were my own mother and sister.'"

"'You see now, Damon, that you were a fool to make this bargain.'"

"'Nothing can save me, Damon, my dear friend.'"


Answer a

Explanation it’s the only one pertaining to friendship

which sentence from the article provides an example of the type of intelligence discussed in paragraph 2



I don't understand


it makes no sense

Do what?

Is there a pic?
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